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Forked from pinkie1378/
Last active November 3, 2016 23:23
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Several different ways to format a table.
from __future__ import print_function
from itertools import starmap
def format_table(table, delim='|'):
:param list table: 2D list, with inner lists of strings as rows.
:param str delim: Used to define table cell borders.
:return list: Containing formatted string elements representing each row,
ready to be written to a file.
assert len(set(len(row) for row in table)) == 1, "'table' param has rows of differing lengths"
col_widths = [len(max(col, key=len)) for col in zip(*table)]
left_justify = lambda cell, width: '{{:<{}}}'.format(width).format(cell)
justify_cells = lambda cells: starmap(left_justify, zip(cells, col_widths))
make_row = lambda cells: ' {} '.format(delim).join(justify_cells(cells))
make_line = lambda cells: '{0} {1} {0}\n'.format(delim, make_row(cells))
return [make_line(row) for row in table]
def format_table_with_map(table, delim='|'):
col_widths = [len(max(col, key=len)) for col in zip(*table)]
rows_with_widths = map(lambda row: zip(row, col_widths), table)
justified_cells = map(
lambda row: starmap(lambda cell, width: '{{:<{}}}'.format(width).format(cell), row),
joined_rows = map(lambda row: ' {} '.format(delim).join(row), justified_cells)
return list(map(lambda row: '{0} {1} {0}\n'.format(delim, row), joined_rows))
def format_table_list_comp(table, delim='|'):
col_widths = [len(max(col, key=len)) for col in zip(*table)]
padded_delim = ' {} '.format(delim)
left_justify = lambda cell, width: '{{:<{}}}'.format(width).format(cell)
return [
'{0} {1} {0}\n'.format(
padded_delim.join([left_justify(cell, width) for cell, width in zip(row, col_widths)]))
for row in table
def format_table_for_loops(table, delim='|'):
''' Submitted by ircubic '''
def _pad(cell, width):
return ' ' + cell + (width - (len(cell) - 1)) * ' '
widths = [0]*len(table[0])
for row in table:
for i,col in enumerate(row):
col_len = len(str(col))
if col_len > widths[i]:
widths[i] = col_len
formatted_table = []
for row in table:
row_strs = []
for width,col in zip(widths,row):
row_strs.append(_pad(str(col), width))
formatted_table.append(delim + delim.join(row_strs) + delim + '\n')
return formatted_table
def format_table_clever(table, delim='|'):
''' Submitted by Corey Cossentino '''
col_widths = [max([len(j) for j in i]) for i in zip(*table)]
fmt_string = delim.join([" {{:{}}} ".format(i) for i in col_widths])
return ['{0}{1}{0}\n'.format(delim, fmt_string.format(*row)) for row in table]
def format_table_short(table, delim='|'):
''' Submitted by Daeken '''
sizes = [max(len(row[i]) for row in table) for i in xrange(len(table[0]))]
return ['{0} {1} {0}\n'.format(delim, ' {} '.format(delim).join(cell + ' ' * (sizes[i] - len(cell)) for i, cell in enumerate(row))) for row in table]
input_table = [
['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'],
['1234567890', 'a', 'b', 'c'],
['w', 'xx', 'yyy', 'zzzz'],
def print_table(func, table):
for line in func(table, delim='|'):
print(line, end='')
print_table(format_table, input_table)
print_table(format_table_with_map, input_table)
print_table(format_table_list_comp, input_table)
print_table(format_table_for_loops, input_table)
print_table(format_table_clever, input_table)
print_table(format_table_short, input_table)
from itertools import starmap
def format_table(table, delim='|'):
:param list table: 2D list, with inner lists of strings as rows.
:param str delim: Used to define table cell borders.
:return list: Containing formatted string elements representing each row,
ready to be written to a file.
assert len(set(len(row) for row in table)) == 1, "'table' param has rows of differing lengths"
col_widths = [len(max(col, key=len)) for col in zip(*table)]
left_justify = (cell, width) -> ' {{:<{}}} '.format(width).format(cell)
justify_cells = (cells) -> starmap(left_justify, zip(cells, col_widths))
make_row = (cells) -> delim.join(justify_cells(cells))
make_line = (cells) -> '{0}{1}{0}\n'.format(delim, make_row(cells))
return [make_line(row) for row in table]
def format_table_coconut(table, delim='|'):
col_widths = [col |> map$(len) |> max for col in zip(*table)]
left_justify = (cell, width) -> ' {{:<{}}} '.format(width).format(cell)
justify_cells = (cells) -> zip(cells, col_widths) |> starmap$(left_justify)
make_row = (cells) -> cells |> delim.join
make_line = (row) -> '{0}{1}{0}\n'.format(delim, row)
return [row |> justify_cells |> make_row |> make_line for row in table]
def format_table_with_map(table, delim='|'):
col_widths = [col |> map$(len) |> max for col in zip(*table)]
return (table
|> map$((row) -> zip(row, col_widths))
|> map$((cell_and_width) -> cell_and_width |> starmap$(
(cell, width) -> ' {{:<{}}} '.format(width).format(cell)))
|> map$((formatted_cells) -> formatted_cells |> delim.join)
|> map$((row) -> '{0}{1}{0}\n'.format(delim, row)))
def format_table_pipeline(table, delim='|'):
row_format_str = (table
|*> zip
|> map$((col) -> col
|> map$(len)
|> max
|> ' {{:<{}}} '.format)
|> delim.join
|> '{0}{1}{0}\n'.format$(delim))
return [row |*> row_format_str.format for row in table]
def format_table_for_loops(table, delim='|'):
''' Submitted by ircubic '''
def _pad(cell, width):
return ' ' + cell + (width - (len(cell) - 1)) * ' '
widths = [0]*len(table[0])
for row in table:
for i,col in enumerate(row):
col_len = len(str(col))
if col_len > widths[i]:
widths[i] = col_len
formatted_table = []
for row in table:
row_strs = []
for width,col in zip(widths,row):
row_strs.append(_pad(str(col), width))
formatted_table.append(delim + delim.join(row_strs) + delim + '\n')
return formatted_table
def format_table_clever(table, delim='|'):
''' Submitted by Corey Cossentino '''
col_widths = [max([len(j) for j in i]) for i in zip(*table)]
fmt_string = delim.join([" {{:{}}} ".format(i) for i in col_widths])
return ['{0}{1}{0}\n'.format(delim, fmt_string.format(*row)) for row in table]
def format_table_short(table, delim='|'):
''' Submitted by Daeken '''
sizes = [col |> map$(len) |> max for col in zip(*table)]
return ['{0} {1} {0}\n'.format(delim, ' {} '.format(delim).join(cell + ' ' * (sizes[i] - len(cell)) for i, cell in enumerate(row))) for row in table]
input_table = [
['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'],
['1234567890', 'a', 'b', 'c'],
['w', 'xx', 'yyy', 'zzzz'],
def print_table(func, table):
for line in func(table, delim='|'):
line |> print$(end='')
print_table(format_table, input_table)
print_table(format_table_coconut, input_table)
print_table(format_table_with_map, input_table)
print_table(format_table_pipeline, input_table)
print_table(format_table_for_loops, input_table)
print_table(format_table_clever, input_table)
print_table(format_table_short, input_table)
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