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Created January 11, 2017 14:55
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Export VARBINARY images from a SQL Server query to jpeg files
Script generating images from HEX values
Given a CSV dump of id's, usernames, and image data (HEX value of a VARBINARY field in SQL Server), generate a jpeg image for each row of csv data and also create a new csv file that lists the path of each image.
hexPhotos.ps1 -f '.\db-dump.csv'
Author: SingingBush
Date: 11 Jan 2017
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Path to CSV file of image data")]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
[alias("f", "file")]
$data = Import-CSV $csvPath -delimiter "`t"
## Create an 'output' folder if not already exists:
New-Item output -type directory -Force
$data | % {
write-host "Generating image for " -nonewline
write-host $_.username -nonewline -foregroundcolor cyan;
[string]$filename = "{0}.jpg" -f $;
write-host ":`t" -nonewline
write-host $filename -foregroundcolor yellow;
$bytes = $_.Image.replace("0x", "") -split '(..)' | ? { $_ } | FOREACH {
[BYTE][CHAR]([CONVERT]::toint16($_, 16))
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes( ("{0}\output\{1}" -f $PWD, $filename), $bytes)
# return an object that consists of username and the file path
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
username = $_.username;
image = "output\{0}" -f $filename;
} | Export-Csv 'profile_pics.csv' -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "," -Force -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "images written to output folder" -foregroundcolor Magenta;
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