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Last active October 9, 2021 02:05
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  • Save SimonXIX/15ec4028f8e2a1ced242 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SimonXIX/15ec4028f8e2a1ced242 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to display new books information direct from Ex Libris Alma Analytics. This is an early prototype for a web-displayable automated new books list.
# @name: new_books.php
# @version: 0.2
# @license: GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3) <>
# @purpose: Compile and display new books information for Imperial College Library
# @author: Simon Barron <>
# @acknowledgements: Based on a process by Ryan Edwards available at
$baseurl = '';
# The $path variable should be a path to a report made in Alma Analytics.
# It should be a report on the Physical Items subject area with the following filters:
# "Physical Item Details"."Receiving Date" >= timestampadd(sql_tsi_day,-7, current_date)
# "Bibliographic Details"."Suppressed From Discovery" is equal to / is in No
# "Bibliographic Details"."Bibliographic Level" is equal to / is in a; m
# (We also used ""Location"."Library Code" is equal to / is in ONE OF OUR LIBRARIES)
# In this example, the report returns the following fields:
# (Column numbers refer to the column numbers in the API output)
# "Bibliographic Details"."MMS Id" = Column4
# "Bibliographic Details"."Title" = Column7
# "Bibliographic Details"."Author" = Column1
# "Bibliographic Details"."Publisher" = Colunm6
# "Bibliographic Details"."Publication Date" = Column5
# "Bibliographic Details"."ISBN" = Column2
# "Location"."Library Name" = Column9
# "Location."Location Name" = Column10
# "Holding Details"."Permanent Call Number" = Column8
# Perform Curl request on the Alma Analytics API
$ch = curl_init();
$queryParams = '?' . urlencode('path') . '=' . urlencode($path) . '&' . urlencode('limit') . '=' . urlencode('1000') . '&' . urlencode('apikey') . '=' . $apikey;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $baseurl . 'analytics/reports' . $queryParams);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET');
$response = curl_exec($ch);
# Turn the API response into useful XML
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
# For each row in the Analytics report, retrieve and display the appropriate data from the appropriate columns
foreach ($xml->QueryResult->ResultXml->rowset->Row as $row){
# Strip trailing '/' from title field
echo '<strong>Title: </strong>' . '<a href=' . (string) $row->Column4 . '>' . preg_replace('/\/$/','',(string) $row->Column7) . '</a>' . '<br />';
# Only show author field if it's populated
if (!empty($row->Column1)){
echo '<strong>Author: </strong>' . (string) $row->Column1 . '<br />';
# Strip out everything except ISBN-13s
echo '<strong>ISBN: </strong>' . preg_replace('/(^|.*)(978.{10})(.*|$)/','$2',(string) $row->Column2) . '<br />';
echo '<strong>Published: </strong>' . (string) $row->Column6 . ': ' . (string) $row->Column5 . '<br />';
echo '<strong>Location: </strong>' . (string) $row->Column9 . ' ' . (string) $row->Column10 . ' (' . (string) $row->Column8 . ')' . '<br />';
echo '<br />';
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