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Created December 9, 2015 21:27
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The motherf*cking way the get Oracle access in PHP5 over Ubuntu

The motherf*cking way the get Oracle database connections in PHP5 over Ubuntu

Special thanks to:

First step: Install the Oracle Client

  1. Download Instant Client from (you must be registered in Oracle; it's free). You will need instantclient-basic-*-*.zip and instantclient-sdk-*-*.zip files.

  2. Execute the following commands in your terminal:

    $ sudo su -  
    $ mkdir -p /opt/oracle/instantclient
    $ cd /opt/oracle/instantclient
  3. Copy downloaded files into /opt/oracle/instantclient.

  4. Unzip files executing these commands:

    $ unzip instantclient-basic-*-*.zip
    $ unzip instantclient-sdk-*-*.zip
  5. Move all /opt/oracle/instantclient/instantclient content to /opt/oracle/instantclient:

    $ mv instantclient*/* ./
    $ rmdir instantclient*/
  6. During extension compiling, some errors will arise when linking with some libraries. To avoid them, do:

    $ ln -s*
    $ ln -s*
    $ echo /opt/oracle/instantclient >> /etc/
    $ ldconfig
  7. Create a folder for your network configuration files:

    $ mkdir -p network/admin
  8. Place sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files in /opt/oracle/instantclient/network/admin.

Now you have the basic connection kit for connections and SDK for compiling PHP extensions.

Second step: Install the OCI8 PHP Extension

  1. Get all essential packages for download and compiling from PEAR repositories:

    $ apt-get install --yes php5 php5-cli php5-dev php-db php-pear
    $ apt-get install --yes build-essential libaio1
  2. Request OCI8 install:

    $ pecl install oci8

    Type instantclient,/opt/oracle/instantclient when prompted for Instant Client path.

  3. Save this text in /etc/php5/mods-available/oci8.ini:
  4. Activate extension:

    $ php5enmod oci8

Now you have all oci_* functions available for PHP in both php-cli and Apache.

Third step: Install the PDO/OCI PHP Extension

The pdo_oci library is outdated, so its install is more tricky.

  1. Fix paths:

    $ cd /usr/include/
    $ ln -s php5 php
    $ cd /opt/oracle/instantclient
    $ mkdir -p include/oracle/11.1/
    $ cd include/oracle/11.1/
    $ ln -s ../../../sdk/include client
    $ cd -
    $ mkdir -p lib/oracle/11.1/client
    $ cd lib/oracle/11.1/client
    $ ln -s ../../../../ lib
    $ cd -
  2. Download pdo_oci via pecl:

    $ pecl channel-update
    $ mkdir -p /tmp/pear/download/
    $ cd /tmp/pear/download/
    $ pecl download pdo_oci
  3. Extract source:

    $ tar xvf PDO_OCI*.tgz
    $ cd PDO_OCI*
  4. Create a file named config.m4.patch:

    *** config.m4	2005-09-24 17:23:24.000000000 -0600
    --- /home/myuser/Desktop/PDO_OCI-1.0/config.m4	2009-07-07 17:32:14.000000000 -0600
    *** 7,12 ****
    --- 7,14 ----
        if test -s "$PDO_OCI_DIR/orainst/unix.rgs"; then
          PDO_OCI_VERSION=`grep '"ocommon"' $PDO_OCI_DIR/orainst/unix.rgs | sed 's/[ ][ ]*/:/g' | cut -d: -f 6 | cut -c 2-4`
          test -z "$PDO_OCI_VERSION" && PDO_OCI_VERSION=7.3
    +   elif test -f $PDO_OCI_DIR/lib/libclntsh.$SHLIB_SUFFIX_NAME.11.1; then
    +     PDO_OCI_VERSION=11.1    
        elif test -f $PDO_OCI_DIR/lib/libclntsh.$SHLIB_SUFFIX_NAME.10.1; then
        elif test -f $PDO_OCI_DIR/lib/libclntsh.$SHLIB_SUFFIX_NAME.9.0; then
    *** 119,124 ****
    --- 121,129 ----
    +     11.1)
    +       ;;
            AC_MSG_ERROR(Unsupported Oracle version! $PDO_OCI_VERSION)
  5. Apply patch:

    $ patch --dry-run -i config.m4.patch && patch -i config.m4.patch && phpize
  6. Replace all references of function_entry to zend_function_entry in pdo_oci.c.

  7. Configure, compile and install:

    $ ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/instantclient ./configure --with-pdo-oci=instantclient,/opt/oracle/instantclient,11.1
    $ make && make test && make install && mv modules/ /usr/lib/php5/*+lfs/
  8. Save this text in /etc/php5/mods-available/pdo_oci.ini:
  9. Activate extension:

    $ php5enmod pdo_oci

And now you can take a cup of coffee.

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