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Created January 30, 2022 23:19
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Example of using a comonadic like structure to build a dialog tool.
-- class KComonad m w where
-- extractM :: w a -> m a
-- extendM :: (w a -> m b) -> w a -> m (w b)
-- duplicateM :: w a -> m (w (w a))
-- A variation on the Moore comonad
-- that allows for a termination condition.
-- Q: What kind of structure is this?
-- I think this is a monadic comonad with additional
-- structure.
data MooreE s e a =
MooreE s (e -> Either a (MooreE s e a))
-- Q: Is this a monadic comonad?
data MooreM m e s =
MooreM s (e -> m (MooreM m e s))
data DialogViewModel =
DisplayMessage {
message :: String,
saidBy :: String
| DisplayPrompt {
promptMessage :: String,
promptedBy :: String,
options :: [String],
selected :: Int
data DialogEvent =
| MoveCursorDown
| PressEnter
type Dialog = MooreM Maybe DialogEvent DialogViewModel
data Free f a =
Free (f (Free f a))
| Pure a
data DialogF a =
SayF String String a
| PromptF String String [(String, DialogMonad ())] a
type DialogMonad a = Free DialogF a
say :: String -> String -> DialogMonad ()
say = undefined
prompt :: String -> String -> [(String, DialogMonad a)] -> DialogMonad a
prompt = undefined
dialog :: Free DialogF () -> Maybe Dialog
dialog (Pure _) = Nothing
dialog st@(Free (SayF player msg rest)) = Just $
MooreM (DisplayMessage msg player) $ \event ->
case event of
PressEnter -> dialog rest
otherwise -> dialog st
dialog st@(Free (PromptF player msg options rest)) =
dialogPrompt player msg options rest 0
dialogPrompt player msg options rest selected = pure $
MooreM (DisplayPrompt msg player (map fst options) selected) $ \event ->
case event of
MoveCursorUp | selected < length options - 1 ->
dialogPrompt player msg options rest (selected + 1)
MoveCursorDown | selected > 0 ->
dialogPrompt player msg options rest (selected - 1)
PressEnter -> dialog rest
otherwise -> dialogPrompt player msg options rest selected
exampleDialog :: Dialog ()
exampleDialog = dialog $ do
say "player_1" "hello!"
prompt "player_1" "What would you like to do?"
("A", do
say "player_1" "Great!"),
("B", do
say "player_1" "Ok."
say "player_1" "See you tomorrow.")
main = do
putStrLn "Hello"
putStrLn "World"
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