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Created February 25, 2022 16:44
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Deluge bulk tracker rename
import os
import sys
import platform
import shutil
import pickle as cPickle
# Config
orig_tracker_url = [
new_tracker_url = "http://new.domain:8080/key/announce"
state_file_path = os.path.expanduser('/data/deluge/.config/deluge/state/torrents.state')
# Run
state_file = open(state_file_path, 'rb')
state = cPickle.load(state_file)
state_modified = False
for torrent in state.torrents:
for idx, tracker in enumerate(torrent.trackers[:]):
if tracker['url'] in orig_tracker_url:
torrent.trackers[idx]['url'] = new_tracker_url
state_modified = True
if state_modified:
shutil.copyfile(state_file_path, state_file_path + '.old')
state_file = open(state_file_path, 'wb')
cPickle.dump(state, state_file)
print("State Updated")
print("Nothing to do")
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