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Last active November 18, 2022 18:59
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Function size vs speed
using BenchmarkTools
using CUDA
BenchmarkTools.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS.seconds = 1.00
test_sum(a, b, c) = begin
I = (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
if I > 1000
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs 10 i -> begin
c[I, i] += b[I] + a[I] + i
N = 100
a = CuArray(fill(1.0f0, 1000))
b = CuArray(fill(1.0f0, 1000))
c = CuArray(fill(1.0f0, 1000, 200));
_test_sum = cufunction(test_sum, Tuple{CuDeviceArray{Float32,1,1},CuDeviceArray{Float32,1,1},CuDeviceArray{Float32,2,1},})
@time CUDA.@sync _test_sum(a, b, c, threads=512, blocks=2)
@time CUDA.@sync _test_sum(a, b, c, threads=512, blocks=2)
@time CUDA.@sync _test_sum(a, b, c, threads=512, blocks=2)
@time CUDA.@sync _test_sum(a, b, c, threads=512, blocks=2)
@time CUDA.@sync _test_sum(a, b, c, threads=512, blocks=2)
@time CUDA.@sync @cuda threads = 512 blocks = 2 test_sum(a, b, c)
@time CUDA.@sync @cuda threads = 512 blocks = 2 test_sum(a, b, c)
@show c[1:1], (N * N / 2 + 200) * 4
# (@benchmark CUDA.@sync @cuda threads = 512 blocks = 2 test_sum($a, $b, $c)) |> display
(@benchmark CUDA.@sync _test_sum($a, $b, $c, threads=512, blocks=2)) |> display
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