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Created September 20, 2022 11:06
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마비노기 영웅전 강화 시뮬레이션 VBA 소스 코드
Option Explicit
' Global variables
' ---
' Probability Table
Public probTable As ListObject
' Count Table
Public countTable As ListObject
' Item Db Table
Public itemDBTable As ListObject
' Target Sheet
Public targetSheet As Variant
' Full item index
Public wholeItemName As String
' Restore table prefix
Public restorePrefix As String
' Set global variables
Private Sub SetGlobal(ByVal itemType As String)
If LCase(itemType) = "equippment" Then
Set countTable = Sheets("방어구 강화").ListObjects("countLog")
Set itemDBTable = Sheets("아이템 DB").ListObjects("ItemDBTable")
Set probTable = Sheets("방어구 강화").ListObjects("equippment")
wholeItemName = "EquippmentFull"
Set targetSheet = Sheets("방어구 강화")
restorePrefix = "equip_restore_"
Set countTable = Sheets("무기 강화").ListObjects("countLog2")
Set itemDBTable = Sheets("아이템 DB").ListObjects("ItemDBTable")
Set probTable = Sheets("무기 강화").ListObjects("weapon")
wholeItemName = "WeaponFull"
Set targetSheet = Sheets("무기 강화")
restorePrefix = "weapon_restore_"
End If
End Sub
' Get Item's price from item db table by item name
Private Function GetItemPrice(ByVal itemName As String) As Long
Dim row As Variant
Set row = itemDBTable.DataBodyRange.Find(What:=itemName, Lookat:=xlWhole)
GetItemPrice = itemDBTable.ListRows(row.row - 2).Range(3)
End Function
' Clear count tables
Private Sub ClearCountTable()
Dim iListRow As ListRow
For Each iListRow In countTable.ListRows
iListRow.Range(2).Value = 0 ' try count
iListRow.Range(3).Value = 0 ' current stage's cost
Next iListRow
End Sub
Private Function CalculateLinear(ByVal startStage As Integer, ByVal endStage As Integer, ByRef itemBroke As Boolean) As Long
' Dynamic (possibly) indices
Dim stageIndex As Integer: stageIndex = 1
Dim probIndex As Integer: probIndex = 2
Dim penaltyIndex As Integer: penaltyIndex = 3
Dim goldIndex As Integer: goldIndex = 4
Dim elixirIndex As Integer: elixirIndex = 5
Dim stoneIndex As Integer: stoneIndex = 6
' Local variable
Dim currentStage As Integer: currentStage = startStage
Dim TotalCost As Long: TotalCost = Range("endCost").Value
' Use rune variant
Dim useRune As Boolean: useRune = Range("useRune").Value
' constant gold cost to be added
Dim constant As Long: constant = 0
If useRune Then
' Get data from Item DB
constant = GetItemPrice("EnhancementRune")
End If
' Get extra costs
Dim elixirCost As Long: elixirCost = GetItemPrice("EnhancementElixir")
Dim stoneCost As Long: stoneCost = GetItemPrice("EnhancementStone")
' Get Table reference &&
' Define loop variables
Dim count As Integer
Dim cost As Long
Dim prob As Single
Dim penalty As String
Dim countCell As Range
Dim currentCostCell As Range
Dim i As Integer
For i = startStage To endStage
With probTable.ListRows(i).Range
' ---
' Set log related Cell's reference
Set countCell = countTable.ListRows(i).Range.Cells(2)
Set currentCostCell = countTable.ListRows(i).Range.Cells(3)
' Get current stage's gold cost and prob from table
cost = .Cells(goldIndex) + .Cells(stoneIndex) * stoneCost + .Cells(elixirIndex) * elixirCost
prob = .Cells(probIndex)
' Increase try count
countCell.Value = countCell.Value + 1
' Append total cost
TotalCost = TotalCost + cost
' Append current count cost
currentCostCell.Value = currentCostCell.Value + cost
' Try until success
' Rnd is bigger than target probabilty
' THis means failure
While rnd() > prob
' Append costs
TotalCost = TotalCost + cost + constant
currentCostCell.Value = currentCostCell.Value + constant + cost
' Increase count by 1
countCell.Value = countCell.Value + 1
' Check if rune is used or not
If Not useRune Then
' If rune is not used, check for penalty.
penalty = LCase(.Cells(penaltyIndex))
Select Case penalty
Case "impotent"
' Needs to make a whole item again
' Get whole item cost from DB
Dim itemCost As Long: itemCost = GetItemPrice(wholeItemName)
' Early Return
CalculateLinear = TotalCost + itemCost
currentCostCell.Value = currentCostCell.Value + itemCost
itemBroke = True
Exit Function
Case "reset"
' No need to make a whole item
' Early return
CalculateLinear = TotalCost
itemBroke = True
Exit Function
Case "Decline"
' This is theoritically ok, but can be unintended in false input
i = i - 2
Case Else
End Select
End If
' Increase current Stage
currentStage = currentStage + 1
' ---
End With
Next i
' Item is intact
itemBroke = False
' Return total cost
CalculateLinear = TotalCost
End Function
Private Function CalculateNonLinear(ByVal endIndex As Integer) As Long
' Dynamic indices
Dim stageIndex As Integer: stageIndex = 1
Dim probIndex As Integer: probIndex = 2
Dim penaltyIndex As Integer: penaltyIndex = 3
Dim goldIndex As Integer: goldIndex = 4
Dim elixirIndex As Integer: elixirIndex = 5
Dim stoneIndex As Integer: stoneIndex = 6
' Get Table reference
Dim costRow As ListRow
Dim restoreTable As ListObject
' Define costs
Dim costGold As Long: costGold = 0
Dim elixirCost As Long: elixirCost = GetItemPrice("EnhancementElixir")
Dim stoneCost As Long: stoneCost = GetItemPrice("EnhancementStone")
Dim steelCost As Long: steelCost = GetItemPrice("DamascusSteel")
Dim runeCost As Long: runeCost = GetItemPrice("EnhancementRune")
' Declare probabilities
Dim prob As Single: prob = 0
Dim bonusProb As Single: bonusProb = 0
Dim tryCount As Integer: tryCount = 0
' Log related references
Dim countCell As Range
Dim currentCostCell As Range
Dim currentCost As Long: currentCost = 0
' Random number to use for calculation
Dim rndNum As Single: rndNum = 0
Dim i As Integer
For i = 10 To endIndex - 1
' Initiate try Count
tryCount = 1
' Get reference for restore related table
Set restoreTable = targetSheet.ListObjects(restorePrefix & i)
' Get current probability value from probTable
prob = probTable.ListRows(i).Range(2)
With probTable.ListRows(i)
' ---
' Set log related celss reference
Set countCell = countTable.ListRows(i).Range.Cells(2)
Set currentCostCell = countTable.ListRows(i).Range.Cells(3)
' Get random value
rndNum = rnd()
' Calculate current Cost of enhancement
currentCost = .Range(goldIndex) + .Range(stoneIndex) * stoneCost + .Range(elixirIndex) * elixirCost
' Update log
costGold = costGold + currentCost
currentCostCell.Value = currentCostCell.Value + currentCost
' If success
If rndNum <= prob Then
countCell.Value = 1 ' Set count to 1
' If failed
' Try until success
While rndNum > prob + bonusProb
' Add steel money to total cost and current cost
currentCost = restoreTable.ListRows(tryCount).Range(3).Value * steelCost + runeCost
costGold = costGold + currentCost
currentCostCell.Value = currentCostCell.Value + currentCost
' Increase try count
tryCount = tryCount + 1
' Update Count in log
countCell.Value = tryCount
' Check if guarnateed enhancment is triggered
' If triggered, set rndNum to 0
If tryCount = restoreTable.ListRows.count Then
rndNum = 0
rndNum = rnd()
End If
End If
' ---
End With
Next i
' Return total cost Gold
CalculateNonLinear = costGold
End Function
Private Sub PrintErrors(ByVal startIndex As Integer, ByVal endIndex As Integer, ByRef earlyReturn As Boolean)
If startIndex < 0 Or startIndex > 15 Then
MsgBox "Start index should be bigger than 0 and smaller than 15 but given : " & startIndex
earlyReturn = True
Exit Sub
End If
If endIndex < 0 Or endIndex > 15 Then
MsgBox "End index should be bigger than 0 and smaller than 15 but given : " & endIndex
earlyReturn = True
Exit Sub
End If
If startIndex >= endIndex Then
MsgBox "Start index should be smaller than endIndex but given : " & startIndex & " and : " & endIndex & ", for each index."
earlyReturn = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Calculate_Expected_Cost(ByVal itemType As String)
' Set global data source references
SetGlobal itemType
' Set user inputs from worksheets
Dim startStage As Variant: startStage = Range("StartStage").Value
Dim endStage As Variant: endStage = Range("EndStage").Value
Dim earlyReturn As Boolean: earlyReturn = False
Dim endCost As Long: endCost = 0
' Print erros if user input is not valid
PrintErrors startStage, endStage, earlyReturn
' Early return if errors
If earlyReturn Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Clear count table
' Clear Cost
Range("endCost").Value = 0
' Firstly the calcuation has to decide whether it is within simple calculation or
' within complex calcuation
Dim linearEnd As Integer
If endStage >= 10 Then
linearEnd = 10
linearEnd = endStage
End If
' Enhancement for range between 1 ~ 10
If startStage < 10 Then
' Call function
Dim itemBroke As Boolean: itemBroke = True
While itemBroke
endCost = CalculateLinear(startStage, linearEnd, itemBroke)
Range("endCost").Value = endCost
End If
' Enhancement for range between 11 ~ 15
If endStage > 10 Then
endCost = endCost + CalculateNonLinear(endStage)
End If
' Update final end cost
Range("endCost").Value = endCost
End Sub
' Exposed subprocedure
Sub Calculate_equippment_cost()
Calculate_Expected_Cost "equippment"
End Sub
' Exposed subprocedure
Sub Calculate_weapon_cost()
Calculate_Expected_Cost "weapon"
End Sub
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