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Last active March 9, 2024 03:59
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  • Save SilentPenguin/bf24eb348c9d00c34605d1cc54318be7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A simple drop-in class to allow printing to visual studio's output window without changing godot code
using Godot;
using Godot.NativeInterop;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public static class GD
// Summary:
// Decodes a byte array back to a Variant value. If allowObjects is true decoding
// objects is allowed. WARNING: Deserialized object can contain code which gets
// executed. Do not set allowObjects to true if the serialized object comes from
// untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats (remote code execution).
// Parameters:
// bytes:
// Byte array that will be decoded to a Variant.
// allowObjects:
// If objects should be decoded.
// Returns:
// The decoded Variant.
public static Variant BytesToVar(Span<byte> bytes, bool allowObjects = false) => Godot.GD.BytesToVar(bytes, allowObjects);
// Summary:
// Converts from a Variant type to another in the best way possible. The type parameter
// uses the Godot.Variant.Type values.
// Returns:
// The Variant converted to the given type.
public static Variant Convert(Variant what, Variant.Type type) => Godot.GD.Convert(what, type);
// Summary:
// Converts from decibels to linear energy (audio).
// Parameters:
// db:
// Decibels to convert.
// Returns:
// Audio volume as linear energy.
public static float DbToLinear(float db) => Godot.GD.DbToLinear(db);
private static string[] GetPrintParams(object[] parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return new string[1] { "null" };
return System.Array.ConvertAll(parameters, (object x) => x?.ToString() ?? "null");
// Summary:
// Returns the integer hash of the variable passed.
// Parameters:
// var:
// Variable that will be hashed.
// Returns:
// Hash of the variable passed.
public static int Hash(Variant var) => Godot.GD.Hash(var);
// Summary:
// Returns the Godot.Object that corresponds to instanceId. All Objects have a unique
// instance ID.
// Parameters:
// instanceId:
// Instance ID of the Object to retrieve.
// Returns:
// The Godot.Object instance.
public static Godot.Object InstanceFromId(ulong instanceId) => Godot.GD.InstanceFromId(instanceId);
// Summary:
// Converts from linear energy to decibels (audio). This can be used to implement
// volume sliders that behave as expected (since volume isn't linear).
// Parameters:
// linear:
// The linear energy to convert.
// Returns:
// Audio as decibels.
public static float LinearToDb(float linear) => Godot.GD.LinearToDb(linear);
// Summary:
// Loads a resource from the filesystem located at path. The resource is loaded
// on the method call (unless it's referenced already elsewhere, e.g. in another
// script or in the scene), which might cause slight delay, especially when loading
// scenes. To avoid unnecessary delays when loading something multiple times, either
// store the resource in a variable. Note: Resource paths can be obtained by right-clicking
// on a resource in the FileSystem dock and choosing "Copy Path" or by dragging
// the file from the FileSystem dock into the script. Important: The path must be
// absolute, a local path will just return null. This method is a simplified version
// of Godot.ResourceLoader.Load(System.String,System.String,Godot.ResourceLoader.CacheMode),
// which can be used for more advanced scenarios.
// Parameters:
// path:
// Path of the Godot.Resource to load.
// Returns:
// The loaded Godot.Resource.
public static Resource Load(string path) => Godot.GD.Load(path);
// Summary:
// Loads a resource from the filesystem located at path. The resource is loaded
// on the method call (unless it's referenced already elsewhere, e.g. in another
// script or in the scene), which might cause slight delay, especially when loading
// scenes. To avoid unnecessary delays when loading something multiple times, either
// store the resource in a variable. Note: Resource paths can be obtained by right-clicking
// on a resource in the FileSystem dock and choosing "Copy Path" or by dragging
// the file from the FileSystem dock into the script. Important: The path must be
// absolute, a local path will just return null. This method is a simplified version
// of Godot.ResourceLoader.Load(System.String,System.String,Godot.ResourceLoader.CacheMode),
// which can be used for more advanced scenarios.
// Parameters:
// path:
// Path of the Godot.Resource to load.
// Type parameters:
// T:
// The type to cast to. Should be a descendant of Godot.Resource.
public static T Load<T>(string path) where T : class => Godot.GD.Load<T>(path);
// Summary:
// Pushes an error message to Godot's built-in debugger and to the OS terminal.
// Note: Errors printed this way will not pause project execution.
// Parameters:
// message:
// Error message.
public static void PushError(string message)
Debugger.Log(0, "err", "Error: " + String.Concat(message));
// Summary:
// Pushes a warning message to Godot's built-in debugger and to the OS terminal.
// Parameters:
// message:
// Warning message.
public static void PushWarning(string message)
Debugger.Log(1, "wrn", "Warning: " + String.Concat(message) + "\r\n");
// Summary:
// Converts one or more arguments of any type to string in the best way possible
// and prints them to the console. Note: Consider using Godot.GD.PushError(System.String)
// and Godot.GD.PushWarning(System.String) to print error and warning messages instead
// of Godot.GD.Print(System.Object[]). This distinguishes them from print messages
// used for debugging purposes, while also displaying a stack trace when an error
// or warning is printed.
// Parameters:
// what:
// Arguments that will be printed.
public static void Print(params object[] what)
String[] strings = GetPrintParams(what);
Debugger.Log(2, "inf", "Info: " + String.Concat(strings) + "\r\n");
// Summary:
// Converts one or more arguments of any type to string in the best way possible
// and prints them to the console. The following BBCode tags are supported: b, i,
// u, s, indent, code, url, center, right, color, bgcolor, fgcolor. Color tags only
// support named colors such as red, not hexadecimal color codes. Unsupported tags
// will be left as-is in standard output. When printing to standard output, the
// supported subset of BBCode is converted to ANSI escape codes for the terminal
// emulator to display. Displaying ANSI escape codes is currently only supported
// on Linux and macOS. Support for ANSI escape codes may vary across terminal emulators,
// especially for italic and strikethrough. Note: Consider using Godot.GD.PushError(System.String)
// and Godot.GD.PushWarning(System.String) to print error and warning messages instead
// of Godot.GD.Print(System.Object[]) or Godot.GD.PrintRich(System.Object[]). This
// distinguishes them from print messages used for debugging purposes, while also
// displaying a stack trace when an error or warning is printed.
// Parameters:
// what:
// Arguments that will be printed.
public static void PrintRich(params object[] what)
String[] strings = GetPrintParams(what);
Debugger.Log(2, "inf", "Info: " + String.Concat(strings) + "\r\n");
// Summary:
// Prints the current stack trace information to the console.
public static void PrintStack() => Print(System.Environment.StackTrace);
// Summary:
// Prints one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible to standard
// error line.
// Parameters:
// what:
// Arguments that will be printed.
public static void PrintErr(params object[] what)
String[] strings = GetPrintParams(what);
Debugger.Log(0, "err", "Error: " + String.Concat(strings) + "\r\n");
// Summary:
// Prints one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible to console.
// No newline is added at the end. Note: Due to limitations with Godot's built-in
// console, this only prints to the terminal. If you need to print in the editor,
// use another method, such as Godot.GD.Print(System.Object[]).
// Parameters:
// what:
// Arguments that will be printed.
public static void PrintRaw(params object[] what)
String[] strings = GetPrintParams(what);
Debugger.Log(2, "inf", String.Concat(strings));
// Summary:
// Prints one or more arguments to the console with a space between each argument.
// Parameters:
// what:
// Arguments that will be printed.
public static void PrintS(params object[] what)
String[] strings = GetPrintParams(what);
Debugger.Log(2, "err", "Error: " + String.Join(' ', strings) + "\r\n");
// Summary:
// Prints one or more arguments to the console with a space between each argument.
// Parameters:
// what:
// Arguments that will be printed.
public static void PrintT(params object[] what)
String[] strings = GetPrintParams(what);
Debugger.Log(2, "err", "Error: " + String.Join('\t', strings) + "\r\n");
// Summary:
// Returns a random floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
// Returns:
// A random float number.
public static float Randf() => Godot.GD.Randf();
// Summary:
// Returns a normally-distributed pseudo-random number, using Box-Muller transform
// with the specified mean and a standard deviation. This is also called Gaussian
// distribution.
// Returns:
// A random normally-distributed float number.
public static double Randfn(double mean, double deviation) => Godot.GD.Randfn(mean, deviation);
// Summary:
// Returns a random unsigned 32-bit integer. Use remainder to obtain a random value
// in the interval [0, N - 1] (where N is smaller than 2^32).
// Returns:
// A random uint number.
public static uint Randi() => Godot.GD.Randi();
// Summary:
// Randomizes the seed (or the internal state) of the random number generator. Current
// implementation reseeds using a number based on time. Note: This method is called
// automatically when the project is run. If you need to fix the seed to have reproducible
// results, use Godot.GD.Seed(System.UInt64) to initialize the random number generator.
public static void Randomize() => Godot.GD.Randomize();
// Summary:
// Returns a random floating point value on the interval between from and to (inclusive).
// Returns:
// A random double number inside the given range.
public static double RandRange(double from, double to) => Godot.GD.RandRange(from, to);
// Summary:
// Returns a random signed 32-bit integer between from and to (inclusive). If to
// is lesser than from, they are swapped.
// Returns:
// A random int number inside the given range.
public static int RandRange(int from, int to) => Godot.GD.RandRange(from, to);
// Summary:
// Returns a random unsigned 32-bit integer, using the given seed.
// Parameters:
// seed:
// Seed to use to generate the random number. If a different seed is used, its value
// will be modified.
// Returns:
// A random uint number.
public static uint RandFromSeed(ref ulong seed) => Godot.GD.RandFromSeed(ref seed);
// Summary:
// Returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1 that iterates from 0 to end
// in steps of 1.
// Parameters:
// end:
// The last index.
public static IEnumerable<int> Range(int end) => Godot.GD.Range(end);
// Summary:
// Returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1 that iterates from start to
// end in steps of 1.
// Parameters:
// start:
// The first index.
// end:
// The last index.
public static IEnumerable<int> Range(int start, int end) => Godot.GD.Range(start, end);
// Summary:
// Returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1 that iterates from start to
// end in steps of step.
// Parameters:
// start:
// The first index.
// end:
// The last index.
// step:
// The amount by which to increment the index on each iteration.
public static IEnumerable<int> Range(int start, int end, int step) => Godot.GD.Range(start, end, step);
// Summary:
// Sets seed for the random number generator.
// Parameters:
// seed:
// Seed that will be used.
public static void Seed(ulong seed) => Godot.GD.Seed(seed);
// Summary:
// Converts one or more arguments of any type to string in the best way possible.
// Parameters:
// what:
// Arguments that will converted to string.
// Returns:
// The string formed by the given arguments.
public static string Str(params Variant[] what) => Godot.GD.Str(what);
// Summary:
// Converts a formatted string that was returned by Godot.GD.VarToStr(Godot.Variant)
// to the original value.
// Parameters:
// str:
// String that will be converted to Variant.
// Returns:
// The decoded Variant.
public static Variant StrToVar(string str) => Godot.GD.StrToVar(str);
// Summary:
// Encodes a Variant value to a byte array. If fullObjects is true encoding objects
// is allowed (and can potentially include code). Deserialization can be done with
// Godot.GD.BytesToVar(System.Span{System.Byte},System.Boolean).
// Parameters:
// var:
// Variant that will be encoded.
// fullObjects:
// If objects should be serialized.
// Returns:
// The Variant encoded as an array of bytes.
public static byte[] VarToBytes(Variant var, bool fullObjects = false) => Godot.GD.VarToBytes(var, fullObjects);
// Summary:
// Converts a Variant var to a formatted string that can later be parsed using Godot.GD.StrToVar(System.String).
// Parameters:
// var:
// Variant that will be converted to string.
// Returns:
// The Variant encoded as a string.
public static string VarToStr(Variant var) => Godot.GD.VarToStr(var);
// Summary:
// Get the Godot.Variant.Type that corresponds for the given System.Type.
// Returns:
// The Godot.Variant.Type for the given type.
public static Variant.Type TypeToVariantType(Type type) => Godot.GD.TypeToVariantType(type);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this byte array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The byte array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this byte[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this byte array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The byte array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this byte[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this byte array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The byte array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this byte[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this int array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The int array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this int[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this int array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The int array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this int[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this int array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The int array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this int[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this long array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The long array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this long[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this long array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The long array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this long[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this long array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The long array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this long[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this float array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The float array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this float[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this float array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The float array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this float[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this float array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The float array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this float[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this double array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The double array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this double[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this double array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The double array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this double[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this double array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The double array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this double[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this string array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The string array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this string[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this string array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The string array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this string[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this string array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The string array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this string[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this Color array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Color array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this Color[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this Color array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Color array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this Color[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this Color array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Color array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this Color[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this Vector2 array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector2 array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this Vector2[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector2 array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector2 array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this Vector2[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector2 array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector2 array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this Vector2[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this Vector2i array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector2i array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this Vector2i[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector2i array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector2i array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this Vector2i[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector2i array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector2i array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this Vector2i[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this Vector3 array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector3 array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this Vector3[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector3 array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector3 array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this Vector3[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector3 array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector3 array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this Vector3[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this Vector3i array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector3i array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this Vector3i[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector3i array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector3i array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this Vector3i[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector3i array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector3i array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this Vector3i[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this Vector4 array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector4 array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this Vector4[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector4 array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector4 array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this Vector4[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector4 array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector4 array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this Vector4[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
// Summary:
// Returns true if this Vector4i array is empty or doesn't exist.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector4i array check.
// Returns:
// Whether or not the array is empty.
public static bool IsEmpty(this Vector4i[] instance) => Godot.GD.IsEmpty(instance);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector4i array to a string delimited by the given string.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector4i array to convert.
// delimiter:
// The delimiter to use between items.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Join(this Vector4i[] instance, string delimiter = ", ") => Godot.GD.Join(instance, delimiter);
// Summary:
// Converts this Vector4i array to a string with brackets.
// Parameters:
// instance:
// The Vector4i array to convert.
// Returns:
// A single string with all items.
public static string Stringify(this Vector4i[] instance) => Godot.GD.Stringify(instance);
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Updated for Godot V4 Beta 16, hope these are all the API changes for now.

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Vector4i is Vector4I now. (Capital i)

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Same with Vector2/Vector3

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VarToBytes and Str also don't work but I'm not sure how the fix would look like.

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