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Created August 20, 2021 14:10
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The emcache backend for the aiocache library
import asyncio
import typing
import emcache
from aiocache.base import BaseCache
from aiocache.serializers import BaseSerializer
import settings
class EmcacheCache(BaseCache):
NAME = "memcached"
def __init__(self, serializer=None, endpoint="", port=11211, pool_size=2, loop=None, **kwargs):
self.endpoint = endpoint
self.port = port
self.pool_size = int(pool_size)
self._loop = loop
self.client: typing.Optional[typing.Union[emcache.Client, emcache.client._Client]] = None
self.hosts = [emcache.MemcachedHostAddress(self.endpoint, self.port)]
self.serializer = serializer
def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
return "EmcacheCache ({}:{})".format(self.endpoint, self.port)
def _build_key(self, key, namespace=None):
ns_key = super()._build_key(key, namespace=namespace).replace(" ", "_")
return str.encode(ns_key)
async def _load_client(self):
if self.client is None or self.client._closed:
self.client = await emcache.create_client(
async def _get(self, key, encoding=BaseSerializer.DEFAULT_ENCODING, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
item = await self.client.get(key)
if encoding is None and item:
return item.value
if item is None:
return item
return item.value.decode(encoding)
async def _gets(self, key, encoding=BaseSerializer.DEFAULT_ENCODING, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
key = key.encode() if isinstance(key, str) else key
item = await self.client.gets(key)
return item and item.cas
async def _multi_get(self, keys, encoding=BaseSerializer.DEFAULT_ENCODING, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
keys = [key.encode() if isinstance(key, str) else key for key in keys]
values = []
for item in (await self.client.get_many(keys)).values():
if encoding is None and item:
elif item is None:
return values
async def _set(self, key, value, ttl=0, _cas_token=None, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
value = value.encode() if isinstance(value, str) else value
if _cas_token is not None:
await self._cas(key, value, _cas_token, ttl=ttl, _conn=_conn)
return True
await self.client.set(key, value, exptime=ttl or 0)
return True
async def _cas(self, key, value, token, ttl=None, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
await self.client.cas(key, value, token, exptime=ttl or 0)
except emcache.NotStoredStorageCommandError:
return False
return True
async def _multi_set(self, pairs, ttl=0, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
tasks = []
for key, value in pairs:
value = str.encode(value) if isinstance(value, str) else value
tasks.append(self.client.set(key, value, exptime=ttl or 0))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return True
async def _add(self, key, value, ttl=0, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
value = str.encode(value) if isinstance(value, str) else value
await self.client.add(key, value, exptime=ttl or 0)
return True
async def _exists(self, key, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
await self.client.append(key, b"")
except emcache.NotStoredStorageCommandError:
return False
return True
async def _increment(self, key, delta, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
incremented = None
if delta > 0:
incremented = await self.client.increment(key, delta)
incremented = await self.client.decrement(key, abs(delta))
except emcache.NotFoundCommandError:
await self._set(key, str(delta))
return incremented or delta
async def _expire(self, key, ttl, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
return await self.client.touch(key, ttl)
async def _delete(self, key, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
await self.client.delete(key)
except emcache.NotFoundCommandError:
return False
return True
async def _clear(self, namespace=None, _conn=None):
await self._load_client()
if namespace:
raise ValueError("MemcachedBackend doesnt support flushing by namespace")
for idx, host in enumerate(self.hosts):
await self.client.flush_all(host, delay=10 + (10 * idx))
return True
async def _redlock_release(self, key, _):
await self._load_client()
return await self._delete(key)
async def _close(self, *args, _conn=None, **kwargs):
await self._load_client()
await self.client.close()
def parse_uri_path(self, path):
return {}
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