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Last active August 19, 2020 00:27
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  • Save SimonCropp/e9ab051c54458428ca3a587cdd192345 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SimonCropp/e9ab051c54458428ca3a587cdd192345 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var props = typeof(DateTimeFormatInfo).GetProperties();
var value = new DateTime(2012, 5, 28, 11, 35, 0);
var builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var culture in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures))
var info = culture.DateTimeFormat;
foreach (var prop in props)
// Is this a format pattern-related property?
var format = prop.GetValue(info, null)!.ToString()!;
if (prop.Name.Contains("Pattern") &&
!prop.Name.Contains("Sort") &&
builder.AppendLine($"\t{prop.Name + ":",-33} {format} \n\t{"",-34}Example: {value.ToString(format, info)}\n");
var result = builder.ToString();
Invariant Language (Invariant Country)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: MM/dd/yyyy
Example: 05/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 May
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Etleeni, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Etleeni, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Caxah Alsa 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Caxah Alsa
Qafar (Yabuuti)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Etleeni, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Etleeni, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Caxah Alsa 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Caxah Alsa
Qafar (Eretria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Etleeni, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Etleeni, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Caxah Alsa 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Caxah Alsa
Qafar (Otobbia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Etleeni, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Etleeni, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Caxah Alsa 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Caxah Alsa
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Maandag, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 vm.
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Maandag, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 vm.
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 vm.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Afrikaans (Namibië)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Maandag 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 vm.
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Maandag 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 vm.
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 vm.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Afrikaans (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Maandag, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 vm.
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Maandag, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 vm.
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 vm.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: tsuʔukpà 28 ndzɔ̀ŋèsèe 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: tsuʔukpà 28 ndzɔ̀ŋèsèe 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ndzɔ̀ŋèsèe 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ndzɔ̀ŋèsèe
Aghem (Kàmàlûŋ)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: tsuʔukpà 28 ndzɔ̀ŋèsèe 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: tsuʔukpà 28 ndzɔ̀ŋèsèe 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ndzɔ̀ŋèsèe 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ndzɔ̀ŋèsèe
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd h:mm:ss tt
Example: Dwowda, 2012 Esusow Aketseaba-Kɔtɔnimba 28 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: Dwowda, 2012 Esusow Aketseaba-Kɔtɔnimba 28
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Esusow Aketseaba-Kɔtɔnimba 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Esusow Aketseaba-Kɔtɔnimba 2012
Akan (Gaana)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd h:mm:ss tt
Example: Dwowda, 2012 Esusow Aketseaba-Kɔtɔnimba 28 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: Dwowda, 2012 Esusow Aketseaba-Kɔtɔnimba 28
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Esusow Aketseaba-Kɔtɔnimba 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Esusow Aketseaba-Kɔtɔnimba 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd ፣d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሰኞ ፣28 ሜይ 2012 11:35:00 ጥዋት
LongDatePattern: dddd ፣d MMMM yyyy
Example: ሰኞ ፣28 ሜይ 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ጥዋት
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ሜይ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ጥዋት
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ሜይ 2012
Amharic (Ethiopia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd ፣d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሰኞ ፣28 ሜይ 2012 11:35:00 ጥዋት
LongDatePattern: dddd ፣d MMMM yyyy
Example: ሰኞ ፣28 ሜይ 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ጥዋት
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ሜይ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ጥዋት
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ሜይ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 07/رجب/1433 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd/MMMM/yyyy
Example: 07/رجب/1433
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 07 رجب
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yy
Example: 07/07/33
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: رجب, 1433
العربية (العالم)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
Arabic (United Arab Emirates)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 مايو, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مايو, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مايو, 2012
Arabic (Bahrain)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 مايو, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مايو, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مايو, 2012
العربية (جيبوتي)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
Arabic (Algeria)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28 مي, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مي, 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مي
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مي, 2012
Arabic (Egypt)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 مايو, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مايو, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مايو, 2012
العربية (إريتريا)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
العربية (إسرائيل)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
Arabic (Iraq)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 أيار, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 أيار, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 أيار
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: أيار, 2012
Arabic (Jordan)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 أيار, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 أيار, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 أيار
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: أيار, 2012
العربية (جزر القمر)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
Arabic (Kuwait)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 مايو, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مايو, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مايو, 2012
Arabic (Lebanon)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 أيار, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 أيار, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 أيار
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: أيار, 2012
Arabic (Libya)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 مايو, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مايو, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مايو, 2012
Arabic (Morocco)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28 ماي, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 ماي, 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 ماي
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ماي, 2012
العربية (موريتانيا)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
Arabic (Oman)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 مايو, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مايو, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مايو, 2012
العربية (السلطة الفلسطينية)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: الاثنين، 28 أيار، 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 أيار، 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 أيار
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: أيار 2012
Arabic (Qatar)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 مايو, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مايو, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مايو, 2012
Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
FullDateTimePattern: dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 07/رجب/1433 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd/MMMM/yyyy
Example: 07/رجب/1433
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 07 رجب
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yy
Example: 07/07/33
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: رجب, 1433
العربية (السودان)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
العربية (الصومال)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
العربية (جنوب السودان)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
Arabic (Syria)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 أيار, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 أيار, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 أيار
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: أيار, 2012
العربية (تشاد)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
Arabic (Tunisia)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28 مي, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مي, 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مي
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مي, 2012
Arabic (Yemen)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 مايو, 2012 11:35:00 ص
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مايو, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ص
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ص
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مايو, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: Epu Ante, 28 de Kechu de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: Epu Ante, 28 de Kechu de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de Kechu
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: Kechu de 2012
Mapudungun (Chile)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: Epu Ante, 28 de Kechu de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: Epu Ante, 28 de Kechu de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de Kechu
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: Kechu de 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd tt h:mm:ss
Example: 2012,মে 28, সোমবাৰ ৰাতিপু 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd
Example: 2012,মে 28, সোমবাৰ
LongTimePattern: tt h:mm:ss
Example: ৰাতিপু 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 মে
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: tt h:mm
Example: ৰাতিপু 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM,yy
Example: মে,12
Assamese (India)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd tt h:mm:ss
Example: 2012,মে 28, সোমবাৰ ৰাতিপু 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd
Example: 2012,মে 28, সোমবাৰ
LongTimePattern: tt h:mm:ss
Example: ৰাতিপু 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 মে
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: tt h:mm
Example: ৰাতিপু 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM,yy
Example: মে,12
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Kipare (Tadhania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: llunes, 28 de mayu de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: llunes, 28 de mayu de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 de mayu
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: de mayu de 2012
asturianu (España)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: llunes, 28 de mayu de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: llunes, 28 de mayu de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 de mayu
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: de mayu de 2012
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 may 2012, bazar ertəsi 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy, dddd
Example: 28 may 2012, bazar ertəsi
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: may 28
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 May
Azerbaijani (Cyrillic)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 мај 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 мај 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: мај 28
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: мај 2012
Azerbaijani (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 мај 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 мај 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: мај 28
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: мај 2012
Azerbaijani (Latin)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 may 2012, bazar ertəsi 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy, dddd
Example: 28 may 2012, bazar ertəsi
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: may 28
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 May
Azerbaijani (Latin, Azerbaijan)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 may 2012, bazar ertəsi 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy, dddd
Example: 28 may 2012, bazar ertəsi
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: may 28
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 May
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy 'й' H:mm:ss
Example: 28 май 2012 й 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy 'й'
Example: 28 май 2012 й
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 май
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yy
Example: 28.05.12
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: май 2012
Bashkir (Russia)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy 'й' H:mm:ss
Example: 28 май 2012 й 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy 'й'
Example: 28 май 2012 й
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 май
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yy
Example: 28.05.12
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: май 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ŋgwà njaŋgumba 28 M̀puyɛ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ŋgwà njaŋgumba 28 M̀puyɛ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: M̀puyɛ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 M̀puyɛ
Ɓàsàa (Kàmɛ̀rûn)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ŋgwà njaŋgumba 28 M̀puyɛ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ŋgwà njaŋgumba 28 M̀puyɛ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: M̀puyɛ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 M̀puyɛ
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 мая 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 мая 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мая
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yy
Example: 28.05.12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy г.
Example: май 2012 г.
Belarusian (Belarus)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 мая 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 мая 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мая
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yy
Example: 28.05.12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy г.
Example: май 2012 г.
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Palichimo, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Palichimo, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Ichibemba (Zambia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Palichimo, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Palichimo, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: pa shahuviluha, 28 pa mwedzi gwa wuhanu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: pa shahuviluha, 28 pa mwedzi gwa wuhanu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: pa mwedzi gwa wuhanu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: pa mwedzi gwa wuhanu 2012
Hibena (Hutanzania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: pa shahuviluha, 28 pa mwedzi gwa wuhanu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: pa shahuviluha, 28 pa mwedzi gwa wuhanu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: pa mwedzi gwa wuhanu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: pa mwedzi gwa wuhanu 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy 'г.' H:mm:ss
Example: 28 май 2012 г. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy 'г.'
Example: 28 май 2012 г.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 май
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy 'г.'
Example: 28.5.2012 г.
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy 'г.'
Example: май 2012 г.
Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy 'г.' H:mm:ss
Example: 28 май 2012 г. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy 'г.'
Example: 28 май 2012 г.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 май
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy 'г.'
Example: 28.5.2012 г.
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy 'г.'
Example: май 2012 г.
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mmtt
Example: 11:35AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 May
Edo (Nigeria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mmtt
Example: 11:35AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 May
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ntɛnɛ 28 mɛ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ntɛnɛ 28 mɛ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mɛ
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mɛ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ntɛnɛ 28 mɛ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ntɛnɛ 28 mɛ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mɛ
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mɛ 2012
bamanakan (Mali)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ntɛnɛ 28 mɛ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ntɛnɛ 28 mɛ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mɛ
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mɛ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 মে 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 মে 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 মে
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: মে, 2012
Bangla (Bangladesh)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 মে 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 মে 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 মে
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: মে, 2012
Bangla (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 মে 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 মে 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 মে
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: মে, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012ལོའི་ཟླ 5ཚེས 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d
Example: 2012ལོའི་ཟླ 5ཚེས 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: ཟླ་Mཚེས་d
Example: ཟླ་5ཚེས་28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ་' M
Example: 2012ལོའི་ཟླ་ 5
Tibetan (China)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012ལོའི་ཟླ 5ཚེས 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d
Example: 2012ལོའི་ཟླ 5ཚེས 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: ཟླ་Mཚེས་d
Example: ཟླ་5ཚེས་28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ་' M
Example: 2012ལོའི་ཟླ་ 5
བོད་སྐད་ (རྒྱ་གར་)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMMའི་ཚེས་d, dddd h:mm:ss tt
Example: 2012 ཟླ་བ་ལྔ་པའི་ཚེས་28, གཟའ་ཟླ་བ་ 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMMའི་ཚེས་d, dddd
Example: 2012 ཟླ་བ་ལྔ་པའི་ཚེས་28, གཟའ་ཟླ་བ་
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMMའི་ཚེས་d
Example: ཟླ་བ་ལྔ་པའི་ཚེས་28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ཟླ་བ་ལྔ་པ་
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Mae 28, Lun 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Mae 28, Lun
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mae 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mae
Breton (France)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Mae 28, Lun 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Mae 28, Lun
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mae 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mae
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: समबार, मे 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: समबार, मे 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: मे 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: मे 2012
बड़ो (भारत)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: समबार, मे 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: समबार, मे 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: मे 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: मे 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy. HH:mm:ss
Example: ponedjeljak, 28. maj 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedjeljak, 28. maj 2012.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy.
Example: 28.05.2012.
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: maj 2012.
Bosnian (Cyrillic)
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28. мај 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy
Example: 28. мај 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: мај 28
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: мај, 2012
Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28. мај 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy
Example: 28. мај 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: мај 28
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: мај, 2012
Bosnian (Latin)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy. HH:mm:ss
Example: ponedjeljak, 28. maj 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedjeljak, 28. maj 2012.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy.
Example: 28.05.2012.
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: maj 2012.
Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy. HH:mm:ss
Example: ponedjeljak, 28. maj 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedjeljak, 28. maj 2012.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy.
Example: 28.05.2012.
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: maj 2012.
FullDateTimePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM ግርጋ yyyy gg h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሰኑ፡ 28 ክቢቅሪ ግርጋ 2012 ኣድ 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM ግርጋ yyyy gg
Example: ሰኑ፡ 28 ክቢቅሪ ግርጋ 2012 ኣድ
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ክቢቅሪ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ክቢቅሪ
ብሊን (ኤርትራ)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM ግርጋ yyyy gg h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሰኑ፡ 28 ክቢቅሪ ግርጋ 2012 ኣድ 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM ግርጋ yyyy gg
Example: ሰኑ፡ 28 ክቢቅሪ ግርጋ 2012 ኣድ
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ክቢቅሪ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ክቢቅሪ
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 de maig
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: de maig de 2012
català (Andorra)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 de maig
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: de maig de 2012
Catalan (Catalan)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 de maig
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: de maig de 2012
Valencian (Spain)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 de maig
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: de maig de 2012
català (França)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 de maig
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: de maig de 2012
català (Itàlia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: dilluns, 28 de maig de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 de maig
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: de maig de 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 май 28, оршотан де 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 май 28, оршотан де
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: май 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 май
нохчийн (Росси)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 май 28, оршотан де 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 май 28, оршотан де
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: май 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 май
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Orwokubanza, 28 Okwakataana 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Orwokubanza, 28 Okwakataana 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Okwakataana 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Okwakataana 2012
Rukiga (Uganda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Orwokubanza, 28 Okwakataana 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Orwokubanza, 28 Okwakataana 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Okwakataana 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Okwakataana 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ᎤᎾᏙᏓᏉᏅᎯ, ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ 28,2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd,yyyy
Example: ᎤᎾᏙᏓᏉᏅᎯ, ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ 28,2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ᎤᎾᏙᏓᏉᏅᎯ, ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ 28,2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd,yyyy
Example: ᎤᎾᏙᏓᏉᏅᎯ, ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ 28,2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ, 2012
Cherokee (Cherokee)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ᎤᎾᏙᏓᏉᏅᎯ, ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ 28,2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd,yyyy
Example: ᎤᎾᏙᏓᏉᏅᎯ, ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ 28,2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏘ, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: luni 28 maghju 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: luni 28 maghju 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d' di 'MMMM
Example: 28 di maghju
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' di u 'yyyy
Example: maghju di u 2012
Corsican (France)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: luni 28 maghju 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: luni 28 maghju 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d' di 'MMMM
Example: 28 di maghju
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' di u 'yyyy
Example: maghju di u 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: pondělí 28. května 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: pondělí 28. května 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. května
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: květen 2012
Czech (Czech Republic)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: pondělí 28. května 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: pondělí 28. května 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. května
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: květen 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'л'. yyyy. HH:mm:ss
Example: понедѣ́льникъ, 28 ма́їа л. 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'л'. yyyy.
Example: понедѣ́льникъ, 28 ма́їа л. 2012.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ма́їа 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy.MM.dd
Example: 2012.05.28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ма́їй
церковнослове́нскїй (рѡссі́а)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'л'. yyyy. HH:mm:ss
Example: понедѣ́льникъ, 28 ма́їа л. 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM 'л'. yyyy.
Example: понедѣ́льникъ, 28 ма́їа л. 2012.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ма́їа 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy.MM.dd
Example: 2012.05.28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ма́їй
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Dydd Llun, 28 Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Dydd Llun, 28 Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mai 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
Welsh (United Kingdom)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Dydd Llun, 28 Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Dydd Llun, 28 Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mai 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28. maj 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy
Example: 28. maj 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
Danish (Denmark)
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28. maj 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy
Example: 28. maj 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
dansk (Grønland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd 'den' d. MMMM yyyy tt
Example: mandag den 28. maj 2012 11.35.00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd 'den' d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mandag den 28. maj 2012
LongTimePattern: tt
Example: 11.35.00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: tt
Example: 11.35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Kuramuka jimweri, 28 Mori ghwa kasanu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Kuramuka jimweri, 28 Mori ghwa kasanu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mori ghwa kasanu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mori ghwa kasanu 2012
Kitaita (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Kuramuka jimweri, 28 Mori ghwa kasanu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Kuramuka jimweri, 28 Mori ghwa kasanu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mori ghwa kasanu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mori ghwa kasanu 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
German (Austria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
Deutsch (Belgien)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
German (Switzerland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
German (Germany)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
German (Liechtenstein)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
German (Luxembourg)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Montag, 28. Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Me 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Me
Zarmaciine (Nižer)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Me 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Me
Lower Sorbian
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ponjeźele, 28. maja 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: ponjeźele, 28. maja 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maja
ShortDatePattern: d. M. yyyy
Example: 28. 5. 2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
Lower Sorbian (Germany)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ponjeźele, 28. maja 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: ponjeźele, 28. maja 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maja
ShortDatePattern: d. M. yyyy
Example: 28. 5. 2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mɔ́sú 28 emiasele 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mɔ́sú 28 emiasele 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: emiasele 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 emiasele
duálá (Cameroun)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mɔ́sú 28 emiasele 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mɔ́sú 28 emiasele 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: emiasele 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 emiasele
FullDateTimePattern: ddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: ހޯމަ, 2012 މެއި 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: ddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: ހޯމަ, 2012 މެއި 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: މެއި 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yy
Example: 28/05/12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy, MMMM
Example: 2012, މެއި
Divehi (Maldives)
FullDateTimePattern: ddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: ހޯމަ, 2012 މެއި 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: ddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: ހޯމަ, 2012 މެއި 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: މެއި 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yy
Example: 28/05/12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy, MMMM
Example: 2012, މެއި
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Teneŋ 28 Mee 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Teneŋ 28 Mee 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mee 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mee
joola (Senegal)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Teneŋ 28 Mee 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Teneŋ 28 Mee 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mee 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mee
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, སྤྱི་ལོ་yyyy MMMM ཚེས་dd ཆུ་ཚོད་h:mm:ss tt
Example: གཟའ་མིག་དམར་, སྤྱི་ལོ་2012 ཟླ་ལྔ་པ་ ཚེས་28 ཆུ་ཚོད་11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, སྤྱི་ལོ་yyyy MMMM ཚེས་dd
Example: གཟའ་མིག་དམར་, སྤྱི་ལོ་2012 ཟླ་ལྔ་པ་ ཚེས་28
LongTimePattern: ཆུ་ཚོད་h:mm:ss tt
Example: ཆུ་ཚོད་11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ཟླ་ལྔ་པ་ 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: ཆུ་ཚོད་ h སྐར་མ་ mm tt
Example: ཆུ་ཚོད་ 11 སྐར་མ་ 35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 སྤྱི་ཟླ་ལྔ་པ་
Dzongkha (Bhutan)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, སྤྱི་ལོ་yyyy MMMM ཚེས་dd ཆུ་ཚོད་h:mm:ss tt
Example: གཟའ་མིག་དམར་, སྤྱི་ལོ་2012 ཟླ་ལྔ་པ་ ཚེས་28 ཆུ་ཚོད་11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, སྤྱི་ལོ་yyyy MMMM ཚེས་dd
Example: གཟའ་མིག་དམར་, སྤྱི་ལོ་2012 ཟླ་ལྔ་པ་ ཚེས་28
LongTimePattern: ཆུ་ཚོད་h:mm:ss tt
Example: ཆུ་ཚོད་11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ཟླ་ལྔ་པ་ 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: ཆུ་ཚོད་ h སྐར་མ་ mm tt
Example: ཆུ་ཚོད་ 11 སྐར་མ་ 35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 སྤྱི་ཟླ་ལྔ་པ་
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Njumatatu, 28 Mweri wa gatano 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Njumatatu, 28 Mweri wa gatano 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mweri wa gatano 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mweri wa gatano 2012
Kĩembu (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Njumatatu, 28 Mweri wa gatano 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Njumatatu, 28 Mweri wa gatano 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mweri wa gatano 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mweri wa gatano 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d 'lia' yyyy tt 'ga' h:mm:ss
Example: dzoɖa, dama 28 lia 2012 AM ga 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d 'lia' yyyy
Example: dzoɖa, dama 28 lia 2012
LongTimePattern: tt 'ga' h:mm:ss
Example: AM ga 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d 'lia'
Example: dama 28 lia
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: tt 'ga' h:mm
Example: AM ga 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: dama 2012
Eʋegbe (Ghana nutome)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d 'lia' yyyy tt 'ga' h:mm:ss
Example: dzoɖa, dama 28 lia 2012 AM ga 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d 'lia' yyyy
Example: dzoɖa, dama 28 lia 2012
LongTimePattern: tt 'ga' h:mm:ss
Example: AM ga 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d 'lia'
Example: dama 28 lia
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: tt 'ga' h:mm
Example: AM ga 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: dama 2012
Eʋegbe (Togo nutome)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d 'lia' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: dzoɖa, dama 28 lia 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d 'lia' yyyy
Example: dzoɖa, dama 28 lia 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d 'lia'
Example: dama 28 lia
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: dama 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Δευτέρα, 28 Μαΐου 2012 11:35:00 πμ
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Δευτέρα, 28 Μαΐου 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 πμ
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Μαΐου
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 πμ
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Μάιος 2012
Ελληνικά (Κύπρος)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Δευτέρα, 28 Μαΐου 2012 11:35:00 π.μ.
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Δευτέρα, 28 Μαΐου 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 π.μ.
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Μαΐου
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 π.μ.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Μάιος 2012
Greek (Greece)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Δευτέρα, 28 Μαΐου 2012 11:35:00 πμ
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Δευτέρα, 28 Μαΐου 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 πμ
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Μαΐου
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 πμ
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Μάιος 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (World)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Caribbean)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: May, 2012
English (Europe)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Antigua and Barbuda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Anguilla)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (American Samoa)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Austria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Australia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Barbados)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Belgium)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Burundi)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Bermuda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Bahamas)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Botswana)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Belize)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Canada)
FullDateTimePattern: MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: MMMM d, yyyy
Example: May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: May, 2012
English (Cocos (Keeling) Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Switzerland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Cook Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Cameroon)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Christmas Island)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Cyprus)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Germany)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Denmark)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Dominica)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Eritrea)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Finland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Fiji)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Falkland Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Micronesia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (United Kingdom)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Grenada)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Guernsey)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Ghana)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Gibraltar)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Gambia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Guam)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Guyana)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Hong Kong SAR)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Indonesia)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Ireland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Israel)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Isle of Man)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: May, 2012
English (British Indian Ocean Territory)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Jersey)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Jamaica)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Kiribati)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Cayman Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Saint Lucia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Liberia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Lesotho)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Madagascar)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Marshall Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Macao SAR)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Northern Mariana Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Montserrat)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Malta)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Mauritius)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Malawi)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Malaysia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: May, 2012
English (Namibia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Norfolk Island)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Nigeria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Netherlands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Nauru)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Niue)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (New Zealand)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Papua New Guinea)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Philippines)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Pakistan)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Pitcairn Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Puerto Rico)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Palau)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Rwanda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Solomon Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Seychelles)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Sudan)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Sweden)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Singapore)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (St Helena, Ascension, Tristan da Cunha)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Slovenia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Sierra Leone)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (South Sudan)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Sint Maarten)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Swaziland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Turks and Caicos Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Tokelau)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Tonga)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Trinidad and Tobago)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Tuvalu)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Tanzania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Uganda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (U.S. Outlying Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (United States)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (British Virgin Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (U.S. Virgin Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Vanuatu)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Samoa)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Zambia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
English (Zimbabwe)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Monday, 28 May 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d-'a' 'de' MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundo, 28-a de majo 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d-'a' 'de' MMMM yyyy
Example: lundo, 28-a de majo 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: majo 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 majo
esperanto (World)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d-'a' 'de' MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundo, 28-a de majo 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d-'a' 'de' MMMM yyyy
Example: lundo, 28-a de majo 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: majo 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 majo
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Latin America)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Argentina)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Bolivia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Chile)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Colombia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Costa Rica)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Cuba)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Dominican Republic)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Ecuador)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Spain, International Sort)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
español (Guinea Ecuatorial)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Guatemala)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Honduras)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd dd 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd dd 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Mexico)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00 a. m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a. m.
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a. m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Nicaragua)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Panama)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: MM/dd/yyyy
Example: 05/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Peru)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
español (Filipinas)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00 a. m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a. m.
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a. m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Puerto Rico)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: MM/dd/yyyy
Example: 05/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Paraguay)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (El Salvador)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (United States)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lunes, mayo 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: lunes, mayo 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: mayo 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Uruguay)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
Spanish (Venezuela)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de mayo
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: mayo de 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: esmaspäev, 28. mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: esmaspäev, 28. mai 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
Estonian (Estonia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: esmaspäev, 28. mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: esmaspäev, 28. mai 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy('e')'ko' MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012(e)ko maiatzak 28, astelehena 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy('e')'ko' MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012(e)ko maiatzak 28, astelehena
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: maiatzak 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy('e')'ko' MMMM
Example: 2012(e)ko Maiatza
Basque (Basque)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy('e')'ko' MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012(e)ko maiatzak 28, astelehena 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy('e')'ko' MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012(e)ko maiatzak 28, astelehena
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: maiatzak 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy('e')'ko' MMMM
Example: 2012(e)ko Maiatza
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mɔ́ndi 28 ngɔn tána 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mɔ́ndi 28 ngɔn tána 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ngɔn tána 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ngɔn tána
ewondo (Kamərún)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mɔ́ndi 28 ngɔn tána 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mɔ́ndi 28 ngɔn tána 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ngɔn tána 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ngɔn tána
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391 11:35:00 ق.ظ
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ق.ظ
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 خرداد
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 08/03/1391
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ق.ظ
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: خرداد, 1391
Persian (Iran)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391 11:35:00 ق.ظ
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ق.ظ
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 خرداد
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 08/03/1391
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ق.ظ
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: خرداد, 1391
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: altine 28 me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: altine 28 me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 me
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: me 2012
Pulaar (Kameruun)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: aaɓnde 28 duujal 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: aaɓnde 28 duujal 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 duujal
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: duujal 2012
Pulaar (Gine)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: aaɓnde 28 duujal 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: aaɓnde 28 duujal 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 duujal
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: duujal 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: altine 28 me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: altine 28 me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 me
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: me 2012
Fulah (Latin, Senegal)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: altine 28 me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: altine 28 me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 me
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: me 2012
Pulaar (Muritani)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: aaɓnde 28 duujal 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: aaɓnde 28 duujal 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 duujal
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: duujal 2012
Fulah (Nigeria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: altine, me 28, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: altine, me 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 me
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: me 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: maanantai 28. toukokuuta 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: maanantai 28. toukokuuta 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. toukokuuta
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: toukokuu 2012
Finnish (Finland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: maanantai 28. toukokuuta 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: maanantai 28. toukokuuta 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. toukokuuta
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: toukokuu 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Lunes, Mayo 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Lunes, Mayo 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mayo 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayo 2012
Filipino (Philippines)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Lunes, Mayo 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Lunes, Mayo 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mayo 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayo 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mánadagur, 28. mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mánadagur, 28. mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
føroyskt (Danmark)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mánadagur, 28. mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mánadagur, 28. mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
Faroese (Faroe Islands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mánadagur, 28. mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mánadagur, 28. mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Caribbean)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
French (Belgium)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Burkina Faso)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Burundi)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Bénin)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Saint-Barthélemy)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Canada)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: mai, 2012
French (Congo DRC)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (République centrafricaine)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Congo)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Switzerland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi, 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi, 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Côte d’Ivoire)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Cameroon)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Djibouti)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Algérie)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (France)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Gabon)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Guyane française)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Guinée)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Guadeloupe)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Guinée équatoriale)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Haiti)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Comores)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Luxembourg)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Morocco)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Monaco)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Saint-Martin)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Madagascar)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Mali)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Martinique)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Mauritanie)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Maurice)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Niger)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Polynésie française)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Réunion)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Rwanda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Seychelles)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
French (Senegal)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Syrie)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Tchad)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Togo)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Tunisie)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Vanuatu)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Wallis-et-Futuna)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
français (Mayotte)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d 'di' MMMM 'dal' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunis 28 di Mai dal 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d 'di' MMMM 'dal' yyyy
Example: lunis 28 di Mai dal 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'di' MMMM
Example: 28 di Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'dal' yyyy
Example: Mai dal 2012
furlan (Italie)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d 'di' MMMM 'dal' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunis 28 di Mai dal 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d 'di' MMMM 'dal' yyyy
Example: lunis 28 di Mai dal 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'di' MMMM
Example: 28 di Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'dal' yyyy
Example: Mai dal 2012
Western Frisian
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: moandei 28 maaie 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: moandei 28 maaie 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maaie
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maaie 2012
Western Frisian (Netherlands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: moandei 28 maaie 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: moandei 28 maaie 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maaie
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maaie 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Dé Luain 28 Bealtaine 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Dé Luain 28 Bealtaine 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Bealtaine
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Bealtaine 2012
Irish (Ireland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Dé Luain 28 Bealtaine 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Dé Luain 28 Bealtaine 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Bealtaine
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Bealtaine 2012
Scottish Gaelic
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d'mh' MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: DiLuain, 28mh dhen Chèitean 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d'mh' MMMM yyyy
Example: DiLuain, 28mh dhen Chèitean 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d'mh' MMMM
Example: 28mh dhen Chèitean
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: An Cèitean 2012
Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d'mh' MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: DiLuain, 28mh dhen Chèitean 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d'mh' MMMM yyyy
Example: DiLuain, 28mh dhen Chèitean 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d'mh' MMMM
Example: 28mh dhen Chèitean
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: An Cèitean 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: luns 28 maio 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy
Example: luns 28 maio 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maio 2012
Galician (Galician)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: luns 28 maio 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy
Example: luns 28 maio 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maio 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: arakõi, 28 jasypo, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: arakõi, 28 jasypo, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 jasypo
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: jasypo, 2012
Guarani (Paraguay)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: arakõi, 28 jasypo, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: arakõi, 28 jasypo, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 jasypo
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: jasypo, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Määntig, 28. Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Määntig, 28. Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
Elsässisch (Schwiiz)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Määntig, 28. Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Määntig, 28. Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
Alsatian (France)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Manti 28 Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Manti 28 Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
Elsässisch (Liächteschtäi)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Määntig, 28. Mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Määntig, 28. Mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mai 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 મે 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 મે 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 મે
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: મે, 2012
Gujarati (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 મે 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 મે 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 મે
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: મે, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Chumatato, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Chumatato, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Ekegusii (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Chumatato, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Chumatato, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jelhein 28 Boaldyn 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Jelhein 28 Boaldyn 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Boaldyn 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Boaldyn
Gaelg (Ellan Vannin)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jelhein 28 Boaldyn 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Jelhein 28 Boaldyn 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Boaldyn 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Boaldyn
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Litinin, 28 Mayu, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: Litinin, 28 Mayu, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mayu 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayu 2012
Hausa (Latin)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Litinin, 28 Mayu, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: Litinin, 28 Mayu, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mayu 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayu 2012
Hausa (Gana)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Litinin, 28 Mayu, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: Litinin, 28 Mayu, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mayu 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayu 2012
Hausa (Nijar)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Litinin, 28 Mayu, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: Litinin, 28 Mayu, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mayu 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayu 2012
Hausa (Latin, Nigeria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Litinin, 28 Mayu, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: Litinin, 28 Mayu, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mayu 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayu 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Poʻakahi, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Poʻakahi, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mei
Hawaiian (United States)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Poʻakahi, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Poʻakahi, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mei
FullDateTimePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: יום שני 28 מאי 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy
Example: יום שני 28 מאי 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 מאי
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: מאי 2012
Hebrew (Israel)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: יום שני 28 מאי 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy
Example: יום שני 28 מאי 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 מאי
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: מאי 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 मई 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 मई 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मई
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: मई, 2012
Hindi (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 मई 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 मई 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मई
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: मई, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm:ss
Example: 28. svibnja 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy.
Example: 28. svibnja 2012.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. svibnja
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: svibanj, 2012
Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy. HH:mm:ss
Example: ponedjeljak, 28. svibnja 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedjeljak, 28. svibnja 2012.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. svibnja
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy.
Example: 28.05.2012.
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: svibanj 2012.
Croatian (Croatia)
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm:ss
Example: 28. svibnja 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy.
Example: 28. svibnja 2012.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. svibnja
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: svibanj, 2012
Upper Sorbian
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: póndźela, 28. meje 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: póndźela, 28. meje 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: meje 28
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm 'hodź'.
Example: 11:35 hodź.
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 meja
Upper Sorbian (Germany)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: póndźela, 28. meje 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: póndźela, 28. meje 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: meje 28
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm 'hodź'.
Example: 11:35 hodź.
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 meja
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy. MMMM d., dddd H:mm:ss
Example: 2012. május 28., hétfő 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy. MMMM d., dddd
Example: 2012. május 28., hétfő
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d.
Example: május 28.
ShortDatePattern: yyyy. MM. dd.
Example: 2012. 05. 28.
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy. MMMM
Example: 2012. május
Hungarian (Hungary)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy. MMMM d., dddd H:mm:ss
Example: 2012. május 28., hétfő 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy. MMMM d., dddd
Example: 2012. május 28., hétfő
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d.
Example: május 28.
ShortDatePattern: yyyy. MM. dd.
Example: 2012. 05. 28.
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy. MMMM
Example: 2012. május
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 մայիսի, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 մայիսի, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 մայիսի
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: Մայիս, 2012
Armenian (Armenia)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 մայիսի, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 մայիսի, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 մայիսի
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: Մայիս, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: lunedi, 2012 maio 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: lunedi, 2012 maio 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: maio 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 maio
interlingua (World)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: lunedi, 2012 maio 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: lunedi, 2012 maio 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: maio 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 maio
interlingua (Francia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: lunedi, 2012 maio 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: lunedi, 2012 maio 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: maio 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 maio
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mmtt
Example: 11:35AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 May
Ibibio (Nigeria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mmtt
Example: 11:35AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 May
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Senin, 28 Mei 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Senin, 28 Mei 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Indonesian (Indonesia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Senin, 28 Mei 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: Senin, 28 Mei 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Mọnde, 28 Mee 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Mọnde, 28 Mee 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mee 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mee 2012
Igbo (Nigeria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Mọnde, 28 Mee 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Mọnde, 28 Mee 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mee 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mee 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ' tt h:mm:ss
Example: 2012ꈎ 5ꆪ 28ꑍ ꂵꆪꈌꈐ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ'
Example: 2012ꈎ 5ꆪ 28ꑍ
LongTimePattern: tt h:mm:ss
Example: ꂵꆪꈌꈐ 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M’ ꆪ’d’ ꑍ’
Example: 5’ ꆪ’28’ ꑍ’
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: tt h:mm
Example: ꂵꆪꈌꈐ 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ'
Example: 2012ꈎ 5ꆪ
Yi (China)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ' tt h:mm:ss
Example: 2012ꈎ 5ꆪ 28ꑍ ꂵꆪꈌꈐ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ' d'ꑍ'
Example: 2012ꈎ 5ꆪ 28ꑍ
LongTimePattern: tt h:mm:ss
Example: ꂵꆪꈌꈐ 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M’ ꆪ’d’ ꑍ’
Example: 5’ ꆪ’28’ ꑍ’
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: tt h:mm
Example: ꂵꆪꈌꈐ 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'ꈎ' M'ꆪ'
Example: 2012ꈎ 5ꆪ
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mánudagur, 28. maí 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mánudagur, 28. maí 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maí
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maí 2012
Icelandic (Iceland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mánudagur, 28. maí 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mánudagur, 28. maí 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maí
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maí 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunedì 28 maggio 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lunedì 28 maggio 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maggio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maggio 2012
Italian (Switzerland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunedì, 28 maggio 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: lunedì, 28 maggio 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maggio
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maggio 2012
Italian (Italy)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunedì 28 maggio 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lunedì 28 maggio 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maggio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maggio 2012
italiano (San Marino)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lunedì 28 maggio 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lunedì 28 maggio 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maggio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maggio 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Naggajjau, 28 Mai, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: Naggajjau, 28 Mai, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mai 28
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: Mai, 2012
Inuktitut (Syllabics)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ᓇᒡᒐᔾᔭᐅ,ᒪᐃ 28,2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy
Example: ᓇᒡᒐᔾᔭᐅ,ᒪᐃ 28,2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 ᒪᐃ
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM,yyyy
Example: ᒪᐃ,2012
Inuktitut (Syllabics, Canada)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ᓇᒡᒐᔾᔭᐅ,ᒪᐃ 28,2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy
Example: ᓇᒡᒐᔾᔭᐅ,ᒪᐃ 28,2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 ᒪᐃ
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM,yyyy
Example: ᒪᐃ,2012
Inuktitut (Latin)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Naggajjau, 28 Mai, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: Naggajjau, 28 Mai, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mai 28
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: Mai, 2012
Inuktitut (Latin, Canada)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Naggajjau, 28 Mai, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: Naggajjau, 28 Mai, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mai 28
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: Mai, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'
Example: 2012年5月28日
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'年'M'月'
Example: 2012年5月
Japanese (Japan)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'
Example: 2012年5月28日
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'年'M'月'
Example: 2012年5月
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: Mɔ́ndi, 2012 Pɛsaŋ Pataa 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: Mɔ́ndi, 2012 Pɛsaŋ Pataa 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Pɛsaŋ Pataa 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Pɛsaŋ Pataa
Ndaꞌa (Kamɛlûn)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: Mɔ́ndi, 2012 Pɛsaŋ Pataa 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: Mɔ́ndi, 2012 Pɛsaŋ Pataa 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Pɛsaŋ Pataa 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Pɛsaŋ Pataa
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Kimachame (Tanzania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Basa Jawa
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 Mei 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 Mei 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 May 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 May 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
ꦧꦱꦗꦮ (Indonesia)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 May 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 May 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: May 2012
Basa Jawa
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 Mei 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 Mei 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Basa Jawa (Indonesia)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 Mei 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 Mei 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ორშაბათი, 28 მაისი, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: ორშაბათი, 28 მაისი, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 მაისი
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: მაისი, 2012
Georgian (Georgia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ორშაბათი, 28 მაისი, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: ორშაბათი, 28 მაისი, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 მაისი
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: მაისი, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Sanass 28 Mayyu 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Sanass 28 Mayyu 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mayyu
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayyu 2012
Taqbaylit (Lezzayer)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Sanass 28 Mayyu 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Sanass 28 Mayyu 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mayyu
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayyu 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Wa kwambĩlĩlya, 28 Mwai wa katano 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Wa kwambĩlĩlya, 28 Mwai wa katano 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mwai wa katano 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mwai wa katano 2012
Kikamba (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Wa kwambĩlĩlya, 28 Mwai wa katano 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Wa kwambĩlĩlya, 28 Mwai wa katano 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mwai wa katano 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mwai wa katano 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Liduva lyatatu, 28 Mwedi wa Nnyano 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Liduva lyatatu, 28 Mwedi wa Nnyano 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mwedi wa Nnyano 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mwedi wa Nnyano 2012
Chimakonde (Tanzania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Liduva lyatatu, 28 Mwedi wa Nnyano 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Liduva lyatatu, 28 Mwedi wa Nnyano 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mwedi wa Nnyano 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mwedi wa Nnyano 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'di' MMMM 'di' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: sigunda-fera, 28 di Maiu di 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'di' MMMM 'di' yyyy
Example: sigunda-fera, 28 di Maiu di 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'di' MMMM
Example: 28 di Maiu
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'di' yyyy
Example: Maiu di 2012
kabuverdianu (Kabu Verdi)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'di' MMMM 'di' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: sigunda-fera, 28 di Maiu di 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'di' MMMM 'di' yyyy
Example: sigunda-fera, 28 di Maiu di 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'di' MMMM
Example: 28 di Maiu
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'di' yyyy
Example: Maiu di 2012
Koyra ciini
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Atini 28 Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Atini 28 Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Me
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Me 2012
Koyra ciini (Maali)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Atini 28 Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Atini 28 Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Me
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Me 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Njumatatũ, 28 Mwere wa gatano 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Njumatatũ, 28 Mwere wa gatano 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mwere wa gatano 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mwere wa gatano 2012
Gikuyu (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Njumatatũ, 28 Mwere wa gatano 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Njumatatũ, 28 Mwere wa gatano 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mwere wa gatano 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mwere wa gatano 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy 'ж'. d MMMM, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 ж. 28 мамыр, дүйсенбі 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy 'ж'. d MMMM, dddd
Example: 2012 ж. 28 мамыр, дүйсенбі
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мамыр
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy 'ж'. MMMM
Example: 2012 ж. Мамыр
Kazakh (Kazakhstan)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy 'ж'. d MMMM, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 ж. 28 мамыр, дүйсенбі 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy 'ж'. d MMMM, dddd
Example: 2012 ж. 28 мамыр, дүйсенбі
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мамыр
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy 'ж'. MMMM
Example: 2012 ж. Мамыр
FullDateTimePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 Mɔnɔ ŋgbanja 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 Mɔnɔ ŋgbanja 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mɔnɔ ŋgbanja 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM yyyy
Example: 28/05 2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mɔnɔ ŋgbanja
kakɔ (Kamɛrun)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lundi 28 Mɔnɔ ŋgbanja 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd dd MMMM yyyy
Example: lundi 28 Mɔnɔ ŋgbanja 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mɔnɔ ŋgbanja 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM yyyy
Example: 28/05 2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mɔnɔ ŋgbanja
FullDateTimePattern: MMMM d'.-at, 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: maajip 28.-at, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: MMMM d'.-at, 'yyyy
Example: maajip 28.-at, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'.-at'
Example: maajip 28.-at
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maaji 2012
Greenlandic (Greenland)
FullDateTimePattern: MMMM d'.-at, 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: maajip 28.-at, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: MMMM d'.-at, 'yyyy
Example: maajip 28.-at, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'.-at'
Example: maajip 28.-at
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maaji 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Kotaai, 28 Mamuut 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Kotaai, 28 Mamuut 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mamuut 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mamuut 2012
Kalenjin (Emetab Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Kotaai, 28 Mamuut 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Kotaai, 28 Mamuut 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mamuut 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mamuut 2012
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 ឧសភា 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 ឧសភា 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 ឧសភា
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yy
Example: 28/05/12
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: 'ខែ' MM 'ឆ្នាំ' yyyy
Example: ខែ 05 ឆ្នាំ 2012
Khmer (Cambodia)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 ឧសភា 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 ឧសភា 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 ឧសភា
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yy
Example: 28/05/12
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: 'ខែ' MM 'ឆ្នាំ' yyyy
Example: ខែ 05 ឆ្នាំ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 ಮೇ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 ಮೇ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ಮೇ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ಮೇ, 2012
Kannada (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 ಮೇ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 ಮೇ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ಮೇ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ಮೇ, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd tt h:mm:ss
Example: 2012년 5월 28일 월요일 오전 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd
Example: 2012년 5월 28일 월요일
LongTimePattern: tt h:mm:ss
Example: 오전 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M월 d일
Example: 5월 28일
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: tt h:mm
Example: 오전 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'년' M'월'
Example: 2012년 5월
한국어 (조선민주주의인민공화국)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy년 M월 d일 dddd tt h:mm:ss
Example: 2012년 5월 28일 월요일 오전 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy년 M월 d일 dddd
Example: 2012년 5월 28일 월요일
LongTimePattern: tt h:mm:ss
Example: 오전 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d일
Example: 5월 28일
ShortDatePattern: yyyy. M. d.
Example: 2012. 5. 28.
ShortTimePattern: tt h:mm
Example: 오전 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy년 MMMM
Example: 2012년 5월
Korean (Korea)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd tt h:mm:ss
Example: 2012년 5월 28일 월요일 오전 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'년' M'월' d'일' dddd
Example: 2012년 5월 28일 월요일
LongTimePattern: tt h:mm:ss
Example: 오전 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M월 d일
Example: 5월 28일
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: tt h:mm
Example: 오전 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'년' M'월'
Example: 2012년 5월
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 मे 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 मे 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मे
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: मे, 2012
Konkani (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 मे 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 मे 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मे
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: मे, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 May
Kanuri (Nigeria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: May 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 May
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ژٔنٛدرٕروار, میٔ 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: ژٔنٛدرٕروار, میٔ 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: میٔ 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: میٔ 2012
Kashmiri (Perso-Arabic)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ژٔنٛدرٕروار, میٔ 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: ژٔنٛدرٕروار, میٔ 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: میٔ 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: میٔ 2012
کٲشُر (اَربی)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ژٔنٛدرٕروار, میٔ 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: ژٔنٛدرٕروار, میٔ 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: میٔ 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: میٔ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: May, 2012
Kashmiri (Devanagari, India)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Monday, May 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 May
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: May, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumaatatu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumaatatu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Kishambaa (Tanzania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumaatatu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumaatatu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lǝndí 28 ŋwíí akǝ táan 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lǝndí 28 ŋwíí akǝ táan 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ŋwíí akǝ táan 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ŋwíí akǝ táan
rikpa (kamɛrún)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lǝndí 28 ŋwíí akǝ táan 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lǝndí 28 ŋwíí akǝ táan 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ŋwíí akǝ táan 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ŋwíí akǝ táan
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, 'dä' d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Moondaach, dä 28. Mäi 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, 'dä' d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Moondaach, dä 28. Mäi 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mäi
ShortDatePattern: d. M. yyyy
Example: 28. 5. 2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mäi 2012
Kölsch (Doütschland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, 'dä' d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Moondaach, dä 28. Mäi 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, 'dä' d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Moondaach, dä 28. Mäi 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. Mäi
ShortDatePattern: d. M. yyyy
Example: 28. 5. 2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mäi 2012
Central Kurdish
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: دووشەممە, 28 ئایار, 2012 11:35:00 پ.ن
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: دووشەممە, 28 ئایار, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 پ.ن
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 ئایار
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 پ.ن
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ئایار, 2012
Central Kurdish
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: دووشەممە, 28 ئایار, 2012 11:35:00 پ.ن
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: دووشەممە, 28 ئایار, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 پ.ن
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 ئایار
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 پ.ن
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ئایار, 2012
Central Kurdish (Iraq)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: دووشەممە, 28 ئایار, 2012 11:35:00 پ.ن
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: دووشەممە, 28 ئایار, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 پ.ن
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 ئایار
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 پ.ن
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ئایار, 2012
کوردی (ئێران)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 خرداد
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 08/03/1391
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: خرداد, 1391
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: dy Lun 28 mis Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: dy Lun 28 mis Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: mis Me 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 mis Me
kernewek (Rywvaneth Unys)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: dy Lun 28 mis Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: dy Lun 28 mis Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: mis Me 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 mis Me
FullDateTimePattern: dd-MMMM yyyy'-ж.' HH:mm:ss
Example: 28-май 2012-ж. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd-MMMM yyyy'-ж.'
Example: 28-май 2012-ж.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: май 28
ShortDatePattern: d-MMM yy
Example: 28-май 12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy'-ж.'
Example: Май 2012-ж.
Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)
FullDateTimePattern: dd-MMMM yyyy'-ж.' HH:mm:ss
Example: 28-май 2012-ж. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd-MMMM yyyy'-ж.'
Example: 28-май 2012-ж.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: май 28
ShortDatePattern: d-MMM yy
Example: 28-май 12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy'-ж.'
Example: Май 2012-ж.
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Lunae 28 Maius 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Lunae 28 Maius 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: Maius 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maius 2012
Latin (World)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Lunae 28 Maius 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Lunae 28 Maius 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: Maius 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maius 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatátu, 28 Kwiinyambála 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatátu, 28 Kwiinyambála 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Kwiinyambála 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Kwiinyambála 2012
Kɨlaangi (Taansanía)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatátu, 28 Kwiinyambála 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatátu, 28 Kwiinyambála 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Kwiinyambála 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Kwiinyambála 2012
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28. Mee 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy
Example: 28. Mee 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd. MMMM
Example: 28. Mee
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yy
Example: 28.05.12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mee 2012
Luxembourgish (Luxembourg)
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28. Mee 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy
Example: 28. Mee 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd. MMMM
Example: 28. Mee
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yy
Example: 28.05.12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mee 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Balaza, 28 Maayi 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Balaza, 28 Maayi 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Maayi 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maayi 2012
Luganda (Yuganda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Balaza, 28 Maayi 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Balaza, 28 Maayi 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Maayi 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maayi 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Aŋpétuwaŋži, Čhaŋwápetȟo Wí 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Aŋpétuwaŋži, Čhaŋwápetȟo Wí 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Čhaŋwápetȟo Wí 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Čhaŋwápetȟo Wí
Lakȟólʼiyapi (Mílahaŋska Tȟamákȟočhe)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Aŋpétuwaŋži, Čhaŋwápetȟo Wí 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Aŋpétuwaŋži, Čhaŋwápetȟo Wí 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Čhaŋwápetȟo Wí 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Čhaŋwápetȟo Wí
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mokɔlɔ mwa yambo 28 sánzá ya mítáno 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mokɔlɔ mwa yambo 28 sánzá ya mítáno 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: sánzá ya mítáno 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 sánzá ya mítáno
lingála (Angóla)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mokɔlɔ mwa yambo 28 sánzá ya mítáno 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mokɔlɔ mwa yambo 28 sánzá ya mítáno 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: sánzá ya mítáno 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 sánzá ya mítáno
lingála (Repibiki demokratiki ya Kongó)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mokɔlɔ mwa yambo 28 sánzá ya mítáno 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mokɔlɔ mwa yambo 28 sánzá ya mítáno 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: sánzá ya mítáno 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 sánzá ya mítáno
lingála (Repibiki ya Afríka ya Káti)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mokɔlɔ mwa yambo 28 sánzá ya mítáno 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mokɔlɔ mwa yambo 28 sánzá ya mítáno 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: sánzá ya mítáno 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 sánzá ya mítáno
lingála (Kongo)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mokɔlɔ mwa yambo 28 sánzá ya mítáno 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mokɔlɔ mwa yambo 28 sánzá ya mítáno 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: sánzá ya mítáno 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 sánzá ya mítáno
FullDateTimePattern: dddd ທີ d MMMM gg yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: ວັນຈັນ ທີ 28 ພຶດສະພາ ຄ.ສ. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd ທີ d MMMM gg yyyy
Example: ວັນຈັນ ທີ 28 ພຶດສະພາ ຄ.ສ. 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ພຶດສະພາ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ພຶດສະພາ
Lao (Laos)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd ທີ d MMMM gg yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: ວັນຈັນ ທີ 28 ພຶດສະພາ ຄ.ສ. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd ທີ d MMMM gg yyyy
Example: ວັນຈັນ ທີ 28 ພຶດສະພາ ຄ.ສ. 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ພຶດສະພາ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ພຶດສະພາ
لۊری شومالی
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 خرداد
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 08/03/1391
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: خرداد, 1391
لۊری شومالی (Iraq)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd h:mm:ss tt
Example: 2012 مئی 28, Mon 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 مئی 28, Mon
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: مئی 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 مئی
لۊری شومالی (Iran)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 خرداد
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 08/03/1391
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: خرداد, 1391
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy 'm'. MMMM d 'd'., dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 m. gegužės 28 d., pirmadienis 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy 'm'. MMMM d 'd'., dddd
Example: 2012 m. gegužės 28 d., pirmadienis
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d 'd'.
Example: gegužės 28 d.
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy 'm'. MMMM
Example: 2012 m. gegužė
Lithuanian (Lithuania)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy 'm'. MMMM d 'd'., dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 m. gegužės 28 d., pirmadienis 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy 'm'. MMMM d 'd'., dddd
Example: 2012 m. gegužės 28 d., pirmadienis
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d 'd'.
Example: gegužės 28 d.
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy 'm'. MMMM
Example: 2012 m. gegužė
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Nkodya 28 Lumùngùlù 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Nkodya 28 Lumùngùlù 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Lumùngùlù 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Lumùngùlù
Tshiluba (Ditunga wa Kongu)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Nkodya 28 Lumùngùlù 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Nkodya 28 Lumùngùlù 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Lumùngùlù 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Lumùngùlù
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Wuok Tich, 28 Dwe mar Abich 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Wuok Tich, 28 Dwe mar Abich 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Dwe mar Abich 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Dwe mar Abich 2012
Dholuo (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Wuok Tich, 28 Dwe mar Abich 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Wuok Tich, 28 Dwe mar Abich 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Dwe mar Abich 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Dwe mar Abich 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Luluhia (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy. 'gada' d. MMMM HH:mm:ss
Example: pirmdiena, 2012. gada 28. maijs 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy. 'gada' d. MMMM
Example: pirmdiena, 2012. gada 28. maijs
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maijs
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy. 'g'. MMMM
Example: 2012. g. Maijs
Latvian (Latvia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy. 'gada' d. MMMM HH:mm:ss
Example: pirmdiena, 2012. gada 28. maijs 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy. 'gada' d. MMMM
Example: pirmdiena, 2012. gada 28. maijs
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maijs
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy. 'g'. MMMM
Example: 2012. g. Maijs
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatátu, 28 Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatátu, 28 Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 2012
Maa (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatátu, 28 Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatátu, 28 Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 2012
Maa (Tansania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatátu, 28 Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatátu, 28 Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Oloilépūnyīē inkókúâ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Muramuko, 28 Mĩĩ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Muramuko, 28 Mĩĩ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mĩĩ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mĩĩ 2012
Kĩmĩrũ (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Muramuko, 28 Mĩĩ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Muramuko, 28 Mĩĩ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mĩĩ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mĩĩ 2012
kreol morisien
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lindi 28 me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lindi 28 me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 me
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: me 2012
kreol morisien (Moris)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: lindi 28 me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: lindi 28 me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 me
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: me 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Alatsinainy 28 Mey 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Alatsinainy 28 Mey 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mey
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mey 2012
Malagasy (Madagasikara)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Alatsinainy 28 Mey 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Alatsinainy 28 Mey 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mey
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mey 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mweri wo unethanu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mweri wo unethanu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mweri wo unethanu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mweri wo unethanu
Makua (Umozambiki)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mweri wo unethanu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mweri wo unethanu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mweri wo unethanu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mweri wo unethanu
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: Aneg 2, 2012 iməg fog 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: Aneg 2, 2012 iməg fog 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: iməg fog 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 iməg fog
metaʼ (Kamalun)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: Aneg 2, 2012 iməg fog 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: Aneg 2, 2012 iməg fog 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: iməg fog 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 iməg fog
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Rāhina, 28 Haratua, 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: Rāhina, 28 Haratua, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Haratua
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yy
Example: Haratua, 12
Maori (New Zealand)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Rāhina, 28 Haratua, 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: Rāhina, 28 Haratua, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Haratua
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yy
Example: Haratua, 12
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: понеделник, 28 мај 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: понеделник, 28 мај 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мај
ShortDatePattern: dd.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: мај 2012 г.
Macedonian (Macedonia, FYRO)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: понеделник, 28 мај 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
Example: понеделник, 28 мај 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мај
ShortDatePattern: dd.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: мај 2012 г.
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy, MMMM d, dddd h:mm:ss tt
Example: 2012, മേയ് 28, തിങ്കളാഴ്‌ച 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: yyyy, MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012, മേയ് 28, തിങ്കളാഴ്‌ച
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: മേയ് 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 മേയ്
Malayalam (India)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy, MMMM d, dddd h:mm:ss tt
Example: 2012, മേയ് 28, തിങ്കളാഴ്‌ച 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: yyyy, MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012, മേയ് 28, തിങ്കളാഴ്‌ച
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: മേയ് 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 മേയ്
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy 'оны' MM 'сарын' d HH:mm:ss
Example: даваа, 2012 оны 05 сарын 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy 'оны' MM 'сарын' d
Example: даваа, 2012 оны 05 сарын 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Тавдугаар сар 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Тавдугаар сар
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy 'оны' MM 'сарын' d HH:mm:ss
Example: даваа, 2012 оны 05 сарын 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy 'оны' MM 'сарын' d
Example: даваа, 2012 оны 05 сарын 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Тавдугаар сар 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Тавдугаар сар
Mongolian (Mongolia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy 'оны' MM 'сарын' d HH:mm:ss
Example: даваа, 2012 оны 05 сарын 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy 'оны' MM 'сарын' d
Example: даваа, 2012 оны 05 сарын 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Тавдугаар сар 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Тавдугаар сар
Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyyᠣᠨ MMMM dᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ dddd H:mm:ss
Example: 2012ᠣᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ 28ᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠨ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyyᠣᠨ MMMM dᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ dddd
Example: 2012ᠣᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ 28ᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠨ
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dᠡᠳᠦᠷ
Example: ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ 28ᠡᠳᠦᠷ
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyyᠣᠨ MMMM
Example: 2012ᠣᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ
Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian, China)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyyᠣᠨ MMMM dᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ dddd H:mm:ss
Example: 2012ᠣᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ 28ᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠨ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyyᠣᠨ MMMM dᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ dddd
Example: 2012ᠣᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ 28ᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ ᠭᠠᠷᠠᠭ ᠤᠨ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠨ
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dᠡᠳᠦᠷ
Example: ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ 28ᠡᠳᠦᠷ
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyyᠣᠨ MMMM
Example: 2012ᠣᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ
Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian, Mongolia)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyyᠣᠨ MMMM dᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ dddd H:mm:ss
Example: 2012ᠣᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ 28ᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ ᠳᠠᠸᠠ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyyᠣᠨ MMMM dᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ dddd
Example: 2012ᠣᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ 28ᠡᠳᠦᠷ᠂ ᠳᠠᠸᠠ
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dᠡᠳᠦᠷ
Example: ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ 28ᠡᠳᠦᠷ
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyyᠣᠨ MMMM
Example: 2012ᠣᠨ ᠲᠠᠪᠤᠳᠤᠭᠠᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 কালেন্ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 কালেন্ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 কালেন্
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: কালেন্ 2012
Manipuri (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 কালেন্ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 কালেন্ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 কালেন্
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: কালেন্ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Awentataón'ke, Onerahtohkó:Wa 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Awentataón'ke, Onerahtohkó:Wa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: Onerahtohkó:Wa 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: Onerahtohkó:Wa, 2012
Mohawk (Mohawk)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Awentataón'ke, Onerahtohkó:Wa 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Awentataón'ke, Onerahtohkó:Wa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: Onerahtohkó:Wa 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: Onerahtohkó:Wa, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 मे 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 मे 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मे
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: मे, 2012
Marathi (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 मे 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 मे 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मे
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: मे, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Isnin, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 PG
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Isnin, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 PG
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 PG
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mei
Malay (Brunei)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 PG
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 PG
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 PG
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mei
Malay (Malaysia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Isnin, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 PG
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Isnin, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 PG
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 PG
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mei
Bahasa Melayu (Singapura)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Isnin, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00 PG
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Isnin, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 PG
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 PG
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mei
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'ta'’ MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: It-Tnejn, 28 ta’ Mejju 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'ta'’ MMMM yyyy
Example: It-Tnejn, 28 ta’ Mejju 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'ta'’ MMMM
Example: 28 ta’ Mejju
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'ta'’ yyyy
Example: Mejju ta’ 2012
Maltese (Malta)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'ta'’ MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: It-Tnejn, 28 ta’ Mejju 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'ta'’ MMMM yyyy
Example: It-Tnejn, 28 ta’ Mejju 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'ta'’ MMMM
Example: 28 ta’ Mejju
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'ta'’ yyyy
Example: Mejju ta’ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Comlaaɗii 28 Madǝǝuutǝbijaŋ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Comlaaɗii 28 Madǝǝuutǝbijaŋ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Madǝǝuutǝbijaŋ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Madǝǝuutǝbijaŋ
MUNDAŊ (kameruŋ)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Comlaaɗii 28 Madǝǝuutǝbijaŋ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Comlaaɗii 28 Madǝǝuutǝbijaŋ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Madǝǝuutǝbijaŋ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Madǝǝuutǝbijaŋ
FullDateTimePattern: dddd၊ dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: တနင်္လာ၊ 28 မေ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd၊ dd MMMM yyyy
Example: တနင်္လာ၊ 28 မေ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 မေ
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: မေ 2012
Burmese (Myanmar)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd၊ dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: တနင်္လာ၊ 28 မေ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd၊ dd MMMM yyyy
Example: တနင်္လာ၊ 28 မေ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 မေ
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: မေ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 خرداد
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 08/03/1391
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: خرداد, 1391
مازرونی (ایران)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه, 8 خرداد 1391
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 خرداد
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 08/03/1391
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: خرداد, 1391
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Mantaxtsees, 28 ǃKhaitsâb 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Mantaxtsees, 28 ǃKhaitsâb 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ǃKhaitsâb 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ǃKhaitsâb 2012
Khoekhoegowab (Namibiab)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Mantaxtsees, 28 ǃKhaitsâb 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Mantaxtsees, 28 ǃKhaitsâb 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ǃKhaitsâb 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ǃKhaitsâb 2012
Norwegian Bokmål
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mandag 28. mai 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mandag 28. mai 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mandag 28. mai 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mandag 28. mai 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
norsk bokmål (Svalbard og Jan Mayen)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mandag 28. mai 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mandag 28. mai 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Mvulo, 28 Nkwenkwezi 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Mvulo, 28 Nkwenkwezi 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Nkwenkwezi 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Nkwenkwezi 2012
isiNdebele (Zimbabwe)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Mvulo, 28 Nkwenkwezi 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Mvulo, 28 Nkwenkwezi 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Nkwenkwezi 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Nkwenkwezi 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: सोमवार, मे 28, 2012 11:35:00 पूर्वाह्न
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: सोमवार, मे 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 पूर्वाह्न
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मे
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 पूर्वाह्न
YearMonthPattern: MMMM,yyyy
Example: मे,2012
Nepali (India)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd h:mm:ss tt
Example: 2012 मई 28, सोमबार 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 मई 28, सोमबार
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: मई 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 मे
Nepali (Nepal)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: सोमवार, मे 28, 2012 11:35:00 पूर्वाह्न
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: सोमवार, मे 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 पूर्वाह्न
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मे
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 पूर्वाह्न
YearMonthPattern: MMMM,yyyy
Example: मे,2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mei
ShortDatePattern: d-M-yyyy
Example: 28-5-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mei 2012
Nederlands (Aruba)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mei
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mei 2012
Dutch (Belgium)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mei
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mei 2012
Nederlands (Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mei
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mei 2012
Nederlands (Curaçao)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mei
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mei 2012
Dutch (Netherlands)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mei
ShortDatePattern: d-M-yyyy
Example: 28-5-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mei 2012
Nederlands (Suriname)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mei
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mei 2012
Nederlands (Sint-Maarten)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: maandag 28 mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mei
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mɔ́ndɔ 28 ngwɛn ńtan 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mɔ́ndɔ 28 ngwɛn ńtan 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ngwɛn ńtan 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ngwɛn ńtan
Kwasio (Kamerun)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mɔ́ndɔ 28 ngwɛn ńtan 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: mɔ́ndɔ 28 ngwɛn ńtan 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ngwɛn ńtan 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ngwɛn ńtan
Norwegian Nynorsk
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: måndag 28. mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: måndag 28. mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: måndag 28. mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: måndag 28. mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
Shwóŋò ngiembɔɔn
FullDateTimePattern: dddd , 'lyɛ'̌ʼ d 'na' MMMM, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mvfò lyɛ̌ʼ , lyɛ̌ʼ 28 na saŋ tsɛ̀ɛ cÿó, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd , 'lyɛ'̌ʼ d 'na' MMMM, yyyy
Example: mvfò lyɛ̌ʼ , lyɛ̌ʼ 28 na saŋ tsɛ̀ɛ cÿó, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: saŋ tsɛ̀ɛ cÿó 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 saŋ tsɛ̀ɛ cÿó
Shwóŋò ngiembɔɔn (Kàmalûm)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd , 'lyɛ'̌ʼ d 'na' MMMM, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mvfò lyɛ̌ʼ , lyɛ̌ʼ 28 na saŋ tsɛ̀ɛ cÿó, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd , 'lyɛ'̌ʼ d 'na' MMMM, yyyy
Example: mvfò lyɛ̌ʼ , lyɛ̌ʼ 28 na saŋ tsɛ̀ɛ cÿó, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: saŋ tsɛ̀ɛ cÿó 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 saŋ tsɛ̀ɛ cÿó
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mandag 28. mai 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd d. MMMM yyyy
Example: mandag 28. mai 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy tt hh:mm:ss
Example: ߞߐ߬ߓߊ߬ߟߏ߲, ߘߓߊ߬ߕߊ 28, 2012 ߛ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: ߞߐ߬ߓߊ߬ߟߏ߲, ߘߓߊ߬ߕߊ 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: tt hh:mm:ss
Example: ߛ 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM ߕߟߋ߬ dd
Example: ߘߓߊ߬ߕߊ ߕߟߋ߬ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: tt hh:mm
Example: ߛ 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ߘߓߊ߬ߕߊ, 2012
ߒߞߏ (ߖߌ߬ߣߍ߬ ߞߊ߲ߓߍ߲)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy tt hh:mm:ss
Example: ߞߐ߬ߓߊ߬ߟߏ߲, ߘߓߊ߬ߕߊ 28, 2012 ߛ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: ߞߐ߬ߓߊ߬ߟߏ߲, ߘߓߊ߬ߕߊ 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: tt hh:mm:ss
Example: ߛ 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM ߕߟߋ߬ dd
Example: ߘߓߊ߬ߕߊ ߕߟߋ߬ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: tt hh:mm
Example: ߛ 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ߘߓߊ߬ߕߊ, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Meyi 28, uMvulo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Meyi 28, uMvulo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Meyi 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Meyi
isiNdebele (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Meyi 28, uMvulo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Meyi 28, uMvulo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Meyi 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Meyi
Sesotho sa Leboa
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Mei 28, Mosupalogo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Mei 28, Mosupalogo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mei
Sesotho sa Leboa (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Mei 28, Mosupalogo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Mei 28, Mosupalogo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mei
Thok Nath
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Jiec la̱t 28 Duät 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jiec la̱t 28 Duät 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Duät 28
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Duät
Thok Nath (South Sudan)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Jiec la̱t 28 Duät 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jiec la̱t 28 Duät 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Duät 28
ShortDatePattern: d/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Duät
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Orwokubanza, 28 Okwakataana 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Orwokubanza, 28 Okwakataana 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Okwakataana 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Okwakataana 2012
Runyankore (Uganda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Orwokubanza, 28 Okwakataana 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Orwokubanza, 28 Okwakataana 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Okwakataana 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Okwakataana 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: diluns 28 de mai de 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: diluns 28 de mai de 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 de mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH' h 'mm
Example: 11 h 35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: de mai de 2012
Occitan (France)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: diluns 28 de mai de 2012 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: diluns 28 de mai de 2012
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 de mai
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH' h 'mm
Example: 11 h 35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: de mai de 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Wiixata, Caamsa 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Wiixata, Caamsa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Caamsa 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Caamsa 2012
Oromo (Ethiopia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Wiixata, Caamsa 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Wiixata, Caamsa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Caamsa 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Caamsa 2012
Oromoo (Keeniyaa)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Wiixata, Caamsa 28, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: Wiixata, Caamsa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Caamsa 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Caamsa 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 ମେ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 ମେ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 ମେ
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ମେ, 2012
Odia (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 ମେ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 ମେ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 ମେ
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ମେ, 2012
Ирон æвзаг
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy 'аз' HH:mm:ss
Example: къуырисӕр, 28 майы, 2012 аз 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy 'аз'
Example: къуырисӕр, 28 майы, 2012 аз
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: майы 28
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Май
Ирон æвзаг (Гуырдзыстон)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy 'аз' HH:mm:ss
Example: къуырисӕр, 28 майы, 2012 аз 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy 'аз'
Example: къуырисӕр, 28 майы, 2012 аз
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: майы 28
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Май
Ирон æвзаг (Уӕрӕсе)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy 'аз' HH:mm:ss
Example: къуырисӕр, 28 майы, 2012 аз 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy 'аз'
Example: къуырисӕр, 28 майы, 2012 аз
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: майы 28
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Май
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd tt hh:mm:ss
Example: 28 ਮਈ 2012 ਸੋਮਵਾਰ ਸਵੇਰ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd
Example: 28 ਮਈ 2012 ਸੋਮਵਾਰ
LongTimePattern: tt hh:mm:ss
Example: ਸਵੇਰ 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 ਮਈ
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: tt hh:mm
Example: ਸਵੇਰ 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ਮਈ, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd tt
Example: 28 مئی 2012 منگل 11.35.00 AM
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd
Example: 28 مئی 2012 منگل
LongTimePattern: tt
Example: 11.35.00 AM
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مئی
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: tt
Example: 11.35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مئی, 2012
Punjabi (Pakistan)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd tt
Example: 28 مئی 2012 منگل 11.35.00 AM
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd
Example: 28 مئی 2012 منگل
LongTimePattern: tt
Example: 11.35.00 AM
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مئی
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: tt
Example: 11.35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مئی, 2012
Punjabi (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd tt hh:mm:ss
Example: 28 ਮਈ 2012 ਸੋਮਵਾਰ ਸਵੇਰ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd
Example: 28 ਮਈ 2012 ਸੋਮਵਾਰ
LongTimePattern: tt hh:mm:ss
Example: ਸਵੇਰ 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 ਮਈ
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: tt hh:mm
Example: ਸਵੇਰ 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ਮਈ, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: dialuna 28 mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: dialuna 28 mei 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 mei
ShortDatePattern: d-M-yyyy
Example: 28-5-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mei 2012
Papiamento (Caribbean)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: dialuna 28 mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: dialuna 28 mei 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 mei
ShortDatePattern: d-M-yyyy
Example: 28-5-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: poniedziałek, 28 maja 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: poniedziałek, 28 maja 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maja
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
Polish (Poland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: poniedziałek, 28 maja 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: poniedziałek, 28 maja 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maja
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy 'mettas' d. MMMM HH:mm:ss
Example: panadīli, 2012 mettas 28. zallaws 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy 'mettas' d. MMMM
Example: panadīli, 2012 mettas 28. zallaws
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: zallaws 28
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 zallaws
prūsiskan (swītai)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy 'mettas' d. MMMM HH:mm:ss
Example: panadīli, 2012 mettas 28. zallaws 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy 'mettas' d. MMMM
Example: panadīli, 2012 mettas 28. zallaws
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: zallaws 28
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 zallaws
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: دوشنبه, 8 جوزا 1391 11:35:00 غ.م
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه, 8 جوزا 1391
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 غ.م
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 جوزا
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 1391/3/8
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 غ.م
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: جوزا 1391
Dari (Afghanistan)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: دوشنبه, 8 جوزا 1391 11:35:00 غ.م
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه, 8 جوزا 1391
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 غ.م
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 جوزا
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 1391/3/8
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 غ.م
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: جوزا 1391
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 8 غبرګولی 1391 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 8 غبرګولی 1391
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 غبرګولی
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 1391/3/8
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: غبرګولی 1391
Pashto (Afghanistan)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 8 غبرګولی 1391 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 8 غبرګولی 1391
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 8 غبرګولی
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 1391/3/8
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: غبرګولی 1391
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: maio de 2012
português (Angola)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: maio de 2012
Portuguese (Brazil)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: maio de 2012
português (Cabo Verde)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: maio de 2012
português (Guiné-Bissau)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: maio de 2012
português (RAE de Macau)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: maio de 2012
português (Moçambique)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: maio de 2012
Portuguese (Portugal)
FullDateTimePattern: d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 de maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: 28 de maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: maio de 2012
português (São Tomé e Príncipe)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: maio de 2012
português (Timor-Leste)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de maio
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: maio de 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd' rech 'MMMM' rech 'yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: kaq'ij, 28 rech uro ik' rech 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd' rech 'MMMM' rech 'yyyy
Example: kaq'ij, 28 rech uro ik' rech 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d' rech 'MMMM
Example: 28 rech uro ik'
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' rech 'yyyy
Example: uro ik' rech 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd' rech 'MMMM' rech 'yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: kaq'ij, 28 rech uro ik' rech 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd' rech 'MMMM' rech 'yyyy
Example: kaq'ij, 28 rech uro ik' rech 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d' rech 'MMMM
Example: 28 rech uro ik'
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' rech 'yyyy
Example: uro ik' rech 2012
K'iche' (Guatemala)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd' rech 'MMMM' rech 'yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: kaq'ij, 28 rech uro ik' rech 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd' rech 'MMMM' rech 'yyyy
Example: kaq'ij, 28 rech uro ik' rech 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d' rech 'MMMM
Example: 28 rech uro ik'
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' rech 'yyyy
Example: uro ik' rech 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: killachaw, 28 de Aymuray de 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: killachaw, 28 de Aymuray de 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de Aymuray
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: Aymuray de 2012
Quechua (Bolivia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: killachaw, 28 de Aymuray de 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: killachaw, 28 de Aymuray de 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de Aymuray
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: Aymuray de 2012
Quichua (Ecuador)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: awaki, 28 de aymuray de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: awaki, 28 de aymuray de 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d 'de' MMMM
Example: 28 de aymuray
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: aymuray de 2012
Quechua (Peru)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: Lunes, 28 Aymuray, 2012 11:35:00 a.m.
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: Lunes, 28 Aymuray, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 a.m.
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Aymuray
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 a.m.
YearMonthPattern: MMMM' de 'yyyy
Example: Aymuray de 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, 'ils' d 'da' MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: glindesdi, ils 28 da matg 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, 'ils' d 'da' MMMM yyyy
Example: glindesdi, ils 28 da matg 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. matg
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: matg 2012
Romansh (Switzerland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, 'ils' d 'da' MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: glindesdi, ils 28 da matg 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, 'ils' d 'da' MMMM yyyy
Example: glindesdi, ils 28 da matg 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. matg
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: matg 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Ku wa mbere 28 Rusama 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Ku wa mbere 28 Rusama 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Rusama 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Rusama
Ikirundi (Uburundi)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Ku wa mbere 28 Rusama 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Ku wa mbere 28 Rusama 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Rusama 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Rusama
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: luni, 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: luni, 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
Romanian (Moldova)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: luni, 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: luni, 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
Romanian (Romania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: luni, 28 mai 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: luni, 28 mai 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mai
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mai 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Ijumatatu, 28 Mweri wa tanu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Ijumatatu, 28 Mweri wa tanu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mweri wa tanu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mweri wa tanu 2012
Kihorombo (Tanzania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Ijumatatu, 28 Mweri wa tanu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Ijumatatu, 28 Mweri wa tanu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mweri wa tanu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mweri wa tanu 2012
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy 'г.' H:mm:ss
Example: 28 мая 2012 г. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy 'г.'
Example: 28 мая 2012 г.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мая
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Май 2012
русский (Беларусь)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy 'г'. H:mm:ss
Example: понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мая
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: май 2012 г.
русский (Киргизия)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy 'г'. H:mm:ss
Example: понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мая
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: май 2012 г.
русский (Казахстан)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy 'г'. H:mm:ss
Example: понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мая
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: май 2012 г.
Russian (Moldova)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy 'г'. H:mm:ss
Example: понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мая
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: май 2012 г.
Russian (Russia)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy 'г.' H:mm:ss
Example: 28 мая 2012 г. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy 'г.'
Example: 28 мая 2012 г.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мая
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Май 2012
русский (Украина)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy 'г'. HH:mm:ss
Example: понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 мая
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy 'г'.
Example: май 2012 г.
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: Kuwa mbere, 2012 Gicuransi 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: Kuwa mbere, 2012 Gicuransi 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Gicuransi 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Gicuransi
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: Kuwa mbere, 2012 Gicuransi 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: Kuwa mbere, 2012 Gicuransi 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Gicuransi 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/MM/dd
Example: 2012/05/28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Gicuransi
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Kiruwa (Tanzania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 मे 2012 सोमवासरः 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd
Example: 28 मे 2012 सोमवासरः
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मे
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: मे, 2012
Sanskrit (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 मे 2012 सोमवासरः 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy dddd
Example: 28 मे 2012 सोमवासरः
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मे
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: मे, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy 'с.' MMMM d 'күнэ' H:mm:ss
Example: энидиэнньик, 2012 с. ыам ыйын 28 күнэ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy 'с.' MMMM d 'күнэ'
Example: энидиэнньик, 2012 с. ыам ыйын 28 күнэ
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d күнэ
Example: ыам ыйын 28 күнэ
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy 'с.' MMMM
Example: 2012 с. Ыам ыйа
Sakha (Russia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy 'с.' MMMM d 'күнэ' H:mm:ss
Example: энидиэнньик, 2012 с. ыам ыйын 28 күнэ 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy 'с.' MMMM d 'күнэ'
Example: энидиэнньик, 2012 с. ыам ыйын 28 күнэ
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d күнэ
Example: ыам ыйын 28 күнэ
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy 'с.' MMMM
Example: 2012 с. Ыам ыйа
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Mderot ee kuni, 28 Lapa le imet 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Mderot ee kuni, 28 Lapa le imet 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Lapa le imet 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Lapa le imet 2012
Kisampur (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Mderot ee kuni, 28 Lapa le imet 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Mderot ee kuni, 28 Lapa le imet 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Lapa le imet 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Lapa le imet 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mushende Magali 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mushende Magali 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mushende Magali 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mushende Magali
Ishisangu (Tansaniya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mushende Magali 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mushende Magali 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mushende Magali 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mushende Magali
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: اڱارو, 28 مٔي, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: اڱارو, 28 مٔي, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مٔي
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مٔي, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: اڱارو, 28 مٔي, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: اڱارو, 28 مٔي, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مٔي
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مٔي, 2012
Sindhi (Pakistan)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: اڱارو, 28 مٔي, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: اڱارو, 28 مٔي, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مٔي
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مٔي, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 मय 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 मय 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मय
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: मय 2012
Sindhi (Devanagari, India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 मय 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 मय 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 मय
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: मय 2012
Northern Sami
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 miessemánnu 28, vuossárga 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 miessemánnu 28, vuossárga
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: miessemánnu 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 miessemánnu
Sami, Northern (Finland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd', 'MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: vuossárga, miessemánu 28. b. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd', 'MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy
Example: vuossárga, miessemánu 28. b. 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. b.'
Example: miessemánu 28. b.
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: miessemánnu 2012
Sami, Northern (Norway)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 miessemánnu 28, vuossárga 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 miessemánnu 28, vuossárga
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: miessemánnu 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 miessemánnu
Sami, Northern (Sweden)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mánnodat, miessemánu 28. b. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy
Example: mánnodat, miessemánu 28. b. 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. b.'
Example: miessemánu 28. b.
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: miessemánnu 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Chiposi, 28 de Maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: Chiposi, 28 de Maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Maio
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: Maio de 2012
sena (Moçambique)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Chiposi, 28 de Maio de 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: Chiposi, 28 de Maio de 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Maio
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM 'de' yyyy
Example: Maio de 2012
Koyraboro senni
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Me
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Me 2012
Koyraboro senni (Maali)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Me
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Me 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Bïkua-ûse 28 Bêläwü 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Bïkua-ûse 28 Bêläwü 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Bêläwü
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Bêläwü 2012
Sängö (Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Bïkua-ûse 28 Bêläwü 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Bïkua-ûse 28 Bêläwü 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Bêläwü
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Bêläwü 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: aynas 28 mayyu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: aynas 28 mayyu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mayyu
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mayyu 2012
Tashelḥiyt (lmɣrib)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: aynas 28 mayyu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: aynas 28 mayyu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mayyu
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mayyu 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012
ⵜⴰⵛⵍⵃⵉⵜ (ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 මැයි 28, සඳුදා 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 මැයි 28, සඳුදා
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: මැයි 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 මැයි
Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 මැයි 28, සඳුදා 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 මැයි 28, සඳුදා
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: මැයි 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 මැයි
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: pondelok, 28. mája 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: pondelok, 28. mája 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mája
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: máj 2012
Slovak (Slovakia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: pondelok, 28. mája 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: pondelok, 28. mája 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. mája
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: máj 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ponedeljek, 28. maj 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy
Example: ponedeljek, 28. maj 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maj
ShortDatePattern: d. MM. yyyy
Example: 28. 05. 2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
Slovenian (Slovenia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ponedeljek, 28. maj 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy
Example: ponedeljek, 28. maj 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maj
ShortDatePattern: d. MM. yyyy
Example: 28. 05. 2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
Sami (Southern)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: måanta, suehpeden 28. b. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy
Example: måanta, suehpeden 28. b. 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. b.'
Example: suehpeden 28. b.
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: suehpede 2012
Sami, Southern (Norway)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: måanta, suehpeden 28. b. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy
Example: måanta, suehpeden 28. b. 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. b.'
Example: suehpeden 28. b.
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: suehpede 2012
Sami, Southern (Sweden)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: måanta, suehpeden 28. b. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy
Example: måanta, suehpeden 28. b. 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. b.'
Example: suehpeden 28. b.
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: suehpede 2012
Sami (Lule)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mánnodahka, moarmesmáno 28. b. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy
Example: mánnodahka, moarmesmáno 28. b. 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. b.'
Example: moarmesmáno 28. b.
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: moarmesmánno 2012
Sami, Lule (Norway)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mánnodahka, moarmesmáno 28. b. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy
Example: mánnodahka, moarmesmáno 28. b. 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. b.'
Example: moarmesmáno 28. b.
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: moarmesmánno 2012
Sami, Lule (Sweden)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: mánnodahka, moarmesmáno 28. b. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d'. b. 'yyyy
Example: mánnodahka, moarmesmáno 28. b. 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. b.'
Example: moarmesmáno 28. b.
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: moarmesmánno 2012
Sami (Inari)
FullDateTimePattern: MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: vyesimáánu 28. p. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy
Example: vyesimáánu 28. p. 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. p. '
Example: vyesimáánu 28. p.
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: vyesimáánu 2012
Sami, Inari (Finland)
FullDateTimePattern: MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: vyesimáánu 28. p. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy
Example: vyesimáánu 28. p. 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. p. '
Example: vyesimáánu 28. p.
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: vyesimáánu 2012
Sami (Skolt)
FullDateTimePattern: MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: vue´ssmannu 28. p. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy
Example: vue´ssmannu 28. p. 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. p. '
Example: vue´ssmannu 28. p.
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: vue´ssmään 2012
Sami, Skolt (Finland)
FullDateTimePattern: MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: vue´ssmannu 28. p. 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: MMMM d'. p. 'yyyy
Example: vue´ssmannu 28. p. 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d'. p. '
Example: vue´ssmannu 28. p.
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: vue´ssmään 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Muvhuro, 28 Chivabvu 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Muvhuro, 28 Chivabvu 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Chivabvu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Chivabvu 2012
chiShona (Latin)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Muvhuro, 28 Chivabvu 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Muvhuro, 28 Chivabvu 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Chivabvu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Chivabvu 2012
chiShona (Zimbabwe)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Muvhuro, 28 Chivabvu 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Muvhuro, 28 Chivabvu 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Chivabvu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Chivabvu 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Isniin, Bisha Shanaad 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Isniin, Bisha Shanaad 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Bisha Shanaad 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Bisha Shanaad 2012
Soomaali (Jabuuti)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Isniin, Bisha Shanaad 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Isniin, Bisha Shanaad 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Bisha Shanaad 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Bisha Shanaad 2012
Soomaali (Itoobiya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Isniin, Bisha Shanaad 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Isniin, Bisha Shanaad 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Bisha Shanaad 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Bisha Shanaad 2012
Soomaali (Kiiniya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Isniin, Bisha Shanaad 28, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Isniin, Bisha Shanaad 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Bisha Shanaad 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Bisha Shanaad 2012
Somali (Somalia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Isniin, Bisha Shanaad 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Isniin, Bisha Shanaad 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Bisha Shanaad 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Bisha Shanaad 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: e hënë, 28 maj 2012 11:35:00 e paradites
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: e hënë, 28 maj 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 e paradites
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maj
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 e paradites
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maj 2012
Albanian (Albania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: e hënë, 28 maj 2012 11:35:00 e paradites
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: e hënë, 28 maj 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 e paradites
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maj
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 e paradites
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maj 2012
shqip (Republika e Maqedonisë)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: e hënë, 28 maj 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: e hënë, 28 maj 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maj
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maj 2012
shqip (Kosovë)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: e hënë, 28 maj 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: e hënë, 28 maj 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maj
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy
Example: 28.5.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maj 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012. 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012.
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: maj 2012.
Serbian (Cyrillic)
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm:ss
Example: 28. мај 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy.
Example: 28. мај 2012.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. мај
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy.
Example: 28.05.2012.
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: мај 2012.
Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28. мај 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy
Example: 28. мај 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. мај
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: мај, 2012
Serbian (Cyrillic, Montenegro)
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm:ss
Example: 28. мај 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy.
Example: 28. мај 2012.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. мај
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: мај 2012.
Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)
FullDateTimePattern: d. MMMM yyyy. H:mm:ss
Example: 28. мај 2012. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d. MMMM yyyy.
Example: 28. мај 2012.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. мај
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy.
Example: 28.05.2012.
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: мај 2012.
српски (Косово)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: понедељак, 28. мај 2012. 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: понедељак, 28. мај 2012.
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. мај
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: мај 2012.
Serbian (Latin)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012. 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012.
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: maj 2012.
Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012. 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012.
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: maj 2012.
Serbian (Latin, Montenegro)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012. 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012.
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: maj 2012.
Serbian (Latin, Serbia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012. 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012.
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: maj 2012.
srpski (Kosovo)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012. 11.35.00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy.
Example: ponedeljak, 28. maj 2012.
Example: 11.35.00
MonthDayPattern: d. MMMM
Example: 28. maj
ShortDatePattern: d.M.yyyy.
Example: 28.5.2012.
Example: 11.35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy.
Example: maj 2012.
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 iNkhwekhweti 28, uMsombuluko 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 iNkhwekhweti 28, uMsombuluko
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: iNkhwekhweti 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 iNkhwekhweti
siSwati (Swaziland)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 iNkhwekhweti 28, uMsombuluko 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 iNkhwekhweti 28, uMsombuluko
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: iNkhwekhweti 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 iNkhwekhweti
siSwati (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 iNkhwekhweti 28, uMsombuluko 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 iNkhwekhweti 28, uMsombuluko
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: iNkhwekhweti 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 iNkhwekhweti
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Sani, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Sani, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Caxah Alsa 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Caxah Alsa
Saho (Eretria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Sani, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
Example: Sani, Caxah Alsa 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Caxah Alsa 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Caxah Alsa
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Motsheanong 28, Mmantaha 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Motsheanong 28, Mmantaha
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Motsheanong 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Motsheanong
Sesotho (Lesotho)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Motsheanong 28, Mmantaha 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Motsheanong 28, Mmantaha
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Motsheanong 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Motsheanong
Sesotho (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Motsheanong 28, Mmantaha 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Motsheanong 28, Mmantaha
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Motsheanong 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Motsheanong
FullDateTimePattern: 'den 'd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: den 28 maj 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: 'den 'd MMMM yyyy
Example: den 28 maj 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: 'den 'd MMMM
Example: den 28 maj
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
svenska (Åland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: måndag 28 maj 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: måndag 28 maj 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maj
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
Swedish (Finland)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: måndag 28 maj 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: måndag 28 maj 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 maj
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
Swedish (Sweden)
FullDateTimePattern: 'den 'd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: den 28 maj 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: 'den 'd MMMM yyyy
Example: den 28 maj 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: 'den 'd MMMM
Example: den 28 maj
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: maj 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Kiswahili (Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: siku ya kwanza 28 mwezi ya tanu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: siku ya kwanza 28 mwezi ya tanu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 mwezi ya tanu
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: mwezi ya tanu 2012
Kiswahili (Kenya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Kiswahili (Tanzania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Kiswahili (Uganda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mei
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 ܐܝܪ, 2012 11:35:00 ܩ.ܛ
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 ܐܝܪ, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ܩ.ܛ
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: ܐܝܪ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ܩ.ܛ
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ܐܝܪ, 2012
Syriac (Syria)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 ܐܝܪ, 2012 11:35:00 ܩ.ܛ
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 ܐܝܪ, 2012
LongTimePattern: hh:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ܩ.ܛ
MonthDayPattern: MMMM dd
Example: ܐܝܪ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: hh:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ܩ.ܛ
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ܐܝܪ, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 மே 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 மே 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 மே
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: மே 2012
Tamil (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 மே 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 மே 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 மே
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: மே 2012
Tamil (Sri Lanka)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: திங்கள், 28 மே, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: திங்கள், 28 மே, 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 மே
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: மே 2012
தமிழ் (மலேசியா)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy tt h:mm:ss
Example: திங்கள், 28 மே, 2012 முற்பகல் 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: திங்கள், 28 மே, 2012
LongTimePattern: tt h:mm:ss
Example: முற்பகல் 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 மே
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: tt h:mm
Example: முற்பகல் 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: மே 2012
தமிழ் (சிங்கப்பூர்)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy tt h:mm:ss
Example: திங்கள், 28 மே, 2012 முற்பகல் 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: திங்கள், 28 மே, 2012
LongTimePattern: tt h:mm:ss
Example: முற்பகல் 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 மே
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: tt h:mm
Example: முற்பகல் 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: மே 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 మే 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 మే 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: మే 28
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: మే, 2012
Telugu (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 మే 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 మే 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: మే 28
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yy
Example: 28-05-12
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: మే, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Nakaebarasa, 28 Omaruk 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Nakaebarasa, 28 Omaruk 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Omaruk 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Omaruk 2012
Kiteso (Kenia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Nakaebarasa, 28 Omaruk 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Nakaebarasa, 28 Omaruk 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Omaruk 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Omaruk 2012
Kiteso (Uganda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Nakaebarasa, 28 Omaruk 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Nakaebarasa, 28 Omaruk 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Omaruk 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Omaruk 2012
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy' с.' HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 май 2012 с. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy' с.'
Example: 28 май 2012 с.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 май
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: май 2012
Tajik (Cyrillic)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy' с.' HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 май 2012 с. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy' с.'
Example: 28 май 2012 с.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 май
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: май 2012
Tajik (Cyrillic, Tajikistan)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy' с.' HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 май 2012 с. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy' с.'
Example: 28 май 2012 с.
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 май
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: май 2012
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28 พฤษภาคม 2555 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 พฤษภาคม 2555
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 พฤษภาคม
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2555
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: พฤษภาคม 2555
Thai (Thailand)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28 พฤษภาคม 2555 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 พฤษภาคม 2555
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 พฤษภาคม
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2555
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: พฤษภาคม 2555
FullDateTimePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM መዓልቲ yyyy gg h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሰኑይ፡ 28 ግንቦት መዓልቲ 2012 ዓ/ም 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM መዓልቲ yyyy gg
Example: ሰኑይ፡ 28 ግንቦት መዓልቲ 2012 ዓ/ም
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ግንቦት 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ግንቦት 2012
Tigrinya (Eritrea)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM መዓልቲ yyyy gg h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሰኑይ፡ 28 ግንቦት መዓልቲ 2012 ዓ/ም 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM መዓልቲ yyyy gg
Example: ሰኑይ፡ 28 ግንቦት መዓልቲ 2012 ዓ/ም
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ግንቦት 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ግንቦት 2012
Tigrinya (Ethiopia)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd፣ dd MMMM መዓልቲ yyyy gg h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሰኑይ፣ 28 ሜይ መዓልቲ 2012 ዓ/ም 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd፣ dd MMMM መዓልቲ yyyy gg
Example: ሰኑይ፣ 28 ሜይ መዓልቲ 2012 ዓ/ም
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ሜይ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ሜይ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM ዮም yyyy gg h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሰኖ፡ 28 ሜይ ዮም 2012 ዓ/ም 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM ዮም yyyy gg
Example: ሰኖ፡ 28 ሜይ ዮም 2012 ዓ/ም
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ሜይ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ሜይ
ትግረ (ኤርትራ)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM ዮም yyyy gg h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሰኖ፡ 28 ሜይ ዮም 2012 ዓ/ም 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd፡ dd MMMM ዮም yyyy gg
Example: ሰኖ፡ 28 ሜይ ዮም 2012 ዓ/ም
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ሜይ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ሜይ
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'-nji ýylyň 'd'-nji 'MMMM HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012-nji ýylyň 28-nji Maý 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'-nji ýylyň 'd'-nji 'MMMM
Example: 2012-nji ýylyň 28-nji Maý
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Maý
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yy 'ý.'
Example: 28.05.12 ý.
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy 'ý.' MMMM
Example: 2012 ý. Maý
Turkmen (Turkmenistan)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'-nji ýylyň 'd'-nji 'MMMM HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012-nji ýylyň 28-nji Maý 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'-nji ýylyň 'd'-nji 'MMMM
Example: 2012-nji ýylyň 28-nji Maý
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Maý
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yy 'ý.'
Example: 28.05.12 ý.
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy 'ý.' MMMM
Example: 2012 ý. Maý
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Motsheganang 28, Mosopulogo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Motsheganang 28, Mosopulogo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Motsheganang 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Motsheganang
Setswana (Botswana)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Motsheganang 28, Mosopulogo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Motsheganang 28, Mosopulogo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Motsheganang 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Motsheganang
Setswana (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Motsheganang 28, Mosopulogo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Motsheganang 28, Mosopulogo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Motsheganang 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Motsheganang
lea fakatonga
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Mōnite 28 Mē 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Mōnite 28 Mē 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mē
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mē 2012
lea fakatonga (Tonga)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Mōnite 28 Mē 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Mōnite 28 Mē 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Mē
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mē 2012
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy dddd
Example: 28 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 Mayıs
ShortDatePattern: d.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayıs 2012
Türkçe (Kıbrıs)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy dddd h:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi 11:35:00 ÖÖ
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy dddd
Example: 28 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 ÖÖ
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 Mayıs
ShortDatePattern: d.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 ÖÖ
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayıs 2012
Turkish (Turkey)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy dddd
Example: 28 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 Mayıs
ShortDatePattern: d.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayıs 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Mudyaxihi 28, Musumbhunuku 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Mudyaxihi 28, Musumbhunuku
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mudyaxihi 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mudyaxihi
Xitsonga (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Mudyaxihi 28, Musumbhunuku 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Mudyaxihi 28, Musumbhunuku
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mudyaxihi 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Mudyaxihi
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy' ел' HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 май 2012 ел 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy' ел'
Example: 28 май 2012 ел
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 май
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: май 2012
Tatar (Russia)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy' ел' HH:mm:ss
Example: 28 май 2012 ел 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy' ел'
Example: 28 май 2012 ел
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 май
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: май 2012
Tasawaq senni
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Me 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Me
Tasawaq senni (Nižer)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Atinni 28 Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Me 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Me
Central Atlas Tamazight
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28 Magu, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 Magu, 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Magu
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: Magu, 2012
أطلس المركزية التامازيتية
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
Central Atlas Tamazight (Arabic, Morocco)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd، d MMMM، yyyy
Example: الاثنين، 28 مايو، 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مايو
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مايو 2012
Central Atlas Tamazight (Latin)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28 Magu, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 Magu, 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Magu
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: Magu, 2012
Central Atlas Tamazight (Latin, Algeria)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: 28 Magu, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 Magu, 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Magu
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: Magu, 2012
Tamaziɣt n laṭlaṣ (Meṛṛuk)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Aynas, 28 Mayyu 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Aynas, 28 Mayyu 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mayyu 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mayyu 2012
Central Atlas Tamazight (Tifinagh)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ, 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ, 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ, 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ, 2012
Central Atlas Tamazight (Tifinagh, Morocco)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ, 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ, 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ, 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ, 2012
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ
ShortDatePattern: dd-MM-yyyy
Example: 28-05-2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy-'يىل' d-MMMM H:mm:ss
Example: 2012-يىل 28-ماي 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy-'يىل' d-MMMM
Example: 2012-يىل 28-ماي
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d-MMMM
Example: 28-ماي
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-M-d
Example: 2012-5-28
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy-'يىلى' MMMM
Example: 2012-يىلى ماي
Uyghur (China)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy-'يىل' d-MMMM H:mm:ss
Example: 2012-يىل 28-ماي 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy-'يىل' d-MMMM
Example: 2012-يىل 28-ماي
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d-MMMM
Example: 28-ماي
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-M-d
Example: 2012-5-28
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy-'يىلى' MMMM
Example: 2012-يىلى ماي
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy' р.' H:mm:ss
Example: 28 травня 2012 р. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy' р.'
Example: 28 травня 2012 р.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 травня
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy' р.'
Example: травень 2012 р.
Ukrainian (Ukraine)
FullDateTimePattern: d MMMM yyyy' р.' H:mm:ss
Example: 28 травня 2012 р. 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: d MMMM yyyy' р.'
Example: 28 травня 2012 р.
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 травня
ShortDatePattern: dd.MM.yyyy
Example: 28.05.2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy' р.'
Example: травень 2012 р.
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 مئی, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مئی, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مئی
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مئی, 2012
Urdu (India)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: پیر, 28 مئی, 2012 11:35:00 دن
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
Example: پیر, 28 مئی, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 دن
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 مئی
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yy
Example: 28/5/12
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 دن
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: مئی 2012
Urdu (Pakistan)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 مئی, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM, yyyy
Example: 28 مئی, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 مئی
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: مئی, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: dushanba, 2012 may 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: dushanba, 2012 may 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d-MMMM
Example: 28-may
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: May, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: دوشنبه 8 جوزا 1391 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه 8 جوزا 1391
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d-MMMM
Example: 8-جوزا
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM yyyy
Example: 08/03 1391
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: جوزا 1391
اوزبیک (افغانستان)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Example: دوشنبه 8 جوزا 1391 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: دوشنبه 8 جوزا 1391
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d-MMMM
Example: 8-جوزا
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM yyyy
Example: 08/03 1391
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: جوزا 1391
Uzbek (Cyrillic)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: душанба, 2012 Май 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: душанба, 2012 Май 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Май 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Май
Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: душанба, 2012 Май 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: душанба, 2012 Май 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Май 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Май
Uzbek (Latin)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: dushanba, 2012 may 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: dushanba, 2012 may 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d-MMMM
Example: 28-may
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: May, 2012
Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss
Example: dushanba, 2012 may 28 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, yyyy MMMM dd
Example: dushanba, 2012 may 28
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d-MMMM
Example: 28-may
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM, yyyy
Example: May, 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ꗳꗡꘉ, 28 ꖑꕱ 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: ꗳꗡꘉ, 28 ꖑꕱ 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ꖑꕱ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ꖑꕱ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: tɛɛnɛɛ, 28 goo 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: tɛɛnɛɛ, 28 goo 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: goo 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 goo
Vai (Laibhiya)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: tɛɛnɛɛ, 28 goo 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: tɛɛnɛɛ, 28 goo 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: goo 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 goo
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ꗳꗡꘉ, 28 ꖑꕱ 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: ꗳꗡꘉ, 28 ꖑꕱ 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ꖑꕱ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ꖑꕱ 2012
ꕙꔤ (ꕞꔤꔫꕩ)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: ꗳꗡꘉ, 28 ꖑꕱ 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: ꗳꗡꘉ, 28 ꖑꕱ 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ꖑꕱ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: ꖑꕱ 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Shundunthule 28, Musumbuluwo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Shundunthule 28, Musumbuluwo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Shundunthule 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Shundunthule
Venda (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Shundunthule 28, Musumbuluwo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Shundunthule 28, Musumbuluwo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Shundunthule 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Shundunthule
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 Tháng Năm 2012 11:35:00 SA
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 Tháng Năm 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 SA
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 Tháng Năm
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 SA
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Tháng Năm 2012
Vietnamese (Vietnam)
FullDateTimePattern: dd MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: 28 Tháng Năm 2012 11:35:00 SA
LongDatePattern: dd MMMM yyyy
Example: 28 Tháng Năm 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 SA
MonthDayPattern: dd MMMM
Example: 28 Tháng Năm
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 SA
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Tháng Năm 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM'a' 'd'. d'id' HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 mayula d. 28id 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM'a' 'd'. d'id'
Example: 2012 mayula d. 28id
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: mayul 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 mayul
Volapük (World)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM'a' 'd'. d'id' HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 mayula d. 28id 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM'a' 'd'. d'id'
Example: 2012 mayula d. 28id
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: mayul 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 mayul
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
Kyivunjo (Tanzania)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Jumatatuu, 28 Mei 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Mei 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Mei 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Mäntag, 28. Meije 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Mäntag, 28. Meije 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Meije 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Meije
Walser (Schwiz)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Mäntag, 28. Meije 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d. MMMM yyyy
Example: Mäntag, 28. Meije 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Meije 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Meije
FullDateTimePattern: dddd፥ dd MMMM ጋላሳ yyyy gg h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሳይኖ፥ 28 ሜይ ጋላሳ 2012 ግሮተታ ላይታ 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd፥ dd MMMM ጋላሳ yyyy gg
Example: ሳይኖ፥ 28 ሜይ ጋላሳ 2012 ግሮተታ ላይታ
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ሜይ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ሜይ
ወላይታቱ (ኢትዮጵያ)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd፥ dd MMMM ጋላሳ yyyy gg h:mm:ss tt
Example: ሳይኖ፥ 28 ሜይ ጋላሳ 2012 ግሮተታ ላይታ 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd፥ dd MMMM ጋላሳ yyyy gg
Example: ሳይኖ፥ 28 ሜይ ጋላሳ 2012 ግሮተታ ላይታ
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ሜይ 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ሜይ
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Altine 28 Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Altine 28 Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Me
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Me 2012
Wolof (Senegal)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Altine 28 Me 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: Altine 28 Me 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: d MMMM
Example: 28 Me
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Me 2012
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Meyi 28, Mvulo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Meyi 28, Mvulo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Meyi 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Meyi
isiXhosa (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd HH:mm:ss
Example: 2012 Meyi 28, Mvulo 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy MMMM d, dddd
Example: 2012 Meyi 28, Mvulo
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Meyi 28
ShortDatePattern: yyyy-MM-dd
Example: 2012-05-28
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 Meyi
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Balaza, 28 Maayi 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Balaza, 28 Maayi 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Maayi 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maayi 2012
Olusoga (Yuganda)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Balaza, 28 Maayi 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Balaza, 28 Maayi 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Maayi 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Maayi 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: móndie 28 ensil, oóli ú kátánuɛ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: móndie 28 ensil, oóli ú kátánuɛ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ensil, oóli ú kátánuɛ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ensil, oóli ú kátánuɛ
nuasue (Kemelún)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: móndie 28 ensil, oóli ú kátánuɛ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: móndie 28 ensil, oóli ú kátánuɛ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ensil, oóli ú kátánuɛ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ensil, oóli ú kátánuɛ
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dטן MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: מאָנטיק, 28טן מיי 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dטן MMMM yyyy
Example: מאָנטיק, 28טן מיי 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: מיי 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: מיי 2012
Yiddish (World)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, dטן MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: מאָנטיק, 28טן מיי 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, dטן MMMM yyyy
Example: מאָנטיק, 28טן מיי 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: מיי 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: מיי 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Ọjọ́ Ajé, 28 Oṣù Ẹ̀bibi 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Ọjọ́ Ajé, 28 Oṣù Ẹ̀bibi 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Oṣù Ẹ̀bibi 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Oṣù Ẹ̀bibi 2012
Èdè Yorùbá (Orílɛ́ède Bɛ̀nɛ̀)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: Ɔjɔ́ Ajé, 28 Oshù Ɛ̀bibi 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Ɔjɔ́ Ajé, 28 Oshù Ɛ̀bibi 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Oshù Ɛ̀bibi 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Oshù Ɛ̀bibi 2012
Yoruba (Nigeria)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: Ọjọ́ Ajé, 28 Oṣù Ẹ̀bibi 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, d MMMM yyyy
Example: Ọjọ́ Ajé, 28 Oṣù Ẹ̀bibi 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Oṣù Ẹ̀bibi 28
ShortDatePattern: dd/MM/yyyy
Example: 28/05/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Oṣù Ẹ̀bibi 2012
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ
ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ (ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: dddd d MMMM yyyy
Example: ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ 28 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 2012
LongTimePattern: HH:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ 28
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: HH:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy MMMM
Example: 2012 ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'
Example: 2012年5月28日
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'年'M'月'
Example: 2012年5月
Chinese (Simplified, China)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'
Example: 2012年5月28日
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'年'M'月'
Example: 2012年5月
Chinese (Simplified)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'
Example: 2012年5月28日
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'年'M'月'
Example: 2012年5月
中文 (香港特别行政区)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy年M月d日dddd tth:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日星期一 上午11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy年M月d日dddd
Example: 2012年5月28日星期一
LongTimePattern: tth:mm:ss
Example: 上午11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: tth:mm
Example: 上午11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy年M月
Example: 2012年5月
中文 (澳门特别行政区)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy年M月d日dddd tth:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日星期一 上午11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy年M月d日dddd
Example: 2012年5月28日星期一
LongTimePattern: tth:mm:ss
Example: 上午11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: tth:mm
Example: 上午11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy年M月
Example: 2012年5月
Chinese (Traditional)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'
Example: 2012年5月28日
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'年'M'月'
Example: 2012年5月
Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'
Example: 2012年5月28日
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'年'M'月'
Example: 2012年5月
Chinese (Traditional, Macao SAR)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'
Example: 2012年5月28日
LongTimePattern: H:mm:ss
Example: 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: H:mm
Example: 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'年'M'月'
Example: 2012年5月
Chinese (Simplified, Singapore)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' tt h:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日 上午 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'
Example: 2012年5月28日
LongTimePattern: tt h:mm:ss
Example: 上午 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: d/M/yyyy
Example: 28/5/2012
ShortTimePattern: tt h:mm
Example: 上午 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'年'M'月'
Example: 2012年5月
Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)
FullDateTimePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' tt hh:mm:ss
Example: 2012年5月28日 上午 11:35:00
LongDatePattern: yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'
Example: 2012年5月28日
LongTimePattern: tt hh:mm:ss
Example: 上午 11:35:00
MonthDayPattern: M月d日
Example: 5月28日
ShortDatePattern: yyyy/M/d
Example: 2012/5/28
ShortTimePattern: tt hh:mm
Example: 上午 11:35
YearMonthPattern: yyyy'年'M'月'
Example: 2012年5月
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: UMsombuluko, Meyi 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: UMsombuluko, Meyi 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Meyi 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Meyi 2012
isiZulu (South Africa)
FullDateTimePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt
Example: UMsombuluko, Meyi 28, 2012 11:35:00 AM
LongDatePattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
Example: UMsombuluko, Meyi 28, 2012
LongTimePattern: h:mm:ss tt
Example: 11:35:00 AM
MonthDayPattern: MMMM d
Example: Meyi 28
ShortDatePattern: M/d/yyyy
Example: 5/28/2012
ShortTimePattern: h:mm tt
Example: 11:35 AM
YearMonthPattern: MMMM yyyy
Example: Meyi 2012
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