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Created November 27, 2016 20:41
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Uses PowerCards. Has +LCK to damage rolls.
!power {{
--emote|@{selected|character_name} Attacks!
--name|Warrior Level @{selected|Level}
--hroll|?{Weapon|Battleaxe, 1d10|Blackjack, 1d3|Blackjack (backstab), 2d6|Blowgun, 1d3|Blowgun (backstab), 1d5|Club, 1d4|Crossbow, 1d6|Dagger, 1d4|Dagger (backstab), 1d10|Dart, 1d4|Flail, 1d6|Garrote, 1d1|Garrote (backstab), 3d4|Handaxe, 1d6|Javelin, 1d6|Lance, 1d12|Longbow, 1d6|Longsword, 1d8|Mace, 1d6|Polearm, 1d10|Shortbow, 1d6|Short sword, 1d6|Sling, 1d4|Spear, 1d8|Staff, 1d4|Two-handed sword, 1d10|Warhammer, 1d8}
[[ [$cs1] [[19 - {@{selected|Level},0}>5 - {@{selected|Level},0}>9]] + 0d0 ]]
[[ [$cs2] [[12 + 2 * {@{selected|Level},0}>6 + 4 * {@{selected|Level},0}>7 - {@{selected|Level},0}>9]] + 0d0 ]]
[[ [$cs3] 11 + 0d0 ]]
--Attack: *1|[[ [$A1] 1d20cs>[[19 - {@{selected|Level},0}>5 - {@{selected|Level},0}>9]] + 1d[[{@{selected|Level} + {@{selected|Level},0}>7, 10 + 0d0>0}kl1]]cs0cf0 + [[{@{selected|Level},0}>7 * (@{selected|Level} - 6)]] ]]
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 ?? Critical Success! *1|Rolled [[ [$C1] [[1 + {@{selected|Level},0}>8]]d[[12 + 2 * {@{selected|Level},0}>2 + 2 * {@{selected|Level},0}>3 + 4 * {@{selected|Level},0}>4 + 4 * {@{selected|Level},0}>5 + 6 * {@{selected|Level},0}>6 - 10 * {@{selected|Level},0}>8]] + (@{selected|LCK}) ]] on Crit Table [[ [TXT|$T] [[3 + {@{selected|Level},0}>3 + {@{selected|Level},0}>5]] + 0d0 ]]!
--?? $A1.base == 1 ?? Critical Fumble! *1|Rolled [[ [$F1] @{selected|repeating_armor_$0_ArmorFumbleDie} - (@{selected|LCK}) ]] on the Fumble Table!
--?? $A1.base <> 1 ?? Damage: *1|[[ ?{Weapon} + @{selected|LCK} ]]
--?? @{Level} >= 5 ?? Attack: *2|[[ [$A2] 1d[[14 + 2 * {@{selected|Level},0}>6 + 4 * {@{selected|Level},0}>7]]cs>[[12 + 2 * {@{selected|Level},0}>6 + 4 * {@{selected|Level},0}>7 - {@{selected|Level},0}>9]] + 1d[[{@{selected|Level} + {@{selected|Level},0}>7, 10 + 0d0>0}kl1 ]]cs0cf0 + [[{@{selected|Level},0}>7 * (@{selected|Level} - 6)]] ]]
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 ?? Critical Success! *2|Rolled [[ [$C2] [[1 + {@{selected|Level},0}>8]]d[[24 + 6 * {@{selected|Level},0}>6 - 10 * {@{selected|Level},0}>8]] + (@{selected|LCK}) ]] on Crit Table 5!
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 ?? Critical Fumble! *2|Rolled [[ [$F2] @{selected|repeating_armor_$0_ArmorFumbleDie} - (@{selected|LCK}) ]] on the Fumble Table!
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base <> 1 ?? Damage: *2|[[ ?{Weapon} + @{selected|LCK} ]]
--?? @{Level} >= 10 ?? Attack: *3|[[ [$A3] 1d14cs>11 + 1d10cs0cf0 + 4 ]]
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 ?? Critical Success! *3|Rolled [[ [$C3] 2d20 + (@{selected|LCK}) ]] on Crit Table 5!
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 ?? Critical Fumble! *3|Rolled [[ [$F3] @{selected|repeating_armor_$0_ArmorFumbleDie} - (@{selected|LCK}) ]] on the Fumble Table!
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base <> 1 ?? Damage: *3|[[ ?{Weapon} + @{selected|LCK} ]]
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 <= 0 ?? Fumble Result: *1|You miss wildly but miraculously cause no other damage.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 1 ?? Fumble Result: *1|Your incompetent blow makes you the laughingstock of the party but otherwise causes no damage.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 2 AND [[ 1d20 + [[ @{selected|REFCheck} ]] ]] >= 10 ?? Fumble Result: *1|Reflex Save Successful! You trip but quickly recover!
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 2 AND [[ 1d20 + [[ @{selected|REFCheck} ]] ]] < 10 ?? Fumble Result: *1|Reflex Save Failed! You trip and spend the next round prone!
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 3 ?? Fumble Result: *1|Your weapon comes loose in your hand. You quickly grab it, but your grip is disrupted. You take a **-2 penalty** on your next attack roll.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 4 ?? Fumble Result: *1|Your weapon is damaged: a bowstring breaks, a sword hilt falls off, or a crossbow ring mechanism jams. The weapon can be repaired with 10 minutes of work but is useless for now.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 5 ?? Fumble Result: *1|You trip and fall, wasting this action. You are prone and must use an action to stand next round.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 6 ?? Fumble Result: *1|Your weapon becomes entangled in your armor. You must spend your next round untangling them. In addition, your armor bonus is reduced by 1 until you spend 10 minutes resetting the tangled buckles and straps.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 7 ?? Fumble Result: *1|You drop your weapon. You must retrieve it or draw a new one on your next action.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 8 ?? Fumble Result: *1|You accidentally smash your weapon against a solid, unyielding object (a rock, a wall, even the ground). Mundane weapons are ruined; magical weapons are not affected.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 9 ?? Fumble Result: *1|You stumble and leave yourself wide open to attack. The next enemy that attacks you receives a **+2** bonus on its attack roll.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 10 ?? Fumble Result: *1|You should have maintained your armor! The joints of your armor seize up, freezing you in place. You cannot move or make an attack for [[ 1d3 ]] rounds. Unarmored characters are not affected.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 11 ?? Fumble Result: *1|Your wild swing leaves you off balance. You take a **-4** penalty to your next attack roll.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 12 ?? Fumble Result: *1|You inadvertently swing at one randomly determined ally within range. Make an attack roll against that ally using the same attack die you just attempted to use.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 13 ?? Fumble Result: *1|You trip badly. You fall hard, suffering [[ 1d3 ]] damage in the process. You are prone and must use your next round to stand.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 14 ?? Fumble Result: *1|Like a turtle on its back, you slip and land upside down, flailing about and unable to right yourself. You must fight from a prone position for the next round before you can recover your balance and rise.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 == 15 ?? Fumble Result: *1|You somehow manage to wound yourself, taking normal damage.
--?? $A1.base == 1 AND $F1 >= 16 ?? Fumble Result: *1|You accidentally strike yourself for normal damage plus an extra **1** point. In addition, you fall on your back and are unable to right yourself until you make a DC 16 Agility check.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 <= 0 ?? Fumble Result: *2|You miss wildly but miraculously cause no other damage.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 1 ?? Fumble Result: *2|Your incompetent blow makes you the laughingstock of the party but otherwise causes no damage.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 2 AND [[ 1d20 + [[ @{selected|REFCheck} ]] ]] >= 10 ?? Fumble Result: *2|Reflex Save Successful! You trip but quickly recover!
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 2 AND [[ 1d20 + [[ @{selected|REFCheck} ]] ]] < 10 ?? Fumble Result: *2|Reflex Save Failed! You trip and spend the next round prone!
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 3 ?? Fumble Result: *2|Your weapon comes loose in your hand. You quickly grab it, but your grip is disrupted. You take a **-2 penalty** on your next attack roll.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 4 ?? Fumble Result: *2|Your weapon is damaged: a bowstring breaks, a sword hilt falls off, or a crossbow ring mechanism jams. The weapon can be repaired with 10 minutes of work but is useless for now.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 5 ?? Fumble Result: *2|You trip and fall, wasting this action. You are prone and must use an action to stand next round.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 6 ?? Fumble Result: *2|Your weapon becomes entangled in your armor. You must spend your next round untangling them. In addition, your armor bonus is reduced by 1 until you spend 10 minutes resetting the tangled buckles and straps.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 7 ?? Fumble Result: *2|You drop your weapon. You must retrieve it or draw a new one on your next action.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 8 ?? Fumble Result: *2|You accidentally smash your weapon against a solid, unyielding object (a rock, a wall, even the ground). Mundane weapons are ruined; magical weapons are not affected.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 9 ?? Fumble Result: *2|You stumble and leave yourself wide open to attack. The next enemy that attacks you receives a **+2** bonus on its attack roll.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 10 ?? Fumble Result: *2|You should have maintained your armor! The joints of your armor seize up, freezing you in place. You cannot move or make an attack for [[ 1d3 ]] rounds. Unarmored characters are not affected.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 11 ?? Fumble Result: *2|Your wild swing leaves you off balance. You take a **-4** penalty to your next attack roll.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 12 ?? Fumble Result: *2|You inadvertently swing at one randomly determined ally within range. Make an attack roll against that ally using the same attack die you just attempted to use.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 13 ?? Fumble Result: *2|You trip badly. You fall hard, suffering [[ 1d3 ]] damage in the process. You are prone and must use your next round to stand.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 14 ?? Fumble Result: *2|Like a turtle on its back, you slip and land upside down, flailing about and unable to right yourself. You must fight from a prone position for the next round before you can recover your balance and rise.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 == 15 ?? Fumble Result: *2|You somehow manage to wound yourself, taking normal damage.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base == 1 AND $F2 >= 16 ?? Fumble Result: *2|You accidentally strike yourself for normal damage plus an extra **1** point. In addition, you fall on your back and are unable to right yourself until you make a DC 16 Agility check.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 <= 0 ?? Fumble Result: *3|You miss wildly but miraculously cause no other damage.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 1 ?? Fumble Result: *3|Your incompetent blow makes you the laughingstock of the party but otherwise causes no damage.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 2 AND [[ 1d20 + [[ @{selected|REFCheck} ]] ]] >= 10 ?? Fumble Result: *3|Reflex Save Successful! You trip but quickly recover!
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 2 AND [[ 1d20 + [[ @{selected|REFCheck} ]] ]] < 10 ?? Fumble Result: *3|Reflex Save Failed! You trip and spend the next round prone!
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 3 ?? Fumble Result: *3|Your weapon comes loose in your hand. You quickly grab it, but your grip is disrupted. You take a **-2 penalty** on your next attack roll.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 4 ?? Fumble Result: *3|Your weapon is damaged: a bowstring breaks, a sword hilt falls off, or a crossbow ring mechanism jams. The weapon can be repaired with 10 minutes of work but is useless for now.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 5 ?? Fumble Result: *3|You trip and fall, wasting this action. You are prone and must use an action to stand next round.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 6 ?? Fumble Result: *3|Your weapon becomes entangled in your armor. You must spend your next round untangling them. In addition, your armor bonus is reduced by 1 until you spend 10 minutes resetting the tangled buckles and straps.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 7 ?? Fumble Result: *3|You drop your weapon. You must retrieve it or draw a new one on your next action.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 8 ?? Fumble Result: *3|You accidentally smash your weapon against a solid, unyielding object (a rock, a wall, even the ground). Mundane weapons are ruined; magical weapons are not affected.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 9 ?? Fumble Result: *3|You stumble and leave yourself wide open to attack. The next enemy that attacks you receives a **+2** bonus on its attack roll.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 10 ?? Fumble Result: *3|You should have maintained your armor! The joints of your armor seize up, freezing you in place. You cannot move or make an attack for [[ 1d3 ]] rounds. Unarmored characters are not affected.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 11 ?? Fumble Result: *3|Your wild swing leaves you off balance. You take a **-4** penalty to your next attack roll.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 12 ?? Fumble Result: *3|You inadvertently swing at one randomly determined ally within range. Make an attack roll against that ally using the same attack die you just attempted to use.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 13 ?? Fumble Result: *3|You trip badly. You fall hard, suffering [[ 1d3 ]] damage in the process. You are prone and must use your next round to stand.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 14 ?? Fumble Result: *3|Like a turtle on its back, you slip and land upside down, flailing about and unable to right yourself. You must fight from a prone position for the next round before you can recover your balance and rise.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 == 15 ?? Fumble Result: *3|You somehow manage to wound yourself, taking normal damage.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base == 1 AND $F3 >= 16 ?? Fumble Result: *3|You accidentally strike yourself for normal damage plus an extra **1** point. In addition, you fall on your back and are unable to right yourself until you make a DC 16 Agility check.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 <= 0 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Battle rage makes friend and foe indistinguishable. Foe is hit for +[[ 1d12 ]] damage, and the ally nearest him is also hit by a rebounding blow for [[ 1d4 ]] damage.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 1 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Savage attack! Inflict +[[ 1d6 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 2 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Attack sweeps foe off his feet. Next round, the enemy is prone.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 3 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Foe steps into attack. Inflict +[[ 1d8 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 4 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Powerful strike hammers foe to his knees. Make another attack.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 5 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Smash foe’s nose in an explosion of blood. Inflict +[[ 1d6 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe loses his sense of smell for [[ 1d4 ]] hours.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 6 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Brutal strike to torso. Inflict +[[ 1d8 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe suffers multiple broken ribs
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 7 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike to hand knocks weapon into the air. The weapon lands [[ 1d20+5]] feet away.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 8 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow caroms off skull, deafening foe for [[ 1d6 ]] days. Inflict +[[ 1d6 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 9 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike to leg splinters femur. Inflict +[[ 2d6 ]] damage with this strike and foe loses 10 feet of movement until healed.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 10 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Sunder foe’s weapon! Shards of metal ll the
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 11 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike hammers foe’s belly causing massive internal bleeding. Unless he receives magical healing, the foe dies in [[ 1d5 ]] hours.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 12 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow to cranium staggers foe. The foe must make a Fort save [[ 10 + @{selected|Level} ]] or sink to the floor, unconscious.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 13 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike breaks foe’s jaw. Blood and shattered teeth ooze down the foe’s face. Inflict +[[ 1d8 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 14 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Attack hammers foe’s torso. Inflict +[[ 2d8 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 15 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike dislocates shoulder! Inflict +[[ 1d8 ]] damage and shield arm hangs loosley by muscle and skin; no AC bonuses from shield.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 16 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Attack hammers foe’s torso. Inflict +[[ 2d8 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 17 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Furious blows hammer target prone. Make another attack.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 18 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow hammers shards of bone into foe’s forebrain; gray matter oozes out. Inflict +[[ 1d8 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe suffers [[ 1d4 ]] points of Int and Per loss.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 19 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Devastating strike to the chest. Inflict +[[ 2d8 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 20 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Chest strike stuns foe for [[ 1d3 ]] rounds. Inflict +[[ 1d8 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 21 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike to leg shatters femur, knocking foe to the ground. Foe’s movement drops by half. Inflict +[[ 2d8 ]] damage with this strike and make another attack.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 22 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Weapon arm sundered by strike. The weapon is lost along with any chance of making an attack with this arm.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 23 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow craters skull. Inflict +[[ 2d8 ]] damage with this strike, and the target permanently loses 1d4 Int and Per.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 24 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Masterful strike to throat. Inflict +[[ 2d8 ]] damage with this strike and the foe staggers about gasping for air for [[ 1d4 ]] rounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 25 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Attack punches shattered ribs through lungs. Foe loses 50% of his remaining hit points and vomits copious amounts of blood.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 26 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Attack shatters foe’s face, destroying both eyes. Inflict +[[ 2d8 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe is permanently blinded.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 == 27 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Crushing blow hammers chest. Inflict +[[ 3d8 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 15 + @{selected|Level} ]] or be knocked unconscious.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 3 AND $C1 >= 28 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow destroys spinal column. Inflict +[[ 3d8 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 15 + @{selected|Level} ]] or suffer paralysis.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 <= 0 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Battle rage makes friend and foe indistinguishable. Foe is hit for +[[ 2d8 ]] damage, and the ally nearest him is also hit by a rebounding blow for [[ 1d4 ]] damage
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 1 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Herculean blow. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with
this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 2 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Ferocious strike leaves foe’s weapon hand dangling from the stump of a wrist. Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 3 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike sweeps foe to the ground. Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike and make another attack on prone enemy.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 4 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Hammering blow drives nose cartilage into brain. Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe suffers [[ 1d6 ]] Int loss.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 5 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Foe’s weapon shattered. If the foe has no weapon, inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 6 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike shatters foe’s breastbone. The foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 15 + @{selected|Level} ]] or fall un-conscious as his internal organs collapse.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 7 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Foe driven back by furious assault. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike and the foe forgoes his next attack.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 8 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Concussive strike leaves foe dazed. Inflict +[[ 1d8 ]] damage with this strike and make a second attack.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 9 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow to throat carries through to spinal column, reducing everything in between to pasty mush. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe loses speech for [[ 1d4 ]] weeks.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 10 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow craters temple. The foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 15 + @{selected|Level} ]] or be blinded by pain and blood for [[ 1d4 ]] rounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 11 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike reduces face to a formless mass of flesh and bone fragments. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe has trouble making hard consonants.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 12 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|You see red! Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike as you are overcome by battle rage!
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 13 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Hammering strike to torso crushes lesser organs into paste. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 14 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow to spinal column numbs lower limbs. The foe suffers a **-4** penalty to AC as he learns to walk again.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 15 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Fearsome strike drives enemy to the blood splattered floor. Foe cowers in fear and is prone for [[ 1d4 ]] rounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 16 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow shatters shield. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike. If the foe has no shield he is stunned by pain for [[ 1d4 ]] rounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 17 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Foe’s kneecap explodes into red mist. Foe’s movement drops to 0’, and you make another attack.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 18 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Frontal lobotomy. Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 15 + @{selected|Level} ]] or suffer amnesia. The foe is stunned for [[ 1d4 ]] rounds regardless.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 19 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike to weapon arm. Foe takes triple damage from his own weapon as it is hammered into his face. Foe drops weapon in dumbfounded awe.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 20 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow crushes spinal cord. Inflict +[[ 3d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 15 + @{selected|Level} ]] or suffer permanent paralysis.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 21 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow reduces internal organs to jelly. Death is inevitable in [[ 1d8 ]] rounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 22 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Target is disemboweled, spilling his entrails onto the ground. The foe dies of shock in [[ 1d6 ]] rounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 == 23 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike to chest explodes heart. Inflict +[[ 3d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 15 + @{selected|Level} ]] or die instantly.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 4 AND $C1 >= 24 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Skull crushed like a melon. Inflict +[[ 3d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 20 + @{selected|Level} ]] or die in [[ 1d3 ]] rounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 <= 0 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Battle rage makes friend and foe indistinguishable. Foe is hit for +[[ 3d8 ]] damage, and the ally nearest him is also hit by a rebounding blow for [[ 1d4 ]] damage.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 1 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Foe’s weapon shattered. If the foe has no weapon, inflict +[[ 3d12 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 2 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Furious assault hurls foe back 1d10’. Any adjacent foes accidentally strike the target for damage.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 3 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow to skull destroys ear. Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe suffers permanent deafness.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 4 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike to gut! The foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 20 + @{selected|Level} ]] or spend the next 2 rounds retching bile from a ruptured stomach.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 5 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Foe casts weapon away and wails for mercy. Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike and make another attack.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 6 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike scalps foe. Blood courses down his face, and the foe is effectively blinded until healed.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 7 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Foe entangled on your weapon reducing his AC by -6 while caught. Make another attack.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 >= 8 AND $C1 <= 12 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|You see red! Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike as you are overcome by battle rage!
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 >= 13 AND $C1 <= 14 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike to weapon arm. Foe takes quadruple damage from his own weapon as it is hammered into his face. Foe drops weapon in dumbfounded awe.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 15 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow sunders shield. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike. If the foe has no shield, he must make a Fort save DC [[ 20 + @{selected|Level} ]] or be knocked unconscious from the pain.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 16 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike to top of skull shortens spinal column, shortening foe by 6”. Resulting nerve damage reduces foe’s AC by -4.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 17 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Target is disemboweled, spilling his entrails onto the ground. Foe dies instantly of shock.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 18 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow destroys target’s face. Foe is immediately rendered blind and deaf and is now capable of only wet, gurgling sounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 19 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike removes crown of target's skull. Foe dies from exposed brain matter in [[ 3d3 ]] rounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 20 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow severs shield arm. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike. Foe’s hopes of two-handed weapon mastery dashed.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 21 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Godly attack. Inflict +[[ 3d12 ]] damage with this strike. If the target dies, move up to 10’ and make another attack on any foe within 10’.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 22 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Blow severs leg. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe’s movement drops to zero. Foe does nothing but wail in agony for [[ 1d4 ]] rounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 23 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike to skull stuns foe for [[ 1d4+1 ]] rounds and permanently reduces Int by [[ 1d12 ]]. Make another attack on your inert foe.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 24 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike severs weapon arm. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe is disarmed, literally and figuratively.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 25 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Devastating strike to torso voids foe’s bowels and crushes organs into paste. Foe loses 50% of current hit points and all dignity.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 26 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Strike crushes throat. Foe begins drowning in his own blood and expires in [[ 1d4 ]] rounds.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 == 27 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Crippling blow to spine. Inflict +[[ 4d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe suffers permanent paralysis.
--?? $A1.base >= $cs1 AND $T == 5 AND $C1 >= 28 ?? Crit Table Result: *1|Foe decapitated with a single strike. You are Death incarnate. Continue to make attacks against any foes within 10’ until you miss.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 <= 0 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Battle rage makes friend and foe indistinguishable. Foe is hit for +[[ 3d8 ]] damage, and the ally nearest him is also hit by a rebounding blow for [[ 1d4 ]] damage.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 1 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Foe’s weapon shattered. If the foe has no weapon, inflict +[[ 3d12 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 2 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Furious assault hurls foe back 1d10’. Any adjacent foes accidentally strike the target for damage.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 3 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Blow to skull destroys ear. Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe suffers permanent deafness.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 4 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Strike to gut! The foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 20 + @{selected|Level} ]] or spend the next 2 rounds retching bile from a ruptured stomach.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 5 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Foe casts weapon away and wails for mercy. Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike and make another attack.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 6 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Strike scalps foe. Blood courses down his face, and the foe is effectively blinded until healed.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 7 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Foe entangled on your weapon reducing his AC by -6 while caught. Make another attack.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 >= 8 AND $C2 <= 12 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|You see red! Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike as you are overcome by battle rage!
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 >= 13 AND $C2 <= 14 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Strike to weapon arm. Foe takes quadruple damage from his own weapon as it is hammered into his face. Foe drops weapon in dumbfounded awe.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 15 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Blow sunders shield. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike. If the foe has no shield, he must make a Fort save DC [[ 20 + @{selected|Level} ]] or be knocked unconscious from the pain.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 16 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Strike to top of skull shortens spinal column, shortening foe by 6”. Resulting nerve damage reduces foe’s AC by -4.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 17 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Target is disemboweled, spilling his entrails onto the ground. Foe dies instantly of shock.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 18 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Blow destroys target’s face. Foe is immediately rendered blind and deaf and is now capable of only wet, gurgling sounds.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 19 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Strike removes crown of target's skull. Foe dies from exposed brain matter in [[ 3d3 ]] rounds.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 20 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Blow severs shield arm. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike. Foe’s hopes of two-handed weapon mastery dashed.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 21 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Godly attack. Inflict +[[ 3d12 ]] damage with this strike. If the target dies, move up to 10’ and make another attack on any foe within 10’.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 22 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Blow severs leg. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe’s movement drops to zero. Foe does nothing but wail in agony for [[ 1d4 ]] rounds.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 23 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Strike to skull stuns foe for [[ 1d4+1 ]] rounds and permanently reduces Int by [[ 1d12 ]]. Make another attack on your inert foe.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 24 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Strike severs weapon arm. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe is disarmed, literally and figuratively.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 25 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Devastating strike to torso voids foe’s bowels and crushes organs into paste. Foe loses 50% of current hit points and all dignity.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 26 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Strike crushes throat. Foe begins drowning in his own blood and expires in [[ 1d4 ]] rounds.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 == 27 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Crippling blow to spine. Inflict +[[ 4d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe suffers permanent paralysis.
--?? @{Level} >= 5 AND $A2.base >= $cs2 AND $C2 >= 28 ?? Crit Table Result: *2|Foe decapitated with a single strike. You are Death incarnate. Continue to make attacks against any foes within 10’ until you miss.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 <= 0 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Battle rage makes friend and foe indistinguishable. Foe is hit for +[[ 3d8 ]] damage, and the ally nearest him is also hit by a rebounding blow for [[ 1d4 ]] damage.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 1 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Foe’s weapon shattered. If the foe has no weapon, inflict +[[ 3d12 ]] damage with this strike.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 2 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Furious assault hurls foe back 1d10’. Any adjacent foes accidentally strike the target for damage.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 3 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Blow to skull destroys ear. Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe suffers permanent deafness.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 4 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Strike to gut! The foe must make a Fort save DC [[ 20 + @{selected|Level} ]] or spend the next 2 rounds retching bile from a ruptured stomach.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 5 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Foe casts weapon away and wails for mercy. Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike and make another attack.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 6 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Strike scalps foe. Blood courses down his face, and the foe is effectively blinded until healed.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 7 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Foe entangled on your weapon reducing his AC by -6 while caught. Make another attack.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 >= 8 AND $C3 <= 12 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|You see red! Inflict +[[ 1d12 ]] damage with this strike as you are overcome by battle rage!
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 >= 13 AND $C3 <= 14 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Strike to weapon arm. Foe takes quadruple damage from his own weapon as it is hammered into his face. Foe drops weapon in dumbfounded awe.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 15 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Blow sunders shield. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike. If the foe has no shield, he must make a Fort save DC [[ 20 + @{selected|Level} ]] or be knocked unconscious from the pain.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 16 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Strike to top of skull shortens spinal column, shortening foe by 6”. Resulting nerve damage reduces foe’s AC by -4.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 17 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Target is disemboweled, spilling his entrails onto the ground. Foe dies instantly of shock.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 18 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Blow destroys target’s face. Foe is immediately rendered blind and deaf and is now capable of only wet, gurgling sounds.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 19 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Strike removes crown of target's skull. Foe dies from exposed brain matter in [[ 3d3 ]] rounds.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 20 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Blow severs shield arm. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike. Foe’s hopes of two-handed weapon mastery dashed.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 21 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Godly attack. Inflict +[[ 3d12 ]] damage with this strike. If the target dies, move up to 10’ and make another attack on any foe within 10’.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 22 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Blow severs leg. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe’s movement drops to zero. Foe does nothing but wail in agony for [[ 1d4 ]] rounds.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 23 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Strike to skull stuns foe for [[ 1d4+1 ]] rounds and permanently reduces Int by [[ 1d12 ]]. Make another attack on your inert foe.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 24 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Strike severs weapon arm. Inflict +[[ 2d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe is disarmed, literally and figuratively.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 25 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Devastating strike to torso voids foe’s bowels and crushes organs into paste. Foe loses 50% of current hit points and all dignity.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 26 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Strike crushes throat. Foe begins drowning in his own blood and expires in [[ 1d4 ]] rounds.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 == 27 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Crippling blow to spine. Inflict +[[ 4d12 ]] damage with this strike, and the foe suffers permanent paralysis.
--?? @{Level} >= 10 AND $A3.base >= $cs3 AND $C3 >= 28 ?? Crit Table Result: *3|Foe decapitated with a single strike. You are Death incarnate. Continue to make attacks against any foes within 10’ until you miss.
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