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Created March 12, 2018 08:57
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Powershell script that parses RoboCopy log and extracts failed files to .csv. Copied from:
#Requires -Version 4
function Log {
Function to log input string to file and display it to screen
Function to log input string to file and display it to screen. Log entries in the log file are time stamped. Function allows for displaying text to screen in different colors.
.Parameter String
The string to be displayed to the screen and saved to the log file
.Parameter Color
The color in which to display the input string on the screen
Default is White
Valid options are
.Parameter LogFile
Path to the file where the input string should be saved.
Example: c:\log.txt
If absent, the input string will be displayed to the screen only and not saved to log file
Log -String "Hello World" -Color Yellow -LogFile c:\log.txt
This example displays the "Hello World" string to the console in yellow, and adds it as a new line to the file c:\log.txt
If c:\log.txt does not exist it will be created.
Log entries in the log file are time stamped. Sample output:
2014.08.06 06:52:17 AM: Hello World
Log "$((Get-Location).Path)" Cyan
This example displays current path in Cyan, and does not log the displayed text to log file.
"$((Get-Process | select -First 1).name) process ID is $((Get-Process | select -First 1).id)" | log -color DarkYellow
Sample output of this example:
"MDM process ID is 4492" in dark yellow
log "Found",(Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -File).Count,"files in folder",(Get-Item .\).FullName Green,Yellow,Green,Cyan .\mylog.txt
Sample output will look like:
Found 520 files in folder D:\Sandbox - and will have the listed foreground colors
Function by Sam Boutros
v1.0 - 08/06/2014
v1.1 - 12/01/2014 - added multi-color display in the same line
[String[]]$Color = "Green",
if ($String.Count -gt 1) {
foreach ($item in $String) {
if ($Color[$i]) { $col = $Color[$i] } else { $col = "White" }
Write-Host "$item " -ForegroundColor $col -NoNewline
if (-not ($NoNewLine)) { Write-Host " " }
} else {
if ($NoNewLine) { Write-Host $String -ForegroundColor $Color[0] -NoNewline }
else { Write-Host $String -ForegroundColor $Color[0] }
if ($LogFile.Length -gt 2) {
"$(Get-Date -format "yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss tt"): $($String -join " ")" | Out-File -Filepath $Logfile -Append
} else {
Write-Verbose "Log: Missing -LogFile parameter. Will not save input string to log file.."
function Get-FailedFiles {
Script to parse Robocopy log file(s) and return files that failed to copy.
This script will parse Robocopy log file(s) and return a PS object that has 2 properties: FilePath and ErrorCode fro each file that failed to copy.
Path to Robocopy log file
Path to the output file that lists the files that failed to copy along with their error codes.
Path to the output file that lists summaries of files and folders copied/failed and copy duration.
Optional switch that adds a line at the end of the CopyStatsCSV tallying all prior lines.
Get-FailedFiles -RoboLog .\logs\Robo-Migrate-FileShares_NYFILSRV01P-2015-03-11_05-27-26AM.txt
The script will return list of files that failed to copy and the corresponding error codes (in decimal)
$FailedFiles = Get-FailedFiles (Get-ChildItem -Path .\logs | where { $_.Name.StartsWith('Robo') }).FullName
This command will parse all the files under .\logs subfolder that start with 'Robo' and return the files that
failed to copy and their error codes. This can be presented:
$FailedFiles | FT -Auto # in tabular format
$FailedFiles | Out-Gridview # in Powershell ISE Gridview
$FailedFiles | Export-Csv .\FailedFiles.CSV -NoType # or exported to CSV
This function returns a PS object that has 2 properties: FilePath and ErrorCode.
Function by Sam Boutros
v1.0 - 03/11/2015
v1.1 - 03/17/2015 - Added functionality to gather file and folder copy summaries and export to CSV
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})][String[]]$RoboLog,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
[String]$FailedFilesCSV = "$PSScriptRoot\FailedFiles-$(Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-sstt).CSV",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
[String]$CopyStatsCSV = "$PSScriptRoot\CopyStats-$(Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-sstt).CSV",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
[Switch]$Sum = $true
$FailedFiles = @()
foreach ($LogFile in $RoboLog) {
log 'Processing file',$LogFile,'...' Green,Cyan -NoNewLine
$LogLines = Get-Content $LogFile
log $LogLines.Count,'lines loaded' Cyan,Green
log 'Detecting files that failed to copy, compiling list... ' -NoNewLine
$LogLines -match ' ERROR ' -match 'Copying File' | % {
$Props = [ordered]@{
FilePath = $_.Substring($_.IndexOf('Copying File') + 12 , $_.Length - $_.IndexOf('Copying File') - 12).Trim()
ErrorCode = $_.Substring($_.IndexOf(' ERROR ')+7,2).Trim()
$FailedFiles += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props
log 'detected',$Failedfiles.Count,'files that failed to copy' Green,Yellow,Green
log 'Compiling file/folder copy statistics..' -NoNewLine
$CopyStats = @()
$LogLines | % {
if ($_ -match ' Source : ') { $Source = $_.Substring(12,$_.Length - 12 ) }
if ($_ -match ' Dest : ') { $Destination = $_.Substring(12,$_.Length - 12 ) }
if ($_ -match ' Dirs :') {
$DirTotal = [Long]$_.Substring(12,10).Trim()
$DirCopied = [Long]$_.Substring(22,10).Trim()
$DirFailed = [Long]$_.Substring(52,10).Trim()
if ($_ -match ' Files : ' -and $_.Length -gt 60) {
$FileTotal = [Long]$_.Substring(12,10).Trim()
$FileCopied = [Long]$_.Substring(22,10).Trim()
$FileFailed = [Long]$_.Substring(52,10).Trim()
if ($_ -match ' Times :') { $Duration = [TimeSpan]$_.Substring(12,10).Trim() }
if ($_ -match ' Speed : ') { $Speed = $_.Substring(12,$_.Length - 12 ).Trim() }
if ($_ -match ' Ended : ') {
$Ended = $_.Substring(11,$_.Length - 11 ).Trim()
$Props = [ordered]@{
Source = $Source
Destination = $Destination
DirTotal = $DirTotal
NewDirCopied = $DirCopied
DirFailed = $DirFailed
Filetotal = $FileTotal
NewFileCopied = $FileCopied
FileFailed = $FileFailed
Duration = $Duration
Speed = $Speed
Ended = $Ended
$CopyStats += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props
} # foreach $LogLines
if ($Sum) {
$Props = [ordered]@{
Source = 'Total'
Destination = ''
DirTotal = ($CopyStats | Measure-Object -Property DirTotal -Sum).Sum
NewDirCopied = ($CopyStats | Measure-Object -Property NewDirCopied -Sum).Sum
DirFailed = ($CopyStats | Measure-Object -Property DirFailed -Sum).Sum
Filetotal = ($CopyStats | Measure-Object -Property Filetotal -Sum).Sum
NewFileCopied = ($CopyStats | Measure-Object -Property NewFileCopied -Sum).Sum
FileFailed = ($CopyStats | Measure-Object -Property FileFailed -Sum).Sum
Duration = ''
Speed = ''
Ended = ''
$CopyStats += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props
log 'done'
log ($CopyStats | FT -Auto | Out-String)
} # foreach $LogFile
$FailedFiles | Export-Csv $FailedFilesCSV -NoType
$CopyStats | Export-Csv $CopyStatsCSV -NoType
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