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Last active July 17, 2023 13:58
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Unity extension methods for SerializedProperty to get instance references and deal with arrays.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Reflection;
namespace UnityEditor {
public static class Ext_SerializedProperty {
const BindingFlags FLAGS_ALL = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;
/// <summary>
/// Get the object this property
/// </summary>
public static object GetObject(this SerializedProperty p){
object o = p.serializedObject.targetObject;
// Friendly array syntax - one . per path element
// e.g.[0] => propName[0]
string path = p.propertyPath.Replace("[", "[");
string[] elements = path.Split('.');
for (int i=0; i<elements.Length; ++i){
if (p.IsArrayElement(elements[i])){
string arrayName;
int j = GetArrayIndex(elements, i, out arrayName);
var fi = o.GetType().GetFieldPrivate(arrayName, FLAGS_ALL);
var arr = (System.Array)fi.GetValue(o);
o = arr.GetValue(j);
} else {
var fi = o.GetType().GetFieldPrivate(elements[i], FLAGS_ALL);
o = fi.GetValue(o);
return o;
public static bool IsArrayElement(this SerializedProperty p){
return p.propertyPath.EndsWith("]");
public static bool IsArrayElement(this SerializedProperty p, string path){
return path.EndsWith("]");
public static FieldInfo GetArrayField(this SerializedProperty p){
return p.GetArrayField(-2);
public static FieldInfo GetArrayField(this SerializedProperty p, int pathElement){
// Friendly array syntax - one . per path element
string path = p.propertyPath.Replace("[", "[");
string[] dirs = path.Split('.');
// If index negative, count from end
string fieldName = pathElement < 0 ? dirs[dirs.Length-pathElement] : dirs[pathElement];
var t = p.serializedObject.targetObject.GetType();
return t.GetFieldPrivate(fieldName, FLAGS_ALL);
static FieldInfo GetArrayField(this SerializedProperty p, string[] pathElements, int elementIndex){
// If index negative, count from end
string fieldName = elementIndex < 0 ? pathElements[pathElements.Length-elementIndex] : pathElements[elementIndex];
var t = p.serializedObject.targetObject.GetType();
return t.GetFieldPrivate(fieldName, FLAGS_ALL);
public static int GetArrayIndex(this SerializedProperty p){
// Remove cruft
string path = p.propertyPath.Replace("[", "");
path = path.TrimEnd(']');
string[] dirs = path.Split('.');
// Final element should be array index
return int.Parse(dirs[dirs.Length-1]);
static int GetArrayIndex(string[] pathElements, int elementIndex, out string arrayName){
// Find opening array bracket to get first element of int substring
string e = GetElement(pathElements, elementIndex);
int first = e.Length-1;
for (; first>=0; --first){
if (e[first] == '['){
// Name is substring from [0] to [first-1] (remove [{index}])
arrayName = e.Substring(0, first-1);
// Get substring from [first] to [penultimate element] (get int within [])
int len = e.Length-(first+1);
return int.Parse(e.Substring(first, len));
static string GetElement(string[] elements, int index){
return index < 0 ? elements[elements.Length-index] : elements[index];
public static FieldInfo GetFieldPrivate(this Type t, string fieldName, BindingFlags flags){
flags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
FieldInfo result = null;
Type type = t;
Type bt = typeof(object);
while (type != bt){
result = type.GetField(fieldName, flags);
if (result != null) break;
type = type.BaseType;
return result;
public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyPrivate(this Type t, string propName, BindingFlags flags){
flags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
PropertyInfo result = null;
Type type = t;
Type bt = typeof(object);
while (type != bt){
result = type.GetProperty(propName, flags);
if (result != null) break;
type = type.BaseType;
return result;
public static MethodInfo GetMethodPrivate(this Type t, string methodName, BindingFlags flags){
flags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
MethodInfo result = null;
Type type = t;
Type bt = typeof(object);
while (type != bt){
result = type.GetMethod(methodName, flags);
if (result != null) break;
type = type.BaseType;
return result;
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