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Thinking Domain......
module Domain
#load "DomainHelper.fsx"
open DomainHelper
open System
/// constrained to be not null and at most 50 chars
type String50 = private String50 of string
type ValidatedString50 = Validated<string, String50, string>
let string50 =
Domain<string, String50, string>(
(fun (String50 s) -> s),
(fun str ->
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
Error [ "NullOrEmpty" ]
elif String.length str > 50 then
Error [ "Over 50" ]
Ok str)
/// constrained to be bigger than 1/1/1900 and less than today's date
type Birthdate = private Birthdate of DateTime
type ValidatedBirthdate = Validated<DateTime, Birthdate, string>
let birthdate =
Domain<DateTime, Birthdate, string>(
(fun (Birthdate b) -> b),
(fun dt ->
if dt < DateTime(1990, 1, 1) then
Error [ "Must be bigger than 1/1/1900" ]
Ok dt)
/// Nested cases
type Person =
{ First: String50
Last: String50
Birthdate: Birthdate }
type PersonDto =
{ First: ValidatedString50
Last: ValidatedString50
Birthdate: ValidatedBirthdate }
let person =
Domain<PersonDto, Person, string>(
(fun p ->
{ First = string50.Value p.First
Last = string50.Value p.Last
Birthdate = birthdate.Value p.Birthdate }),
(fun p ->
{ First = string50.ofDomain p.First
Last = string50.ofDomain p.Last
Birthdate = birthdate.ofDomain p.Birthdate }),
(fun p ->
match p.First, p.Last, p.Birthdate with
| Valid _, Valid _, Valid _ -> Ok p
| (BoxInvalid v), (BoxInvalid v'), (BoxInvalid v'') ->
(v @ v' @ v'')
|> (fun e -> $"%A{e}")
|> Error)
module DomainHelper
type InvalidType<'dto, 'domain, 'error> =
| CreateFailed of 'dto * 'error list
| UpdateFailed of 'domain voption * 'dto * 'error list
| MargedError of InvalidType<obj, obj, 'error> list
type Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error> =
| Valid of domain: 'domain
| Invalid of error: InvalidType<'dto, 'domain, 'error>
let invalidCreateFailed dto errors = (CreateFailed >> Invalid) (dto, errors)
let invalidUpdateFailed domain dto errors =
(UpdateFailed >> Invalid) (domain, dto, errors)
let boxInvalid (validated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>) =
match validated with
| Valid _ -> []
| Invalid ex ->
[ match ex with
| CreateFailed (dto, errors) -> CreateFailed(box dto, errors)
| UpdateFailed (domain, dto, errors) -> UpdateFailed( box domain, box dto, errors)
| MargedError marged -> MargedError marged ]
let (|BoxInvalid|) = boxInvalid
let margeInvalids validateds =
[ for v in validateds do
yield! boxInvalid v ]
let invalidMargedErrors invalids = (MargedError >> Invalid) invalids
/// Controls `Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>`.
type Domain<'dto, 'domain, 'error>
fromDto: 'dto -> 'domain,
toDto: 'domain -> 'dto,
validate: 'dto -> Result<'dto, 'error list>
) =
member _.Create dto : Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error> =
match validate dto with
| Ok v -> Valid(fromDto v)
| Error error -> invalidCreateFailed dto error
member this.ofDomain domain = toDto domain |> this.Create
member _.Update newValueArg (currentValue: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>) =
match (validate newValueArg), currentValue with
| Ok v, _ -> Valid(fromDto v)
| Error error, Valid c -> invalidUpdateFailed (ValueSome c) newValueArg error
| Error error, Invalid _ -> invalidUpdateFailed ValueNone newValueArg error
member _.IsValid(validated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>) =
match validated with
| Valid _ -> true
| Invalid _ -> false
member _.IsInvalid(validated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>) =
match validated with
| Valid _ -> false
| Invalid _ -> true
member _.Fold onValid onInvalid (validated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>) =
match validated with
| Valid x -> onValid x
| Invalid ex -> onInvalid ex
member this.ToResult validated = this.Fold(toDto >> Ok) Error validated
member _.ValueWith f (domain: 'domain) = f domain
member _.DtoWith f (dto: 'dto) = f dto
member this.ValueOr f validated = this.Fold id f validated
member this.DtoOr f validated = this.Fold toDto f validated
member this.Value validated =
this.ValueOr(fun ex -> invalidOp $"This value is Invalid.\n{ex}") validated
member this.Dto validated =
this.DtoOr(fun ex -> invalidOp $"This value is Invalid.\n{ex}") validated
member this.DefaultWith f validated = this.Fold id (ignore >> f) validated
member this.DefaultDtoWith f validated = this.Fold toDto (ignore >> f) validated
member this.DefaultValue value validated =
this.DefaultWith(fun _ -> value) validated
member this.DefaultDto value validated =
this.DefaultDtoWith(fun _ -> value) validated
member this.Tee f validated = this.Fold f ignore validated
member this.TeeDto f validated = this.Fold(toDto >> f) ignore validated
member this.TeeInvalid f validated = this.Fold ignore f validated
member _.Map f validated : Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error> =
match validated with
| Valid x ->
let x' = (f >> toDto) x
match validate x' with
| Ok v -> Valid(fromDto v)
| Error error -> invalidUpdateFailed (ValueSome x) x' error
| invalid -> invalid
member this.MapDto f validated =
match validated with
| Valid x -> this.Update((toDto >> f) x) validated
| invalid -> invalid
member _.MapInvalid f validated : Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error> =
match validated with
| Invalid ex -> f ex |> Invalid
| valid -> valid
member private _.Lift2Proto
(xValidated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>)
(yValidated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>)
match xValidated, yValidated with
| Valid x, Valid y ->
let x' = f x y
match validate x' with
| Ok v -> Valid(fromDto v)
| Error error -> invalidUpdateFailed (ValueSome x) x' error
| (Invalid _ as ex), Valid _ -> ex
| Valid _, (Invalid _ as ex) -> ex
| (BoxInvalid v), (BoxInvalid v') -> invalidMargedErrors (v @ v')
member this.Lift2 f (xValidated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>) (yValidated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>) =
this.Lift2Proto(fun x y -> f x y |> toDto) xValidated yValidated
member this.Lift2Dto
(xValidated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>)
(yValidated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>)
this.Lift2Proto(fun x y -> f (toDto x) (toDto y)) xValidated yValidated
member private _.ApplyProto
(fValidated: Validated<'dto, _ -> _, 'error>)
(xValidated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>)
match fValidated, xValidated with
| Valid f, Valid x -> onValid f x
| (BoxInvalid v), Valid _ -> invalidMargedErrors v
| Valid _, (Invalid _ as ex) -> ex
| (BoxInvalid v), (BoxInvalid v') -> invalidMargedErrors (v @ v')
member this.Apply
(fValidated: Validated<'dto, 'domain -> 'domain, 'error>)
(xValidated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>)
(fun f x ->
let x' = (f >> toDto) x
match validate x' with
| Ok v -> Valid(fromDto v)
| Error error -> invalidUpdateFailed (ValueSome x) x' error)
member this.ApplyDto
(fValidated: Validated<'dto, 'dto -> 'dto, 'error>)
(xValidated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>)
: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error> =
this.ApplyProto(fun f x -> this.Update((toDto >> f) x) xValidated) fValidated xValidated
let (|Valid|Invalid|) (validated: Validated<'dto, 'domain, 'error>) =
match validated with
| Valid value -> Valid value
| Invalid ex -> Invalid ex
#load "DomainHelper.fsx"
#load "Domain.fsx"
open Domain
open System
let fooBar =
{ First = string50.Create "Foo"
Last = string50.Create "Bar"
Birthdate = birthdate.Create(DateTime(1990, 3, 4)) }
// val fooBar: DomainHelper.Validated<PersonDto,Person,string> =
// Valid { First = String50 "Foo"
// Last = String50 "Bar"
// Birthdate = Birthdate 1990/03/04 0:00:00 }
let hogeFuga =
{ First = string50.Create "Hoge"
Last = string50.Create "Fuga"
Birthdate = birthdate.Create(DateTime(2999, 2, 8)) }
// val hogeFuga: DomainHelper.Validated<PersonDto,Person,string> =
// Valid { First = String50 "Hoge"
// Last = String50 "Fuga"
// Birthdate = Birthdate 2999/02/08 0:00:00 }
module String50 =
let concat = string50.Lift2Dto(fun s1 s2 -> s1 + s2)
module Person =
let margeName =
person.Lift2Dto (fun p1 p2 ->
{ p1 with
First = String50.concat p1.First p2.First
Last = String50.concat p1.Last p2.Last })
let marged = Person.margeName fooBar hogeFuga
// val marged: DomainHelper.Validated<PersonDto,Person,string> =
// Valid { First = String50 "FooHoge"
// Last = String50 "BarFuga"
// Birthdate = Birthdate 1990/03/04 0:00:00 }
let invalidPerson =
{ First = string50.Create ""
Last = string50.Create "Bar"
Birthdate = birthdate.Create(DateTime 1) }
|> person.MapDto(fun p -> { p with Last = p.Last |> string50.Update "Foooooo" })
// val invalidPerson: DomainHelper.Validated<PersonDto,Person,string> =
// Invalid
// (CreateFailed
// ({ First = Invalid (CreateFailed ("", ["NullOrEmpty"]))
// Last = Valid (String50 "Bar")
// Birthdate =
// Invalid
// (CreateFailed (0001/01/01 0:00:00, ["Must be bigger than 1/1/1900"])) },
// ["CreateFailed ("", ["NullOrEmpty"])";
// "CreateFailed (0001/01/01 0:00:00, ["Must be bigger than 1/1/1900"])"]))
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