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Created November 30, 2023 08:51
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import { prop, attr, bool, string, formDisabled, listen } from "@sirpepe/ornament";
export * from "@sirpepe/ornament";
const CONFIG_KEY = Symbol();
const INTERNALS_MAP = new WeakMap();
const defaultConfig = {
getElementInternals(element) {
let internals = INTERNALS_MAP.get(element);
if (internals) {
return internals;
internals = element.attachInternals();
INTERNALS_MAP.set(element, internals);
return internals;
globalThis[CONFIG_KEY] ||= Object.create(defaultConfig);
// Allow elements to specify how the form decorator can access element internals
export const configure = {
getElementInternals(fn) {
globalThis[CONFIG_KEY].getElementInternals = fn;
// Composes a validity state from one or more source inputs and a possible
// overriding validation message. The cause (an Event) may or may not exist, and
// may or may not have a target.
function composeValidity(sourceInputs) {
for (const sourceInput of sourceInputs) {
if (!sourceInput.validity.valid) {
const anchor = sourceInput.isConnected ? sourceInput : undefined;
return [
sourceInput.validationMessage ?? "",
return [{ valid: true }, "", undefined];
function setFormState(options, element, newValue) {
const internals = globalThis[CONFIG_KEY].getElementInternals(element);
const sourceElements = internals.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(options.source);
const [validity, message, anchor] = composeValidity(sourceElements);
internals.setValidity(validity, message, anchor);
const DIRTY_VALUE_FLAG = Symbol();
function value(options) {
return function (target, context) {
const decorator = prop(string())(target, context);
context.addInitializer(function() {
// React to updates to the content attribute "value" while the dirty flag
// is false
listen(this, "prop", (name) => {
setFormState(options, this, context.access.get(this));
// React to form resets by using the content attribute "value" as the
// value and unsetting the dirty flag
listen(this, "formReset", () => {, this[VALUE_CONTENT_ATTRIBUTE]);
this[DIRTY_VALUE_FLAG] = false;
setFormState(options, this, context.access.get(this));
// Copy form state on shadow root instantiation
listen(this, "init", () => {
const source = globalThis[CONFIG_KEY]
setFormState(options, this, source.value);
// Handle user inputs
.addEventListener("input", (evt) => {,;
this[DIRTY_VALUE_FLAG] = true;
setFormState(options, this, context.access.get(this));
// Augmented prop decorator with special provisions for keeping the dirty
// flag and the form value up to date.
return {
// Sets the initial form value
init(defaultValue) {
const initialValue =, defaultValue);
setFormState(options, this, initialValue);
return initialValue;
// Keeps the form value and the dirty flag up to date on setter
// invocations.
set(newValue) {, newValue);
this[DIRTY_VALUE_FLAG] = true;
setFormState(options, this, context.access.get(this));
// The getter can remain unchanged
get: decorator.get,
// Decorator for turning custom elements into form elements
export function formElement(options = {}) {
options.source ??= "input, select, textarea";
if (typeof options.source !== "string") {
throw new Error("Missing a selector for the source element");
return function(Target) {
return class FormMixin extends Target {
// Required for all form elements
static formAssociated = true;
// Any respectable form element needs a name content attribute
accessor name = "";
// Only true when the element hast been interacted with by the user since
// the form was created or reset. When true, changes to the content
// attribute "value" must update the IDL attribute "value" as well as the
// form value. Stored behind a symbol because this state must be shared
// with the @value decorator.
// see
// Keeps track of the current content attribute "value". This value is
// only really important when a form resets or when the content attribute
// gets updated while the dirty state is false. It is really only one of
// multiple inputs to the (actual) "value" IDL property/form value. Stored
// behind a symbol because this state must be shared with the @value
// decorator.
@attr(string(), { as: "value" })
// Tie value input sources together with a custom @prop
accessor value = this[VALUE_CONTENT_ATTRIBUTE];
// Expose the current default value as a readonly IDL attribute for
// completeness' sake (a la React)
get defaultValue() {
// A form element can be disabled by setting the disabled attribute on the
// element itself or by setting it on one of its ancestor fieldset
// elements. The IDL attribute "disabled" just reflects the content
// attribute so we need an extra field for the actual disabled state. This
// in turn must (for now) be a decorated accessor to cause render updates
// whenever it changes its value.
accessor #disabledState = false;
// Captures formDisabled lifecycle reactions to update the formDisabled
// state and the derived overall disabled state.
#formDisabled = false;
setFormDisabled(newState) {
this.#formDisabled = newState;
this.#disabledState = this.#formDisabled || this.attrDisabled;
// Boolean content attribute "disabled". Because this is just ONE input
// into the overall disabled state, it gets a private backend so that we
// can overload the relevant getters and setters.
@attr(bool(), { as: "disabled" })
accessor #attrDisabled = false;
// Public setter for the IDL attribute "disabled", which also updates the
// overall disabled state
set disabled(value) {
this.#attrDisabled = Boolean(value);
this.#disabledState = this.#formDisabled || this.#attrDisabled;
// Public setter for the IDL attribute "disabled", which need to reflect
// ONLY the content attribute's state.
get disabled() {
return this.#attrDisabled;
// The actual "disabled" state composed from the IDL attribute and the
// formDisabled state.
get disabledState() {
return this.#disabledState;
get labels() {
return globalThis[CONFIG_KEY]
get form() {
return globalThis[CONFIG_KEY]
get willValidate() {
return globalThis[CONFIG_KEY]
get validity() {
return globalThis[CONFIG_KEY]
get validationMessage() {
return globalThis[CONFIG_KEY]
checkValidity() {
return globalThis[CONFIG_KEY]
reportValidity() {
return globalThis[CONFIG_KEY]
setCustomValidity(message) {
return globalThis[CONFIG_KEY]
.setValidity({ customError: true }, message);
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