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Last active September 7, 2017 18:59
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../Shared/Buffer.h"
#include "../Shared/FileHelpers.h"
#include "../Shared/BitStreams.h"
enum class eWCTType : uint8_t{
zlib = 0x12,
lzss = 0x13,
struct SWCTHeader{
eWCTType CompressionType; //0x12 or 0x13 @0
uint8_t Version; //?, @1
uint8_t BitCount; //@2
uint8_t Unknown1; //@3
uint16_t Width; //@4
uint16_t Height; //@6
uint16_t YChannelQuantizationScale; //@8
uint16_t CbChannelQuantizationScale; //@A
uint16_t CrChannelQuantizationScale; //@C
uint16_t AChannelQuantizationScale; //@E
uint32_t BlockSize0; //@10
uint32_t BlockSize1; //@14
uint32_t Unknown6; //@18
class CTPWBitReader{
const CDynMemoryBuffer& m_Buffer;
size_t m_Offset = 0;
size_t m_BitsRemaining = 0;
uint32_t m_Value = 0;
CTPWBitReader(const CDynMemoryBuffer&buffer) : m_Buffer(buffer){
uint16_t GetBits(size_t length){
/*const uint16_t value = GetBitsRTL<uint16_t>(m_Buffer.GetBytePtr(), m_Offset, length);
m_Offset += length;
return value;*/
size_t bitsRemaining = m_BitsRemaining;
if (bitsRemaining < length){
uint32_t value = *(const uint32_t*)(m_Buffer.GetBytePtr() + m_Offset) & 0xFFFF;
m_Offset += 2;
//LogFormatedA("Fetch %.4X\r\n", value);
m_Value = m_Value | (value << m_BitsRemaining);
m_BitsRemaining += 16;
const uint16_t returnValue = m_Value & ((1 << length) - 1);
m_BitsRemaining -= length;
m_Value >>= length;
return returnValue;
size_t GetOffset() const{
return m_Offset;
uint32_t GetAlignedSize(uint32_t size){
uint32_t value = (size - 1);
uint32_t n = 1;
for (; (value >>= 1) != 0;){
if (n < 3){
n = 3;
return 1 << n;
static const float g_Scale0 = (float)(((sqrt(3.0) + 1.0) / 4.0) / sqrt(2));
static const float g_Scale1 = (float)(((sqrt(3.0) + 3.0) / 4.0) / sqrt(2));
static const float g_Scale2 = (float)(((3.0 - sqrt(3.0)) / 4.0) / sqrt(2));
static const float g_Scale3 = (float)(((1.0 - sqrt(3.0)) / 4.0) / sqrt(2));
static const float g_Scale0_ = (float)(((sqrt(3.0) + 1.0) / 4.0));
static const float g_Scale1_ = (float)(((sqrt(3.0) + 3.0) / 4.0));
static const float g_Scale2_ = (float)(((3.0 - sqrt(3.0)) / 4.0));
static const float g_Scale3_ = (float)(((1.0 - sqrt(3.0)) / 4.0));
struct SD4Coefficients{
float H0;
float H1;
float H2;
float H3;
float G0;
float G1;
float G2;
float G3;
float IH0;
float IH1;
float IH2;
float IH3;
float IG0;
float IG1;
float IG2;
float IG3;
static void InitCoefficients(SD4Coefficients &coefs){
const double s3 = sqrt(3.0);
const double denom = 4 * sqrt(2.0);
coefs.H0 = (float)((1 + s3) / denom);
coefs.H1 = (float)((3 + s3) / denom);
coefs.H2 = (float)((3 - s3) / denom);
coefs.H3 = (float)((1 - s3) / denom);
coefs.G0 = coefs.H3;
coefs.G1 = -coefs.H2;
coefs.G2 = coefs.H1;
coefs.G3 = -coefs.H0;
coefs.IH0 = coefs.H2;
coefs.IH1 = coefs.G2;
coefs.IH2 = coefs.H0;
coefs.IH3 = coefs.G0;
coefs.IG0 = coefs.H3;
coefs.IG1 = coefs.G3;
coefs.IG2 = coefs.H1;
coefs.IG3 = coefs.G1;
static void InitCoefficientsWithScale(SD4Coefficients &coefs, float scale){
const double s3 = sqrt(3.0);
const double denom = 4 * sqrt(2.0);
//scale = 1.0f;
coefs.H0 = (float)((1 + s3) / denom) * scale;
coefs.H1 = (float)((3 + s3) / denom) * scale;
coefs.H2 = (float)((3 - s3) / denom) * scale;
coefs.H3 = (float)((1 - s3) / denom) * scale;
coefs.G0 = coefs.H3;
coefs.G1 = -coefs.H2;
coefs.G2 = coefs.H1;
coefs.G3 = -coefs.H0;
coefs.IH0 = coefs.H2;
coefs.IH1 = coefs.G2;
coefs.IH2 = coefs.H0;
coefs.IH3 = coefs.G0;
coefs.IG0 = coefs.H3;
coefs.IG1 = coefs.G3;
coefs.IG2 = coefs.H1;
coefs.IG3 = coefs.G1;
static inline float FetchFloat(const int8_t* &pData){
int32_t value = *(pData++);
if (value == CHAR_MIN){
value = *(int16_t*)(pData);
pData += 2;
return (float)value;
#include "../Shared/VectorMath.h"
inline float ApplyScalingCoefficientsInv(float valueA, float valueB, float prevValueA, float prevValueB,
const SD4Coefficients &coefs){
return prevValueA * coefs.IH0 + prevValueB * coefs.IH1 + valueA * coefs.IH2 + valueB * coefs.IH3;
inline float ApplyWaveCoefficientsInv(float valueA, float valueB, float prevValueA, float prevValueB,
const SD4Coefficients &coefs){
return prevValueA * coefs.IG0 + prevValueB * coefs.IG1 + valueA * coefs.IG2 + valueB * coefs.IG3;
inline float ApplyScalingCoefficientsInv2(float smoothVal, float coef,
float previousSmoothVal, float previousCoef, const SD4Coefficients &coefs){
return previousSmoothVal * coefs.IH0 + previousCoef * coefs.IH1 +
smoothVal * coefs.IH2 + coef * coefs.IH3;
inline float ApplyWaveCoefficientsInv2(float smoothVal, float coef,
float previousSmoothVal, float previousCoef, const SD4Coefficients &coefs){
return previousSmoothVal * coefs.IG0 + previousCoef * coefs.IG1 +
smoothVal * coefs.IG2 + coef * coefs.IG3;
inline float ApplyScalingCoefficientsInv3(float smooth0, float coef0,
float smooth1, float coef1, const SD4Coefficients &coefs){
return smooth0 * coefs.IH0 + coef0 * coefs.IH1 +
smooth1 * coefs.IH2 + coef1 * coefs.IH3;
inline float ApplyWaveCoefficientsInv3(float smooth0, float coef0,
float smooth1, float coef1, const SD4Coefficients &coefs){
return smooth0 * coefs.IG0 + coef0 * coefs.IG1 +
smooth1 * coefs.IG2 + coef1 * coefs.IG3;
fetchFn needs to return float
template<typename T>
void D4InverseTransform(T &fetchFn, size_t size, float* pOutput, const SD4Coefficients &coefs){
size_t i, j, outIndex = 0;
size_t halfSize = size / 2;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i){
const float valueA = fetchFn();
const float valueB = fetchFn();
float previousA = valueA;
float previousB = valueB;
for (j = 1; j < halfSize; ++j){
const float valueA = fetchFn();
const float valueB = fetchFn();
pOutput[outIndex + j * 2] = ApplyScalingCoefficientsInv(valueA, valueB, previousA, previousB,
pOutput[outIndex + j * 2 + 1] = ApplyWaveCoefficientsInv(valueA, valueB, previousA, previousB,
previousA = valueA;
previousB = valueB;
pOutput[outIndex+0] = ApplyScalingCoefficientsInv(valueA, valueB, previousA, previousB,
pOutput[outIndex + 1] = ApplyWaveCoefficientsInv(valueA, valueB, previousA, previousB,
outIndex += size;
void D4InverseTransform2(const float* pSrc, float* pDest, size_t size, const SD4Coefficients &coefs){
size_t halfSize = size / 2;
size_t i, j;
size_t offsetA = 0;
size_t offsetB = size;
size_t offsetC = size * halfSize;
size_t offsetD = size + size * halfSize;
size_t outputIndexStart = size * 2;
size_t inputIndexStart = 0;
for (i = 0; i < halfSize - 1; ++i){
for (j = 0; j < size - 1; ++j){
pDest[outputIndexStart + j * 2] = ApplyScalingCoefficientsInv(
pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetB], pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetD],
pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetA], pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetC],
pDest[outputIndexStart + j * 2 + 1] = ApplyWaveCoefficientsInv(
pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetB], pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetD],
pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetA], pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetC],
pDest[outputIndexStart + j * 2] = ApplyScalingCoefficientsInv(
pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetB], pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetD],
pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetA], pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetC],
pDest[outputIndexStart + j * 2 + 1] = ApplyWaveCoefficientsInv(
pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetB], pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetD],
pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetA], pSrc[inputIndexStart + j + offsetC],
enum class eD4Component {
T = size_t (size_t index, eD4Component component)
T2 = size_T (size_t index, eD4Component component)
template<typename T, typename T2>
inline void D4InverseTransform3(T &indexLookup, T2 &outputIndexLookup, const float* pSrc, float* pDest, size_t size,
const SD4Coefficients &coefs){
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i){
float s0, w0, s1, w1;
uint32_t s0i, w0i, s1i, w1i;
if (i == 0){
s0i = indexLookup(size - 1, eD4Component::Scale);
w0i = indexLookup(size - 1, eD4Component::Wavelet);
} else {
s0i = indexLookup(i-1, eD4Component::Scale);
w0i = indexLookup(i-1, eD4Component::Wavelet);
s1i = indexLookup(i, eD4Component::Scale);
w1i = indexLookup(i, eD4Component::Wavelet);
s0 = pSrc[s0i];
w0 = pSrc[w0i];
s1 = pSrc[s1i];
w1 = pSrc[w1i];
uint32_t s0d = outputIndexLookup(i, eD4Component::Scale);
uint32_t w0d = outputIndexLookup(i, eD4Component::Wavelet);
pDest[s0d] = ApplyScalingCoefficientsInv3(s0, w0, s1, w1, coefs);
pDest[w0d] = ApplyWaveCoefficientsInv3(s0, w0, s1, w1, coefs);
/*LogFormatedA("s0 = %.8X, w0 = %.8X, s1 = %.8X, w1 = %.8X :: s0d = %.8X, w0d = %.8X\r\n",
s0i, w0i, s1i, w1i, s0d, w0d);*/
void FloatTest(){
int32_t table_a[0x100];
uint8_t table_b[0x200];
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i){
table_a[i] = (int32_t)((double)((int32_t)i - 0x80) * 1.772);
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i){
int32_t n = (int32_t)i - 128;
if (n < 0){
n = 0;
} else if (n > 255){
n = 255;
table_b[i] = (uint8_t)n;
const float sub = -1.2582912e7f;
float f;
for (f = 0.0f; f < 256.0f; f += 1.0f){
float t = f - sub;
uint32_t bits = *(uint32_t*)&t;
int16_t o16 = (int16_t)bits;
int32_t o8 = ((int8_t)bits);
int32_t o32 = table_a[128 + o8];
uint8_t val = table_b[o16 + o32 + 128];
LogFormatedA("%G -> %u\r\n", f, val);
#include "../Shared/Array.h"
struct SImageDecodeState{
TDynArray<float> DequantizationBuffer;
TDynArray<float> RowDecodeBuffer;
bool DecodeChannel(SImageDecodeState &state, size_t size,
const int8_t*& pSrc, const int8_t* pSrcEnd, TDynArray<float> &outputBuffer,
float dequantizationScale){
state.DequantizationBuffer.Resize(size * size);
size_t i, count;
count = size * (size / 2);
float *pRowDecodeBuffer = state.RowDecodeBuffer.begin();
float *pDequantizationBuffer = state.DequantizationBuffer.begin();
float* pOutputBuffer = outputBuffer.begin();
//Step 1: dequantize
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
if (pSrcEnd - pSrc < sizeof(int8_t)){
return false;
int32_t val = *(pSrc++);
if (val == CHAR_MIN){
if (pSrcEnd - pSrc < sizeof(int16_t)){
return false;
val = *(int16_t*)pSrc;
pSrc += sizeof(int16_t);
state.DequantizationBuffer[i * 2] = (float)val;
if (pSrcEnd - pSrc < sizeof(int8_t)){
return false;
val = *(pSrc++);
if (val == CHAR_MIN){
if (pSrcEnd - pSrc < sizeof(int16_t)){
return false;
val = *(int16_t*)pSrc;
pSrc += sizeof(int16_t);
state.DequantizationBuffer[i * 2 + 1] = (float)val;
//Step 2: decode rows
SD4Coefficients coefs;
InitCoefficientsWithScale(coefs, dequantizationScale);
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i){
[i, size](size_t index, eD4Component component) -> size_t{
const size_t baseIndex = index * 2;
switch (component){
case eD4Component::Scale:
return baseIndex + 0;
case eD4Component::Wavelet:
return baseIndex + 1;
[](size_t index, eD4Component component){
switch (component){
case eD4Component::Scale:
return index * 2 + 0;
case eD4Component::Wavelet:
return index * 2 + 1;
}, pDequantizationBuffer + i * size,
pRowDecodeBuffer + i * size, size/ 2, coefs);
//Step 3: decode columns
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i){
/*const size_t s0offset = 0;
const size_t s1offset = s0offset + maxSize;
const size_t w0offset = maxSize * (maxSize - 1);
const size_t w1offset = w0offset + maxSize;*/
const size_t sOffset = 0;
const size_t wOffset = size * (size / 2);
const size_t colOffset = i;
[colOffset, sOffset, wOffset, size](size_t index, eD4Component component) -> size_t{
const size_t baseIndex = index * size;
switch (component){
case eD4Component::Scale:
return baseIndex + colOffset + sOffset;
case eD4Component::Wavelet:
return baseIndex + colOffset + wOffset;
[size, colOffset](size_t index, eD4Component component){
size_t baseIndex = index * 2 * size + colOffset;
switch (component){
case eD4Component::Scale:
return baseIndex;
case eD4Component::Wavelet:
return baseIndex + size;
}, pRowDecodeBuffer, pOutputBuffer, size / 2, coefs);
return true;
bool WCTDecompressLZSS(const CDynMemoryBuffer &inputBuffer, CDynMemoryBuffer &outputBuffer){
size_t bitOffset = 0;
bool errored = false;
auto ReadBits = [&inputBuffer, &bitOffset, &errored](size_t count) -> uint16_t {
if (bitOffset + count > inputBuffer.GetSize() * 8){
errored = true;
return 0;
uint16_t value = GetBitsRTL<uint16_t>(inputBuffer.GetBytePtr(), bitOffset, count);
bitOffset += count;
return value;
constexpr size_t maxSize = 256 * 256 * 3 + 128 * 128 * 3 + 128 * 128 * 3;
uint8_t* pDest = outputBuffer.GetBytePtr();
uint32_t n;
for (;;){
uint16_t isDelta = ReadBits(1);
if (errored){
return false;
//One byte literal
if (isDelta == 0){
const uint8_t literalValue = (uint8_t)ReadBits(8);
if (errored){
return false;
*(pDest++) = literalValue;
} else {
const size_t offset = ReadBits(12);
if (errored){
return false;
if (offset == 0){
const size_t length = ReadBits(7) + 1;
if (errored){
return false;
if (offset > pDest - outputBuffer.GetBytePtr()){
return false;
size_t i;
const uint8_t* pSrc = pDest - offset;
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i){
*(pDest++) = *(pSrc++);
outputBuffer.Resize(pDest - outputBuffer.GetBytePtr());
return true;
template<typename T> T tmax(const T a, const T b){
return a > b ? a : b;
template<typename T> T tmin(const T a, const T b){
return a < b ? a : b;
static inline float ComputeDequantizationScaleY(uint16_t n){
return 1.0f - ((float)n * -0.5f);
static inline float ComputeDequantizationScaleCbCr(uint16_t n){
return 1.0f - ((float)n * -0.25f);
static inline float ComputeDequantizationScaleA(uint16_t n){
return (float)n + 1.0f;
bool DecodeImage(const CDynMemoryBuffer &inputBuffer, CDynMemoryBuffer &outputBuffer){
SWCTHeader header;
CDynMemoryReader r(&inputBuffer);
if (!r.Get(header)){
return false;
if (header.CompressionType != eWCTType::lzss &&
header.CompressionType != eWCTType::zlib){
CDynMemoryBuffer blockBuffer, block0, block1;
if (header.BlockSize0 == 0){
return false;
if (!r.GetRaw(blockBuffer.GetBytePtr(), header.BlockSize0)){
return false;
if (header.CompressionType == eWCTType::lzss){
if (!WCTDecompressLZSS(blockBuffer, block0)){
return false;
} else {
return false;
if (header.BlockSize1 != 0 && header.BitCount == 32){
if (!r.GetRaw(blockBuffer.GetBytePtr(), header.BlockSize1)){
return false;
if (header.CompressionType == eWCTType::lzss){
if (!WCTDecompressLZSS(blockBuffer, block1)){
return false;
} else {
return false;
size_t size = tmax<size_t>(GetAlignedSize(tmax<size_t>(header.Height, header.Width)), 8u);
const int8_t* pDecodeSource = (const int8_t*)block0.GetBytePtr();
const int8_t* pEnd = pDecodeSource + block0.GetSize();
SImageDecodeState state;
TDynArray<float> outputY, outputCb, outputCr, outputA;
if (!DecodeChannel(state, size, pDecodeSource, pEnd,
outputY, ComputeDequantizationScaleY(header.YChannelQuantizationScale))){
return false;
if (!DecodeChannel(state, size / 2, pDecodeSource, pEnd,
outputCb, ComputeDequantizationScaleCbCr(header.CbChannelQuantizationScale))){
return false;
if (!DecodeChannel(state, size / 2, pDecodeSource, pEnd,
outputCr, ComputeDequantizationScaleCbCr(header.CrChannelQuantizationScale))){
return false;
TDynArray<float> output;
output.Resize(header.Width * header.Height * 3);
uint32_t x, y;
for (y = 0; y < header.Height; ++y){
for (x = 0; x < header.Width; ++x){
float cy = outputY[y * size + x];
float cb = outputCb[((y / 2) * (size / 2) + (x / 2))];
float cr = outputCr[((y / 2) * (size / 2) + (x / 2))];
const float r = cy + 1.402f * (cr);
const float g = cy - 0.344136f * (cb) - 0.714136f * (cr);
const float b = cy + 1.772f * (cb);
output[((y * header.Width + x) * 3)] = r;
output[((y * header.Width + x) * 3) + 1] = g;
output[((y * header.Width + x) * 3) + 2] = b;
outputBuffer.Resize(sizeof(float) * header.Width * header.Height * 3);
memcpy(outputBuffer.GetBytePtr(), output.begin(), sizeof(float)*output.Size());
return true;
int main(int argc, const char*const*argv){
SD4Coefficients coefs;
CDynMemoryBuffer textureFile, outputFile;
LoadFileToBuffer("I:\\red.wct", textureFile);
LoadFileToBuffer("I:\\TP\\Test.wct", textureFile);
DecodeImage(textureFile, outputFile);
WriteBufferToFile("I:\\TP\\ImageData.bin", outputFile);
SWCTHeader header;
CDynMemoryBuffer block0, block1;
CDynMemoryReader r(&textureFile);
r.GetRaw(block0.GetBytePtr(), header.BlockSize0);
r.GetRaw(block1.GetBytePtr(), header.BlockSize1);
uint32_t alignedWidth = GetAlignedSize(header.Width);
uint32_t alignedHeight = GetAlignedSize(header.Height);
uint32_t maxSize = alignedWidth < alignedHeight ? alignedHeight : alignedWidth;
uint32_t halfMaxSize = maxSize / 2;
const float float8 = 1.0f - ((float)header.YChannelQuantizationScale * -0.5f);
const float floatA = 1.0f - ((float)header.CbChannelQuantizationScale * -0.25f);
const float floatC = 1.0f - ((float)header.CrChannelQuantizationScale * -0.25f);
const float floatE = (float)header.AChannelQuantizationScale + 1.0f;
CTPWBitReader br(block0);
static uint8_t decodeBuffer[0x60000];
uint8_t* pDest = decodeBuffer;
for (;;){
uint16_t isDelta = br.GetBits(1);
//One byte literal
if (isDelta == 0){
uint8_t literalValue = (uint8_t)br.GetBits(8);
LogFormatedA("Literal %.2X\r\n", literalValue);
*(pDest++) = literalValue;
} else {
size_t offset = br.GetBits(12);
size_t length = br.GetBits(7) + 1;
if (offset == 0){
LogFormatedA("End of stream\r\n");
LogFormatedA("Delta -%zu[%zu]\r\n", offset, length);
size_t i;
const uint8_t* pSrc = pDest - offset;
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i){
*(pDest++) = *(pSrc++);
//memmove(pDest, pDest - offset, length);
//pDest += length;
size_t len2 = pDest - decodeBuffer;
static float s_FloatBuf0[0x10000];
static float s_FloatBuf1[0x10000];
uint32_t i, j;
uint32_t count2 = halfMaxSize / 2 - 1;
CDynMemoryBuffer dbuf;
const int8_t* pDecodeSource = (const int8_t*)decodeBuffer;
SImageDecodeState state;
TDynArray<float> outputY, outputCb, outputCr, outputA;
bool r = DecodeChannel(state, maxSize, pDecodeSource, (const int8_t*)decodeBuffer + len2,
outputY, float8);
bool g = DecodeChannel(state, maxSize/2, pDecodeSource, (const int8_t*)decodeBuffer + len2,
outputCb, floatA);
bool b = DecodeChannel(state, maxSize/2, pDecodeSource, (const int8_t*)decodeBuffer + len2,
outputCr, floatC);
TDynArray<float> output;
output.Resize(header.Width * header.Height * 3);
uint32_t x, y;
for (y = 0; y < header.Height; ++y){
for (x = 0; x < header.Width; ++x){
float cy = outputY[y * maxSize + x];
float cb = outputCb[((y / 2) * (maxSize / 2) + (x / 2))];
float cr = outputCr[((y / 2) * (maxSize / 2) + (x / 2))];
const float r = cy + 1.402f * (cr - 128.0f);
const float g = cy - 0.344136f * (cb - 128.0f) - 0.714136f * (cr - 128.0f);
const float b = cy + 1.772f * (cb - 128.0f);
output[((y * header.Width + x) * 3)] = r;
output[((y * header.Width + x) * 3)+1] = g;
output[((y * header.Width + x) * 3)+2] = b;
FILE* f;
fopen_s(&f, "I:\\TP\\ImageData.bin", "wb");
fwrite(output.begin(), sizeof(float), output.Size(), f);
i = 0;
float float8_s0 = float8 * g_Scale0;
float float8_s1 = float8 * g_Scale1;
float float8_s2 = float8 * g_Scale2;
float float8_s3 = float8 * g_Scale3;
const int8_t* pSrc = (const int8_t*)decodeBuffer;
CVec2f* pDest = s_FloatBuf0;
for (i = 0; i < maxSize; ++i){
const float val0f = FetchFloat(pSrc);
const float val1f = FetchFloat(pSrc);
CVec2f* pDest2 = pDest + 1;
for (j = 0; j < count2; ++j){
const float val0f = FetchFloat(pSrc);
const float val1f = FetchFloat(pSrc);
*(pDest2++) = CVec2f(
val0f * float8_s2 + val1f * float8_s1 + val0f * float8_s0 + val1f * float8_s3,
val0f * float8_s3 + val0f * float8_s1 - val1f * float8_s0 - val1f * float8_s2
*pDest = CVec2f(
val0f * float8_s2 + val1f * float8_s1 + val0f * float8_s0 + val1f * float8_s3,
val0f * float8_s3 + val0f * float8_s1 - val1f * float8_s0 - val1f * float8_s2
pDest += maxSize/2;
float* pDest = s_FloatBuf1;
size_t len = pDest - decodeBuffer;
uint32_t width = 63;
uint32_t value = (width - 1);
/* uint32_t n = 1;
for (; (value >>= 1) != 0;){
return 0;
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