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Last active May 24, 2023 16:04
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Subset Sum using mknapsack library
import numpy as np
from mknapsack import solve_subset_sum
def subset_sum(*, weights: np.array, capacity: float) -> np.array:
assert capacity > 0, f"Capacity must be positive!, given: {capacity}"
n_weights = len(weights)
if n_weights < 2:
return np.zeros(shape=0, dtype=np.uint8) if n_weights == 0 else np.ones(shape=1, dtype=np.uint8)
weights_to_consider_bool = (weights > 0) & (weights <= capacity)
weights_to_consider = weights[weights_to_consider_bool]
weights_sum = weights_to_consider.sum()
if weights_sum == capacity:
return weights_to_consider_bool.astype(np.uint8)
if (len(weights_to_consider) < 2) or (weights_sum < capacity):
abs_diff = np.abs(capacity - weights)
diff1 = abs_diff.min()
diff2 = capacity - weights_sum
if diff1 <= diff2:
ret = np.zeros(shape=n_weights, dtype=np.uint8)
ret[np.where(abs_diff == diff1)] = 1
return ret
return weights_to_consider_bool.astype(np.uint8)
ret = np.zeros(shape=n_weights, dtype=np.uint8)
ret[weights_to_consider_bool] = solve_subset_sum(
method_kwargs={"check_inputs": False},
return ret
## Usage-
## weights = np.array(choices)
## capacity = target
## bool_arr = subset_sum(weights=weights, capacity=capacity)
## # bool_arr will be a binary(0/1) vector 1 denotating the weight[i] to condier for packing
## ~ capacity
## This code will try to find the closest combination of weights to satisfy the given target
## Note that the total sum of weights considered by bool_arr might be slightly greater than the given capacity
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