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Last active March 13, 2017 12:06
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using GLVisualize, GeometryTypes, Colors, GLAbstraction, Reactive, Images, ModernGL
import GLVisualize: mm, calc_position, glyph_bearing!, glyph_uv_width!, glyph_scale!
window = glscreen()
description = """
Example of showing animated annotations over an image stream
# Displayes an array of points with text labels. This should get moved into GLVisualize!
function annotated_text(
points, labels_s;
color = RGBA(0f0,0f0,0f0,1f0),
scale = 5mm,
base_offset = Point2f0(scale / 2)
# make this work for Signal(points) as well as constant points
points_s = isa(points, Signal) ? points : Signal(points)
font, atlas = GLVisualize.defaultfont(), GLVisualize.get_texture_atlas()
# to display a text particle system, one needs
# 1, glyph segmentation_centroids, offset to the bottom, position in the texture atlas
# and the scale of the glyph. Then for bg labels, we also save a width
v0 = (Point2f0[], Point2f0[], Vec4f0[], Vec2f0[], Vec2f0[])
text = map(points_s) do points
labels = value(labels_s)
if length(labels) != length(points)
Colors, labels and points must have the same length! Found:
Points: $(length(points)), labels: $(length(labels))""")
n = mapreduce(length, +, labels)
rpoints, offsets, uv_widths, scales, widths = v0
if length(labels) != length(widths)
resize!(widths, length(labels))
if n != length(rpoints) # only resize if size changed
resize!(rpoints, n); resize!(offsets, n)
resize!(uv_widths, n); resize!(scales, n)
idx = 1
# glyph height of a long glyph
glyph_height = glyph_scale!(atlas, '|', font, scale)[2]
for (i, (start_pos, label)) in enumerate(zip(points, labels))
last_pos = start_pos .+ base_offset
for c in label # calculate segmentation_centroids for each character/glyph
rpoints[idx] = last_pos
last_pos = calc_position(last_pos, start_pos, atlas, c, font, scale)
offsets[idx] = glyph_bearing!(atlas, c, font, scale)
uv_widths[idx] = glyph_uv_width!(atlas, c, font)
scales[idx] = glyph_scale!(atlas, c, font, scale)
idx += 1
# calculate label lengths + extra width
widths[i] = Vec2f0(last_pos[1] - start_pos[1] + 1mm, glyph_height + 1mm)
rpoints, offsets, uv_widths, scales, widths
viz = visualize(
(DISTANCEFIELD, map(x->x[1], text)), # render segmentation_centroids as a distance field particle type
offset = map(x->x[2], text),
uv_offset_width = map(x->x[3], text),
scale = map(x->x[4], text),
color = color,
# drop down to low level opengl, to always render over image! (there should be a better API for this)
prerender = () -> begin
distancefield = atlas.images
viz, map(last, text) # return viz and widths
# _view and visualize it!
# you could also pass segmentation_centroids as a keyword argument or make
# the scale/rotation per glyph by supplying a Vector of them.
N = 20
segmentation_centroids = Signal(rand(Point2f0, N) .* 1000f0)
label_str = Signal([string(i) for i=1:N])
labels, widths = annotated_text(segmentation_centroids, label_str)
fbuffer = rand(Gray{N0f8}, 1200, 1600)
frame_viz = visualize(fbuffer)
# instead of circle you can also use unicode charactes (e.g. '+')
position_viz = visualize(
(Circle{Float32}(0, 1.5mm), segmentation_centroids),
color = RGBA(1f0, 0f0, 0f0, 0.6f0)
gpu_position = position_viz.children[][:position]
bg_viz = visualize(
(ROUNDED_RECTANGLE, segmentation_centroids),
scale = widths,
# you can give each label a color (random looks terrible, which is why whe use just white instead)
# color = RGBA{Float32}[rand(RGB) for i = 1:N],
color = RGBA(1f0, 1f0, 1f0, 0.6f0),
offset = Vec2f0(1.0mm)
_view(frame_viz, window)
_view(bg_viz, window)
_view(labels, window)
_view(position_viz, window)
# N0f8, like UInt8, but between 0-1 to make for more realistic gray values
# For optimal performance, we need to get the gpu handle of the image
# need to acces children for that, since visualize always returns a tree structure,
# which contains just one element in our case
gpu_image = frame_viz.children[1][:image]
center!(window, :orthographic_pixel) # center orthographic_pixel camera to what we just visualized
Reactive.stop() # stop reactives event loop, we poll ourselves!
idx = 0
while isopen(window)
# update position values inplace
map!(value(segmentation_centroids)) do p
p .+ (rand(Point2f0) .- 0.5f0) .* 10f0
# # push! to signal to update visualization
push!(segmentation_centroids, value(segmentation_centroids))
# update text! (ZOOP!!!)
push!(label_str, [string(i + idx) for i=1:N])
# you could also update the labels here!, if you put them in a signal
# update frame buffer inplace with new "camera capture"
map!(fbuffer) do v
v > 0.5 ? sin(v) : cos(v) # yeah, real creative..
gpu_image[1:end, 1:end] = fbuffer # update data on GPU (ZING!!!)
# do the rendering
idx += 1
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