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Created July 25, 2020 20:30
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#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "gtest.h"
namespace GC {
using namespace std;
// GC_Entity is a garbage-collectable object that
// can reference other objects
struct Entity;
struct ClientObject {};
struct ClientStruct {};
typedef void (*Finalizer)(ClientStruct *);
// offset - pointer offset
// tInfo - if not nil then it's
struct OffsetInfo {
int offset;
struct TypeInfo const *tInfo;
struct TypeInfoArgs {
int size;
Finalizer finalizer;
int offsetCount;
OffsetInfo *offsets;
// All info GC needed to manage object's lifetime:
// - finalizer method pointer
// - object size in bytes
// - array of offsets
struct TypeInfo
int _size;
Finalizer _finalizer;
int _offsetCount;
int * _pointerOffsets;
TypeInfo() {}
TypeInfo(const TypeInfo&);
TypeInfo& operator = (const TypeInfo&);
static TypeInfo * _allocPointerInfo() {
OffsetInfo offset = {0, nullptr};
TypeInfoArgs args = {sizeof(void*), nullptr, 1, &offset};
return alloc(args);
// Extracts array of offsets from TypeInfoArgs
static vector<int> offsetsArray(const TypeInfoArgs& args) {
vector<int> offsets;
for (int i = 0; i < args.offsetCount; ++i) {
const OffsetInfo& currInfo = args.offsets[i];
if (currInfo.tInfo) {
for (int ofsIdx = 0; ofsIdx < currInfo.tInfo->offsetCount(); ++ofsIdx) {
offsets.push_back(currInfo.offset + currInfo.tInfo->offsetAt(ofsIdx));
} else { // special case for pointer type info initialization
int prevOffset = -1;
for each (int offset in offsets) {
assert(prevOffset < offset);
prevOffset = offset;
return offsets;
int offsetAt(int offsetIdx) const {
assert(offsetIdx < _offsetCount);
return _pointerOffsets[offsetIdx];
int offsetCount() const { return _offsetCount;}
Finalizer finalizer() const { return _finalizer;}
int size() const { return _size;}
bool isPointer() const { return this == TypeInfo::pointerInfo();}
ClientObject * pointerAtIndexOfStruct(const ClientStruct *structure, int pointerIdx) const {
assert(pointerIdx < _offsetCount);
return *(ClientObject **) ((char *)structure + _pointerOffsets[pointerIdx]);
static TypeInfo * pointerInfo() {
static TypeInfo *typeInfo = _allocPointerInfo();
return typeInfo;
static TypeInfo * alloc(const TypeInfoArgs& args) {
const vector<int>& offsets = offsetsArray(args);
TypeInfo *info = (TypeInfo*)operator new(sizeof(TypeInfo) + offsets.size() * sizeof(int));
info->_size = args.size;
info->_finalizer = args.finalizer;
info->_offsetCount = args.offsetCount;
info->_pointerOffsets = (int *) ((char *)info + sizeof(TypeInfo));
memcpy(info->_pointerOffsets, &offsets[0], offsets.size() * sizeof(int));
return info;
static void free(TypeInfo *typeInfo) {
delete typeInfo;
// Entity is garbage-collectable object that allocated dynamically
// It's an array of structures of same type
struct Entity
bool _reachable;
const TypeInfo * const _type;
void * const _dbg_Code;
const int _structCount;
void validate() const { assert(this == _dbg_Code); }
explicit Entity(const TypeInfo *typeInfo, int structCount)
: _type(typeInfo),
~Entity() {}
ClientStruct * structAtIndex(int index) const {
assert(index < _structCount);
return (ClientStruct *) ((char *)memory() + index * _type->size());
ClientObject * pointerAtIndex(int pointerIdx) const {
if (pointerIdx >= _structCount * _type->offsetCount()) {
return nullptr;
int elemIdx = pointerIdx / _type->offsetCount();
int ptrIdx = pointerIdx % _type->offsetCount();
return _type->pointerAtIndexOfStruct(structAtIndex(elemIdx), ptrIdx);
static Entity * alloc(const TypeInfo *typeInfo, int count) {
size_t memorySize = sizeof(Entity) + count * typeInfo->size();
void *memory = operator new(memorySize);
memset(memory, 0, memorySize);
Entity *entity = new (memory) Entity(typeInfo, count);
return entity;
static void dealloc(Entity *entity) {
if (!entity) {
Finalizer finalizer = entity->type().finalizer();
if (finalizer != nullptr) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < entity->_structCount; ++idx) {
(*finalizer) (entity->structAtIndex(idx));
delete entity;
static Entity * fromMemory(ClientObject *memory) {
if (memory) {
Entity *entity = (Entity *) ((char *)memory - sizeof(Entity));
return entity;
return nullptr;
const TypeInfo & type() const { return *_type;}
ClientObject * memory() { return (ClientObject *) ((char *)this + sizeof(Entity));}
const ClientObject * memory() const { return const_cast<Entity *>(this)->memory();}
struct EntityReferenceIterator pointerIterator() const;
struct EntityReferenceIterator
const Entity &_entity;
int _offset;
explicit EntityReferenceIterator(const Entity &entity)
: _entity(entity), _offset(0)
Entity * reference() const {
return Entity::fromMemory(_entity.pointerAtIndex(_offset));
bool next() {
return true;
EntityReferenceIterator Entity::pointerIterator() const {
return EntityReferenceIterator(*this);
class Environment
vector<Entity *> _entities;
vector<Entity *> _roots;
size_t entitiesCount() const { return _entities.size();}
Entity * allocEntity(TypeInfo *typeInfo) {
Entity *entity = Entity::alloc(typeInfo, 1);
return entity;
Entity * allocEntityRoot(TypeInfo *typeInfo) {
Entity *entity = allocEntity(typeInfo);
return entity;
template<typename T>
T * allocEntity() {
return (T *)allocEntity(T::typeInfo())->memory();
template<typename T>
T * allocEntityRoot() {
return (T *)allocEntityRoot(T::typeInfo())->memory();
void collectGarbage() {
std::remove_if(_entities.begin(),_entities.end(),[](Entity *entity) {
bool notReachable = !entity->_reachable;
if (notReachable) {
return notReachable;
void determineReachability() const
for each (auto entity in _entities) {
entity->_reachable = false;
vector<Entity *> entities = _roots;
vector<Entity *> entitiesTemp;
do {
for each (Entity *entity in entities) {
if (!entity->_reachable) {
entity->_reachable = true;
auto itr = entity->pointerIterator();
while (Entity *referenced = itr.reference()) {
// TODO: what to do if referenced object is already reachable?
if (!referenced->_reachable) {
} while (!entities.empty());
#include "gc_impl.hpp"
#include <type_traits>
#include <assert.h>
#define countOf(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))
using namespace GC;
struct PtrAndType
const void *ptr;
TypeInfo *type;
template<class T>
struct GC_Traits {
static TypeInfo* typeInfo() {
return T::typeInfo();
template<class T>
struct GC_Traits<T *> {
static TypeInfo* typeInfo() {
return TypeInfo::pointerInfo();
template<class T> inline OffsetInfo fld(const T& field) {
OffsetInfo info = {(int)&field, GC_Traits<T>::typeInfo()};
return info;
template<class T, class Base> inline OffsetInfo baseOfs() {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Base, T>::value, "");
int offset = (int)static_cast<Base*>((T *)0x01) - 0x01;
OffsetInfo info = {offset, Base::typeInfo()};
return info;
#define DEFINE_OBJ_INFO(this_type, ...) \
::GC::TypeInfo * createTypeInfo() const { \
::GC::OffsetInfo offsets[] = {__VA_ARGS__}; \
::GC::TypeInfoArgs args = {sizeof(this_type), (::GC::Finalizer)&this_type::finalizer, countOf(offsets), offsets}; \
return ::GC::TypeInfo::alloc(args); \
static ::GC::TypeInfo * typeInfo() {\
static ::GC::TypeInfo *nodeTypeInfo = ((this_type *)nullptr)->createTypeInfo();\
return nodeTypeInfo;\
static void finalizer(void *self) { \
printf(#this_type " finalizer at 0x%x\n", self); \
((this_type *)self)->~this_type();\
struct Node
int value;
Node *next;
static void NodeFIn(Node *node) {
printf("Node 0x%x finalizer\n", node);
TEST(TypeInfo, pointer_type_info)
const TypeInfo *tinfo = TypeInfo::pointerInfo();
EXPECT_TRUE(tinfo != nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(tinfo->offsetCount() == 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(tinfo->size() == sizeof(void*));
EXPECT_TRUE(tinfo->finalizer() == nullptr);
TEST(TypeInfo, test)
TypeInfoArgs args;
args.finalizer = (Finalizer)0x1;
args.offsetCount = 2;
OffsetInfo offsets[2] = {0, TypeInfo::pointerInfo(), 2, TypeInfo::pointerInfo()};
args.offsets = offsets;
std::auto_ptr<TypeInfo> info( TypeInfo::alloc(args) );
EXPECT_TRUE(info->finalizer() == args.finalizer);
EXPECT_TRUE(info->size() == args.size);
EXPECT_TRUE(info->offsetCount() == args.offsetCount);
Node node; = &node;
ClientObject *nodePtr = Node::typeInfo()->pointerAtIndexOfStruct((ClientStruct *)&node, 0);
EXPECT_TRUE((ClientObject *) == nodePtr);
TEST(TypeInfo, macro_test_with_nested_types)
struct MyStruct {
Node next;
Node prev;
void *pointer;
TypeInfo *info = MyStruct::typeInfo();
EXPECT_TRUE(info->offsetCount() == 3);
EXPECT_TRUE(info->size() == sizeof(MyStruct));
EXPECT_TRUE(info->offsetAt(0) == 4);
EXPECT_TRUE(info->offsetAt(1) == 12);
TEST(TypeInfo, macro_test_with_nested_types_and_derived)
struct MyStruct : Node {
int value;
Node prev;
void *pointer;
baseOfs<MyStruct, Node>(),
TypeInfo *info = MyStruct::typeInfo();
EXPECT_TRUE(info->offsetCount() == 3);
EXPECT_TRUE(info->size() == sizeof(MyStruct));
EXPECT_TRUE(info->offsetAt(0) == 4);
//EXPECT_TRUE(info->offsetAt(1) == 12);
TEST(Entity, from_memory_cast)
Entity *entity = Entity::alloc(Node::typeInfo(), 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(entity == Entity::fromMemory(entity->memory()));
TEST(Environment, gc_simple_references)
Environment environment;
Node *node0 = environment.allocEntityRoot<Node>();
Node *node1 = environment.allocEntity<Node>();
Node *node2 = environment.allocEntity<Node>();
Node *node3 = environment.allocEntity<Node>();
node0->next = node1;
EXPECT_TRUE(environment.entitiesCount() == 4);
EXPECT_TRUE(environment.entitiesCount() == 2);
TEST(Environment, gc_circular_references)
Environment environment;
Node *node0 = environment.allocEntityRoot<Node>();
Node *node1 = environment.allocEntity<Node>();
Node *node2 = environment.allocEntity<Node>();
Node *node3 = environment.allocEntity<Node>();
node0->next = node1;
node1->next = node0;
// circular. reference
node2->next = node3;
node3->next = node2;
EXPECT_TRUE(environment.entitiesCount() == 4);
EXPECT_TRUE(environment.entitiesCount() == 2);
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