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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
require 'open-uri'
require 'prawn'
require 'prawn/measurement_extensions'
require 'mongo'
require_relative 'logging'
class HealthMarkRenderer
include Singleton, Logging
def render_health_mark(pdf, health_mark_object, health_marks)
# Get the binding's ACTUAL value from the product data
bound_attribute = health_mark_object['binding']
# There is no data in the product that will render this item, so ignore it
return if bound_attribute.nil?
# Check that the data is an ID reference
return unless bound_attribute.is_a?(String)
health_mark = health_marks.find { |health_mark| health_mark['_id'].to_s == bound_attribute }
# Don't render anything, as it requires data
return if health_mark['countryCode'].nil? || health_mark['establishmentCode'].nil?
x_position = health_mark_object['settings']['x'].to_f
y_position = health_mark_object['settings']['y'].to_f
rt = health_mark_object['settings']['rt'].to_f
width = health_mark_object['settings']['width'].to_f
height = health_mark_object['settings']['height'].to_f
pdf.rotate(-rt, :origin => [x_position + (width / 2.0), -(y_position + (height / 2.0))]) do
# Work out the current ratio of width to height
aspect_ratio = width / height
# Check the proportions of this control match
# the expected (they probably wont!)
if aspect_ratio > 2
# The control is too SHORT
new_width = height * 2
# Adjust the X value to compensate
x_position += (width - new_width) / 2
# Save the new width
width = new_width
elsif aspect_ratio < 2
# The control is too WIDE
new_height = width / 2
# Adjust the Y value to compensate
y_position += (height - new_height) / 2
# Save the new height
height = new_height
pdf.translate(x_position, -y_position) do
# Draw the outlines
pdf.stroke do
pdf.ellipse([width / 2.0, -height / 2.0], width / 2.0, height / 2.0)
# Set the font size at the maximum allowed
pdf.font_size 100
text: "#{health_mark['countryCode']}\n#{health_mark['establishmentCode']}\nEC",
styles: [:bold],
color: '#000000'
at: [width / 10.0, -height / 10.0],
width: (width / 10.0) * 8,
height: (height / 10.0) * 8,
overflow: :shrink_to_fit,
align: :center,
valign: :center,
# Allow the font to go all the way down to the unreadable 1pt setting.
min_font_size: 1,
disable_wrap_by_char: true
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