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ecommerce types
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file has been generated by Sanity TypeGen.
* Command: `sanity typegen generate`
* Any modifications made directly to this file will be overwritten the next time
* the TypeScript definitions are generated. Please make changes to the Sanity
* schema definitions and/or GROQ queries if you need to update these types.
* For more information on how to use Sanity TypeGen, visit the official documentation:
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Source: schema.json
export type SanityImagePaletteSwatch = {
_type: 'sanity.imagePaletteSwatch';
background?: string;
foreground?: string;
population?: number;
title?: string;
export type SanityImagePalette = {
_type: 'sanity.imagePalette';
darkMuted?: SanityImagePaletteSwatch;
lightVibrant?: SanityImagePaletteSwatch;
darkVibrant?: SanityImagePaletteSwatch;
vibrant?: SanityImagePaletteSwatch;
dominant?: SanityImagePaletteSwatch;
lightMuted?: SanityImagePaletteSwatch;
muted?: SanityImagePaletteSwatch;
export type SanityImageDimensions = {
_type: 'sanity.imageDimensions';
height?: number;
width?: number;
aspectRatio?: number;
export type SanityFileAsset = {
_id: string;
_type: 'sanity.fileAsset';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
originalFilename?: string;
label?: string;
title?: string;
description?: string;
altText?: string;
sha1hash?: string;
extension?: string;
mimeType?: string;
size?: number;
assetId?: string;
uploadId?: string;
path?: string;
url?: string;
source?: SanityAssetSourceData;
export type Geopoint = {
_type: 'geopoint';
lat?: number;
lng?: number;
alt?: number;
export type PortableTextSimple = Array<{
children?: Array<{
marks?: Array<string>;
text?: string;
_type: 'span';
_key: string;
style?: 'normal' | 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6' | 'blockquote';
listItem?: 'bullet' | 'number';
markDefs?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkProduct)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkEmail)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkInternal)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkExternal)
level?: number;
_type: 'block';
_key: string;
export type PortableText = Array<
| {
children?: Array<{
marks?: Array<string>;
text?: string;
_type: 'span';
_key: string;
style?: 'normal' | 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6' | 'blockquote';
listItem?: 'bullet' | 'number';
markDefs?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkProduct)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkEmail)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkInternal)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkExternal)
level?: number;
_type: 'block';
_key: string;
| ({
_key: string;
} & Accordion)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Callout)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Grid)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Images)
| ({
_key: string;
} & ImageWithProductHotspots)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Instagram)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Products)
export type Settings = {
_id: string;
_type: 'settings';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
menu?: Menu;
footer?: FooterSettings;
customProductOptions?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & CustomProductOptionColor)
| ({
_key: string;
} & CustomProductOptionSize)
notFoundPage?: NotFoundPage;
seo?: Seo;
export type Spot = {
_type: 'spot';
productWithVariant?: ProductWithVariant;
x?: number;
y?: number;
export type ProxyString = string;
export type ProductVariant = {
_id: string;
_type: 'productVariant';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
hidden?: string;
titleProxy?: ProxyString;
store?: ShopifyProductVariant;
export type ShopifyProductVariant = {
_type: 'shopifyProductVariant';
createdAt?: string;
updatedAt?: string;
status?: 'active' | 'archived' | 'draft';
isDeleted?: boolean;
title?: string;
sku?: string;
id?: number;
gid?: string;
productId?: number;
productGid?: string;
price?: number;
compareAtPrice?: number;
inventory?: Inventory;
option1?: string;
option2?: string;
option3?: string;
previewImageUrl?: string;
export type ProductReference = {
_type: 'productReference';
productWithVariant?: ProductWithVariant;
export type ProductHotspots = Array<
_key: string;
} & Spot
export type Products = {
_type: 'products';
products?: Array<
_key: string;
} & ProductReference
layout?: 'card' | 'pill';
export type PriceRange = {
_type: 'priceRange';
minVariantPrice?: number;
maxVariantPrice?: number;
export type PlaceholderString = string;
export type Option = {
_type: 'option';
name?: string;
values?: Array<string>;
export type NotFoundPage = {
_type: 'notFoundPage';
title?: string;
body?: string;
collection?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'collection';
colorTheme?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'colorTheme';
export type Menu = {
_type: 'menu';
links?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & CollectionGroup)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkInternal)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkExternal)
export type MenuLinks = Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & CollectionGroup)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkInternal)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkExternal)
export type Inventory = {
_type: 'inventory';
isAvailable?: boolean;
management?: string;
policy?: string;
export type Instagram = {
_type: 'instagram';
url?: string;
export type ImageWithProductHotspots = {
_type: 'imageWithProductHotspots';
image?: {
asset?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'sanity.imageAsset';
hotspot?: SanityImageHotspot;
crop?: SanityImageCrop;
_type: 'image';
showHotspots?: boolean;
productHotspots?: ProductHotspots;
export type ImageFeature = {
_type: 'imageFeature';
image?: {
asset?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'sanity.imageAsset';
hotspot?: SanityImageHotspot;
crop?: SanityImageCrop;
_type: 'image';
| string
| 'caption'
| 'callToAction'
| 'productHotspots'
| 'productTags';
caption?: string;
callToAction?: ImageCallToAction;
productHotspots?: ProductHotspots;
productTags?: Array<
_key: string;
} & ProductWithVariant
export type Images = {
_type: 'images';
imageFeatures?: Array<
_key: string;
} & ImageFeature
fullWidth?: boolean;
verticalAlign?: 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom';
export type ImageCallToAction = {
_type: 'imageCallToAction';
title?: string;
link?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkInternal)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkExternal)
export type Grid = {
_type: 'grid';
items?: Array<
_key: string;
} & GridItem
export type GridItem = {
_type: 'gridItem';
title?: string;
image?: {
asset?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'sanity.imageAsset';
hotspot?: SanityImageHotspot;
crop?: SanityImageCrop;
_type: 'image';
body?: PortableTextSimple;
export type FooterSettings = {
_type: 'footerSettings';
links?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkInternal)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkExternal)
text?: PortableTextSimple;
export type CustomProductOptionSize = {
_type: 'customProductOption.size';
title?: string;
sizes?: Array<
_key: string;
} & CustomProductOptionSizeObject
export type CustomProductOptionSizeObject = {
_type: 'customProductOption.sizeObject';
title?: string;
width?: number;
height?: number;
export type CustomProductOptionColor = {
_type: 'customProductOption.color';
title?: string;
colors?: Array<
_key: string;
} & CustomProductOptionColorObject
export type CustomProductOptionColorObject = {
_type: 'customProductOption.colorObject';
title?: string;
color?: Color;
export type CollectionRule = {
_type: 'collectionRule';
column?: string;
relation?: string;
condition?: string;
export type CollectionReference = {
_type: 'collectionReference';
collection?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'collection';
showBackground?: boolean;
export type CollectionLinks = Array<{
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
_key: string;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'collection';
export type CollectionGroup = {
_type: 'collectionGroup';
title?: string;
collectionLinks?: CollectionLinks;
collectionProducts?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'collection';
export type CallToAction = {
_type: 'callToAction';
layout?: 'left' | 'right';
title?: string;
portableText?: string;
link?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkInternal)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkExternal)
content?: Array<
| {
asset?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'sanity.imageAsset';
hotspot?: SanityImageHotspot;
crop?: SanityImageCrop;
_type: 'image';
_key: string;
| ({
_key: string;
} & ProductWithVariant)
export type Callout = {
_type: 'callout';
text?: string;
link?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkInternal)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkExternal)
export type Accordion = {
_type: 'accordion';
groups?: Array<
_key: string;
} & AccordionGroup
export type AccordionGroup = {
_type: 'accordionGroup';
title?: string;
body?: PortableTextSimple;
export type LinkProduct = {
_type: 'linkProduct';
productWithVariant?: ProductWithVariant;
linkAction?: 'link' | 'addToCart' | 'buyNow';
quantity?: number;
export type ProductWithVariant = {
_type: 'productWithVariant';
product?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'product';
variant?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'productVariant';
export type LinkInternal = {
_type: 'linkInternal';
| {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'collection';
| {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'home';
| {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'page';
| {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'product';
export type Product = {
_id: string;
_type: 'product';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
hidden?: string;
titleProxy?: ProxyString;
slugProxy?: ProxyString;
colorTheme?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'colorTheme';
body?: PortableText;
store?: ShopifyProduct;
seo?: Seo;
export type ShopifyProduct = {
_type: 'shopifyProduct';
createdAt?: string;
updatedAt?: string;
status?: 'active' | 'archived' | 'draft';
isDeleted?: boolean;
title?: string;
id?: number;
gid?: string;
slug?: Slug;
descriptionHtml?: string;
productType?: string;
vendor?: string;
tags?: string;
priceRange?: PriceRange;
previewImageUrl?: string;
options?: Array<
_key: string;
} & Option
variants?: Array<{
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
_key: string;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'productVariant';
export type Page = {
_id: string;
_type: 'page';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
title?: string;
slug?: Slug;
colorTheme?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'colorTheme';
showHero?: boolean;
hero?: Hero;
body?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & Accordion)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Callout)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Grid)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Images)
| ({
_key: string;
} & ImageWithProductHotspots)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Instagram)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Products)
seo?: Seo;
export type Home = {
_id: string;
_type: 'home';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
hero?: Hero;
modules?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & Accordion)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Callout)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Grid)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Images)
| ({
_key: string;
} & ImageWithProductHotspots)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Instagram)
| ({
_key: string;
} & Products)
seo?: Seo;
export type Collection = {
_id: string;
_type: 'collection';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
hidden?: string;
titleProxy?: ProxyString;
slugProxy?: ProxyString;
colorTheme?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'colorTheme';
vector?: {
asset?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'sanity.imageAsset';
hotspot?: SanityImageHotspot;
crop?: SanityImageCrop;
_type: 'image';
showHero?: boolean;
hero?: Hero;
modules?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & Callout)
| ({
_key: string;
} & CallToAction)
| {
asset?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'sanity.imageAsset';
hotspot?: SanityImageHotspot;
crop?: SanityImageCrop;
_type: 'image';
_key: string;
| ({
_key: string;
} & Instagram)
store?: ShopifyCollection;
seo?: Seo;
export type Seo = {
_type: 'seo';
title?: string;
description?: string;
image?: {
asset?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'sanity.imageAsset';
hotspot?: SanityImageHotspot;
crop?: SanityImageCrop;
_type: 'image';
export type ShopifyCollection = {
_type: 'shopifyCollection';
createdAt?: string;
updatedAt?: string;
isDeleted?: boolean;
title?: string;
id?: number;
gid?: string;
slug?: Slug;
descriptionHtml?: string;
imageUrl?: string;
rules?: Array<
_key: string;
} & CollectionRule
disjunctive?: boolean;
sortOrder?: string;
export type Hero = {
_type: 'hero';
title?: string;
description?: string;
link?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkInternal)
| ({
_key: string;
} & LinkExternal)
content?: Array<
| ({
_key: string;
} & ProductWithVariant)
| ({
_key: string;
} & ImageWithProductHotspots)
export type SanityImageCrop = {
_type: 'sanity.imageCrop';
top?: number;
bottom?: number;
left?: number;
right?: number;
export type SanityImageHotspot = {
_type: 'sanity.imageHotspot';
x?: number;
y?: number;
height?: number;
width?: number;
export type SanityImageAsset = {
_id: string;
_type: 'sanity.imageAsset';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
originalFilename?: string;
label?: string;
title?: string;
description?: string;
altText?: string;
sha1hash?: string;
extension?: string;
mimeType?: string;
size?: number;
assetId?: string;
uploadId?: string;
path?: string;
url?: string;
metadata?: SanityImageMetadata;
source?: SanityAssetSourceData;
export type SanityAssetSourceData = {
_type: 'sanity.assetSourceData';
name?: string;
id?: string;
url?: string;
export type SanityImageMetadata = {
_type: 'sanity.imageMetadata';
location?: Geopoint;
dimensions?: SanityImageDimensions;
palette?: SanityImagePalette;
lqip?: string;
blurHash?: string;
hasAlpha?: boolean;
isOpaque?: boolean;
export type ColorTheme = {
_id: string;
_type: 'colorTheme';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
title?: string;
text?: Color;
background?: Color;
export type LinkExternal = {
_type: 'linkExternal';
url?: string;
newWindow?: boolean;
export type LinkEmail = {
_type: 'linkEmail';
email?: string;
export type MediaTag = {
_id: string;
_type: 'media.tag';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
name?: Slug;
export type Slug = {
_type: 'slug';
current?: string;
source?: string;
export type Color = {
_type: 'color';
hex?: string;
alpha?: number;
hsl?: HslaColor;
hsv?: HsvaColor;
rgb?: RgbaColor;
export type RgbaColor = {
_type: 'rgbaColor';
r?: number;
g?: number;
b?: number;
a?: number;
export type HsvaColor = {
_type: 'hsvaColor';
h?: number;
s?: number;
v?: number;
a?: number;
export type HslaColor = {
_type: 'hslaColor';
h?: number;
s?: number;
l?: number;
a?: number;
export declare const internalGroqTypeReferenceTo: unique symbol;
// Source: ../sanity-and-hydrogen/app/sanity/queries.ts
// Variable: PAGE_QUERY
// Query: *[_type == "page" && slug.current == $slug][0]{..., body[]{ _key, _type, ..., _type == "products" => { products[]{ productWithVariant { "product": product->{ "title": store.title, "image": store.previewImageUrl, "slug": store.slug, "price": store.priceRange, }, "variant": variant->{ "title": store.title, "image": store.previewImageUrl, "price": store.price, }, } } } }}
export type PAGE_QUERYResult = {
_id: string;
_type: 'page';
_createdAt: string;
_updatedAt: string;
_rev: string;
title?: string;
slug?: Slug;
colorTheme?: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak?: boolean;
[internalGroqTypeReferenceTo]?: 'colorTheme';
showHero?: boolean;
hero?: Hero;
body: Array<
| {
_key: string;
_type: 'accordion';
| {
_key: string;
_type: 'callout';
| {
_key: string;
_type: 'grid';
| {
_key: string;
_type: 'images';
| {
_key: string;
_type: 'imageWithProductHotspots';
| {
_key: string;
_type: 'instagram';
| {
_key: string;
_type: 'products';
products: Array<{
productWithVariant: {
product: {
title: string | null;
image: string | null;
slug: Slug | null;
price: PriceRange | null;
} | null;
variant: {
title: string | null;
image: string | null;
price: number | null;
} | null;
} | null;
}> | null;
> | null;
seo?: Seo;
} | null;
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