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Last active July 20, 2023 20:35
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Geo Bunding Box
* Utility functions:
* - getBoundingBox: Gets a box surrounding all points that are a certain distance from provided point on the Earth sphere.
* Take care when longitude crosses the 180th meridian. In such case, the minLongitude (e.g., 175)
* will be greater than the maxLongitude (e.g. -175).
* Credit to Jan Philip Matuschek for the mathematical formulas -
* - getDistanceInMeters: Gets a distance between 2 points on the Earth sphere.
export type BoundingBox = { minLatitude: number; maxLatitude: number; minLongitude: number; maxLongitude: number }
const degToRad = (deg: number): number => (deg * Math.PI) / 180.0
const radToDeg = (rad: number): number => (rad * 180.0) / Math.PI
const EARTH_RADIUS_METERS = 6_356_752.3
const MIN_LATITUDE_RAD = -Math.PI / 2
const MAX_LATITUDE_RAD = Math.PI / 2
export const getDistanceInMeters = (
latitude1: number,
longitude1: number,
latitude2: number,
longitude2: number
): number => {
const latitudeRad1 = degToRad(latitude1)
const longitudeRad1 = degToRad(longitude1)
const latitudeRad2 = degToRad(latitude2)
const longitudeRad2 = degToRad(longitude2)
return (
Math.sin(latitudeRad1) * Math.sin(latitudeRad2) +
Math.cos(latitudeRad1) * Math.cos(latitudeRad2) * Math.cos(longitudeRad1 - longitudeRad2)
export const getBoundingBox = (latitude: number, longitude: number, distanceInMeters: number): BoundingBox => {
const latitudeRad = degToRad(latitude)
const longitudeRad = degToRad(longitude)
// angular distance in radians on a great circle
const distanceRad = distanceInMeters / EARTH_RADIUS_METERS
let minLatitudeRad = latitudeRad - distanceRad
let maxLatitudeRad = latitudeRad + distanceRad
let minLongitudeRad: number
let maxLongitudeRad: number
if (minLatitudeRad > MIN_LATITUDE_RAD && maxLatitudeRad < MAX_LATITUDE_RAD) {
const deltaLongitudeRad = Math.asin(Math.sin(distanceRad) / Math.cos(latitudeRad))
minLongitudeRad = longitudeRad - deltaLongitudeRad
if (minLongitudeRad < MIN_LONGITUDE_RAD) {
// Overflow over the 180th meridian "to the other end of the map"
minLongitudeRad += 2.0 * Math.PI
maxLongitudeRad = longitudeRad + deltaLongitudeRad
if (maxLongitudeRad > MAX_LONGITUDE_RAD) {
// Overflow over the 180th meridian "to the other end of the map"
maxLongitudeRad -= 2.0 * Math.PI
} else {
// Stopping at north or south pole
minLatitudeRad = Math.max(minLatitudeRad, MIN_LATITUDE_RAD)
maxLatitudeRad = Math.min(maxLatitudeRad, MAX_LATITUDE_RAD)
// If earth pole is in the bounding box, we take the whole horizontal slice.
minLongitudeRad = MIN_LONGITUDE_RAD
maxLongitudeRad = MAX_LONGITUDE_RAD
return {
minLatitude: radToDeg(minLatitudeRad),
maxLatitude: radToDeg(maxLatitudeRad),
minLongitude: radToDeg(minLongitudeRad),
maxLongitude: radToDeg(maxLongitudeRad),
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