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Created March 12, 2014 17:59
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Save SindhujaD/9512490 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Pen by Marian Arlt.
%h1 Sass Icons
%h2 <span class="icon previous"></span>&nbsp; Controls &nbsp;<span class="icon next"></span>
// One span, that's all.
Fast Forward
Fast Backward
Volume On
Volume Off

Resizable SASS Icons

Pure CSS Icons written with relatively little SASS. Resizable! Change one variable to change icon size.

A Pen by Marian Arlt on CodePen.


Tested in Chrome and Safari.
The IDEA OF THIS PEN is to reduce the effort of coding big loads of css for one particular icon size using sass and variables.
The icons rely heavily on calculation. Since browsers handle maths very different from each other there's differences between rendering. While on very big sizes this really doesn't matter that much, on a micro scale, which is what most icon fonts are used for, every pixel matters.
Safari for example always rounds pixels down. This makes the rectangle of the stop icon miss a pixel in height and widthin Safari, making it look awkward. Same with the inner margin of the pause icon. I also noticed a very weird behaviour in Chrome when you change viewport width to an odd number like 801px. This makes everything move one pixel except some pseudo elements. Really strange.
Although a nice alternative to fonts, the real ISSUE with this is browser zoom. You can optimize the shit out of these things, but browser zoom will distort them. (The magnifying glass works surprisingly well)
You could probably use JS to detect the current zoom level and based on the result apply more rules. Imagine the bloat in size and the weeks of optimizing positions. Very contrary to what I tried to accomplish with this pen. I would've done more of these if the zoom thing hadn't interfered.
So while I really love the idea of css icons, it's as if one would try to make a css alphabet. Not that it wouldn't be possible or a funny pen (any takers?), but it just won't work well.
@import "compass"
@import compass/css3
@import url(
$baseColor: DarkSlateBlue
$hoverColor: PapayaWhip
$backColor: Salmon
// Sizes that work well without heavy distortions:
// 16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 32, 35, 40+
// They look really nice on big sizes, try 50px or 100px
$iconSize: 18px
$iconBorderWidth: $iconSize/8
$iconInnerLines: $iconSize/8
// --- *** BEGIN STYLING *** --- ///
box-sizing: border-box
white-space: nowrap
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden
html, body
min-height: 100%
font: 400 $iconSize 'Droid Sans'
line-height: 1.5em
margin: 0
padding: 0
color: $baseColor
text-align: center
background-color: $backColor
h1, h2
margin: 0 auto
padding-bottom: .75em
border-bottom: $hoverColor solid 1px
text-transform: uppercase
font-size: 1em
padding-top: .75em
margin-bottom: 1em
margin: 3em auto 0
display: inline-block
float: left
margin: 0 1em
margin-left: 0
margin-right: 0
text-align: left
+transition(all .3s)
// --- *** END STYLING *** --- //
// --- *** BEGIN ICONS *** --- //
// All Icons
height: $iconSize
width: $iconSize
display: inline-block
position: relative
vertical-align: middle
margin-top: -.2em
+transition(all .3s)
&:before, &:after
content: ''
position: absolute
display: block
+transition(all .3s)
border-color: $hoverColor
cursor: pointer
&:before, &:after
background: $hoverColor
p:hover, .icon:hover, p:hover > .icon
border-color: $hoverColor
cursor: pointer
color: $hoverColor
p:hover > .icon:after, p:hover > .icon:before
background: $hoverColor
// Search Icon
height: $iconSize/2
width: $iconSize/2
border: $iconBorderWidth solid $baseColor
height: $iconSize/2
width: $iconBorderWidth
background: $baseColor
top: $iconSize/2
left: $iconSize*.65
.search:hover:before, p:hover > .search:before
background: transparent
border-color: $hoverColor
// Add Icon
border: $iconBorderWidth solid $baseColor
width: $iconSize
height: $iconSize
&:before, &:after
background: $baseColor
height: $iconInnerLines
top: 50%
left: 50%
margin-left: -$iconSize/4
@if $iconSize == 18px
width: $iconSize/2 - 1
margin-top: -$iconInnerLines/2
@else if $iconSize == 16
width: $iconSize/2
margin-top: -$iconInnerLines/2
@else if $iconSize >= 25 and $iconSize <= 27
width: $iconSize/2
margin-top: -$iconInnerLines/2
@else if $iconSize == 32
width: $iconSize/2
margin-top: -$iconInnerLines/2
width: $iconSize/2
margin-top: -$iconInnerLines/2
width: $iconInnerLines
top: 50%
margin-top: -$iconSize/4
left: 50%
margin-left: -$iconInnerLines/2
@if $iconSize == 18px
height: $iconSize/2 - 1
@else if $iconSize >= 25 and $iconSize <= 27
height: $iconSize/2
margin-left: -$iconInnerLines/2 + 1
height: $iconSize/2
// Close Icon
@extend .add
&:before, &:after
// Remove Icon
@extend .add
height: 0
width: 0
// Info Icon
@extend .add
height: $iconInnerLines
width: $iconInnerLines
left: 50%
margin-left: -$iconInnerLines/2
top: 50%
margin-top: -$iconSize/4
@if $iconSize >= 25 and $iconSize <= 27
margin-left: -$iconInnerLines/2 + 1
height: $iconSize/3
top: 50%
margin-top: -$iconInnerLines/2
// Check Icon
@extend .close
width: $iconInnerLines
height: $iconSize/4
left: 50%
margin-left: -$iconSize/7
top: 50%
margin-top: -$iconSize/15
left: 50%
margin-left: -$iconSize/8
width: $iconSize/2.5
// Warning Icon
@extend .info
&:before, &:after
@if $iconSize >= 25 and $iconSize <= 27
margin-left: -2px
// Power Icon
@extend .add
height: 0
width: 0
top: 0
margin-top: -($iconBorderWidth+$iconInnerLines)
left: 50%
margin-left: -($iconBorderWidth+$iconInnerLines/2)
border: $iconBorderWidth solid $backColor
// Denied Icon
@extend .close
height: 0
width: $iconSize -$iconInnerLines
left: 50%
margin-left: -$iconSize/2+$iconInnerLines/2
// Play Icon
@extend .add
height: 0
background: transparent
border: $iconSize/4 solid transparent
border-width: $iconSize/4 $iconSize/4+$iconInnerLines
border-left-color: $baseColor
height: 0
width: 0
left: 50%
margin-left: -$iconSize/8
top: 50%
@if $iconSize == 21
margin-left: -$iconSize/8 + 1
background: transparent
border-color: transparent
border-left-color: $hoverColor
p:hover > .play:after
background: transparent
border-color: transparent
border-left-color: $hoverColor
// Stop Icon
@extend .add
height: 0
@if $iconSize == 18px
height: $iconSize/2.75 - 1
width: $iconSize/2.75 - 1
@else if $iconSize == 20
height: $iconSize/2.75 + 1
width: $iconSize/2.75 + 1
@else if $iconSize == 28
height: $iconSize/2.75 + 1
width: $iconSize/2.75 + 1
height: $iconSize/2.75
width: $iconSize/2.75
left: 50%
margin-left: -$iconSize*.18
top: 50%
margin-top: -$iconSize*.18
// Pause Icon
@extend .add
@if $iconSize == 18px
height: $iconSize/2 - 1
height: $iconSize/2
width: $iconInnerLines
margin-top: -$iconSize/4
@if $iconSize == 16px
margin-left: -$iconInnerLines/2+$iconSize/9 + 1
margin-left: -$iconInnerLines/2+$iconSize/9
margin-left: -$iconInnerLines/2-$iconSize/9
// Fast Forward Icon
@extend .play
margin-left: -$iconSize/6
@if $iconSize == 18px
height: $iconSize/2 - 1
height: $iconSize/2
width: $iconInnerLines
margin-top: -$iconSize/4
margin-left: $iconSize*.11
// Fast Backward Icon
@extend .ffw
// Volume On Icon
@extend .play
margin-left: -$iconSize/1.5
border-left-color: transparent
border-right-color: $baseColor
border: $iconInnerLines/1.5 solid transparent
border-right-color: $baseColor
height: $iconSize*.35
width: $iconSize*.35
background: transparent
margin-top: -$iconSize/4
margin-left: -$iconSize/4
&:hover:after, &:hover:before
background: transparent
border-color: transparent
border-right-color: $hoverColor
p:hover > .volume-on:after, p:hover > .volume-on:before
background: transparent
border-color: transparent
border-right-color: $hoverColor
// Volume Off Icon
@extend .denied
background: transparent
border: $iconSize/4 solid transparent
border-width: $iconSize/4 $iconSize/4+$iconInnerLines
height: 0
width: 0
left: 50%
margin-left: -$iconSize/8
top: 50%
margin-left: -$iconSize/1.5
border-left-color: transparent
border-right-color: $baseColor
background: transparent
border-color: transparent
border-right-color: $hoverColor
p:hover > .volume-off:after
background: transparent
border-color: transparent
border-right-color: $hoverColor
// Previous Icon
@extend .close
@if $iconSize <= 18px
width: 6px
margin-top: -2px
margin-left: -3px
@else if $iconSize > 18px and $iconSize < 24
width: $iconSize/3
margin-top: -$iconSize/6
margin-left: -$iconSize/6
width: $iconSize/3
margin-top: -$iconSize/7
margin-left: -$iconSize/5
@if $iconSize <= 18px
height: 6px
margin-top: -2px
margin-left: -1px
@else if $iconSize > 18px and $iconSize < 24
height: $iconSize/3
margin-top: -$iconSize/12
margin-left: -$iconSize/12
height: $iconSize/3
margin-top: -$iconSize/12
margin-left: -$iconSize/10
// Next Icon
@extend .previous
// --- *** END ICONS *** --- //
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