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React Google Drive Picker component that allows you to select document from Google Drive.

Google Drive Picker

The Google Drive Picker allows you to integrate Google Drive file selection into your web application. With the picker, users can browse their Google Drive files and select one or more files to be used by your application.

To get started with the Google Drive Picker API, you'll need to perform the following steps:

Enable the Google Drive API: Visit the Google API Console (, create a new project, and enable the Google Drive API.


You can install the google-drive-picker package using npm or Yarn:

npm install google-drive-picker


yarn add google-drive-picker


Import the necessary dependencies and the GoogleDrivePicker hook:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import GoogleDrivePicker from "google-drive-picker";

Create a function component and use the GoogleDrivePicker hook:

Initialize the picker: Initialize the GooglePicker object with your OAuth 2.0 client ID and developer key:

export default function App() {
  const [authTocken, setauthTocken] = useState("");
  const [openPicker, authRes] = GoogleDrivePicker();

  const handlePickerOpen = () => {
      clientId: "Your-clientId-key",
      developerKey: "Your-developerKey",
      viewId: "DOCS",
      token: authTocken,
      showUploadView: true,
      showUploadFolders: true,
      supportDrives: true,
      multiselect: false,
      // customScopes:[''],
      // setParentFolder:"Your-Folder-ID",
      // Other configuration options...
      callbackFunction: (data) => {
        if (data.action === "cancel") {
          console.log("User clicked cancel/close button");
        } else if ( && > 0) {

  useEffect(() => {
    if (authRes) {
  }, [authRes]);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Google Drive Picker</h1>
        <button onClick={handlePickerOpen}>Open Google Drive Picker</button>
        {authRes && <div>Authenticated: {authRes.access_token}</div>}

Customize the handleOpenPicker function and the configuration options according to your needs. You will need to provide the clientId and developerKey values, which you can obtain from the Google API Console.

Run your application and click the "Open Picker" button to open the Google Drive Picker dialog. Once the user selects files or performs an action in the picker, the callbackFunction will be called with the selected data.

Configuration Options

The openPicker function accepts a configuration object with the following options:

Option Description
clientId The Google client ID for your application (required).
developerKey The Google developer key for your application (required).
callbackFunction The callback function that will be called when the user performs an action in the picker (required).
viewId The default view of the picker.
token An access token to skip the authentication process if you already have one.
multiselect Enable/disable the ability to select multiple files in the picker.
supportDrives Enable/disable support for shared drives.
showUploadView Enable/disable the upload view in the picker.
showUploadFolders Enable/disable the ability to select folders for uploading files.
customViews An array of custom views you want to add to the picker. Each view should be an instance of google.picker.View.
customScopes String[] [''].

PickerConfiguration Props

For a complete list of configuration options and their descriptions, please refer to the following table:

The PickerConfiguration props are used to configure the Google Drive Picker component.

Prop Type Description
token string Access token for authentication.
appId string ID of the Google Drive app.
supportDrives boolean Determines whether the picker should support selecting files from different Google Drive accounts.
developerKey string Developer key for API access.
viewId string ID of the default view to display in the picker.
disabled boolean Specifies whether the picker is disabled or not.
multiselect boolean Enables or disables multi-select mode in the picker.
setOrigin string Sets the origin URL for the picker.
showUploadView boolean Determines whether the upload view should be displayed in the picker.
showUploadFolders boolean Specifies whether folders should be included in the upload view.
setParentFolder string Sets the parent folder ID for the upload view and default view.
viewMimeTypes string[] An array of MIME types to restrict the file types shown in the picker.
customViews any[] An array of custom views to be added to the picker. Each custom view should be a valid DocsView object from the Picker API.
locale string The locale code for the picker's interface language (e.g., 'en' for English).
setIncludeFolders boolean Determines whether folders should be included in the default view.
setSelectFolderEnabled boolean Specifies whether selecting folders is enabled in the default view.
disableDefaultView boolean Determines whether the default view should be disabled.
callbackFunction Function A callback function that will be called when a file or folder is selected. The function will receive the selected item as an argument.

Note: Some props have default values that will be used if not provided.

For a complete list of viewId options and their descriptions, please refer to the code documentation.

Option Description
DOCS All Google Drive document types.
DOCS_IMAGES Google Drive photos.
DOCS_IMAGES_AND_VIDEOS Google Drive photos and videos.
DOCS_VIDEOS Google Drive videos.
DOCUMENTS Google Drive Documents.
FOLDERS Google Drive Folders.
DRAWINGS Google Drive Drawings.
FORMS Google Drive Forms.
PDFS PDF files stored in Google Drive.
SPREADSHEETS Google Drive Spreadsheets.
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