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Created December 21, 2017 18:46
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* PHP Grabber
* This PHP library enables you to scrap data from
* If you want to thank me for this library, please buy me something at Amazon:
* - thank you in
* advance! :)
* @author Fabian Beiner <>
* @license The MIT License
* @link GitHub Repository
* @version 6.0.4
class IMDB
* Set this to true if you run into problems.
const IMDB_DEBUG = false;
* Set the preferred language for the User Agent.
const IMDB_LANG = 'en, en-US;q=0.8';
* Define the timeout for cURL requests.
const IMDB_TIMEOUT = 15;
* @var int Maximum cache time.
private $iCache = 1440;
* @var null|string The root of the script.
private $sRoot = null;
* @var null|string Holds the source.
private $sSource = null;
* @var null|int The ID of the movie.
public $iId = null;
* @var string What to search for?
private $sSearchFor = 'all';
* @var bool Is the content ready?
public $isReady = false;
* @var string The string returned, if nothing is found.
public static $sNotFound = 'n/A';
* @var string Char that separates multiple entries.
public $sSeparator = ' / ';
* @var null|string The URL to the movie.
public $sUrl = null;
* @var bool Return responses enclosed in array
public $bArrayOutput = false;
* These are the regular expressions used to extract the data.
* If you don’t know what you’re doing, you shouldn’t touch them.
const IMDB_AKA = '@<td[^>]*>\s*Also\s*Known\s*As\s*</td>\s*<td>(.+)</td>@Uis';
const IMDB_ASPECT_RATIO = '~<td[^>]*>Aspect\s*Ratio</td>\s*<td>(.+)</td>~Uis';
const IMDB_AWARDS = '~<div\s*class="titlereference-overview-section">\s*Awards:(.+)</div>~Uis';
const IMDB_CAST = '~<td[^>]*itemprop="actor"[^>]*>\s*<a\s*href="/name/([^/]*)/\?[^"]*"[^>]*>\s*<span.+>(.+)</span~Ui';
const IMDB_CERTIFICATION = '~<td[^>]*>\s*Certification\s*</td>\s*<td>(.+)</td>~Ui';
const IMDB_CHAR = '~<td class="char">(.*)<\/td>~Ui'; //TODO
const IMDB_COLOR = '~<h5>Color:<\/h5>(?:\s*)<div class="info-content">(.*)<\/div>~Ui'; //TODO
const IMDB_COMPANY = '~href="[^"]*update=[t0-9]+:production_companies[^"]*">Edit</a>\s*</header>\s*<ul\s*class="simpleList">.+<a href="\/company\/(.*)\/">(.*)</a>~Ui';
const IMDB_COUNTRY = '~<a href="/country/(\w+)">(.*)</a>~Ui';
const IMDB_CREATOR = '~<div[^>]*>\s*(?:Creator|Creators)\s*:\s*<ul[^>]*>(.+)</ul>~Uxsi';
const IMDB_DIRECTOR = '~<div[^>]*>\s*(?:Director|Directors)\s*:\s*<ul[^>]*>(.+)</ul>~Uxsi';
const IMDB_GENRE = '~href="/genre/([a-zA-Z_-]*)/?">([a-zA-Z_ -]*)</a>~Ui';
const IMDB_ID = '~((?:tt\d{6,})|(?:itle\?\d{6,}))~';
const IMDB_LANGUAGE = '~<a href="\/language\/(\w+)">(.*)<\/a>~Ui';
const IMDB_LOCATION = '~href="\/search\/title\?locations=(.*)">(.*)<\/a>~Ui';
const IMDB_MPAA = '~<h5><a href="\/mpaa">MPAA<\/a>:<\/h5>(?:\s*)<div class="info-content">(.*)<\/div>~Ui'; //TODO
const IMDB_NAME = '~href="/name/(.+)/?(?:\?[^"]*)?"[^>]*>(.+)</a>~Ui';
const IMDB_NOT_FOUND = '~<h1 class="findHeader">No results found for ~Ui';
const IMDB_PLOT = '~<td[^>]*>\s*Plot\s*Summary\s*</td>\s*<td>\s*<p>(.+)</p>~Ui';
const IMDB_PLOT_KEYWORDS = '~<td[^>]*>Plot\s*Keywords</td>\s*<td>(.+)(?:<a\s*href="/title/[^>]*>[^<]*</a>\s*</li>\s*</ul>\s*)?</td>~Ui';
const IMDB_POSTER = '~<link\s*rel=\'image_src\'\s*href="(.*)">~Ui';
const IMDB_RATING = '~class="ipl-rating-star__rating">(.*)<~Ui';
const IMDB_RELEASE_DATE = '~href="/title/[t0-9]*/releaseinfo">(.*)<~Ui';
const IMDB_RUNTIME = '~<td[^>]*>\s*Runtime\s*</td>\s*<td>(.+)</td>~Ui';
const IMDB_SEARCH = '~<td class="result_text"> <a href="\/title\/(tt\d{6,})\/(?:.*)"(?:\s*)>(?:.*)<\/a>~Ui';
const IMDB_SEASONS = '~episodes\?season=(?:\d+)">(\d+)<~Ui'; //OK? only lasts
const IMDB_SOUND_MIX = '~<td[^>]*>\s*Sound\s*Mix\s*</td>\s*<td>(.+)</td>~Ui';
const IMDB_TAGLINE = '~<td[^>]*>\s*Taglines\s*</td>\s*<td>(.+)</td>~Ui';
const IMDB_TITLE = '~itemprop="name">(.*)<span~Ui';
const IMDB_TITLE_ORIG = '~</h1>([^<]*)<span\s*class="titlereference-original-title-label~Ui';
const IMDB_TRAILER = '~href="videoplayer/(vi[0-9]*)"~Ui';
const IMDB_URL = '~http://(?:.*\.|.*)|T)itle(?:\?|/)(..\d+)~i';
const IMDB_USER_REVIEW = '~href="/title/[t0-9]*/reviews"[^>]*>([^<]*)\s*User~Ui';
const IMDB_VOTES = '~"ipl-rating-star__total-votes">\s*\((.*)\)\s*<~Ui';
const IMDB_WRITER = '~<div[^>]*>\s*(?:Writer|Writers)\s*:\s*<ul[^>]*>(.+)</ul>~Ui';
const IMDB_YEAR = '~content="(?:.*)\(*(\d{4})\)~Ui';
* @param string $sSearch IMDb URL or movie title to search for.
* @param null $iCache Custom cache time in minutes.
* @param string $sSearchFor What to search for?
* @throws \IMDBException
public function __construct($sSearch, $iCache = null, $sSearchFor = 'all') {
$this->sRoot = dirname(__FILE__);
if ( ! is_writable($this->sRoot . '/posters') && ! mkdir($this->sRoot . '/posters')) {
throw new IMDBException('The directory “' . $this->sRoot . '/posters” isn’t writable.');
if ( ! is_writable($this->sRoot . '/cache') && ! mkdir($this->sRoot . '/cache')) {
throw new IMDBException('The directory “' . $this->sRoot . '/cache” isn’t writable.');
if ( ! function_exists('curl_init')) {
throw new IMDBException('You need to enable the PHP cURL extension.');
if (in_array($sSearchFor, array('movie',
'all'))) {
$this->sSearchFor = $sSearchFor;
if (true === self::IMDB_DEBUG) {
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
echo '<pre><b>Running:</b> fetchUrl("' . $sSearch . '")</pre>';
if (null !== $iCache && (int)$iCache > 0) {
$this->iCache = (int)$iCache;
* @param string $sSearch IMDb URL or movie title to search for.
* @return bool True on success, false on failure.
private function fetchUrl($sSearch) {
$sSearch = trim($sSearch);
// Try to find a valid URL.
$sId = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($sSearch, self::IMDB_ID, 1);
if (false !== $sId) {
$this->iId = preg_replace('~[\D]~', '', $sId);
$this->sUrl = '' . $this->iId . '/reference';
$bSearch = false;
} else {
switch (strtolower($this->sSearchFor)) {
case 'movie':
$sParameters = '&s=tt&ttype=ft';
case 'tv':
$sParameters = '&s=tt&ttype=tv';
case 'episode':
$sParameters = '&s=tt&ttype=ep';
case 'game':
$sParameters = '&s=tt&ttype=vg';
$sParameters = '&s=tt';
$this->sUrl = '' . str_replace(' ', '+', $sSearch) . $sParameters;
$bSearch = true;
// Was this search already performed and cached?
$sRedirectFile = $this->sRoot . '/cache/' . md5($this->sUrl) . '.redir';
if (is_readable($sRedirectFile)) {
if (self::IMDB_DEBUG) {
echo '<pre><b>Using redirect:</b> ' . basename($sRedirectFile) . '</pre>';
$sRedirect = file_get_contents($sRedirectFile);
$this->sUrl = trim($sRedirect);
$this->iId = preg_replace('~[\D]~', '', IMDBHelper::matchRegex($sRedirect, self::IMDB_ID, 1));
$bSearch = false;
// Does a cache of this movie exist?
$sCacheFile = $this->sRoot . '/cache/' . md5($this->iId) . '.cache';
if (is_readable($sCacheFile)) {
$iDiff = round(abs(time() - filemtime($sCacheFile)) / 60);
if ($iDiff < $this->iCache) {
if (true === self::IMDB_DEBUG) {
echo '<pre><b>Using cache:</b> ' . basename($sCacheFile) . '</pre>';
$this->sSource = file_get_contents($sCacheFile);
$this->isReady = true;
return true;
// Run cURL on the URL.
if (true === self::IMDB_DEBUG) {
echo '<pre><b>Running cURL:</b> ' . $this->sUrl . '</pre>';
$aCurlInfo = IMDBHelper::runCurl($this->sUrl);
$sSource = $aCurlInfo['contents'];
if (false === $sSource) {
if (true === self::IMDB_DEBUG) {
echo '<pre><b>cURL error:</b> ' . var_dump($aCurlInfo) . '</pre>';
return false;
// Was the movie found?
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($sSource, self::IMDB_SEARCH, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
$sUrl = '' . $sMatch . '/reference';
if (true === self::IMDB_DEBUG) {
echo '<pre><b>New redirect saved:</b> ' . basename($sRedirectFile) . ' => ' . $sUrl . '</pre>';
file_put_contents($sRedirectFile, $sUrl);
$this->sSource = null;
return true;
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($sSource, self::IMDB_NOT_FOUND, 0);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
if (true === self::IMDB_DEBUG) {
echo '<pre><b>Movie not found:</b> ' . $sSearch . '</pre>';
return false;
$this->sSource = str_replace(array("\n",
"\r"), '', $sSource);
$this->isReady = true;
// Save cache.
if (false === $bSearch) {
if (true === self::IMDB_DEBUG) {
echo '<pre><b>Cache created:</b> ' . basename($sCacheFile) . '</pre>';
file_put_contents($sCacheFile, $this->sSource);
return true;
* @return string “Also Known As” or $sNotFound.
public function getAka() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_AKA, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* Returns all local names
* @return string The aka name.
public function getAkas() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
// Does a cache of this movie exist?
$sCacheFile = $this->sRoot . '/cache/' . md5($this->iId) . '_akas.cache';
$bUseCache = false;
if (is_readable($sCacheFile)) {
$iDiff = round(abs(time() - filemtime($sCacheFile)) / 60);
if ($iDiff < $this->iCache || false) {
$bUseCache = true;
if ($bUseCache) {
$aRawReturn = file_get_contents($sCacheFile);
$aReturn = unserialize($aRawReturn);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
} else {
$fullAkas = sprintf('', $this->iId);
$aCurlInfo = IMDBHelper::runCurl($fullAkas);
$sSource = $aCurlInfo['contents'];
if (false === $sSource) {
if (true === self::IMDB_DEBUG) {
echo '<pre><b>cURL error:</b> ' . var_dump($aCurlInfo) . '</pre>';
return false;
$aReturned = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($sSource, "~<td>(.*?)<\/td>\s+<td>(.*?)<\/td>~");
if ($aReturned) {
$aReturn = array();
foreach ($aReturned[1] as $i => $strName) {
if (strpos($strName, '(') === false) {
$aReturn[] = array('title' => IMDBHelper::cleanString($aReturned[2][$i]),
'country' => IMDBHelper::cleanString($strName));
file_put_contents($sCacheFile, serialize($aReturn));
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @return string “Aspect Ratio” or $sNotFound.
public function getAspectRatio() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_ASPECT_RATIO, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string The awards of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getAwards() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_AWARDS, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param int $iLimit How many cast members should be returned?
* @param bool $bMore Add … if there are more cast members than printed.
* @return string A list with cast members or $sNotFound.
public function getCast($iLimit = 0, $bMore = true) {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_CAST);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
if (0 !== $iLimit && $i >= $iLimit) {
$aReturn[] = IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName);
$bMore = (0 !== $iLimit && $bMore && (count($aMatch[2]) > $iLimit) ? '…' : '');
$bHaveMore = ($bMore && (count($aMatch[2]) > $iLimit));
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn, $bHaveMore);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @param int $iLimit How many cast members should be returned?
* @param bool $bMore Add … if there are more cast members than printed.
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string A list with linked cast members or $sNotFound.
public function getCastAsUrl($iLimit = 0, $bMore = true, $sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_CAST);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
if (0 !== $iLimit && $i >= $iLimit) {
$aReturn[] = '<a href="' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatch[1][$i]) . '/"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName) . '</a>';
$bHaveMore = ($bMore && (count($aMatch[2]) > $iLimit));
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn, $bHaveMore);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param int $iLimit How many cast members should be returned?
* @param bool $bMore Add … if there are more cast members than printed.
* @return string A list with cast members and their character or
* $sNotFound.
public function getCastAndCharacter($iLimit = 0, $bMore = true) {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_CAST);
$aMatchChar = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_CHAR);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
if (0 !== $iLimit && $i >= $iLimit) {
$aReturn[] = IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName) . ' as ' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatchChar[1][$i]);
$bHaveMore = ($bMore && (count($aMatch[2]) > $iLimit));
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn, $bHaveMore);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @param int $iLimit How many cast members should be returned?
* @param bool $bMore Add … if there are more cast members than
* printed.
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string A list with linked cast members and their character or
* $sNotFound.
public function getCastAndCharacterAsUrl($iLimit = 0, $bMore = true, $sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_CAST);
$aMatchChar = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_CHAR);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
if (0 !== $iLimit && $i >= $iLimit) {
$aReturn[] = '<a href="' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatch[1][$i]) . '/"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName) . '</a> as ' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatchChar[1][$i]);
$bHaveMore = ($bMore && (count($aMatch[2]) > $iLimit));
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn, $bHaveMore);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @return string The certification of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getCertification() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_CERTIFICATION, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string Color or $sNotFound.
public function getColor() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_COLOR, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string The company producing the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getCompany() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = $this->getCompanyAsUrl();
if (self::$sNotFound !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string The linked company producing the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getCompanyAsUrl($sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_COMPANY);
if (isset($aMatch[2][0])) {
return '<a href="' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatch[1][0]) . '/"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatch[2][0]) . '</a>';
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string A list with countries or $sNotFound.
public function getCountry() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = $this->getCountryAsUrl();
if (self::$sNotFound !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string A list with linked countries or $sNotFound.
public function getCountryAsUrl($sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_COUNTRY);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
$aReturn[] = '<a href="' . trim($aMatch[1][$i]) . '/"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName) . '</a>';
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @return string A list with the creators or $sNotFound.
public function getCreator() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = $this->getCreatorAsUrl();
if (self::$sNotFound !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string A list with the linked creators or $sNotFound.
public function getCreatorAsUrl($sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_CREATOR, 1);
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($sMatch, self::IMDB_NAME);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
$aReturn[] = '<a href="' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatch[1][$i]) . '/"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName) . '</a>';
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @return string A list with the directors or $sNotFound.
public function getDirector() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = $this->getDirectorAsUrl();
if (self::$sNotFound !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string A list with the linked directors or $sNotFound.
public function getDirectorAsUrl($sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_DIRECTOR, 1);
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($sMatch, self::IMDB_NAME);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
$aReturn[] = '<a href="' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatch[1][$i]) . '/"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName) . '</a>';
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @return string A list with the genres or $sNotFound.
public function getGenre() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = $this->getGenreAsUrl();
if (self::$sNotFound !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string A list with the linked genres or $sNotFound.
public function getGenreAsUrl($sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_GENRE);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
$aReturn[] = '<a href="' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatch[1][$i]) . '"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName) . '</a>';
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @return string A list with the languages or $sNotFound.
public function getLanguage() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = $this->getLanguageAsUrl();
if (self::$sNotFound !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string A list with the linked languages or $sNotFound.
public function getLanguageAsUrl($sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_LANGUAGE);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
$aReturn[] = '<a href="' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatch[1][$i]) . '"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName) . '</a>';
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @return string A list with the location or $sNotFound.
public function getLocation() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = $this->getLocationAsUrl();
if (self::$sNotFound !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string A list with the linked location or $sNotFound.
public function getLocationAsUrl($sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_LOCATION);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
$aReturn[] = '<a href="' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatch[1][$i]) . '"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName) . '</a>';
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @return string The MPAA of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getMpaa() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_MPAA, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string A list with the plot keywords or $sNotFound.
public function getPlotKeywords() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_PLOT_KEYWORDS, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
$aReturn = explode('|', IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch));
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @param int $iLimit The limit.
* @return string The plot of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getPlot($iLimit = 0) {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_PLOT, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
if ($iLimit !== 0) {
return IMDBHelper::getShortText(IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch), $iLimit);
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param string $sSize Small or big poster?
* @param bool $bDownload Return URL to the poster or download it?
* @return bool|string Path to the poster.
public function getPoster($sSize = 'small', $bDownload = false) {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_POSTER, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
if ('big' === strtolower($sSize) && false !== strstr($sMatch, '@._')) {
$sMatch = substr($sMatch, 0, strpos($sMatch, '@._')) . '@.jpg';
if (false === $bDownload) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
} else {
$sLocal = IMDBHelper::saveImage($sMatch, $this->iId);
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $sLocal)) {
return $sLocal;
} else {
return $sMatch;
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string The rating of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getRating() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_RATING, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string The release date of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getReleaseDate() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_RELEASE_DATE, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* Release date doesn't contain all the information we need to create a media and
* we need this function that checks if users can vote target media (if can, it's released).
* @return true If the media is released
public function isReleased() {
$strReturn = $this->getReleaseDate();
if ($strReturn == self::$sNotFound || $strReturn == 'Not yet released') {
return false;
return true;
* @return string The runtime of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getRuntime() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_RUNTIME, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string A list with the seasons or $sNotFound.
public function getSeasons() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = $this->getSeasonsAsUrl();
if (self::$sNotFound !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string A list with the linked seasons or $sNotFound.
public function getSeasonsAsUrl($sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_SEASONS);
if (count($aMatch[1])) {
foreach ($aMatch[1] as $i => $sName) {
$aReturn[] = '<a href="' . $this->iId . '/episodes?season=' . $sName . '"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . $sName . '</a>';
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound);
* @return string The sound mix of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getSoundMix() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_SOUND_MIX, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string The tagline of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getTagline() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_TAGLINE, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param bool $bForceLocal Try to return the original name of the movie.
* @return string The title of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getTitle($bForceLocal = false) {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
if (true === $bForceLocal) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_TITLE_ORIG, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch && "" !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_TITLE, 1);
$sMatch = preg_replace('~\(\d{4}\)$~Ui', '', $sMatch);
if (false !== $sMatch && "" !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param bool $bEmbed Link to player directly?
* @return string The URL to the trailer of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getTrailerAsUrl($bEmbed = false) {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_TRAILER, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
$sUrl = '' . $sMatch . '/' . ($bEmbed ? 'player' : '');
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sUrl);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string The IMDb URL.
public function getUrl() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString(str_replace('reference', '', $this->sUrl));
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string The user review of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getUserReview() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_USER_REVIEW, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string The votes of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getVotes() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_VOTES, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string A list with the writers or $sNotFound.
public function getWriter() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = $this->getWriterAsUrl();
if (self::$sNotFound !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @param string $sTarget Add a target to the links?
* @return string A list with the linked writers or $sNotFound.
public function getWriterAsUrl($sTarget = '') {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_WRITER, 1);
$aMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($sMatch, self::IMDB_NAME);
if (count($aMatch[2])) {
foreach ($aMatch[2] as $i => $sName) {
$aReturn[] = '<a href="' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($aMatch[1][$i]) . '/"' . ($sTarget ? ' target="' . $sTarget . '"' : '') . '>' . IMDBHelper::cleanString($sName) . '</a>';
return IMDBHelper::arrayOutput($this->bArrayOutput, $this->sSeparator, self::$sNotFound, $aReturn);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return string The year of the movie or $sNotFound.
public function getYear() {
if (true === $this->isReady) {
$sMatch = IMDBHelper::matchRegex($this->sSource, self::IMDB_YEAR, 1);
if (false !== $sMatch) {
return IMDBHelper::cleanString($sMatch);
return self::$sNotFound;
* @return array All data.
public function getAll() {
$aData = array();
$aData['Aka'] = array('name' => 'Also Known As',
'value' => $this->getAka());
$aData['Akas'] = array('name' => '(all) Also Known As',
'value' => $this->getAkas());
$aData['AspectRatio'] = array('name' => 'Aspect Ratio',
'value' => $this->getAspectRatio());
$aData['Awards'] = array('name' => 'Awards',
'value' => $this->getAwards());
$aData['CastLinked'] = array('name' => 'Cast',
'value' => $this->getCastAsUrl());
$aData['Cast'] = array('name' => 'Cast',
'value' => $this->getCast());
$aData['CastAndCharacterLinked'] = array('name' => 'Cast and Character',
'value' => $this->getCastAndCharacterAsUrl());
$aData['CastAndCharacter'] = array('name' => 'Cast and Character',
'value' => $this->getCastAndCharacter());
$aData['Certification'] = array('name' => 'Certification',
'value' => $this->getCertification());
$aData['Color'] = array('name' => 'Color',
'value' => $this->getColor());
$aData['CompanyLinked'] = array('name' => 'Company',
'value' => $this->getCompanyAsUrl());
$aData['Company'] = array('name' => 'Company',
'value' => $this->getCompany());
$aData['CountryLinked'] = array('name' => 'Country',
'value' => $this->getCountryAsUrl());
$aData['Country'] = array('name' => 'Country',
'value' => $this->getCountry());
$aData['CreatorLinked'] = array('name' => 'Creator',
'value' => $this->getCreatorAsUrl());
$aData['Creator'] = array('name' => 'Creator',
'value' => $this->getCreator());
$aData['DirectorLinked'] = array('name' => 'Director',
'value' => $this->getDirectorAsUrl());
$aData['Director'] = array('name' => 'Director',
'value' => $this->getDirector());
$aData['GenreLinked'] = array('name' => 'Genre',
'value' => $this->getGenreAsUrl());
$aData['Genre'] = array('name' => 'Genre',
'value' => $this->getGenre());
$aData['LanguageLinked'] = array('name' => 'Language',
'value' => $this->getLanguageAsUrl());
$aData['Language'] = array('name' => 'Language',
'value' => $this->getLanguage());
$aData['LocationLinked'] = array('name' => 'Location',
'value' => $this->getLocationAsUrl());
$aData['Location'] = array('name' => 'Location',
'value' => $this->getLocation());
$aData['MPAA'] = array('name' => 'MPAA',
'value' => $this->getMpaa());
$aData['PlotKeywords'] = array('name' => 'Plot Keywords',
'value' => $this->getPlotKeywords());
$aData['Plot'] = array('name' => 'Plot',
'value' => $this->getPlot());
$aData['Poster'] = array('name' => 'Poster',
'value' => $this->getPoster('big'));
$aData['Rating'] = array('name' => 'Rating',
'value' => $this->getRating());
$aData['ReleaseDate'] = array('name' => 'Release Date',
'value' => $this->getReleaseDate());
$aData['IsReleased'] = array('name' => 'Is released',
'value' => $this->isReleased());
$aData['Runtime'] = array('name' => 'Runtime',
'value' => $this->getRuntime());
$aData['SeasonsLinked'] = array('name' => 'Seasons',
'value' => $this->getSeasonsAsUrl());
$aData['Seasons'] = array('name' => 'Seasons',
'value' => $this->getSeasons());
$aData['SoundMix'] = array('name' => 'Sound Mix',
'value' => $this->getSoundMix());
$aData['Tagline'] = array('name' => 'Tagline',
'value' => $this->getTagline());
$aData['Title'] = array('name' => 'Title',
'value' => $this->getTitle());
$aData['TrailerLinked'] = array('name' => 'Trailer',
'value' => $this->getTrailerAsUrl());
$aData['Url'] = array('name' => 'Url',
'value' => $this->getUrl());
$aData['UserReview'] = array('name' => 'User Review',
'value' => $this->getUserReview());
$aData['Votes'] = array('name' => 'Votes',
'value' => $this->getVotes());
$aData['WriterLinked'] = array('name' => 'Writer',
'value' => $this->getWriterAsUrl());
$aData['Writer'] = array('name' => 'Writer',
'value' => $this->getWriter());
$aData['Year'] = array('name' => 'Year',
'value' => $this->getYear());
return $aData;
class IMDBHelper extends IMDB
* Regular expression helper.
* @param string $sContent The content to search in.
* @param string $sPattern The regular expression.
* @param null $iIndex The index to return.
* @return bool If no match was found.
* @return string If one match was found.
* @return array If more than one match was found.
public static function matchRegex($sContent, $sPattern, $iIndex = null) {
preg_match_all($sPattern, $sContent, $aMatches);
if ($aMatches === false) {
return false;
if ($iIndex !== null && is_int($iIndex)) {
if (isset($aMatches[$iIndex][0])) {
return $aMatches[$iIndex][0];
return false;
return $aMatches;
* Preferred output in responses with multiple elements
* @param bool $bArrayOutput Native array or string with separators.
* @param string $sSeparator String separator.
* @param string $sNotFound Not found text.
* @param array $aReturn Original input.
* @param bool $bHaveMore Have more elements indicator.
* @return string Multiple results separated by selected separator string.
* @return array Multiple results enclosed into native array.
public static function arrayOutput($bArrayOutput, $sSeparator, $sNotFound, $aReturn = null, $bHaveMore = false) {
if ($bArrayOutput) {
if ($aReturn == null || ! is_array($aReturn)) {
return array();
if ($bHaveMore) {
$aReturn[] = '…';
return $aReturn;
} else {
if ($aReturn == null || ! is_array($aReturn)) {
return $sNotFound;
foreach ($aReturn as $i => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$aReturn[$i] = implode($sSeparator, $value);
return implode($sSeparator, $aReturn) . (($bHaveMore) ? '…' : '');
* @param string $sInput Input (eg. HTML).
* @return string Cleaned string.
public static function cleanString($sInput) {
$aSearch = array('Full summary &raquo;',
'Full synopsis &raquo;',
'Add summary &raquo;',
'Add synopsis &raquo;',
'See more &raquo;',
'See why on IMDbPro.',
$aReplace = array('',
$sInput = str_replace('</li>', ' | ', $sInput);
$sInput = strip_tags($sInput);
$sInput = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $sInput);
$sInput = str_replace($aSearch, $aReplace, $sInput);
$sInput = html_entity_decode($sInput, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5);
$sInput = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ',$sInput);
$sInput = trim($sInput);
while (mb_substr($sInput, -2) === ' |') {
$sInput = mb_substr($sInput, 0, -2);
return ($sInput ? trim($sInput) : self::$sNotFound);
* @param string $sText The long text.
* @param int $iLength The maximum length of the text.
* @return string The shortened text.
public static function getShortText($sText, $iLength = 100) {
if (mb_strlen($sText) <= $iLength) {
return $sText;
list($sShort) = explode("\n", wordwrap($sText, $iLength - 1));
if (substr($sShort, -1) !== '.') {
return $sShort . '…';
return $sShort;
* @param string $sUrl The URL to fetch.
* @param bool $bDownload Download?
* @return bool|mixed Array on success, false on failure.
public static function runCurl($sUrl, $bDownload = false) {
$oCurl = curl_init($sUrl);
curl_setopt_array($oCurl, array(CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER => ($bDownload ? true : false),
CURLOPT_HEADER => ($bDownload ? false : true),
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Accept-Language:' . self::IMDB_LANG,
'Accept-Charset:' . 'utf-8, iso-8859-1;q=0.8',),
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +',
$sOutput = curl_exec($oCurl);
$aCurlInfo = curl_getinfo($oCurl);
$aCurlInfo['contents'] = $sOutput;
if (200 !== $aCurlInfo['http_code'] && 302 !== $aCurlInfo['http_code']) {
if (true === self::IMDB_DEBUG) {
echo '<pre><b>cURL returned wrong HTTP code “' . $aCurlInfo['http_code'] . '”, aborting.</b></pre>';
return false;
return $aCurlInfo;
* @param string $sUrl The URL to the image to download.
* @param int $iId The ID of the movie.
* @return string Local path.
public static function saveImage($sUrl, $iId) {
if (preg_match('~title_addposter.jpg|imdb-share-logo.png~', $sUrl)) {
return 'posters/not-found.jpg';
$sFilename = dirname(__FILE__) . '/posters/' . $iId . '.jpg';
if (file_exists($sFilename)) {
return 'posters/' . $iId . '.jpg';
$aCurlInfo = self::runCurl($sUrl, true);
$sData = $aCurlInfo['contents'];
if (false === $sData) {
return 'posters/not-found.jpg';
$oFile = fopen($sFilename, 'x');
fwrite($oFile, $sData);
return 'posters/' . $iId . '.jpg';
class IMDBException extends Exception
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