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Created July 3, 2017 11:08
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list local git repos using powershell
Function List-GitRepos {
List local Git repositories
Use this command to find Git repositories in the specified folder. It is assumed that you have the Git command line tools already installed.
The top level path to search.
PS List-GitRepos -path /Users/me/dev
Repository Branch LastAuthor LastLog
---------- ------ ---------- -------
/Users/me/dev/DLangKoans master andrea 07/04/2016 14:06:52
/Users/me/dev/gradle-intellij-plugin master Alexander Zolotov 30/03/2017 13:41:02
/Users/me/dev/gradle-jflex-plugin-fork master singingbush 08/05/2017 19:00:30
/Users/me/dev/intellij-d-plugin feature/dub-tool-window singingbush 29/07/2016 17:22:37
or pipe through to other functions to perform searches:
List-GitRepos -path /Users/me/dev | Where-Object -Property "Branch" -EQ "develop"
NAME : List-GitRepos
VERSION : 1.0.0
LAST UPDATED: 3rd July 2017
[Parameter(Position = 0, HelpMessage = "The top level path to search")]
if (Test-Path $_) {
} else {
Throw "Cannot validate path $_"
[alias("p", "path")]
[string]$rootPath = "."
Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Starting: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Searching $(Convert-Path -path $rootPath) for Git repositories"
dir -path $rootPath -Hidden -filter .git -Recurse |
select @{ Name="Repository"; Expression={Convert-Path $_.PSParentPath} },
@{ Name="Branch"; Expression = {
#save current location
#change location to the repository
Set-Location -Path (Convert-Path -path ($_.psparentPath))
#get current branch with out the leading asterisk
(git branch).where({$_ -match "\*"}).Substring(2)
@{ Name="LastAuthor"; Expression = { git log --date=local --format=%an -1 }},
@{ Name="LastLog"; Expression = {
(git log --date=iso --format=%ad -1 ) -as [datetime]
#change back to original location
Write-Verbose "[END ] Ending: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
} #end function
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