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Last active November 7, 2018 21:55
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Professional Development Reflections

Activity #1

(1) Read through 29 Behaviors That Will Make You an Unstoppable Programmer

  1. (5) Always use the right tool for the job:
  • I believe in the age old method of measure twice, cut once. In doing so should help cut down on the time it takes to fix the errors in the first place. So if there is a tool that is popular, but isn't quite meant for the job at hand, it is most likely better to find the proper way. Rather than clunking around the code and duct taping it all together.
  1. (11) Take responsibility for your mistakes:
  • Some people tend to deny their mistakes or attempt to hide them. But that will generally slow everyone on a team down even more. By owning up to the mistakes it provides a chance to learn and improve. Failure should not be frowned upon but rather be encouraged from a point of understanding and potential for growth. Everyone fails at some point, but its what you learn from that failure that will help you to grow and develop in the right direction. If you got everything right all the time you wouldn't know what to do when you come across a point of failure.
  1. (26) Act as a leader, not a boss:
  • I've always believed that acting as the leader vs. boss is the most effective way to lead a team. I'm sure everyone has had an experience whether in work or in life where their boss felt like a boss, just telling you what to do and how. But something is really different when you have a leader, you feel more motivated and have a standard to strive for. I hope that once I get some experience added to my toolbelt that I can really put this into practice and set an example for those who follow after me.

Activity #2

  1. Read through and/or listen to this interview with Atul Gawande (author of the Checklist Manifesto)

    • I initially would be among the 20% who disagree with the practically of implenting a checklist daily/each and every time. But I can definitely see the benefit of putting it into practice. Something so simple just to reduce those "smh" moments. In being a student it will be good to build the habit and consistancy of creating check-lists. While in a career setting, it will help to keep teams organized on what needs to be done next with a project, and to make sure nothing gets over looked.

Activity #3

  1. Take Pairin Survey

    • [Y] / N
  2. Watch video on understanding results

    • [Y] / N
  3. Reflections

    1. What is your greatest strength and how do you know?
    • Civic: The Interpersonal and Social Awareness attributes really resonate with my personality.
    1. How do you work best?
    • I work best in an organized and environement with people who have similar goals.
    1. What is your greatest area of improvement?
    • By far the greatest area I need to improve is my confidence and out-goingness.
    1. How do you hope to maximize your strengths for your new career in software development?
    • I expect my first couple of years to be working really closely with others in a really productive environment where I can learn from my peers. But years later I expect to go the "lonewolf" route.

I really liked this exercise and how closely I relate to the Pairin results.

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