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Created June 3, 2015 01:46
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Adding .md-fg and .md-bg to the dynamic css for material design
/* Inspired from */
(function () {
"use strict";
* @ngdoc run
* @module material.core.color
* @description
* This builds in the css styles to allow use of to apply the accent class to the foreground (css color attribute).
* The two classes are .md-fg and .md-bg to apply color and background-color to the element respectively
var _$mdThemingProvider;
.config(['$mdThemingProvider', function($mdThemingProvider){
_$mdThemingProvider = $mdThemingProvider;
.run(['$interpolate', '$document', function($interpolate, $document){
function buildCssSelectors(selectors) {
var result = selectors.join('') + ', ';
var spaced = [];
while(selectors.length > 0){
result += spaced.join(' ')} + ' ' + selectors.join('') + ', ';
result += spaced.join(' ');
return result;
var fgDefault = $interpolate(buildCssSelectors(['.md-{{theme}}-theme','.md-fg']) + ' { color:{{value}};}');
var bgDefault = $interpolate(buildCssSelectors(['.md-{{theme}}-theme','.md-bg']) + ' { background-color:{{value}};}');
var fgDefaultHue = $interpolate(buildCssSelectors(['.md-{{theme}}-theme','.md-{{hue}}','.md-fg']) + ' { color:{{value}};}');
var bgDefaultHue = $interpolate(buildCssSelectors(['.md-{{theme}}-theme','.md-{{hue}}','.md-bg']) + ' { background-color:{{value}};}');
var fgColor = $interpolate(buildCssSelectors(['.md-{{theme}}-theme','.md-{{color}}','.md-fg']) + ' { color:{{value}};}');
var bgColor = $interpolate(buildCssSelectors(['.md-{{theme}}-theme','.md-{{color}}','.md-bg']) + ' { background-color:{{value}};}');
var fgHue = $interpolate(buildCssSelectors(['.md-{{theme}}-theme','.md-{{color}}.md-{{hue}}','.md-fg']) + ' { color:{{value}};}');
var bgHue = $interpolate(buildCssSelectors(['.md-{{theme}}-theme','.md-{{color}}.md-{{hue}}','.md-bg']) + ' { background-color:{{value}};}');
var customSheet = getStyleSheet();
var index = 0;
// clear out old rules from stylesheet
while (customSheet.cssRules.length > 0 ) {
angular.forEach(_$mdThemingProvider._THEMES, function(themeName, theme){
addRule(fgDefault, bgDefault, themeName, 'primary', _$mdThemingProvider._PALETTES[theme.colors['primary'].name][theme.colors['primary'].hues.default]);
addRule(fgDefaultHue, bgDefaultHue, themeName, 'primary', _$mdThemingProvider._PALETTES[theme.colors['primary'].name][theme.colors['primary'].hues.hue-2], 'hue-2');
addRule(fgDefaultHue, bgDefaultHue, themeName, 'primary', _$mdThemingProvider._PALETTES[theme.colors['primary'].name][theme.colors['primary'].hues.hue-3], 'hue-3');
addRule(fgDefaultHue, bgDefaultHue, themeName, 'primary', _$mdThemingProvider._PALETTES[theme.colors['primary'].name][theme.colors['primary'].hues.hue-1], 'hue-1');
angular.foreach(theme.colors, function(paletteName, color){
addRule(fgColor, bgColor, themeName, paletteName, _$mdThemingProvider._PALETTES[][color.hues.default]);
addRule(fgHue, bgHue, themeName, paletteName, _$mdThemingProvider._PALETTES[][color.hues.hue-2], 'hue-2');
addRule(fgHue, bgHue, themeName, paletteName, _$mdThemingProvider._PALETTES[][color.hues.hue-3], 'hue-3');
addRule(fgHue, bgHue, themeName, paletteName, _$mdThemingProvider._PALETTES[][color.hues.hue-1], 'hue-1');
function addRule(fgInterpolate, bgInterpolate, themeName, paletteName, colorArray, hueName){
// set up interpolation functions to build css rules.
if(!colorArray) return;
var colorValue = 'rgb(' + colorArray.value[0] + ',' + colorArray.value[1] + ',' + colorArray.value[2] + ')';
theme: themeName,
color: paletteName,
value: colorValue,
hue: hueName
}), index);
index += 1;
// insert background color rule
theme: themeName,
color: paletteName,
value: colorValue,
hue: hueName
}), index);
index += 1;
function getStyleSheet() {
// function to ad an dynamic style-sheet to the document
var style = $document[0].head.querySelector('style[title="Dynamic-Generated-by-$mdColors"]');
if (style === null) {
style = $document[0].createElement('style');
style.title = 'Dynamic-Generated-by-$mdColors';
// WebKit hack... (not sure if still needed)
return style.sheet;
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