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Created October 5, 2016 20:14
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DNS Server -- Simple script to generate a basic bind configuration for home/lab use
# Simple script to generate a basic bind configuration for home/lab use
# Local config - adjust as required
# Advanced - should not be changed
# Internal - must not be changed
# Let's go - make sure we're in the right path
if [[ ! -d "${CONFDIR}" ]]
echo "ERROR: configuration path ${CONFDIR} does not exist, exiting"
exit 1
echo "Configuration path ${CONFDIR}"
cd $CONFDIR || exit 1
# Stop bind
echo "Stopping bind9 daemon..."
service bind9 stop
# Remove the root zone servers, we don't want to query these directly
[[ ! -f db.root.original ]] && mv db.root db.root.original
cat > db.root <<- EOF
\$TTL 30d
@ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (
1 ; Serial
30d ; Refresh
1d ; Retry
30d ; Expire
30d ; Negative Cache TTL
@ IN NS localhost.
echo "Created db.root"
# Set bind options and upstream DNS servers
[[ ! -f named.conf.options.original ]] && mv named.conf.options named.conf.options.original
cat > named.conf.options <<- EOF
options {
directory "/var/cache/bind";
auth-nxdomain no;
listen-on { any; };
listen-on-v6 { any; };
allow-recursion {; ${NETWORK}${NETMASK}; };
printf "\tforwarders { ${DNS1}" >> named.conf.options
[[ -n "${DNS2}" ]] && printf "; ${DNS2}" >> named.conf.options
printf "; };\n};\n" >> named.conf.options
echo "Created named.conf.options"
# Configure the local domain
[[ ! -f named.conf.local.original ]] && mv named.conf.local named.conf.local.original
REVADDR=$(for FIELD in 3 2 1; do printf "$(echo ${NETWORK} | cut -d '.' -f $FIELD)."; done)
cat > named.conf.local <<- EOF
zone "${DOMAIN}" {
type master;
notify no;
file "${CONFDIR}/db.${DOMAIN}";
zone "${REVADDR}" {
type master;
notify no;
file "${CONFDIR}/db.${REVADDR}";
include "${CONFDIR}/zones.rfc1918";
echo "Created named.conf.local"
# Populate the forward zone
SERIAL="$(date '+%Y%m%d')01"
NET="$(echo ${NETWORK} | cut -d '.' -f 1-3)"
cat > db.${DOMAIN} <<- EOF
\$TTL 1d
@ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (
${SERIAL} ; Serial
1d ; Refresh
2h ; Retry
1w ; Expire
2d ; Negative Cache TTL
IN NS dns.${DOMAIN}.
dns IN A ${OWNIP}
ntp IN CNAME dns.${DOMAIN}.
esxi01 IN A ${NET}.11
esxi02 IN A ${NET}.12
esxi03 IN A ${NET}.13
esxi04 IN A ${NET}.14
vcenter IN A ${NET}.20
vma IN A ${NET}.21
echo "Populated forward zone file db.${DOMAIN} for ${DOMAIN}"
# Populate the reverse zone
OWNH="$(echo ${OWNIP} | cut -d '.' -f 4)"
cat > db.${REVADDR} <<- EOF
\$TTL 1d
@ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (
${SERIAL} ; Serial
1d ; Refresh
2h ; Retry
1w ; Expire
2d ; Negative Cache TTL
IN NS dns.${DOMAIN}.
11 IN PTR esxi01.${DOMAIN}.
12 IN PTR esxi02.${DOMAIN}.
13 IN PTR esxi03.${DOMAIN}.
14 IN PTR esxi04.${DOMAIN}.
20 IN PTR vcenter.${DOMAIN}.
21 IN PTR vma.${DOMAIN}.
echo "Populated reverse zone file db.${REVADDR} for ${NET}"
# Enable local DNS server
[[ ! -f /etc/resolv.conf.original ]] && mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.original
cat > /etc/resolv.conf <<- EOF
domain ${DOMAIN}
search ${DOMAIN}
nameserver ${OWNIP}
echo "Enabled local DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf"
# Start bind
echo "Starting bind9 daemon..."
service bind9 start
# Done
echo "Done."
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