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Created August 14, 2012 22:59
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Actor centrality in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
def mean(l):
return sum(l, 0.)/len(l)
def centrality_mean(G, v):
dists = {}
next = {v}
cdist = 0
while next:
nnext = set()
for n in next:
if n not in dists:
dists[n] = cdist
for neighbour in G[n].keys():
if neighbour not in dists:
cdist += 1
next = nnext
return mean(dists.values())
def make_link(G, node1, node2):
if node1 not in G:
G[node1] = {}
(G[node1])[node2] = 1
if node2 not in G:
G[node2] = {}
(G[node2])[node1] = 1
return G
def make_graph(fn):
actors = set()
lines = open(fn).readlines()
G = {}
for line in lines:
act, mov, year = [a.strip() for a in line.split("\t")]
make_link(G, act, (mov,year))
dists = {}
for a in sorted(actors)[:100]:
dists[a] = centrality_mean(G, a)
print "%s: %f" % (a, dists[a])
rv = sorted([(v,k) for k,v in dists.iteritems()])
for i in range(20):
print "%i: %s, %f" % (i+1, rv[i][1], rv[i][0])
import time
t0 = time.time()
print "Elapsed: %.5f" %(time.time() - t0)
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