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Last active July 30, 2018 09:05
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using Makie
using FileIO, GeometryTypes, Colors, GDAL
istiff(x) = endswith(x, ".tif")
function loadf0(x)
img =, GDAL.GA_ReadOnly)
band = GDAL.getrasterband(img, 1)
xsize = GDAL.getrasterbandxsize(band)
ysize = GDAL.getrasterbandysize(band)
data = Array{Float32}(xsize, ysize)
GDAL.rasterio(band, GDAL.GF_Read, 0, 0, xsize, ysize, data, xsize, ysize, GDAL.GDT_Float32, 0, 0)
exe7z = is_windows() ? joinpath(JULIA_HOME, "7z.exe") : joinpath(JULIA_HOME, "7z")
unzip(in, out) = run(`$exe7z x -y $in -o$out`)
function load_dataset(name)
# get the dataset from:
This is WorldClim 2.0 Beta version 1 (June 2016) downloaded from
They represent average monthly climate data for 1970-2000.
The data were created by Steve Fick and Robert Hijmans
You are not allowed to redistribute these data.
if !isfile("$")
# This might fail on windows - just try again a couple of times -.-
download("$", "$")
if !isdir(name)
unzip("$", name)
loadf0.(filter(istiff, joinpath.(name, readdir(name))))
water = load_dataset("prec")
temperature = load_dataset("tmax")
m = GLNormalUVMesh(Sphere(Point3f0(0), 1f0), 200)
p = decompose(Point3f0, m)
uv = decompose(UV{Float32}, m)
norms = decompose(Normal{3, Float32}, m)
cmap = [:darkblue, :deepskyblue2, :deepskyblue, :gold, :tomato3, :red, :darkred]
scene = Makie.mesh(m, color = temperature[10], colorrange = (-50, 50), colormap = cmap, shading = true, show_axis = false)
temp_plot = scene[end];
function to_msize(uv, water, xysize = 0.008, normalization = 908f0 * 4f0)
markersize = map(uv) do uv
wh = size(water) .- 1
x, y = round.(Int, Tuple(uv) .* wh) .+ 1
val = water[x, y] / normalization
val = val < 0.0 ? 0f0 : val
Vec3f0(xysize, xysize, val)
p, rotations = norms,
marker = Rect3D(Vec3f0(0), Vec3f0(1)), markersize = to_msize(uv, water[1]), raw = true,
color = (:skyblue2, 0.9)
wplot = scene[end]
eye_position, lookat, upvector = Vec3f0(0.5, 0.8, 2.5), Vec3f0(0), Vec3f0(0, 1, 0)
update_cam!(scene, eye_position, lookat, upvector)
record(scene, joinpath(homedir(), "Desktop", "earth.gif"), 0:(11*4)) do i
# Make simulation slower. TODO figure out how do this nicely with ffmpeg
if i % 4 == 0
i2 = (i ÷ 4) + 1
temp_plot[:color] = temperature[i2]
wplot[:markersize] = to_msize(uv, water[i2])
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