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Last active February 22, 2021 09:51
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New reification examples
class Main {
static function main() {
import haxe.macro.Expr;
using haxe.macro.ExprTools;
class MyMacro {
macro static public function testReify() {
// ==== $i{string} ====
// Using $i{string} generates an EConst(CIdent(string))
print(macro $i{"foo"}); // foo
// Any code can be used within the { } as long as it yields a String
print(macro $i{"foo".toUpperCase()}); // FOO
// ==== $e{expr} ====
// Both $e{code} and ${code} can be used to execute arbitrary code, as
// long as it returns an Expr
print(macro $e{getExpr()}); // "bar"
print(macro ${getExpr()}); // "bar"
// This can also be nested
print(macro ${macro 1} ); // 1
// ==== $v{dynamic} ====
// This does what $(dynamic) used to do: It creates an expression from
// a given value.
print(macro $v{1} ); // 1
print(macro $v{"foo"} ); // "foo"
// Again, any code can be executed within the { }
print(macro $v { getString() } ); // "myString"
// ==== $a{array} ====
// This does what $[array] used to do: It expects an Array<Expr> and can
// be used in places that do so too:
var myArguments = [macro 1, macro 2]; // Array<Expr>
function myFunction(a, b) return a + b; // Int -> Int -> Int
print(macro myFunction($a { myArguments } )); // myFunction(1,2)
// This includes blocks
print(macro {
}); // { 1; 2; }
// Note that this means something else
print(macro {
$a { myArguments };
$a { myArguments };
}); // { [1,2]; [1,2]; }
// If you don't happen to have an Array<Expr> around, you can create it
// within the { }
print(macro $a{[$v{1}, $v{2}]});
// Here are all four modifier combined
print(macro $a{[$v{1}, $i{"foo"}, $e{getExpr()}]}); // [1,foo,"bar"]
// ==== var $name ====
// String variables can be used to generate a variable name like so:
var name = "foo";
print(macro var $name = 1); // var foo = 1
// ==== expr.$name ====
// In a similar fashion, field access can be generated:
var funcName = "charAt";
print(macro "bar".$funcName(1)); // "bar".charAt(1)
// This can also be chained
print(macro "bar".$funcName(1).$funcName(1)); // "bar".charAt(1).charAt(1)
return macro null;
static function getExpr() {
return macro "bar";
static function getString() {
return "myString";
static function print(e:Expr) trace(e.toString());
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