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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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  • Save SimonDanisch/1b04677517e84863565c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SimonDanisch/1b04677517e84863565c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using GLWindow, GLUtil, ModernGL, Meshes, Events, GLUT
createWindow(name="Mesh Display")
#Mesh creatin with Meshes.jl
function createSampleMesh()
N = 10
sigma = 1.0
distance = Float32[ sqrt(float32(i*i+j*j+k*k)) for i = -N:N, j = -N:N, k = -N:N ]
distance = distance + sigma*rand(2*N+1,2*N+1,2*N+1)
# Extract an isosurface.
lambda = N-2*sigma # isovalue
msh = isosurface(distance,lambda)
#A conversion is necessary so far, as the Mesh DataType is not parametrized and uses Float64+Int64
verts = Array(Float32, length(msh.vertices) * 3)
indices = Array(GLuint, length(msh.faces) * 3)
index = 1
for elem in msh.vertices
verts[index:index+2] = Float32[elem.e1, elem.e2, elem.e3]
index += 3
index = 1
for elem in msh.faces
indices[index:index+2] = GLuint[elem.v1 - 1, elem.v2 - 1, elem.v3 - 1]
index += 3
#I use dicts to upload the attributes and buffer to a shader
mesh =
:indexes => GLBuffer(indices, 1, bufferType = GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER),
:position => GLBuffer(verts, 3),
# The RenderObject combines the shader, and Integrates the buffer into a VertexArray
RenderObject(mesh, GLProgram("3dshader"))
meshObject = createSampleMesh()
# function which will get inserted into the renderlist, that renders the Mesh
function renderObject(renderObject::RenderObject)
programID =
if programID!= glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM)
#Upload the camera uniform
render(:mvp, renderObject.uniforms[:mvp], programID)
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, renderObject.vertexArray.indexLength, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, GL_NONE)
#Setup the Camera, with some events for moving the camera
perspectiveCam = PerspectiveCamera(horizontalAngle = deg2rad(180f0), verticalAngle = deg2rad(0f0), position = Float32[50, 50, 50])
registerEventAction(EventAction{WindowResized{0}}(x -> true, (), resize, (perspectiveCam,)))
registerEventAction(EventAction{MouseDragged{0}}(x -> x.start.key == 0 && x.start.status == 0, (), move, (perspectiveCam,)))
registerEventAction(EventAction{MouseDragged{0}}(x ->x.start.key == 2 && x.start.status == 0, (), mouseToRotate, (perspectiveCam,)))
meshObject.uniforms[:mvp] = perspectiveCam
#Display the object with some ID and a render function. Could be deleted or overwritten with that ID
glDisplay("testObject", (FuncWithArgs(renderObject, (meshObject,)),))
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