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Created August 12, 2011 23:57
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Levenshtein Distance coding challenge: find all words in a set that are connected
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Two words are "directly connected" if one word can transform into the other by any of:
# * substitution of one character for another, e.g. "tan" => "ton"
# * insertion of one character, e.g. "tan" => "than"
# * deletion of one character, e.g. "tan" => "an"
# Two words are "connected" if applying the rules above repeatedly can directly connect words:
# * e.g. "tan" => "ton" => "tone" => "one" => "on"
# * e.g. "tan" => "an" => "in" => "pin" => "pink"
# Coding challenge:
# * Given a list of words, e.g. a long list like the Unix dictionary file
# * Given a starting word that we call a seed word, e.g. "tan"
# * Return a count of all the words that are connected to the seed word.
# Example using typical Unix dictionary and the seed word "mail":
# $ ./ld.rb /usr/share/dict/words mail
# words:98569
# found:29383
# Example using timing to show CPU use, memory use, etc.:
# $ command time \
# --format="user:%Us system:%Ss data:%DK faults:%F mem:%KK max:%MK recover:%R swapped:%W text:%XK" \
# ./ld.rb /usr/share/dict/words mail
# words:98569
# found:29383
# user:1749.92s system:2.84s data:0K faults:12 mem:0K max:32496K recover:2516 swapped:0 text:0K
require 'pp'
require 'set'
# Command line arguments
words_file_name, *seed_words = ARGV
# Read the words file from disk
words ={|line| line.chomp}
puts "words:#{words.length}"
puts "seeds:#{seed_words.join(',')}"
# Remember which words have connections to the seed words, i.e. are found in the partition
$good_words =
# Queue words for us to process
$todo_words = seed_words
# Is string A exactly one character substitution away from string B.?
# This method is optimized and not for general use; the method relies
# on A and B being prescreened for a != b and a.length = b.length.
# @return true iff string A with a substition is equal to string B.
def substitution?(a,b)
i = mismatch_index(a,b)
return a[i+1...a.length] == b[i+1...b.length]
# Is string A exactly one character deletion away from string B?
# This method is optimized and not for general use; the method relies
# on A and B being prescreened for a !=b and a.length - 1 == b.length.
# @return true iff string A with a deletion is equal to string B.
def deletion?(a,b)
i = mismatch_index(a,b)
return i ? a[i+1...a.length] == b[i...b.length] : true
# Is string A exactly one character insertion away from string B?
# This method is optimized and not for general use; the method relies
# on A and B being prescreened for a !=b and a.length + 1 == b.length
# @return true iff string A with an insertion is equal to string B.
def insertion?(a,b)
# Helper to compare two stringsny by looking for a mismatched character.
# @return the index of the first character that doesn't match.
def mismatch_index(a,b)
for i in 0...a.length
return i if a[i] != b[i]
return nil
# Optimize which words we'll consider by sorting words by length
words_by_length = (words - seed_words).group_by{|word| word.length }
# How short/long is our shortest/longest word?
words_min_length = words_by_length.keys.min
words_max_length = words_by_length.keys.max
# Protect edge cases of searches for words that are too short/long
words_by_length[words_max_length+1] = []
words_by_length[words_min_length-1] = []
# Free the RAM from the huge words array
words = nil
# Call this when we find a connected word, to remember it and queue it
def good(word)
if !$good_words.include?(word)
$good_words << word
$todo_words << word
# While there are words in the queue to process, do the first word in the queue
while a = $todo_words.shift do
substitutions = words_by_length[a.length].delete_if{|b| substitution?(a,b) and good(b)}
insertions = words_by_length[a.length+1].delete_if{|b| insertion?(a,b) and good(b)}
deletions = words_by_length[a.length-1].delete_if{|b| deletion?(a,b) and good(b)}
puts "found:#{good_words.length}"
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( ◜‿◝ ) exactly what I was hoping for to pursue some constrained prose, thank you.

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