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Last active August 15, 2016 12:18
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local camera_x
local camera_y
local link_x
local link_y
-- $0114
-- $6C[0x01] - Indicates whether you are standing in a doorway
--$66[0x01] - Indicates the last direction Link moved towards.
-- Valuewise: 0 - Up, 1 - Down, 2 - Left, 3 - Right
--$67[0x01] - Indicates which direction Link is walking (even if not going anywhere)
--bitwise: 0000abcd. a - Up, b - Down, c - Left, d - Right
-- $2F[0x01] - (Player) 0 - up 2 - down 4 - left 6 - right.
-- Bizhawk compatibility layer by Nethraz
if not event then
-- detect snes9x by absence of 'event'
is_snes9x = true
memory.usememorydomain = function()
-- snes9x always uses "System Bus" domain, which cannot be switched
mainmemory = {plop = 0}
console = {plop = 0}
console.writeline = print
memory.read_u8 = memory.readbyte
memory.read_s8 = memory.readbytesigned
memory.read_u16_le = memory.readword
memory.read_s16_le = memory.readwordsigned
memory.read_u32_le = memory.readdword
memory.read_s32_le = memory.readdwordsigned
memory.read_u16_be = function(addr) return bit.rshift(bit.bswap(memory.read_u16_le(addr)),16) end
mainmemory.read_u8 = function(addr) return memory.readbyte(bit.bor(0x7E0000, addr)) end
mainmemory.read_s8 = function(addr) return memory.readbytesigned(bit.bor(0x7E0000, addr)) end
mainmemory.read_u16_le = function(addr) return memory.readword(bit.bor(0x7E0000, addr)) end
mainmemory.read_s16_le = function(addr) return memory.readwordsigned(bit.bor(0x7E0000, addr)) end
mainmemory.read_u32_le = function(addr) return memory.readdword(bit.bor(0x7E0000, addr)) end
mainmemory.read_s32_le = function(addr) return memory.readdwordsigned(bit.bor(0x7E0000, addr)) end
local color_b2s = function(bizhawk_color)
if bizhawk_color == nil then return nil end
return bit.rol(bizhawk_color,8)
gui.drawText = function(x,y,text,color)
gui.drawPixel = function(x, y, color)
gui.pixel(x, y, color_b2s(color))
gui.drawLine = function(x1,y1,x2,y2,color)
gui.drawBox = function(x1,y1,x2,y2,outline_color,fill_color),y1,x2,y2,color_b2s(fill_color),color_b2s(outline_color))
event = {}
event.onframeend = function(luaf,name)
local on_gui_update_old = gui.register()
local function on_gui_update_new()
if on_gui_update_old then
function DrawNiceText(text_x, text_y, str, color)
--local sh = client.screenheight
--local sw = client.screenwidth
if is_snes9x then
gui.text(text_x, text_y, str, color)
local calc_x = client.transformPointX(text_x)
local calc_y = client.transformPointY(text_y)
gui.text(calc_x, calc_y, str, 0xFF000000, color)
-- End of Bizhawk compatibility layer
local hex4 = function(number)
return string.format("%04X", number)
-- Taken from Bank6 #6300
local table_size_hitbox1 = {
12, 1, 16, 20, 20, 8, 4, 32,
48, 24, 32, 32, 32, 48, 12, 12,
60, 124, 12, 32, 4, 12, 48, 32,
40, 8, 24, 24, 5, 80, 4, 8
local table_size_hitbox2 = {
14, 1, 16, 21, 24, 4, 8, 40,
20, 24, 40, 29, 36, 48, 60, 124,
12, 12, 17, 28, 4, 2, 28, 20,
10, 4, 24, 16, 5, 48, 8, 12
local table_x_offsets_low = {
2, 3, 0, -3, -6, 0, 2, -8,
0, -4, -8, 0, -8, -16, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, -8, 2, 2, -16, -8,
-12, 4, -4, -12, 5, -32, -2, 4
local table_x_offsets_high = {
0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1,
0, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1,
-1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0
local table_y_offsets_low = {
0, 3, 4, -4, -8, 2, 0, -16,
12, -4, -8, 0, -10, -16, 2, 2,
2, 2, -3, -12, 2, 10, 0, -12,
16, 4, -4, -12, 3, -16, -8, 10
local table_y_offsets_high = {
0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1,
0, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0,
0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1,
0, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0,
local type_to_name = {
-- 0x00
"Flying Stalfos Head",
"Good Switch being pulled",
"Some other sort of switch being pulled, but from above?",
"Bad Switch",
"switch again (facing up)",
"Giant Moldorm",
"Four Shooter Octorock",
"Chicken / Chicken Transformed into Lady",
"Normal Buzzblob / Morphed Buzzblob (tra la la... look for Sahashrala)",
"Plants with big mouths",
"Octoballoon (The thing that explodes into 10 others)",
-- 0x10
"Octobaby (Baby Octorocks from the Otobaloon)",
"Hinox (Bomb-chucking one-eyed giant)",
"Helmasaur (small variety)",
"Thieves' Town (AKA Gargoyle's Domain) Grate",
"Bubble (AKA Fire Faerie)",
"Sahashrala / Aginah, sage of the desert",
"Rupee Crab under bush / rock",
"Dwarf, Mallet, and the shrapnel from it hitting",
"Arrow shot by solder / stuck in wall? Spear thrown by Moblin?",
"Moveable Statue",
"Crystal Switch",
"Sick Kid with Bug Catching Net",
-- 0x20
"Push Switch (like in Swamp Palace)",
"DW Popo",
"Red Bari / Small Red Bari",
"Blue Bari",
"Tree you can talk to?",
"Hardhat Beetle (Charging Octopus looking thing)",
"Dead Rock (Some might see them as Gorons, but bleh)",
"Shrub Guy who talks about Triforce / Other storytellers",
"Blind Hideout Guy / Thief Hideout Guy / Flute Boy's Father",
"Sweeping Lady",
"Bum under the bridge + smoke and other effects like the fire",
"Lumberjack Bros.",
"Telepathic stones? Looks like a prototype for a telepathic interface using sprites instead of tiles. However, this one only says one thing.",
"Flute Boy and his musical notes",
"Maze Game Lady",
-- 0x30
"Maze Game Guy",
"Fortune Teller / Dwarf swordsmith",
"Quarreling brothers",
"Pull For Rupees",
"Young Snitch Lady",
"Arrow Target (e.g. Statue with big eye in Dark Palace)",
"Middle Aged Guy in the desert",
"Magic Powder Bat /The Lightning Bolt the bat hurls at you.",
"Dash Item / such as Book of Mudora, keys",
"Kid in village near the trough",
"Older Snitch Lady (Signs?) (Chicken lady also showed up)",
"Rock Rupee Crabs",
"Tutorial Soldiers from beginning of game",
-- 0x40
"Hyrule Castle Barrier to Agahnim's Tower",
"Blue Soldier",
"Red Sp.Soldier",
"Crazy Blue Killer Soldiers",
"Red Sp.Soldier",
"Blue Archer Soldiers",
"Green Archer Soldiers (in the bushes)",
"Red Javelin Trooper",
"Red Javelin Soldiers (in the bushes)",
"Red Bomb Soldier",
"Green Recruit",
"Sand Monster",
"Snake basket",
-- 0x50
"Metal Balls",
"Zora King",
"Armos Knight",
"Walking Zora",
"Desert Palace Barriers",
"Lost Woods Bird",
"Lost Woods Squirrel",
"Spark (clockwise on convex)",
"Spark (counterclockwise on convex)",
"Roller (vertical moving)",
"Roller (vertical moving)",
"Roller (???)",
-- 0x60
"Roller (horizontal moving)",
"Statue Sentry",
"Master Sword plus pendants and beams of light",
"Sand Lion Pit",
"Sand Lion",
"Shooting Gallery guy",
"Moving cannon ball shooters",
"Moving cannon ball shooters",
"Moving cannon ball shooters",
"Moving cannon ball shooters",
"Ball N' Chain Trooper",
"Cannon Ball Shooting Soldier (unused in original = WTF?)",
"Warp Vortex created by Magic Mirror",
"Rat / Bazu",
"Rope / Skullrope (aka Sukarurope?)",
"Bats / Also one eyed bats",
-- 0x70
"Splitting Fireballs from Helmasaur King",
"Activator for the ponds (where you throw in items)",
"Link's Uncle / Sage / Barrier that opens in the sanctuary",
"Red Hat Boy who runs from you",
"Bottle Vendor",
"Princess Zelda",
"Also Fire Faeries (seems like a different variety)",
"Elder's Wife (Sahasrahlah's Wife, supposedly)",
"Good bee / normal bee",
"Agahnim energy blasts (not the duds)",
"Green Stalfos",
"32*32 Pixel Yellow Spike Traps",
"Swinging Fireball Chains",
"Swinging Fireball Chains",
-- 0x80
"Wandering Fireball Chains",
"Swirling Fire Faeries (Eastern Palace)",
"Greene Eyegore",
"Red Eyegore",
"Yellow Stalfos (drops to the ground, dislodges head)",
"Mothula's beam",
"Arghuss spawn",
"Chair Turtles you kill with hammers",
"Blobs / Crazy Blobs via Magic powder or Quake Medallion",
-- 0x90
"Grabber things?",
"Stalfos Knight",
"Helmasaur King",
"Bungie / Red Orb? (according to HM)",
"Pirogusu (aka Swimmer) / Flying Tiles",
"Eye laser",
"Eye laser",
"Eye laser",
"Eye laser",
"Black sperm looking things",
"Black sperm looking things",
"Ostrich seen with Flute Boy",
"Rabbit seen with Flute Boy",
-- 0xA0
"Birds seen with Flute Boy",
"Another part of Kholdstare",
"Ice balls from above",
"Blue Zazak / Fire Phlegm (Fireballs of Red Zazaks and other sprites)",
"Red Zazak",
"Red Stalfos Skeleton",
"Bomber Flying Creatures from Darkworld",
"Bomber Flying Creatures from Darkworld",
"Like Like (O_o yikes)",
"Maiden (as in, the maidens in the crystals after you beat a boss)",
"Old Man on the Mountain",
"Down Pipe",
"Up Pipe",
-- 0xB0
"Right Pipe",
"Left Pipe",
"Good bee again? (Perhaps the good bee is different after being released.... It would make sense, actually)",
"Hylian Inscription (near Desert Palace). Also near Master Sword",
"Thief's chest (not the one that follows you, the one that you grab from the DW smithy house)",
"Bomb Salesman (elephant looking guy)",
"Kiki the monkey?",
"Maiden that ends up following you in Thieves Town",
"Monologue Testing Sprite (Debug Artifact)",
"Feuding Friends on Death Mountain",
"Salesman / chestgame guy / 300 rupee giver guy / Chest game thief",
"Drunk in the inn",
"Vitreous (the large eyeball)",
"Vitreous' smaller eyeballs",
"Aghanim / Vitreous' lightning blast",
-- 0xC0
"Monster in Lake of Ill Omen / Quake Medallion",
"Agahnim teleporting Zelda to dark world",
"Boulders / Rocks from Lanmolas erupting from the ground",
"Gibo (vulnerable part)",
"Evil Fireball Spitters (THE FACES!!!)",
"Four Way Fireball Spitters (spit when you use your sword)",
"Hokbok (HM calls it Fuzzy Stack, I think?)",
"Big Healing Faeries / Faerie Dust",
"Chain Chomp",
"Another Part of Trinexx",
"Another Part of Trinexx (again)",
"Blind the Thief",
"Swamola (swamp worms from Swamp of Evil)",
-- 0xD0
"Lynel (centaur like creature)",
"Rabbit Beam aka Transform aka Yellow Hunter",
"Flopping Fish",
"Ganon Copy",
"Heart Refill",
"Green Rupee",
"Blue Rupee",
"Red Rupee",
"Bomb Refill (1)",
"Bomb Refill (4)",
"Bomb Refill (8)",
"Small Magic Refill",
-- 0xE0
"Full Magic Refill",
"Arrow Refill (5)",
"Arrow Refill (10)",
"Big Key",
"Shield Pickup (Fighter or Red Shield after being dropped by a Pikit)",
"Fake Master Sword",
"Magic Shop dude / His items, including the magic powder",
"Full Heart Container",
"Quarter Heart Container",
"Cane of Somaria Platform",
"Movable Mantle (in Hyrule Castle)",
"Cane of Somaria Platform (same as 0xED but this index is not used)",
-- 0xF0
"Cane of Somaria Platform (same as 0xED but this index is not used)",
"Cane of Somaria Platform (same as 0xED but this index is not used)",
"Medallion Tablet",
local table_dir_value = {
[0x00] = "up",
[0x01] = "down",
[0x02] = "left",
[0x03] = "right",
local function dir_to_text(value)
if value < 0x04 then
return table_dir_value[value]
return value;
state_to_verbose = {
[0x00] = "dead",
[0x01] = "falling pit",
[0x02] = "puff of smoke",
[0x03] = "falling water",
[0x04] = "dying boss",
[0x05] = "falling pit special",
[0x06] = "dying monster",
[0x08] = "spawning",
[0x09] = "normal",
[0x0A] = "carried",
[0x0B] = "frozen",
local function to_hex(num)
return string.format('%X', num)
local function gameDrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, color1, color2)
gui.drawBox(x1 - camera_x, y1 - camera_y, x2 - camera_x, y2 - camera_y, color1, color2)
local function load_sprite(i)
memory.usememorydomain("System Bus")
-- memory.writebyte(0x7E0DE0 + 0, 4)
local sprite = {
index = i,
state = memory.readbyte(0x7E0DD0 + i),
hp = memory.readbyte(0x7E0E50 + i),
type = memory.readbyte(0x7E0E20 + i),
x = bit.bor(memory.readbyte(0x7E0D10 + i), bit.lshift(memory.readbyte(0x7E0D30 + i), 8)),
y = bit.bor(memory.readbyte(0x7E0D00 + i), bit.lshift(memory.readbyte(0x7E0D20 + i), 8)),
x_low = memory.readbyte(0x7E0D10 + i),
x_high = memory.readbyte(0x7E0D30 + i),
y_low = memory.readbyte(0x7E0D00 + i),
y_high = memory.readbyte(0x7E0D20 + i),
x_vel = memory.readbyte(0x7E0D50 + i),
y_vel = memory.readbyte(0x7E0D40 + i),
ai = memory.readbyte(0x7E0D80 + i),
timer = memory.readbyte(0x7E0DF0 + i ),
aux_timer1 = memory.readbyte(0x7E0E00 + i ),
aux_timer2 = memory.readbyte(0x7E0E10 + i ),
dir = memory.readbyte(0x7E0DE0 + i ),
hitbox = memory.readbyte(0x7E0F60 + i)
sprite['active'] = sprite['state'] > 0
sprite['name'] = type_to_name[sprite['type'] + 1]
sprite['state_verbose'] = state_to_verbose[sprite['state']]
return sprite
local function load_all_sprites()
local sprites = {}
for i=0, 15 do
table.insert(sprites, load_sprite(i))
return sprites
local function show_sprite_info(pos, sprite)
local x = pos % 4
local y = math.floor(pos / 4) * (7 * 10)
DrawNiceText(x * 64, y + 7 * 0, '#' .. to_hex(sprite['index']))
DrawNiceText(x * 64, y + 7 * 1, sprite['name'])
DrawNiceText(x * 64, y + 7 * 2, 'State: ' .. sprite['state_verbose'])
DrawNiceText(x * 64, y + 7 * 3, 'HP: ' .. sprite['hp'])
DrawNiceText(x * 64, y + 7 * 4, 'XYcor: ' .. to_hex(sprite['x']) .. "," .. to_hex(sprite['y']))
DrawNiceText(x * 64, y + 7 * 5, 'XYvel: ' .. to_hex(sprite['x_vel']) .. "," .. to_hex(sprite['y_vel']))
DrawNiceText(x * 64, y + 7 * 6, 'Dir: ' .. to_hex(sprite['dir']).."/"..dir_to_text(sprite['dir']))
DrawNiceText(x * 64, y + 7 * 7, 'AI: ' .. to_hex(sprite['ai']))
DrawNiceText(x * 64, y + 7 * 8, 'Timers: ' .. to_hex(sprite['timer']) .. " " .. to_hex(sprite['aux_timer1']) .. " " .. to_hex(sprite['aux_timer2']))
local function draw_sprite(pos, sprite)
show_sprite_info(pos, sprite)
--console.writeline(string.format("Name : %s (S:0x%02X) - HitboxB:0x%02X - map position : %d,%d - screen position : %d,%d --- low/hight %d, %d / %d, %d", sprite['name'], sprite['state'], sprite['hitbox'],
--sprite['x'], sprite['y'], sprite['x'] - camera_x, sprite['y'] - camera_y, sprite['x_low'], sprite['x_high'], sprite['y_low'], sprite['y_high']))
local s_color = 0x000000
if sprite['state'] == 0x09 then
s_color = 0x0000FF
if sprite['state'] == 0x0A then
s_color = 0x555500
if sprite['state'] == 0x00 then
s_color = 0x8F8F8F
if sprite['state'] == 0x08 then
s_color = 0x00FF00
local hitbox_index =['hitbox'], 0x1F) + 1
local size_w = table_size_hitbox1[hitbox_index]
local size_h = table_size_hitbox2[hitbox_index]
local x_low = sprite['x_low'] + table_x_offsets_low[hitbox_index]
local x_high = sprite['x_high']-- + table_x_offsets_high[hitbox_index]
local y_low = sprite['y_low'] + table_y_offsets_low[hitbox_index] - memory.readbyte(0x0F70 + sprite['index'])
local y_high = sprite['y_high'] -- + table_y_offsets_high[hitbox_index]
local modified_x = bit.bor(x_low, bit.lshift(x_high, 8))
local modified_y = bit.bor(y_low, bit.lshift(y_high, 8))
--console.writeline(string.format("-- Weird stuff %d, %d | %d, %d", x_low, x_high, y_low, y_high))
--console.writeline(string.format("--Weird pos : %d, %d -- shadow %d", modified_x, modified_y, memory.readbyte(0x0F70 + sprite['index'])))
gameDrawBox(modified_x, modified_y, modified_x + size_w, modified_y + size_h, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xBBFFFFFF)
gui.drawPixel(sprite['x'] - camera_x, sprite['y'] - camera_y, 0xFF00FF00)
gui.drawBox(sprite['x'] - camera_x, sprite['y'] - camera_y, sprite['x'] - camera_x + size_w, sprite['y'] - camera_y + size_h, bit.bor(0xFF000000, s_color), bit.bor(0x55000000, s_color))
DrawNiceText(sprite['x'] - camera_x + 16, sprite['y'] - camera_y + 5, sprite['name'], 0xFF00FF00)
DrawNiceText(sprite['x'] - camera_x + 16, sprite['y'] - camera_y, "#"..to_hex(sprite['index']), 0xFF00FF00)
local function iterate_sprites()
local pos = 0
local sprites = load_all_sprites()
for i, sprite in pairs(sprites) do
if sprite['active'] then
draw_sprite(pos, sprite)
pos = pos + 1
-- object A and object B colision
--!pos1_low = $00 - XA1/YA1
-- !pos1_size = $02 - WA/HA
-- !pos2_low = $04 - XB1/YB1
--!pos2_size = $06 - WB/HB
--!pos1_high = $08 - XA2/YA2
--!pos2_high = $0A - YB2/YB2
-- Bank6 #6050 Kinda wrong? the game do weird stuff with the second byte to give to the hitbox detection routine
function draw_spin_attack_hitbox()
local left_x = link_x - 0x0E
local right_x = left_x + 0x2C
local top_y = link_y - 0x0A
local bot_y = top_y + 0x2D
gameDrawBox(left_x, top_y, right_x, bot_y, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x88FFFFFF)
-- Bank6 #6065
function draw_dash_hitbox()
local index = bit.rshift(mainmemory.read_s8(0x2F))
local left_x = link_x + mainmemory.read_s16_le(0xF588 + index)
local right_x = link_x + mainmemory.read_s16_le(0xF58C + index)
local top_y = link_y - 0x0A
local bot_y = top_y + 0x2D
function draw_link_hitbox()
local dir = mainmemory.read_u8(0x2F)
local stuff = 0 --bit.rshift(dir, 3) + mainmemory.read_u8(0x3C) + 1
local size_w = 0x0--memory.readbyte(0xF4AE + stuff)
local size_h = memory.readbyte(0xF530 + stuff)
gameDrawBox(link_x, link_y, link_x + size_w, link_y + size_h, 0xFF00FF00, 0x8800FF00)
memory.usememorydomain("System Bus")
oldrng = 0
lastrngchange = 0
function my_draw()
-- $0618[0x02] - Y coordinate of the scrolling camera. Probably the lower bound for scrolling.
-- $061A[0x02] - Y coordinate of the upper bounds of scrolling.
-- $061C[0x02] - X coordinate of the lower bounds of scrolling.
-- $061E[0x02] - X coordinate of the upper bounds of scrolling.
camera_x_u = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x061E)
camera_y_u = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x061A)
camera_x_l = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x061C)
camera_y_l = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x0618)
link_x = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x22)
link_y = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x20)
camera_x = camera_x_u
camera_y = camera_y_u
--previous value for camera are bogus/weird
camera_x = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x11E)
camera_y = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x122)
xspeed = memory.read_s8(0x31)
yspeed = memory.read_s8(0x30)
rng = memory.read_u8(0x7E0FA1)
if rng ~= oldrng then
oldrng = rng
lastrngchange = emu.framecount()
--rng2137 = memory.read_u8(0x2137)
rng213c = memory.read_u8(0x213c)
rng1a = memory.read_u8(0x1a)
gui.drawPixel(link_x - camera_x, link_y - camera_y, 0xFF00FF00)
--console.writeline(string.format("XU : %d ; XL : %d -- YU : %d ; YL : %d", camera_x_u, camera_x_l, camera_y_u, camera_y_l))
DrawNiceText(180, 150, "X : "..link_x)
DrawNiceText(180, 160, "Y : "..link_y)
DrawNiceText(180, 180, "XSpeed : "..xspeed)
DrawNiceText(180, 190, "YSpeed : "..yspeed)
DrawNiceText(80, 190, string.format("OLDRNG %d : %d", lastrngchange, oldrng))
DrawNiceText(80, 195, string.format(" RNG : %d, - 213c: %x, 1a : %x", rng, rng213c, rng1a))
DrawNiceText(100, 200, string.format("1: %x - 11: %x - 111: %x",, 1),, 3),, 7)))
if mainmemory.read_s8(0x3c) < 0 then
if is_snes9x then
while true do
--prev_input = input.get()
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