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Last active January 4, 2016 11:34
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Save SimplGy/5349360 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Abstraction for an SPA's Analytics Library
() ->
_analyticsSites =
_libUrl = (server) ->
'js!' + server + '/js/piwik.js'
_trackerUrl = (server) ->
server + '/piwik.php'
_errLibrary = -> console.log 'Error getting the analytics library'
class Analytics
constructor: (options) ->
throw new Error('options.cfg is required') unless options and options.cfg
@server = options.cfg.analyticsServer
# If there's a url, analytics is enabled
if !@server
console.log 'Analytics is not configured. To enable analytics set the config property "analyticsServer" to a valid URL'
return undefined
@_queue = []
_getLibrary: ->
_libUrl @server
@_gotLibrary.bind @
_gotLibrary: ->
@tracker = Piwik.getTracker _trackerUrl(@server)
@tracker.setSiteId _analyticsSites.LOCALHOST
@track command for command in @_queue
@_queue = []
setClientName: (client) ->
return unless @tracker
@tracker.setCustomVariable 1, 'clientName', client, "visit"
setUserName: (user) ->
return unless @tracker
@tracker.setCustomVariable 2, 'userName', user, "visit"
# Meant for user interaction events
track: (pageName) ->
if @tracker
console.log 'Analytics Tracking: ' + pageName
console.log 'Analytics Queued: ' + pageName
@_queue = @_queue || []
@_queue.push(pageName) # If the tracker isn't available yet, we'll save the event to track later
# Intended for code error events that we want to know about at iSirona HQ
trackErr: (errName) ->
@track "error/#{errName}"
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