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Created September 4, 2014 01:49
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A small collection of utility functions for the D programming language.
module util;
bool contains( T )( T[] a, T item )
foreach( x; a )
if( x == item )
return true;
return false;
bool contains( TKey, TValue )( TValue[TKey] map, TValue item )
foreach( k, v; map )
if( v == item )
return true;
return false;
bool containsKey( TKey, TValue )( TValue[TKey] map, TKey key )
foreach( k, v; map )
if( k == key )
return true;
return false;
TValue[] values( TKey, TValue )( TValue[TKey] map )
TValue[] values;
foreach( k, v; map )
values ~= v;
return values;
R[] select( T, R )( T[] a, R delegate( T ) selector )
R[] ret;
foreach( x; a )
ret ~= selector( x );
return ret;
char toUpper( in char c )
if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' )
return cast( char )( c - 0x20 );
return c;
char toLower( in char c )
if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'z' )
return cast( char )( c + 0x20 );
return c;
string titleCase( string s )
import std.uni : isAlpha;
bool capNext = true;
char[] n;
foreach( c; s.dup )
if( !c.isAlpha() )
capNext = true;
else if( capNext )
n ~= c.toUpper();
capNext = false;
n ~= c;
return n.idup;
//Alternative to std.algorithm.sort.
//Implements a simple, non-optomized, and unstable quicksort.
T[] qsort( T )( T[] arr, int delegate( T, T ) cmp )
if( arr.length < 2 )
return arr;
T pivot = arr[0];
T[] a, b;
for( int i = 1; i < arr.length; ++ i )
T x = arr[i];
if( cmp( x, pivot ) < cmp( pivot, x ) )
a ~= x;
b ~= x;
return qsort( a, cmp ) ~ pivot ~ qsort( b, cmp );
//Alternative to
uint[T] group( T )( T[] a )
uint[T] counts;
foreach( x; a )
counts[x] += 1;
return counts;
string padRight( in string s, char padChar, int len )
if( s.length >= len )
return s;
int diff = len - s.length;
string n = s;
foreach( _; 0 .. diff )
n ~= padChar;
return n;
string padLeft( in string s, char padChar, int len )
if( s.length >= len )
return s;
int diff = len - s.length;
string n;
foreach( _; 0 .. diff )
n ~= padChar;
return n ~ s;
string pad( in string s, char padChar, int len )
if( s.length >= len )
return s;
int diff = len - s.length;
string n;
int leftPad = ( diff % 2 ) ? diff / 2 : ( diff - 1 ) / 2;
int rightPad = diff - leftPad;
foreach( _; 0 .. leftPad )
n ~= padChar;
n ~= s;
foreach( _; 0 .. rightPad )
n ~= padChar;
return n;
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