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Last active February 26, 2018 04:38
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[[ [[floor({?{Level|1+1} - 3, 0}kh1 / 10)]]d20! + 1d[[(({?{Level}, 1}kh1 - 3 + 2 * [[{abs((?{Level} - 10) % 10 - 4.5) + {1/2}, {3} }<2]]) % 4 + 3) * 2 + [[{abs((?{Level} - 5) % 10 - 4.5) + {1/2}, {4} }<3]] * ((floor(({?{Level}, 1}kh1 - 7) / 10) % 2 * 4 - 2 * floor(({?{Level}, 1}kh1 - 7) % 10 / 2)) * (1 - 2 * (1 - floor(({?{Level}, 1}kh1 - 7) / 2) % 2)) * (1 - floor(({?{Level}, 1}kh1 - 7) / 10) % 2 * 2))]]! + [[{abs((?{Level} - 5) % 10 - 4.5) + {1/2}, {4} }<3]]d[[{(floor(({?{Level}, 1}kh1 - 7) % 10 / 2) + 4) * 2, {12} }kl1]]! ]]
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