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Last active October 29, 2021 09:52
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Create sample table from fastq files e.g. for use in snakemake
import os
import sys
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
def splitext_ignore_gz(path):
basename,ext = os.path.splitext(path)
if ext=='.gz':
basename,ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
return basename, ext
def is_fastq_file(file, unzipped_extensions=['.fastq','.fq']):
base_name,extension = splitext_ignore_gz(file)
return extension in unzipped_extensions
def add_sample_to_table(sample_dict, sample_id, header, fastq):
"Add fastq path to sample table, check if already in table"
if (sample_id in sample_dict) and (header in sample_dict[sample_id]):
f"Duplicate sample {sample_id} was found with fraction {header};"
f"\n Sample1: \n{sample_dict[sample_id]} \n"
f"Sample2: {fastq}"
raise Exception()
sample_dict[sample_id][header] = fastq
## global names
is_paired= None
def infer_split_character(base_name):
"Infer if fastq filename uses '_R1' '_1' to seperate filenames"
global split_character, is_paired
# infer split character if necessary only the first time.
if (split_character is not None) and (split_character == "infer"):
if ("_R1" in base_name) or ("_R2" in base_name):
split_character= "_R"
is_paired= True
elif ("_1" in base_name) or ("_2" in base_name):
split_character = "_"
is_paired= True
f"Could't find '_R1'/'_R2' or '_1'/'_2' in your filename {base_name}. Assume you have single-end reads."
split_character = None
is_paired= False
if split_character is not None:"I inferred that {split_character}1 and {split_character}2 distinguish paired end reads.")
# return split_character
def parse_file(full_path, sample_dict,sample_name=None):
# only look at fastq files
base_name,extension = splitext_ignore_gz(os.path.basename(full_path))
# infer split character if necessary only the first time.
# pe reads
if is_paired:
if sample_name is None:
sample_name = base_name.split(split_character)[0]
if (split_character + "2") in base_name:
add_sample_to_table(sample_dict, sample_name, "R2", full_path)
elif (split_character + "1") in base_name:
add_sample_to_table(sample_dict, sample_name, "R1", full_path)
elif "_se" in base_name:"Found se reads. I ignore them.")
f"Did't find '{split_character}1' or "
f"'{split_character}2' in fastq {sample_id} : {full_path}"
"Ignore file."
# se reads
if sample_name is None:
sample_name = base_name
add_sample_to_table(sample_dict, sample_name, "R1", full_path)
def parse_folder(base_folder,subfolder,sample_dict):
files = os.listdir( os.path.join(base_folder,subfolder) )
fastq_files = [ f for f in files if is_fastq_file(f)]
N_files= len(fastq_files)
if N_files>3:"You have more than three files per folder. Probably you want to merge them.")
logger.critical("You have more than three files per subfolder. I assume they come from different lanes. "
"I cannot automatically merge them, yo you have to do it yourself. "
" If you want tis feature. Write in "
raise NotImplementedError("Merging of files is not yet implemented")
for file in fastq_files:
parse_file( os.path.join(base_folder,subfolder,file),sample_dict,sample_name=subfolder )
def get_samples_from_fastq(path, fraction_split_character=split_character):
creates table sampleID R1 R2 with the absolute paths of fastq files in a given folder
global split_character
sample_dict = defaultdict(dict)
# list files and subfolder of fastq folder
_ , subfolders, files = next(os.walk(path))
abs_path= os.path.abspath(path)
# parse files
for f in files:
if is_fastq_file(f):
parse_file(full_path= os.path.join(abs_path,f) ,sample_dict=sample_dict)
# parse subfolder
if len(subfolders)>0:"Found {len(subfolders)} subfolders. Check if I find fastq files inside. Use the the subfolder as sample_names ")
for subf in subfolders:
# Create dataframe
sample_df = pd.DataFrame(sample_dict).T.sort_index()
if sample_df.isnull().any().any():
logger.error(f"Missing files:\n\n {sample_df}")
raise Exception()
if sample_df.shape[0] == 0:
f"No files found in {path}\n"
" I'm looking for files with .fq or .fastq extension. "
raise Exception()"Found {sample_df.shape[0]} samples")
return sample_df
def simplify_sample_names(sample_df):
"""Check if index of dataframe correspond to criteria and try to simplify them"""
assert sample_df.index.is_unique
sample_name_df= sample_df.index.str.split("[_, ,-]",expand=True).to_frame().reset_index(drop=True)
# Index need simplification
if sample_name_df.shape[1]>1:
logger.debug("Index need simplification")
sample_df["Full_Name"]= sample_df.index
# First column is unique
if sample_name_df[0].is_unique:
logger.debug("First column is unique")
sample_df.index= sample_name_df[0]
# first two columns are unique
elif not any( sample_name_df.duplicated(subset=[0,1]) ):
logger.debug("First two columns are unique: ")
sample_df.index= sample_name_df.apply(
lambda row: "{0}-{1}".format(*row),
# cannt find unique sample ids
logger.warning("Didn't found a way to simplify sample names. "
"I imoute sample_names simply as S1...\n"
"Modify the 'samples.tsv' created by atlas to suit this condition."
"Sample names should consist only out of letters and numbers and start with a letter. "
sample_df.index= [f"S{i}" for i in range(1,1+sample_df.shape[0])]"I simplified the sample names from {before} -> {after}\n".format(before= sample_df['Full_Name'].iloc[0],
after= sample_df.index[0]
# Start with digit
if sample_df.index.str.match("^\d").any():
logger.warning(f"Sample names start with a digit. I prepend 'S' for all.")
sample_df.index= "S" + sample_df.index
### Testing
import os
import shutil
# create test folder structure
def create_test_fastq_files(output_folder, paired=True, fraction_indicator= "_R",
extension='.fastq.gz',subfolders= False, extra_file_name= "L1_EXP5",
samples=[f"sample{i}" for i in range(1,4)]
"""Creates a folder (with subfolder) and touches fastq files for the test of atlas inti
if paired:
fractions = [f"{fraction_indicator}{r}" for r in range(1,3) ]
fractions = [""]
for s in samples:
if subfolders:
for fraction in fractions:
fname= f"{output_folder}/{s}{sample_split_character}{extra_file_name}_{fraction}{extension}"
open(fname, 'w').close()
def test_table_creation(should_fail=False, samples= ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3'],expected_samples=None,**kws):
fastq_folder= "test_fastq_dir"
if os.path.exists(fastq_folder): shutil.rmtree(fastq_folder)
create_test_fastq_files(fastq_folder, samples=samples,**kws)
sample_df= get_samples_from_fastq(fastq_folder)
except Exception as e:
if not should_fail:
raise Exception("Test failed but shouldn't") from e
if not should_fail:
# check if samples are as expected
if expected_samples is None:
expected_samples= samples
assert all(sample_df.index== expected_samples), f"Samples not as expected {sample_df.index.values} != {expected_samples}"
def run_tests():
for paired in [True, False]:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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SilasK commented Oct 29, 2021

This command parses the folder for fastq files (extension .fastq(.gz) or .fq(.gz) , gzipped or not). fastq files can be arranged in subfolders, in which case the subfolder name will be used as a sample name. If you have paired-end reads the files are usually distinguishable by _R1/_R2 or simple _1/_2 in the file names. It searches for these patterns and lists the paired-end files for each sample. The sample names are used for the naming of contigs, genes, and genomes. Therefore, the sample names should consist only form digits and letters and start with a letter (Even though one - is allowed). It tries to simplify the file name to obtain unique sample names, if it doesn't succeed it simply puts S1, S2, ... as sample names.

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