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Created February 9, 2012 10:28
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irc = require 'irc'
http = require 'http'
# Client erstellen
bot_name = 'Hixie'
bot_channels = ['#webhonks']
bot = new irc.Client '', bot_name, {
userName: 'hixie'
realName: 'Ein Bot in CoffeeScript',
channels: bot_channels
# Nach q googlen und den ersten Link ausspucken
google = (q, success_callback, error_callback) ->
options = {
host: ''
port: 80
path: '/'
http.get(options, (res) ->
success_callback res;
).on 'error', error_callback;
# Kommendoliste
commands = {
'!js' : (name, channel, command, args, original_msg) ->
args = args.join ''
bot.say channel, name + ', ich suche JavaScript-Docs für "' + args + '". Kleinen Moment...'
success_callback = (link) ->
bot.say channel, name + ': ' + link
error_callback = (err) ->
bot.say channel, name + ', ich habe aus diesem Grund nichts gefunden: ' + err.message
google 'mdn ' + args, success_callback, error_callback
# Nachrichten empfangen, in denen der Bot erwähnt wird
bot.addListener 'message', (from, to, msg) ->
tokens = msg.split /\s/
command = tokens[0]
args = tokens.slice 1
console.log tokens, command, args
if command of commands
commands[command].call null, from, to, command, args, msg
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