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Created April 3, 2014 15:18
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#This can be made more usable with a lot of defaults
immutable GLRenderObject
uniforms::Dict{ASCIIString, Any}
preRenderFunctions::Arrray{Tuple, 1},
postRenderFunctions::Arrray{Tuple, 1}
function GLRenderObject(
vertShader::Dict{ASCIIString, Any},
fragShader::Dict{ASCIIString, Any})
shader = GLProgram(toVertShader(vertShader), toFragShader(fragShader))
buffers = filter(x -> isa(x, GLBuffer), collect(values(vertShader)))
uniforms = filter(x -> !isa(x, GLBuffer) && !isa(x, (Function, Tuple)), collect(values(vertShader)))
vertexArray = GLVertexArray(buffers)
new(vertexArray, uniforms, shader, (Function, Tuple)[], (Function, Tuple)[])
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