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Created January 5, 2014 23:14
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  • Save SindhujaD/8275400 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SindhujaD/8275400 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Pen by stellageo.
<p class="search">
<input type="text" name="search" id="search" required="required"
/><label for="search">search</label>
<p>The above search box stays expanded when text has been entered, even when it loses focus, using plain CSS. If it's empty, it collapses back to a circle when it loses focus.</p>
<p>The trick is the <code>:valid</code> selector on an <code>&lt;input&gt;</code> element, with the property <code>required="required"</code>.
@import "compass"
$theme: tomato
$width: 480px
$size: 41px
$height: $size * 1.5
$magcircle: $size * 0.667
$stroke: 6px
$bump: $height + $stroke
background: $theme
font: #{$size/2}/1.4em Tienne, serif
color: darken($theme, 36%)
text-align: center
color: lighten($theme, 19%)
text-align: left
font: #{$size}/1em Tienne, serif
color: darken($theme, 21%)
display: inline-block
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box
-moz-box-sizing: border-box
box-sizing: border-box
width: $height
height: $height
border: none
font: inherit
color: inherit
background: lighten($theme, 13%)
border-radius: $height / 2
box-shadow: 0 0 0 $stroke lighten($theme, 14%)
background: lighten($theme, 14%)
cursor: pointer
padding: 0 $height 0 $stroke
width: $width
border-radius: 0
background: lighten($theme, 17%)
outline: none
box-shadow: none
cursor: auto
box-sizing: border-box
display: inline-block
color: transparent
font-size: 0
height: $magcircle
width: $magcircle
border-radius: $magcircle / 2
border: $stroke solid $theme
position: relative
left: -$height * 0.8
top: -$stroke/2
cursor: pointer
-webkit-transform: rotate(36deg)
-moz-transform: rotate(36deg)
transform: rotate(36deg)
content: ""
display: block
position: absolute
width: $magcircle * 0.667
height: $stroke
background: $theme
border-radius: 0 $stroke/2 $stroke/2 0
top: $magcircle / 2 - $stroke * 1.5
left: $magcircle - $stroke * 1.5
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