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Created March 17, 2016 21:36
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! ?{Test|Summoning, (1) attempts to ``summon``|Binding, (2) attempts to ``bind``} ?{Magic + Skill + Modifiers|6 + 3 +0} (Note: this line is hidden from the text chat.)
/me ?{Test} a ``Force ?{Force|1} spirit!``
?{Do you Push the Limit?|
No,?{Does the spirit Push the Limit?|
/r [[ (?{Magic + Skill + Modifiers})d6>5cs>5sdk?{Force} ]] - [[ [Spirit's Defense Test] [[?{Force} * ?{Test}]]d6>5cs>5sd ]] = Net Hits:
/w gm [``***Spirit:***`` Push the Limit?](!
/desc The spirit spends a point of Edge [Rating ?{Spirit's Edge Rating|1}] to Push the Limit... and got [[ ?{Spirit's Edge Rating}d6>5cs>5sdk1337! ]] extra hits!) [``***Spirit:***`` Second Chance?](!
/desc The spirit spends a point of Edge to reroll [[?{Dice to reroll|1}]] dice... and got [[ ?{Dice to reroll}d6>5cs>5sd ]] extra hits!) |
Yes,/me struggles to control the spirit as it spends a point of Edge ``[Rating ?{Spirit's Edge Rating|1}]`` to Push the Limit!
/r [[ (?{Magic + Skill + Modifiers})d6>5cs>5sdk?{Force} ]] - [[ [[?{Force} * ?{Test} + ?{Spirit's Edge Rating}]]d6>5cs>5sd ]] = Net Hits:
/w gm [Push the Limit?](!
/me spends a point of Edge [Rating ?{Your Edge Rating|1}] to Push the Limit... and got [[ ?{Your Edge Rating}d6>5cs>5sdk1337! ]] extra hits!) [Second Chance?](!
/me spends a point of Edge to reroll [[?{Dice to reroll|1}]] dice... and got [[ ?{Dice to reroll}d6>5cs>5sd ]] extra hits!) |
Yes,/me spends a point of Edge ``[Rating ?{Your Edge Rating|1}]`` to Push the Limit!
?{Does the spirit Push the Limit?|
/r [[ (?{Magic + Skill + Modifiers} + ?{Your Edge Rating})d6>5cs>5sdk1337! ]] - [[ [[?{Force} * ?{Test}]]d6>5cs>5sd ]] = Net Hits:
/w gm [``***Spirit:***`` Push the Limit?](!
/desc The spirit spends a point of Edge [Rating ?{Spirit's Edge Rating|1}] to Push the Limit... and got [[ ?{Spirit's Edge Rating}d6>5cs>5sdk1337! ]] extra hits!) [``***Spirit:***`` Second Chance?](!
/desc The spirit spends a point of Edge to reroll [[?{Dice to reroll|1}]] dice... and got [[ ?{Dice to reroll}d6>5cs>5sd ]] extra hits!) |
Yes,/me struggles to control the spirit as it spends a point of Edge ``[Rating ?{Spirit's Edge Rating|1}]`` to Push the Limit!
/r [[ (?{Magic + Skill + Modifiers} + ?{Your Edge Rating})d6>5cs>5sdk1337! ]] - [[ [[?{Force} * ?{Test} + ?{Spirit's Edge Rating}]]d6>5cs>5sd ]] = Net Hits:
/w gm ``[Resist Drain](!
?{Do you Push the Limit?|No,/me attempts to resist [[ {?{Spirit's Hits|1} [Spirit's Hits] * 2, 2}kh1 ]] DV... and takes [[ {[[{?{Spirit's Hits} * 2, 2}kh1]] - (?{Magic + Drain Attribute + Modifiers|6 + 3 +0})d6>5cs>5sd, 0d0>0}kh1 ]] boxes of damage!
/w gm [Push the Limit?](!
/me spends a point of Edge [Rating ?{Your Edge Rating|1}] to Push the Limit... and reduced their damage taken by [[ ?{Your Edge Rating}d6>5cs>5sdk1337! ]] boxes!) [Second Chance?](!
/me spends a point of Edge to reroll [[?{Dice to reroll|1}]] dice... and reduced their damage taken by [[ ?{Dice to reroll}d6>5cs>5sd ]] boxes!) |Yes,/me attempts to resist [[ {?{Spirit's Hits|1} * 2, 2}kh1 ]] DV... and takes [[ {[[{?{Spirit's Hits} [Spirit's Hits] * 2, 2}kh1]] - (?{Magic + Drain Attribute + Modifiers|6 + 3 +0} + ?{Your Edge Rating|1})d6>5cs>5sdk1337!, 0d0>0}kh1 ]] boxes of damage! })``
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