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Last active September 14, 2022 20:12
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Firefall Guid System
// Mostly speculation:
// There are three types of GUIDs, starting with:
// 1. Anything that isn't listed below (0x20, 0x1E, 0x0A, 0x46 etc)
// 2. 0x7F
// 3. 0xFF
// The first are v2 Guids, they appeared some time before 03/11/14 and conform to the structure below.
// The second are v1 Guids, they were the original implementation* and the structure is currently unknown.
// It's possible they were converted from another system and given the 0x7F range to not conflict with v2
// The third are also v2 Guids but are used for map entities which only need a unique identifier for the current map session/shard (NPCs, Deployables, Map markers etc).
// Map Guids will always start with 0xFF and will _not_ have the timestamp bits set
// Guid V2 Structure - Variation of MySQL UUID_SHORT()
// ServerId = Region + sql node cluster id? (1 byte)
// Timestamp = Server boot time in Unix seconds shifted to the right by 8 bits (3 bytes)
// Counter = Auto increment counter shifted to the left by 8 bits (3 bytes)
// Type = Entity type id (1 byte)
// A Guid can be split in to two sections, High and Low
// Using the following player Guid as an example: 0x1F54FA9E_38037701
// The High part signifies where and roughly when a Guid was created - This can be initialized on startup of the application lifetime
// The Low part signifies the partial ID and Type of entity - This must be created for each entity
// If stored this way it may simplify full Guid creation
// ulong full = ((ulong)hi << 32) | ((ulong)lo);
// Notes:
// The Counter can be stored in memory - it doesn't need to persist between reboots as we also rely on Timestamp for uniqueness
// The Counter has an auto increment value of 100, this isn't strictly meaningful but may have been used to more easily create the Low part
// When 32bit Unix overflows in 2038 this should still continue working for another ~68 years as it will wrap around
// It is possible for a collision to occur if the server starts, generates a Guid, restarts then generates another straight away
// as we lose 256 seconds (4 minutes) of precision with the Timestamp shift.
// It would be best to use the start time of the system rather than the application.
// Account/Mail ids are distributed as a uint32 (3 byte Counter, 1 byte Type)
// Examples of Guids
// 0x7F3CB864AB349201 - v1 Player
// 0x7FB962A3946C4101 - v1 Player
// 0x205456D420319F01 - v2 Player
// 0x1F54FA9E38037701 - v2 Player
// (Types missing)
// 0xFF000000000F0100 - v2 Map POI
// 0xFF00000000009600 - v2 Health pickup
// 0xFF00000000009A00 - v2 New You
// 0x0B56AA25E40391FD - v2 Item
// 0x0A56A7B5DC2C5AFD - v2 Item
// Example of parsing and generating a Guid
EntityGuid parsed = EntityGuid.Parse(0x1F54FA9E38037701);
EntityGuid generated = new(31, 1425710592, 3670903, 0x01);
Console.WriteLine( " ServerId Counter Type Timestamp Full");
Console.WriteLine($"Parsed : {parsed.ServerId} {parsed.Counter} 0x{parsed.Type:X2} {DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(parsed.Timestamp)} 0x{parsed.Full:X16}");
Console.WriteLine($"Generated: {generated.ServerId} {generated.Counter} 0x{generated.Type:X2} {DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(generated.Timestamp)} 0x{generated.Full:X16}");
// Output:
// ServerId Counter Type Timestamp Full
// Parsed : 31 3670903 0x01 07/03/2015 06:43:12 +00:00 0x1F54FA9E38037701
// Generated: 31 3670903 0x01 07/03/2015 06:43:12 +00:00 0x1F54FA9E38037701
public readonly struct EntityGuid
public ulong Full => (ulong)((ulong)ServerId << 56) +
((ulong)((Timestamp >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF) << 32) +
(Counter << 8) +
public byte ServerId { get; private init; }
public uint Timestamp { get; private init; }
public uint Counter { get; private init; }
public byte Type { get; private init; }
public EntityGuid(byte serverId, uint timestamp, uint counter, byte type)
ServerId = serverId;
Timestamp = timestamp;
Counter = counter;
Type = type;
public static EntityGuid Parse(ulong guid)
EntityGuid entityGuid = new()
ServerId = (byte)(guid >> 56),
Timestamp = (uint)(((guid >> 32) & 0x00FFFFFF) << 8),
Counter = (uint)((guid & 0xFFFFFF00) >> 8),
Type = (byte)(guid & 0xFF),
return entityGuid;
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