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wip nix primer

nix primer [wip]

nix at the command line is a package manager, but it also a programming language (dpl). the foundation of the nix language provides a minimal toolset for building software reproducibly.

while many have complained that the documentation is lack-luster at best, it is rather resourceful once you've been introduced to the ideas in the nix ecosystem.

in this article, we'll be examining the nix language primitives.

the nix language

you may follow along with nix repl.

nix is based on the following ideas. the language starts by providing these primitives.

  • it is a pure programming language, in the sense of functional programming, this simply means that state of an expression, program, or function, is expressed entirely in its result/return.

  • lazily evaluated.

  • nix's execution flow is of an directed acyclical graph, meaning that the order of operations is dependent upon its inputs.


  • the nix was written in c++ by eelco, 2003.
  • the nixos project was started in 2004.
  • nix has been used at the following institutions: lhc (europe), google (idx),

nix language basics

you may follow along with nix repl. we will start with talking about the nix language without the package manager.

the start.

nix-repl> a = 1
nix-repl> b = 2
nix-repl> a + b

if you don't understand this part, you may now abandon this document. no prerequisites will be presented here, as their is no apparent demand for such.

attribute sets

attribute sets (attrset) are the primary data structure inside of the nix language, it allows us to use nested values such as below.

nix-repl> foo = { a = 1; b = 2; }
nix-repl> foo.a + foo.b


the core backbone of the nix programming language, is its functions. there is syntacally two kinds of functions inside of nix. the first of which, we'll call short-form function declarations. as seen below.

nix-repl> add-5 = a: a + 5
nix-repl> x = add-5 10;

the second of which, we'll call full form.

nix-repl> add-5 = {a}: a + 5
nix-repl> add-5 { a = 3; }

the terms short/full form are used as instruments here to describe the syntical difference between the two declarations, and is not an official term.


functions in nix are provided by builtins namespace. in the following example, we'll sum the list of numbers.

nix-repl> builtins.foldl' (sum: x: sum + x) 0 [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]

in functional programming, there is no concepts of loops, instead, they are function calls, which is called on each iteration of the list.


functions can be simplified by using the "currying" technique.

currying occurs when a function is partially applied, or otherwise missing arguments to complete execution.

when a function is curried, you receive a new function object, which can be called with the remaining arguments.

nix-repl> sum = builtins.foldl' (sum: x: sum + x) 0
nix-repl> sum [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]

currying is a common practice in functional programming, and is used to help simplify a set of operation.


we've introduced our first variable provided by nix, builtins. earlier, i referred to this as a "namespace", but in reality, its much more like an object. in the nix language, it is an attribute set.

nix-repl> builtins
{ foldl' = <primeop>; ... }

math often uses variables suffixed with quotes, which is often referred to as a "prime". nix makes no special meaning out of the usage of primes, but it should be noted in lagrange's notation, f'(x) and f''(x) are the first and second derivatives of f(x) with respect to x.


it is often, we have some complicated idea that needs to expressed.

the let bindings provide variables which are accessibly inside of the target after the in operator.

foo = list: 
  total = sum list;
  first  = builtins.head list;
in first + total

its worthy to also note now of the ... operator in full form functions. attrsets may contain extra keys.

nix-repl> baz = {var, ...}: {}
nix-repl> baz { a = 1; b = 2; var = 3; }

while the @ symbol stores all the parameters this function was called with to an identifier.

nix-repl> baz = args@{var, ...}: { a = args.a; var = args.var; }
nix-repl> baz { a = 1; b = 2; var = 3; }
{ a = 1; var = 3; }

back to attrsets

nix-repl> baz = { a = { b = { c = 1; }; }; }

is the same as...

nix-repl> baz = { a.b.c = 1; };

deeply nested attributes can in short-hand form

inherit can be used as short hand for a = foo.a

nix-repl> { inherit (foo) a b; };
{ a = 1; b = 2; }


nix-repl> { inherit foo; }

{ foo = { a=1; b=2; } };

combining attrset

attribute sets being the primary backbone of nix, we'll start focusing on it. nix is an immutable language. meaning that once a variable is created, it not be modified.

right side has precedence, and are combined together.

nix-repl> { x = 1; y = 2; } // { x = 2; }
{ x = 2; y = 2; }

quick deep dive

however, given the situation of trying to update the ips field on user10. we try to update a nested field in an attrset by merging the pre-existing set with the new data.

nix-repl> peers = { 
        user10.ips = ["::1"]; 
nix-repl> peers.user10.will_be_removed
                             # right hand side has precedence.
nix-repl> builtins.attrnames (peers // { user10.ips = ["::1" "::3"]; }).user10
[ "ips" ]

so we updates the value user10.ips but, we also lost the user10.will_be_removed attribute. the quick answer to this, is to provide the full set of attributes on the right hand side of the //. this becomes infeasible when dealing with some larger systems. we'll talk about how to over come this later.

first, lets analyze why this the expected behavior.

nix-repl> var = peers // { user10 = { ips = ["::1" "::3"]; will_be_removed=0; }; }
nix-repl> var.user10
{ ips = [ ... ]; will_be_removed = 0; }

when providing the // operator, it overrides the attribute with the right hand side. so when we define user10, it is replacing the existing user10 on peers entirely, and not updating the variable. we'll talk about overcoming this problem later.

deeper we go (derivations)

practically speaking, a derivation is simply anything written inside of the nix-store.

the /nix/store contains all the system's installed programs.

this is where the package management side of nix comes into play, first i will show you a how to make derivations without nixpkgs. but it is likely you will never need to know this outside of creating your own core-environment.

first create our this would normally act as the build script for a particular unit of software. in our case, it will just print all the variables declared in runtime when this is ran.

bash# cat> <<eof
declare -xp
echo foo > $out

notice we don't use #! shebang headers, with nix this property is preserved within the nix system. more on that later.

so first, we'll load in nixpkgs. this is to grab the pkgs.bash.

we could make our own derivation of bash and stem entirely off of nixpkgs.

but for this example, we'll use the existing derivations.

nix-repl> :l <nixpkgs>
xxxxxx variables loaded.

nix-repl> drv = derivation {
  name = "foo";
  builder = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
  args = [ ./ ];
  system = builtins.currentsystem;

nix-repl> :b drv

this derivation produced the following outputs:
  out -> /nix/store/gczb4qrag22harvv693wwnflqy7lx5pb-foo

build output

so here we can find our build artifact.

bash# cat /nix/store/gczb4qrag22harvv693wwnflqy7lx5pb-foo

and here we find the printed output of the build.

bash# nix log /nix/store/gczb4qrag22harvv693wwnflqy7lx5pb-foo
declare -x home="/homeless-shelter"
declare -x nix_build_cores="4"
declare -x nix_build_top="/tmp/nix-build-foo.drv-0"
declare -x nix_log_fd="2"
declare -x nix_store="/nix/store"
declare -x oldpwd
declare -x path="/path-not-set"
declare -x pwd="/tmp/nix-build-foo.drv-0"
declare -x shlvl="1"
declare -x temp="/tmp/nix-build-foo.drv-0"
declare -x tempdir="/tmp/nix-build-foo.drv-0"
declare -x tmp="/tmp/nix-build-foo.drv-0"
declare -x tmpdir="/tmp/nix-build-foo.drv-0"
declare -x builder="/nix/store/q1g0rl8zfmz7r371fp5p42p4acmv297d-bash-4.4-p19/bin/bash"
declare -x name="foo"
declare -x out="/nix/store/gczb4qrag22harvv693wwnflqy7lx5pb-foo"
declare -x system="x86_64-linux"

amazing, we've start building useless stuff. perhaps a step forward to real stuff, finally?

well, this where nixpkgs actually comes in. nixpkgs has an advertised 80,000 derivations inside of it, it also includes tooling for cross compiling, trivial builders, and stdenv.

practically speaking, you should use stdenv for all your nix from here-on out, since it provides some base functions for composing derivations. so earlier when we ran :l <nixpkgs>, provided us a few variables, lib pkgs config.

  • lib provides functions
  • pkgs provides derivations
  • config is how nixpkgs is configured to work.
nix-repl> :b pkgs.hello

this derivation produced the following outputs:
  out -> /nix/store/gczb4qrag22harvv693wwnflqy7lx5pb-hello

using mkderivation

stdenv provides a standard environment for nix to build packages with. it employs the use of "phases", which are effectively ordered bash hooks. it automatically assumes the builder is bash. except in the case of cmakelist.txt, makefile being present.

drv = pkgs.stdenv.mkderivation {
  name = "foo";
  phases = "installphase";
  buildinputs = [ pkgs.cowsay ];
  installphase = ''
    declare -xp
    cowsay foo > $out

phases="installphase" means that only the install phase will be run, and no src variable is expected.

using files on the system

nix-repl> drv = pkgs.stdenv.mkderivation {
  name = "foo-c";
  src = ./.;
  buildinputs = [ pkgs.gcc ];
  buildphase = ''
    gcc -dwho="''${who}" $src/main.c -o $out

./. is the current directory in nix-lang.

// main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#define who "nobody"
int main {
  printf("hello %s\n", who);
  return 0;

dog food

its worth noting that we're not making our derivations very tunable.

imagine if someone wanted to use a different version of gcc than we included, or wanted to override the who variable.

nix-repl> drv = pkgs.callpackage ({ stdenv, gcc, who ? "you", ... }: 
  stdenv.mkderivation {
    inherit who;
    src = ./.;
    buildinputs = [ gcc ];
    buildphase = ''
      gcc -dwho="''${who}" $src/main.c -o $out
  }) {}

the reason its important to ensure our derivations are tunable, is so that we can share them with others, and they can also modify them. the use of pkgs.callpackage includes 2 special functions, override and overrideattrs.

nix-repl> ndrv = drv.override { who = "mr.bean"; }
nix-repl> :b ndrv
  • override overwrites the calling parameters.
  • overrideattrs overwrites the inner structure returned to mkderivation

callpackages is a very interesting function. for every name in the parameters of the inner function, those parameters are filled with pkgs.<parameter>. in such case as gcc, it references pkgs.gcc. unmatch variables are placed in the second attrset {}. who is provided a default "you", so there's no need to place it in the second {}.

notable environments

a few notable environments you can build.

python environment

nix-repl> pkgs.python3.withpackages(ps: with ps; [ requests numpy ] )


nix-repl> pkgs.lua5_2.withpackages (ps: with ps; [ busted luafilesystem ]);


nix-repl> pkgs.postgresql.withpackages(ps: with ps; [ h3-pg postgis ])


nix-repl> pkgs.perl.withpackages (p: with p; [ configinifiles fileslurp ])


nix-repl> ruby.withpackages (pkgs: with pkgs; [ slop nokogiri ]


nix-repl> pkgs.haskellpackages.ghcwithpackages (ps: with ps; [ turtle ])


nix-repl> blender.withpackages (ps: [ps.bpycv])

using nixpkgs for realz

alright, its time to step out of our comfort zone, and see modern nix!.

there is a ton to unfold here, but, it is all things we've seen before. we will break it down piece by piece so that you have a clear understanding of whats going on here.

# flake.nix 
# it has to be named this
+  inputs.nixpkgs.url     = "github:nixos/nixpkgs";
+  inputs.flake-parts.url = "github:herculesci/flake-parts"
+  outputs = inputs@{ self, flake-parts, ... }: 
+    flake-parts.lib.mkflake { inherit inputs; } {
+      systems = ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"];

+      persystem = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+      { = pkgs.callpackage ({bash, cowsay, stdenv, ...}: 
          stdenv.mkderivation {
            name = "foo-cowsay";
            phases = "installphase";
            buildinputs = [ cowsay ];
            installphase = ''
              declare -xp
              cowsay foo > $out
        ) {};
+      };
+   };

we're using flakes here, you might have heard of them. flakes have two top-level attributes.

  • inputs = {} are repositories that are needed,
  • outputs = _ : {} are exported for other flakes to use.

the section referring to flake-parts.lib.mkflake { inherit inputs; } { ... } provides framework for composing flakes files.

in this case, we're composing cross compiling of foo-cowsay for x86_64-linux and aarch64-linux.

now its time to build this piece of software.

nix build /path/to/flake#foo-cowsay

if you upload this flake.nix into a github repository, you can also do

nix build github:user/repo#foo-cowsay

we can also run the software

nix run .#foo-cowsay

. is the current directory.

more so, we can enter into development environment for derivation with

nix develop .#foo-cowsay
bash# cowsay "hello"

it can also be attached to our current shell session.

nix shell .#foo-cowsay
bash# foo-cowsay

likewise can also check the build log with the identifier

nix log .#foo-cowsay

riding the train

why not docker? = pkgs.callpackage({ stdenv, dockertools, foo-cowsay, ... }:
  dockertools.buildimage {
    name = "foo-cowsay";
    tag = self.rev;

    runasroot = ''

    config = {
      cmd = [ "${foo-cowsay}" ];
      workingdir = "/root";
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