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Created December 5, 2020 21:42
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My broken upload code
* Copyright (c) 2020 SizableShrimp.
* This file is provided under version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
package me.sizableshrimp.adventofcode2020.helper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.SneakyThrows;
import lombok.Value;
import me.sizableshrimp.adventofcode2020.Main;
import me.sizableshrimp.adventofcode2020.templates.Day;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class DataManager {
public static final String USER_AGENT = "SizableShrimp-AOC-Data-Bot/ (+";
public static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
private static String sessionCookie;
private static void load() {
if (sessionCookie != null)
Path path = Path.of("session.txt");
if (!Files.exists(path))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No AOC session cookie found! Please create session.txt");
sessionCookie = Files.readString(path).trim();
* The <code>read</code> method is used to locate input data for a specified {@link Day}.
* <br />
* This function checks for the existence of a {@link Day} input file first in the <code>days</code> directory included in the jar.
* If a file is not found, it then checks if the file exists in the <code>aoc_input</code> directory inside of the working directory.
* For example, class <code>Day01</code> would have a corresponding input text file in "days/day01.txt". If an input text file is found,
* the data from that file is returned in an unmodifiable list.
* <br />
* If no input text file is found, this method then <u>tries to connect to the Advent Of Code servers for input
* data</u>. If <code>session.txt</code> does not exist, this method will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* This session file should hold your session cookie for the <a href="">Advent Of Code Website</a>.
* This cookie can be found using browser inspection.
* <br />
* If a successful connection is made to the AOC servers, the input data is stored in a file that is located in the
* working directory in the <code>aoc_input</code> directory in case of later usage. The data fetched from the server
* originally is then returned in an unmodifiable list.
* @param day The integer day of which to read input data.
* @return An unmodifiable {@link List} of strings representing each line of input data.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If an existing {@link Day} input file cannot be found and <code>sessions.txt</code> does not exist.
public static List<String> read(int day) {
Path path = getPathInput(day);
if (path == null)
return List.of();
List<String> lines = getDataFromFile(path);
if (!lines.isEmpty())
return lines;
return getDataFromServer(day, Main.YEAR, path);
public static Result upload(Day.Result result, int day) {
return upload(result, day, Main.YEAR);
public static Result upload(Day.Result result, int day, int year) {
if (Files.exists(getPathCompleted(day, Part.SECOND)))
return new Result("Already completed", true, true);
String part1 = result.getPart1();
String part2 = result.getPart2();
if (part1 == null)
return new Result("", false, true);
boolean part1Completed = Files.exists(getPathCompleted(day, Part.FIRST));
Part part = part1Completed ? Part.SECOND : Part.FIRST;
String selected = switch (part) {
case FIRST -> part1;
// In the heat of the moment, I might overwrite part 2 code in part 1 still!
case SECOND -> part2 == null ? part1 : part2;
case AUTO -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Part cannot be AUTO here");
HttpResponse<String> response = uploadDataToServer(day, year, part, selected);
return null;
* Reads all input data for a given year from the server using the provided AOC session cookie
* and saves it to running directory subfolder "aoc_input". See {@link #read} for more detail.
* @param year The Advent Of Code year to read input data for each day.
public static void writeAllDaysToFile(int year) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 25; i++) {
String filename = "day" + Main.pad(i) + ".txt";
Path path = getBasePathInput(filename);
getDataFromServer(i, year, path);
private static HttpResponse<String> uploadDataToServer(int day, int year, Part part, String selected) {
if (selected.contains("\n"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("WARNING: Selected string has \\n in it! See:\n" + selected);
try {
String requestBody = OBJECT_MAPPER
.writeValueAsString(Map.of("level", String.valueOf(part.num), "answer", selected));
URI uri = new URI("" + year + "/day/" + day + "/answer");
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(uri)
.header("User-Agent", USER_AGENT)
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("Cookie", "session=" + sessionCookie)
return HttpClient.newHttpClient().send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private static List<String> getDataFromServer(int day, int year, Path path) {
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
try {
URI uri = new URI("" + year + "/day/" + day + "/input");
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(uri)
.header("Cookie", "session=" + sessionCookie)
HttpResponse<Stream<String>> response = HttpClient.newHttpClient().send(request,
lines = response.body().collect(Collectors.toList());
if (path != null)
writeFile(path, lines);
} catch (Exception e) {
return List.copyOf(lines);
private static List<String> getDataFromFile(Path path) {
try {
if (path != null && Files.exists(path)) {
return List.copyOf(Files.readAllLines(path));
} catch (IOException e) {
return List.of();
private static Path getPathInput(int day) {
String filename = "day" + Main.pad(day) + ".txt";
URL url = Main.class.getResource("/days/" + filename);
if (url == null) {
return getBasePathInput(filename);
try {
return Path.of(url.toURI());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
private static Path getPathGuesses(int day, Part part) {
if (part == Part.AUTO)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Part cannot be AUTO here");
return getBasePathOutput(day, part, "guesses");
private static Path getPathCompleted(int day, Part part) {
if (part == Part.AUTO)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Part cannot be AUTO here");
return getBasePathOutput(day, part, "completed");
public static void writeFile(Path path, List<String> lines) {
Path parent = path.getParent();
try {
if (!Files.exists(parent))
//remove empty last line of input files although this doesn't really matter? hmm
Files.writeString(path, String.join(System.lineSeparator(), lines));
} catch (IOException e) {
public static Path getBasePathInput(String filename) {
return Path.of("aoc_input", filename);
public static Path getBasePathOutput(int day, Part part, String extension) {
return Path.of("aoc_output", String.format("day%spart%s_%s.txt", Main.pad(day), part.num, extension));
private static class Result {
String message;
boolean correct;
boolean invalid;
private static class Guess {
String guess;
String response;
private enum Part {
* Sends the second part if both parts are non-null, otherwise the first part
private final int num;
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