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Created December 13, 2022 20:25
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A minimal example how pytsql changes the autocommit behaviour of engines
import random
import string
import pytest
import pytsql
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
TEMPDB_CONN_STR = "mssql+pyodbc://sa:QuantCo123@localhost:1433/tempdb?"
def show_bug(
tempdb_connection_string: str,
break_with_root_cause: bool,
fix_by_disabling_pooling: bool,
db: str = "tempdb",
eng = sqlalchemy.create_engine(
connect_args={"autocommit": True},
**({"poolclass": NullPool} if fix_by_disabling_pooling else {}),
source_table = random_name()
table_1 = random_name()
table_2 = random_name()
# print("Source table:", source_table)
# print("Table 1:", table_1)
# print("Table 2:", table_2)
with eng.connect() as conn:
conn.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {db}.dbo.{source_table} (ID INT)")
conn.execute(f"INSERT INTO {db}.dbo.{source_table} VALUES (123)")
with eng.connect() as conn:
conn.execute(f"SELECT * INTO {db}.dbo.{table_1} FROM {db}.dbo.{source_table}")
with eng.connect() as conn:
print("Found in table:", conn.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {db}.dbo.{table_1}").all())
if not break_with_root_cause:
pytsql.executes("SELECT 12", eng)
with eng.connect() as conn:
# Won't be committed if no fixes are applied.
conn.execute(f"SELECT * INTO {db}.dbo.{table_2} FROM {db}.dbo.{source_table}")
with eng.connect() as conn:
# Fails with "invalid object name" if no fixes are applied because the above didn't get committed.
print("Found in table:", conn.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {db}.dbo.{table_2}").all())
def random_name() -> str:
return "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=10))
print("Should work")
for break_with_root_cause in [False, True]:
fix_by_disabling_pooling=True, # Disabling pooling fixes it because connections are not reused.
print("Should NOT work")
for break_with_root_cause in [False, True]:
with pytest.raises(sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError, match="Invalid object name"):
print("Told ya")
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