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Last active February 18, 2016 06:05
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  • Save SirTony/3656eb15d05be370f9ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SirTony/3656eb15d05be370f9ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A utility for loading exported functions from a shared library.
module dylib;
private {
import std.string : format, toStringz;
import std.exception : enforce;
version( Windows )
extern( Windows ) void* LoadLibraryA( const char* );
extern( Windows ) void* GetProcAddress( void*, const char* );
extern( Windows ) void FreeLibrary( void* );
void* loadLibrary( string name )
return LoadLibraryA( name.toStringz );
void* loadSymbol( void* handle, string name )
return GetProcAddress( handle, name.toStringz );
alias freeLibrary = FreeLibrary;
else version( linux )
extern( C ) void* dlopen( const char*, int );
extern( C ) void* dlsym( void*, const char* );
extern( C ) void dlclose( void* );
void* loadLibrary( string name )
return dlopen( name.toStringz, 2 );
void* loadSymbol( void* handle, string name )
return dlsym( handle, name.toStringz );
alias freeLibrary = dlclose;
static assert( false, "Unsupported OS" );
final class InteropException : Exception
this( string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__ )
super( msg, file, line );
final class DynamicLoader
private void* library;
private void*[string] symbols;
this( string path )
this.library = enforce!( InteropException )( loadLibrary( path ), "Unable to load library '%s'".format( path ) );
freeLibrary( this.library );
auto loadFunction( string name, TRet = void, TArgs... )()
alias func_t = extern( C ) TRet function( TArgs );
void* symbol = this.loadSymbol!name;
return cast(func_t)symbol;
void opDispatch( string name, TRet, TArgs... )( out TRet result, TArgs args )
auto func = this.loadFunction!( name, TRet, TArgs );
result = func( args );
private void* loadSymbol( string name )()
if( auto ptr = name in this.symbols )
return *ptr;
auto symbol = enforce!( InteropException )( .loadSymbol( this.library, name ), "Unable to load symbol '%s'".format( name ) );
this.symbols[name] = symbol;
return symbol;
// Windows only
version( Windows )
enum WINDOWS = true;
enum WINDOWS = false;
static if( !WINDOWS )
static assert( false, "Cannot compile on non-Windows platforms" );
import dylib : DynamicLoader;
import std.conv : toStringz;
void main()
// call using loadFunction
auto loader = new DynamicLoader( "User32.dll" );
auto MessageBoxA = loader.loadFunction!( "MessageBoxA", int, void*, const char*, const char*, uint );
MessageBoxA( null, "Hello from D".toStringz, "Test".toStringz, 0 );
// using opDispatch
auto User32 = loader;
int result;
User32.MessageBoxA( result, cast(void*)null, "Hello from D".toStringz, "Test".toStringz, 0u );
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