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Last active October 6, 2023 19:56
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ADTs in JavaScript
import { adt } from "./adt.js";
const double = x => x * 2;
// Create a value that's either Right or Left
const either = adt(["left", "right"]);
// `left` and `right` are the constructors
const { left, right } = either;
// Extend the Either with `map` and `extract`
Object.assign(either.prototype, {
map(transform) {
return either.match(this, { left, right: x => right(transform(x)) });
extract() {
return either.match(this, { left: x => x, right: x => x });
const tests = [
.extract(), // Expected: "whoops"
.extract() // Expected: 42
// Create a LISP style List, which can be constructed from a head and a tail
const list = adt(["nil", "cons"]);
const { nil, cons } = list;
// Handy utility to go from array -> List
list.from = arr => [...arr].reverse().reduce((tail, head) => cons(head, tail), nil());
// Extend the List with `map` and `toArray`
Object.assign(list.prototype, {
map(transform) {
return list.match(this, {
cons: (head, tail) => cons(transform(head),
toArray() {
return list.match(this, {
nil: () => [],
cons: (head, tail) => [head, ...tail.toArray()]
const tests = [
.from([1, 2, 3])
.toArray() // Expected: [2, 4, 6]
// Generic extend function that adds `map` and `extract` to any Maybe
const extend = ({ nothing, just, match }) => ({
map: (option, transform) =>
match(option, { nothing, just: x => just(transform(x)) }),
extract: option => match(option, { nothing: () => undefined, just: x => x })
// Very simple Maybe implementation
const { map, extract, nothing, just } = extend({
nothing: () => undefined,
just: x => x,
match: (option, { nothing, just }) =>
option == undefined ? nothing() : just(option)
const tests = [
extract(map(nothing(), double)), // Expected: undefined
extract(map(just(21), double)) // Expected: 42
// Maybe implementation using ADT
const { map, extract, nothing, just } = extend(adt(["nothing", "just"]));
const tests = [
extract(map(nothing(), double)), // Expected: undefined
extract(map(just(21), double)) // Expected: 42
// Generic extend function that adds `length`, `map` and `from` (array) to any list
const extend = ({ nil, cons, match }) => {
const length = list =>
match(list, { nil: () => 0, cons: (head, tail) => 1 + length(tail) });
const map = (list, transform) =>
match(list, {
cons: (head, tail) => cons(transform(head), map(tail, transform))
// Constructing lists is easier inside out
const from = arr =>
[...arr].reverse().reduce((tail, head) => cons(head, tail), nil());
return { nil, cons, match, length, map, from };
// Very simple array backed list implementation
const { length, map, from } = extend({
nil: () => [],
cons: (head, tail) => [head, ...tail],
match: (list, { nil, cons }) =>
list.length === 0 ? nil() : cons(list[0], list.slice(1))
const tests = [
length(from([0, 1, 2])), // Expected: 3
map(from([1, 2, 3]), double) // Expected: [2, 4, 6]
// List implementation using ADT
const { length, map, from } = extend(adt(["nil", "cons"]));
const tests = [
length(from([0, 1, 2])), // Expected: 3
map(from([1, 2, 3]), double) // Expected: [2, 4, 6]
export const adt = labels => {
const prototype = {};
const constructors = labels
.map(label => [
(...values) =>
Object.assign(Object.create(prototype), {
[label]: values
.reduce((dict, [label, constructor]) => ({ ...dict, [label]: constructor }), {});
const match = (adt, cases) =>
.map(([label, values]) => cases[label](...values))
return { ...constructors, match, prototype };
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